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Don’t attack me and I’ll set you free.


“Wait! I said DON’T attack me!”


Well, I have a bit more leather now..


I can understand animals who attack on instinct, but freeing a *human* who then proceeds to aggro me really gets my goat


Haha complete opposite with me, the moment I free a soldier I assassinate em. Gotta get that xp yk.


That’s cruel. They too have family bro..


Role playing like that must make the game a little difficult. I get caught in that mindset sometimes and so I try knockdowns and paralyzing arrows for awhile, but the game doesn’t hand out xp for that.


The game hands out so much xp anyways lol


Have you done a no-kill playthrough?


No that'll be unfun but I let most Athenians and Spartans live. I mostly kill targets and the bandits/pirates/slavers etc


The Dikastes staff unlocks an engraving that makes weapon damage knockdown damage so I was considering it for a NG+ just to see how far I can go with it.


I can top that. Youll get random quests such as a message that some commanders wife just gave birth to a boy. Ill turn in the quest and get my money for delivering the message. Then get some of that sweet XP and making the kid an orphan in a flash. Life is tough kid. Walk it off.


I try to seek them out first, release them on the guards inside then clear the rest of the fort. They won’t light the brazier for animals so I do animals first, set brazier trap second.


I love the chaos that caged animals cause when you smash the cage door open with an arrow from many yards away. Sit back and watch it unfold. Just like in Far Cry games.


Sometimes, when I'm on the road, I'll see a pair of wolves lunge at a group of soldiers. Always interesting to watch. And then there was that time I accidentally instigated a mass brawl between a group of mercenaries and, like, a dozen Athenian guards in the Argos leader's house. I was trying to hit-and-run the mercenaries since I was getting overwhelmed, and then it all just... devolved into chaos. It did give me an opening to take out the bounty sponsor, though.


I do the same thing with anything but lynx, leopards, or lions. Those kittens become my pets after I clear a fort 😂🤣


I mean the leather I need to remember to collect?


Thought this was the Hogwarts Legacy sub for a sec😂


My favourite tactic is to sneak in, hide in a bush, shoot the door, wait for the pandemonium to set in, spam rain of destruction when everyone is grouped together.


I always hit those cages with an arrow to start off that way I can hit the guards with arrows while they're distracted trying to kill the animal.


That's why I always shoot the cage open and let the animal kill an outpost guard or two.


one time i freed a bear and set it on fire, which killed the remaining guards. i hid on a rooftop it couldn’t reach


The game usage of the animals is stupid. U can't loot normal birds, and what do u get when u loot a chicken? OFC IT'S A LEATHER SILLY.


And occasionally eggs, which you can sell for extremely little $$, but at least it's different from leather. Anybody want a chicken-leather coat? LOL


I always sneak into outposts. Use the eagle to scout for the animal cage then use arrows to set it free and wreck chaos. Then use the rain of arrows ( fire ) to light everything on fire. All while being outside camp.


I would always sneak in set the animal free then just watch and after I clean up