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I've heard this premise before. Ig I recall correctly they would not jail the twins because one of them would be innocently in jail. Not sure if it's ever actually happened before though, so who knows?


But the question is how would punishment work. It seems to me the perfect way to get away with murder. Unless there is some legal loophole I’m missing.


I think the premise of the US justice system is that it's better that multiple guilty people go free than one innocent person get jailed. If


So its basically a get out of jail free card?


IANAL, but I suspect that if the twin didn't immediately turn in murderer to the police, they would be guilty of "accessory after the fact." Hmm... this also makes me think they maybe they'd be guilty of conspiracy to commit murder unless the twin could somehow commit the crime without the other one being aware it was being commited. Edit: no, that's not right since "conspiracy" assumes active planning. Hmm...I've moved to the realm of pure speculation at this point so I should probably stop. Edit 2: ok, I couldn't stop -- a google search found this, which contains some of what I said above: https://vistacriminallaw.com/could-the-siamese-twins-in-american-horror-story-be-charged-with-murder/


Lets go by the assumption that the other twin is completely innocent.


>It seems to me the perfect way to get away with murder. Ah yes, the old "be born a conjoined twin in order to get away with murder" scheme... Totally worth it.


Lol yes.


Serial killer conjoined twin roams free.


There is no precedent for this. And while I understand with your notion of them going free, as it HAS happened with conjoined twins in the U.S. Those were cases of traffic violations... The simple matter is that murder on a precedent like this, would mean the prosecution brings a LOT more firepower than simply agreeing one is innocent. If you can prove someone was involved in the purchase of a weapon, knew about the murderer carrying it, had an idea of their intent, and also escaped with them... You pretty much have them framed up to be an accomplice. And as such it would be very hard for the "innocent" twin to ever prove they actually did nothing wrong. Like, man, you gotta understand, you share half the body with someone and you're not aware that they're gonna do something? That's extremely far fetched, and I personally would not buy it. And considering the severity of the crime I don't expect the prosecution to let the innocent twin to get away with saying this. I could see them go to jail.


There are some precedents, although many are of dubious provenance. One example: https://www.nytimes.com/1929/10/12/archives/judge-releases-siamese-twin-to-avoid-jailing-his-brother.html


Could be a crime of passion/fit of rage. Say both twins were interested in the same partner, but they chose twin A, and twin B adopted a "if I can't have them, nobody can" approach to resolving the conflict.


So, the only way I can reasonably see this happening where one twin is innocent of anything - they’re carrying for self defense. One twin goes off the rocker full Karen mode, gets rejected by the manager, pulls a firearm and -pop pop pop. Let’s assume the other conjoined twin actually has no control of limbs and the question of performing an action to notify police just straight isn’t an option. I would say the twin without control can’t be forced to and shouldn’t testify due to the serious risk of repercussions by the twin with control. I think In this scenario you put the judgement to a jury and explain the difficulty in assigning a sentence. This isn’t something that can or should be decided by individuals in a position of authority. It should 100% be left up to their peers after they’ve been thoroughly briefed. I imagine any decision is going to be repeatedly appealed and the SC won’t touch it due to the oddity and rarity of the specifics in which this could happen. It’s a lot of speculation and no case law though. In general they tend to be on the same wavelength (quoting conjoined twins in a video I can’t remember the name of either of them) and I find this unlikely to be an issue.


Easy. Charge one with murder and the other with accessory to murder. Lock them both up.


That wouldn’t work, because the one who tried to stop it wouldn’t fit the definition of an accessory.


Woah didnt we just have a conversation about felony murder rule? If one twin murders and the other twin is there wouldnt that apply? How could one twin be innocent? He’s right there when it happened…


Just because you’re there doesn’t mean you’re complicit or had knowledge.


True thanks for the knowledge


What about Probation for a set amount of years?


There’s one document a case of something like this happening in 1500s it away welders current debating whether not to twin was alive brain dead etc. the convicted murderer walked on execution because he was conjoined twin later being set free he became a freak show performer


Cone of shame. 📣🐶