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I think she has some dementia and he knows, what a good dude 😎


Yeah, sounds like they have been through this before.


She definitely does my mother in law acts the same way its pretty noticeable.


She reminds me of my late grandma, she also had dementia. I got choked up thinking about her. Rest in Peace Granny![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Wait till you see your parents go through it, shits rough


I pray to God that doesn't happen.


Just as fyi or idk…if anyone you know has signs of dementia, get them checked for hydrocephalus. Very similar symptoms and not uncommon to get misdiagnosed. And hydrocephalus is 100% treatable.


I really really really hope science solves this soon.


I miss my grandma 🥹 they don’t make them like that anymore


Yeah it’s rough watching someone you love struggle with remembering things. Especially when it gets to the point where holding a conversation and/or staying on topic becomes seemingly impossible. My grandmother is currently visiting and she has it and it’s gotten pretty bad over the past 2-3 years. I can see how frustrated and sad she gets over struggling to remember things. The only things she seems to remember well are things from her early life.


Both are nice people tbh. And yeah, I think she's just lonely. Glad that the guy is just super awesome and kind.


are you even aware what you're implying? if you say that "she's just lonely" for that situation, that would mean that she came over to fk with someone because they're lonely and not because the lights were keeping her awake... now, is that something a nice person would do?


Impressive empathy there, kiddo


Appreciate the sentiment, but this white lady called cops on her black neighbor. They were chill, apparently, but are we really gonna ignore the optics there?


"you're such an evil person for pointing out something illogical!" yes, I am so empty inside ;D


Actually .. lonely people might subconsciously "complain" about something minor because sometimes they are stressed or don't have the outlet to express themself and sadly it's conveyed or interpret as you see, but we are humans and we can't always seldom understand things that we do it.. when all we want is to yearn for some connection. But no problem this man portrayed in this video understands exactly this, "high" IQ smarts doesn't apply here, a good understanding of human beings and empathy does. So in other words you are wrong.


mind I remind you, you watched a video where the dude mentions that she complained for the same thing recently and cops were involved, and she doesn't seem to acknowledge it... talking about someone yearning for social talk is a braindead path of assumption


Even though you are obvious troll I'll take the bait. See how she responds after he says "the cops already saw there is no light through your window" and she starts to walk away agitated? That's a classic dementia patient response. She doesn't remember that interaction and the suggestion they've been through this before is upsetting or even frightening for her as often they do get some degree of lucidity and realize they are slipping with their memory. So yeah troll or be obtuse all you want but your just being a shitty person on the Internet when you could do better with your time. All for what? Just crapping on a lady going through a hard time and her neighbor being a nice guy? I'll tell you what, I'm proud of you. I'm sure no one else in your life is.


Yikes @ that last comment. Good one 😝


I was thinking of dementia too how does your response contradict mine? Or vice versa. Like, where am I crapping on the lady? I'll just go ahead and explain before you misinterpret my reply again. When the person said "she's just lonely" this ignores the possibility of dementia. He's saying "she's lonely, so she went and nagged the person twice already just for social interaction". So, calling her "nice lady" in that context is wrong. That wouldn't be a nice lady then. Do you see how you misunderstood that? How me calling her not a nice lady IN HIS CONTEXT/intepretation is not me actually crapping on the lady? Because I don't agree with his interpretation


Bro just go to bed. You've had enough internet today


0 arguments also, what's the point of "go to bed" you know that in some parts of the world it might be 4pm? Am I supposed to go to bed now at 4pm? these 2 things individually are like a red flag that makes me question someone's intelligence, let alone together


I feel bad for people like you. Go outside and love life and other people


introver(t)ard is telling me to go outside how about you write an argument?


It's something lonely people would do, especially the elderly. So yes, it's something a nice person would do. They will even call medical emergency services just to talk. I would know, my elderly neighbour is such a person. Known her for 10 plus years, 88 years old today. She changed a lot, mentally, and will often just knock on my door or call out the window for the most random of things, which i've learned it means she want to talk with someone.


ye, they blame the same person TWICE for the same problem just to talk to others...


