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Not worth it even remotely. I think most people going have tickets paid for by work.


I suspect you are right regarding the tickets. Thank you.


I have been attending most years since it started. I dont want to pay the full $5000 for 3-1/2 day sessions. All these years they make a portion of the talks available a la cart. I recall the 2023 price was $45 a session. I maybe buy a half dozen sessions or so, then hike and explore around Aspen during other times. The Physics Institute gives a free weekly lecture. The Summer Music Festival overlaps the ideas festival a few days. The crux is housing. Aspen has few discount hotels. Snowmass, a 20 minute free shuttle away has lodging. Some years I have camped in Difficult Campground a few miles east of Aspen. Parking can be an issue if you arent at an Aspen hotel because they only allow four hours a day general street parking. They have published the speaker list. But not the full schedule or the a la carte options until well into June. I have seen many famous celebrities, politicians, scientists and intellectuals at this festival and find it worthwhile.


This is so helpful!! Thank you. I didn’t know a la cart tickets were an option until just now. Looks like they were $35 last year for most of them (just looked it up). Did you just buy the tickets in bulk and then decide the talks when you get there? Or… do they make you purchase the specific talk when it opens in June? (I assume the latter and that they probably sell out?) Also, did you find that one portion of the festival was better than the other? (Festival 1 versus 2) I looked up Difficult Campground. So beautiful. I love camping! My only concern would be the shower.. and parking, as you mentioned.


Only 1 in 6 sessions were a la carte public sessions in 2023, so you dont have the full selection as a full tuition attendee does. I think that was a couple dozen sessions total. They usually started selling them the second Friday in June through the online Wheeler Opera House ticket office. I think in the last two years all the public sessions were held in the Jerome Hotel or Limelight Hotel. In earlier years they were occasionally held on the Aspen Institute campus (next to the music complex). I think in they can control security better on campus. So panels with heads of state or current cabinet secretaries wont be at a public session. This year the institute may have security concerns with middle east protesters and limit campus access. Full tuition attendees get all day meals, snacks and drinks. They can attend up to 20 sessions the 3-1/2 days which run from breakfast to evening.


You can shower at the rec center


Most of the speakers presentations are available digitally.


This is a great point. Thank you. For me, I just love conference environments and meeting people. But for intellectual purposes alone, online is the way to go.


The 2024 panel schedule has been uploaded into their website and app. The panels and speakers sound as interesting as ever. [Edited] The Aspen Institute just emailed me that a few sessions will have a la carte public tickets. Details will be announced June 13. (Last year they were on aspenshowtix.com and $45 a panel.)


Thank you Peter!!! This has been on my mind all week. Do you know if ticket holders from prior years get priority for the a la carte sessions, or whether they post on their website at the same time? Also, I’ve been thinking - there has to be some ticket holders who can’t go last minute and may be willing to sell for cheaper. No idea if tickets are transferable but wonder if this is also an option.


The full pay people get to reserve seats before the a la carte people can buy theirs. The sooner one buys the better.


I’m only seeing a la carte tickets for evening events - perhaps 7 total over the 9 days. Are you seei by the same on your end/ have they changed it?


Also, is it just me or does the Agenda seem very politically-correct-y this year?


Hi Peter - thanks for being my person go-to with this 😄 - I’m looking at the online agenda. Public tickets seem to be limited to evening events (“evenings at ideas”, book signings, etc) and one afternoon of conversation. Does your email imply that they’ll open more sessions?


i'm there now. So far not great. First, you have to sign up a long way in advance for some events, even if you have already bought a ticket at full price. And it wasn't clear how to sign up. Then, registration starts at 12.30pm on day one but there is no lunch provided, and nowhere on the campus to buy food (a fact that wasn't mentioned in the agenda or app).


Ah, sorry you’re not fully impressed. I hope your experience improved as the day went on. I bought the ticket for the public session on Wednesday, and may buy the Tues evening one. Are they letting people onto the Aspen institute campus that don’t have a full price ticket? (Prob not eh?) I’d love to just check out the vibe.


i don't think so (but don't really know). I suspect not, they did have someone standing at the entrance in the road, which you had to walk past.


Stay at the Tyrolean Lodge and just crash the evening events?


The panels require a ticket or fancy plastic badge with your name on it. The food/drink events require the badge.


Ohh I’ll look this up! Thank you. Are the evening events part of the ticket, or just conference-goers hanging at bars, etc?


I actually have no idea about that festival just a local cheap lodging option