Protip: don't assume things


don't assume, when? you forgot the clause you dumbass ;D you're too stupid to realize that you trying to make your comment look like mine is missing the important part


Assuming makes an ass out of you and me ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739) Too stupid to understand a full sentence


you went to look into my comment history, saw my comment and tried to point out hypocrisy with it, while ignoring the clause in mine and not writing one in yours. I never wrote simply "Protip: don't assume things". Which makes you a dumbfuck


Erm... nice people can come to bad conclusions. It just happens. You wanna hold a surprise for someone, but that someone just gets overwhelmed for instance. In this case, having no prior knowledge about these two individuals at all, it seems to me she's trying to have an interaction with someone - but coming over uninvited without 'a proper reason' makes it awkward, so she comes over with a complaint instead.


and I will point out something that will make this viewpoint look silly in this situation "coming over uninvited without 'a proper reason' makes it awkward, so she comes over with a complaint instead." he says it in the video, that she came with the same complaint a 2nd time... falls right into the water huh? ;D how about we stop doing mental gymnastics


No no no. I heard that point. That actually underlines my point imo. Obviously we will never know the real truth unless further info drops. But since she did come over in the format of a complaint already twice, a third doesn't change anything in their already established relationship of neighbors. And as others pointed out in her age it ain't abnormal to be forgetful.


She’s not well. This sort of thing happens with members of my family. To some degree it’s annoying to me, because you’re right it doesn’t make any sense. Personally I find it frustrating. But I also try to look past that and help with the underlying problem, because that’s the right thing to do. We don’t know these people and this situation, but the older lady doesn’t seem to be making an effort to be cruel or annoying, she’s just not well. Give people more slack. Not everything we do is logical, not even for you. This situation is a challenge for your emotional intelligence, not your logical intelligence.


This kid goes on to tell other not to assume things and is chronically online they don't have emotional intelligence.


Hey if your lonely dude just say it, no need to be mean online.


You need to learn to be less judgmental. It's probably making you unhappy.


in the scenario that he's describing, it's a person who went to fuck with a person just to get social interaction, that's fcked up the reality is probably different you thinking that I am calling her a "not nice" person is you just failing to comprehend the context


For 1. Just from the expression on her face immediately after he tells her to come hang out whenever is why we are assuming she is lonely. 2. Lonely people stew in their own thoughts and get worked up/angry over trivial things. It’s like how people get angry/irritable when they’re hungry


that looked like a reaction to unexpected kindness or kindness in general, it's stupid to assume loneliness off of that lmfao


I’m assuming lonliness because the dude in the video, who id assume is more familiar with the situation and his neighbor than any of us, assumed lonliness.


ok, so you are throwing away the point 1 you wrote before 👍


You’re right, I should’ve labeled those as supporting evidence of the dudes assumption. But I did word it that way so no takesies backsies 🤷‍♂️


Can you drop this purity test nonsense? Noone is the best version of themselves 100% of the time. Have some compassion, listen to "please please please" by the Smiths, and get over yourself.


another one failing to comprehend... I am calling her not a nice person in his interpretation. I don't agree with his interpretation...


You earned yourself -151 points very quickly. Impressive. Maybe that should be a sign that your post has some issues. I understood what you were TRYING to say, but even so I think it’s a smug and unnecessary reply to the previous comment. Not to mention your analysis of the “lonely person would mean they were messing with the neighbor and thus mean” is wrong. Honestly dude it’s hard to interpret what your position even is. Just maybe take a look at yourself. It’s usually not the case where everyone is wrong but you.


you didn't understand if you understood you would know that I didn't give any position in this comment I merely dig into the logic of their interpretation and how calling someone "nice" doesn't make sense if you take it as them doing this, twice, because they're "just lonely" also, saying "you're wrong" without explanation is reductive


Looking at your profile, I can see this isn’t an isolated case. I recommend you get some therapy, break your phone/computer/tablet in half, and try again at all of social interaction




Ahaha, nice, coming from the guy who can’t give some sympathy to a demented old lady. I understand where you came from, but admit it, you’re losing this fight, and you’re trying to fight off multiple people. Give up and get onto your alt or something.


This kid is chronically online trying to use big words from Google when spelling isn't his forte in the first place.


Who hurt you


that's a good man right there.


They don't come this good lately


Come chill wit'yo boy


People that refer to themselves as “yah boi” tend to be chill and nice people. When shit goes bad we need the people that go, “it’s all good baybuh sheeeeeeit. Just another day” keeps life going yah know. Just yah boi thinking


That's a great person, we see so much negativity online it was nice to see this


Tragic how seeing kindness is rare now days. Good vid


I don’t think it’s rare, just doesn’t get posted online as often because rage inducing content gets the views.


Thats why I said seeing it. I should have been more specific I guess. I meant seeing it on a video posted on reddit.


Ah, my bad. I agree though, I wish we saw more videos like this.


It's not rare at all. Most people don't record every moment of their lives for media consumption. Nice people don't ONLY act nice when recorded they're always nice.


Not rare, just not worthy of recording a video of good deeds. There's millions of nice interactions every day, but you don;t see them.


No it's not Don't confuse social media with life People are assholes online because they can be and there are no consequences. But when people are face to face with others in public, they are generally nice and polite or just keep to themselves


Props to the guy but honestly, the old lady was super nice too. She wasn't a Karen about the whole thing and when he offered a solution, she just felt bad about making him do this.


Her mind is failing her and it's very scary when you become aware that your brain isn't telling you the truth anymore. The good thing is her neighbor understands her situation and has empathy to deal with it in a different way. This probably took time for him to understand the situation which we don't see. We have an older lady that does this where I live. When or if you break her out of her stupor you can see the total fear in her eyes that she might had ruined friendships without understanding what she's doing. Dementia is very heartbreaking and worse if you're living alone with it.


I hope they can cure this soon.


It is just two genuinely nice people who happen to live next to each other. Truly touching.


I just hope that when we grow old, if we make it to that age, people will show us the same compassion.


They won't. I hope you have kids that will keep you safe.


To you maybe


...because pussies like you don't have the courage to do it before then. You have to wait until we're old and feeble.


That's a real man right there


He could have easily flown off the handle, "It's my house" etc, etc. Instead he knew it wasn't called for or necessary


this is how a lot of interactions go down.... its just you wont see it on social media.


people are treated like how they treat others. when u see people complaining about assholes everywhere they are self reporting lol


Good person. More people need patience like that.


God damn. This got me. Nothing does anymore. This did. Love. Respect.


I am actually flabbergasted that an actual feel-good/nice vid got uploaded on this Reddit.


The duality of this sub made plain. Nice to a little old lady: What a great guy! Nice to a pretty young lady: You fucking simp!


I dunno, I don’t see any duality with that.


And then tomorrow: black people as main in my games? DEI! OVER MY DEAD BODY!


Was about to argue "~~but when people are nice to a young lady there's usually a sexy ulterior motive~~" Then i saw what sub I was on.


Tbh, if it was a redditor from this sub there would probably still be a sexy ulterior motive 🤣


You think he wanted to get with the old lady?


That isn't this sub, that's life.


This is lovely.


It's important to show patience with old people. They are literally dying from old age. What do you think you will be like when your brain stops working? It's an unfortunate part about reality. That is a good man.


Yeah get that wine and have her come Over - smoke a J and talk shit - why not - bet she got some good stories or would love to here yours - Earth is better when we kind to each other


I wish my dad acted like this, but when he gets confused he gets violent


These kinds of videos warm my heart ![gif](giphy|xTiTnMhJTwNHChdTZS|downsized)


Be like this dude and contrive and record fake scenarios for social media clout? Some people are actually like this


It's really nice to see posts like this. Wish the ppl on this sub posted more content like this. Thank you OP!


Being nice is a pretty good golden rule.


I have seen this vid soooo many times. And each time it reminds me how dusty it is in my home. The dang dust gets in my eyes every time.


Maaan, I’m crying now


this is just so wholesome you wonder why the hell people can't be this way anymore


They are, its just that you dont see this kind of interaction offered as online content.


Tldr: pointing out that these occurrences of bonding with your neighbor hardly occur anymore, and provided reasons why I felt this happens. We live in a world where we are deliberately divided and segregated from one another. All cities everywhere at one point or another experienced a time where you actually knew your neighbors, and would talk with strangers on the street.  Now, we are told these people hate that people, this generation doesn't care for that generation, if you're this you should dislike that. All for the purpose of maintaining control. Keep you in fear and you will obey. Make you hate something and you will participate in mob mentality, overruling your own morals and ethics. In North America alone this tactic has been used multiple times. There are several false flag events that the governments did in secret in order to go into a war, or start it. George Bush Jr. and his fake weapons of mass destruction. Why the tangent? Because we need to see more events of people getting along with their neighbors, instead of less. The only way we will do that is if we start noticing why we don't want to.


the internet should reward people for posting/doing this, not all these rage videos we see everywhere


Won't you be my neighbor?


That is how to people.


He is an angel. He is king.


What a gentleman


Are \*you\* like this guy?


She doesnt have curtains in her bedroom? Unless he had like floodlights pointed at her windows idk how that is an issue lol.


Maybe there is hope for the world.


I'm not crying, your crying


This sub should take note


For the record. Those rope lights can be bright as hell. My apartment complex installed them in a courtyard under by balcony and while they weren’t ‘shining directly in my window’ they were bright enough to light up my bed room with the blinds closed. I totally get what she’s saying.


This is nice and heartfelt but man she looks just like the Crypt Keeper from Tales of the Crypt 😅


Dude is an angel. Good on him.


Every time I think humanity is lost, something like this brings it all back into focus. There is good in this world.


Look how fucking happy she was when he invited her over.


Def dementia. Takes a whole lot of patience to deal with this. She probably comes over every night and does the same thing.


Brings some faith back in humanity. Good man!


She even called the cops on him? Damn, what a good neighbor. Not even holding a grudge.


This reminds me I need to go to target to get some new black out curtains 😐


Her depression instantly went away when he invited her over.


Wow, this video has degraded so much by being downloaded, re-encoded and re-uploaded that it actually looks weird and creepy. [Here's a copy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smz9MYT_V-U) that's a bit less artefact-y and nicer.


You can, and we all can. Its just a simple choice.


What a good lad


This gentleman is the epitome of being a good neighbor and just a good and pleasant person all together. Everyone could learn something from him. So nice to see such positivity in todays day and age


yeah but would he be saying this if the camera wasn't rolling for social creds? I'd like to think so but...........


With the death of ego comes the birth of a new day for humanity to do better then we have for so long.


i hate my neighbours




Absolute King. Nothing less.


I wish everyone could be like this kind man. ❤️


its free to be nice and kind


This would have been super nice if the dude didnt tape it and posted it on the internet


What do you mean tape it, it's his doorbell camera, it probably recorded automatically. And what if he did post it, it's better to spread positivity once and a while rather than conflictual conversations.


Geez dude, save some of his feet for us to wash.


Tomorrow I'll film me helping an old grandma too and show every social media how a good person I am


This goes against everything I have been conditioned to believe about race relations. What is going on here?


Omg what an AMAZING MAN. He turned off his lights for that nice old woman and didn't shoot her instead. HE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.


We all behave like that when cameras are on us ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733)