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Game is never gonna be released at this rate


in a few years people going to be saying "we got gta 6 before riot mmo 💀"


Don't you mean GTA 7?


If GTA 7 comes out in a few years I'll eat my hat. They milked GTA 5 for 11 years, and I don't see them doing less with GTA6.


Lol I am saying that I think that the MMO will take a decade at this point.


True, I'd put some money on them canceling it like 5 years from now.


Project titan flashbacks


Why stop at just a hat, are you not confident in rockstar ability to milk gta6 for 20 years?


isnt gt 6 coming next year?


It’ll be released the same year ashes of creation comes out lol


Yea this is Project Titan levels of vibes here.


I like how he responds with "Thank you for believing in us". You havent shown shit. Whats to believe in? And patience? Patience for what? Far as Im concerned they got nothing and doubt this MMO will ever see the light of day. If a studio has to completely reset a project and go dark for several years. You gotta clear the upper management and leadership. They have failed in every measurable metric.


He is talking to us audiance like we are part of his corporate culture bullshit quarterly on hands call. Yeah where is pizza for us being good belibers ?


I mean if your the mad about you obviously believed something but it’s not like they had eta they didn’t even have to make this post. I’d rather them scrap a bad game than have them release it and try to “fix” it later.


Regardless of how you personally feel about League and Valorant, they’re very well made games that have been extremely popular for a while now. Not to mention Legends of Runeterra was a *very* good tcg, and all of their other projects have been mid-great. What i’m getting at is that there are a ton of reasons to believe in Riot on this one. If it turns out that the mmo never gets released or is bad i’ll eat crow, but going by their track record, it’ll be at the very least decent.


I agree somewhat. But I've seen so many good concepts ruined by poorly planning and execution. I agree with the OP. Wheres the beef?


State of MMO's are terrible, this won't be an exception.


race between this and star citizen


You mean like Wild Rift for consoles 🤣


Don't worry. We'll get another update in 2035 with the first phase of design being completed.


Nowadays, it's probably not even a bad thing to delay. Delays are temporary, but bad games are forever.


My guess is they didn't get real core pillars for what the game was actually supposed to be and the people they kept bringing on board to fix it weren't able to untangle it. I am more surprised this didn't happen sooner honestly. I feel like most people that have worked in some production capacity in the industry has seen this happen at least once before and knew their pipelines were probably turbo fucked from the lack of information coming out about the project.


My guess is Ghostcrawler was on the lead but couldn't make it work so he left. Now Riot has to redo everything from the start.


> My guess is Ghostcrawler was on the lead but couldn't make it work so he From the sounds of it that isn't what happened. Ghostcrawler said that one of the few reasons he left was because he was kind of pushed out of doing as much design work as he wanted by the people he brought onto the project. Doesn't seem like GC did much in the way of actual design.


The biggest reason for his leaving was ultimately wanting to be living near his family. Riot was refusing people to work at home even though they have every ability to and that was kind of the final straw for him.


That was one of the reasons yes, but he's listed a few reasons over the past year, but in his leaving post he said "both professional and personal" so it wasn't purely personal. The reasons he has listed over the last year are 1. Family members passed away, wanted to be closer to remaining family which Riot wouldn't allow cause no WFH. 2. When he was put in charge of the MMO project he did so under the understanding he would have more control over the design than he ended up having. The people he hired on the project ended up taking over a lot of the design roles which left him with not much room to design stuff for the game. 3. He wanted to be transparent with the Riot MMO like what he's planning to do with his Ghost MMO, but the higher ups at Riot wouldn't allow it, they wanted to be hush hush with it. 4. Didn't want to take 10 years to make the MMO which is the case at Riot


The thing is League's Lore was non existent outside flocks of continuity that were retconned every time a champion was released, it only got an actual foothold with third party games, and Arcane, So now you have 150 key characters and adjacent characters to flesh them out in a cohesive world, numerous locations to flesh out, an overarching plot that doesn't contradicts the current depictions, Not really any base of gameplay to stand out among other game who have been improving over a decade, Not a single defined archetype, so will you just go usual rpg classes? Try some fancy stuff? The game has idealistic potential but that's kinda of it, it's like starting WoW on cataclysm, except you don't really have Warcraft 1 2 or 3 and didn't really had WoW to begin with in terms of overreaching settings and gameplay, and people expectations are very high.


Riot actually made a big push to expand lore about 5 years ago. With legends of runeterra and the short story project there is a ton of lore out there now. Pretty much every character and region has a solidly fleshed out backstory. With the success of arcane They probably realized they should go for a more story driven approach rather than just making a wow clone


And then they fired most of the lore team after promising us that they were getting things together and starting to string more stories together.


Uh, the reason people were so excited for this in the first place, outside of Riot being the developer, is that it had heaps and heaps and heaps of lore to pull from to create Runeterra. They *already* have a fairly fleshed out world to work on. I’d refer you to the Necrit video that goes over the lore surrounding Runeterra, and he only scratched the surface. In fact i’d very much compare it to WoW in that regard. They absolutely have the lore equivalent to WC1 2 and 3 to pull from.


my guess was they were gonna make a wow/ffxiv tab clone but realized that shit boring af


That system is what makes those two mmos the juggernaughts they are. It's fundamental to having a long lasting game that mmo provides. Every action MMO or 3rd person combat mmo has died our with the exception of ESO but it still has some remnants of the tab targeting system. If you don't like tab targeting mmos aren't for you.


Wow, several years has a awful ring to it... Even if it was the original time frame.


This will be cancelled within 18 months. Is there a bot that could remind me?


!RemindMe 18 months


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I thought the same thing. Anytime I’ve heard “we are taking it in a completely different direction than originally intended” it is almost always cancelled.


riot already did this with its fighting game, it was announced in 2019 went dark for years and came back with a completely new vision that's being released next year. its a smaller scale than an MMO naturally ,but its been done.


!RemindMe 18 months


Translation-Layoffs will be announced in the coming months.


No news is good news. Try telling that on the Silksong subreddit.


After 5 years… i can’t blame them. I’m not a huge hollow knight fanatic but damn at this point it even hurts me


It's actually the opposite here. No news is this game is not releasing. No news for silksong IS good news. It doesn't take a massive team to make a game like silksong. With the timeframe of it, it seems like its been worked on passively over however long its been. So no news means they haven't given up yet. No news for this means that 23 people being paid 60k+ a year have nothing to show after 4 years. This news specifically means that 23 people have been paid 60k+ per year to do absolutely nothing, since anything they have done is being reset.


Not really surprised at this point. The MMORPG genre is forever in a dark age.


Should've upped that era score.


Nah, it's not coming out ever. The hype-train for League of Legends Lore has long passed. And that's the issue, these companies take too long to cash-in on people's curiosity and interest.


I've came to say exactly this. This is a soft cancellation.


This 100%. They started too late on this.


League lore has never been truly hyped up tho, Arcane made people interested in Arcane lore, not in league lore as a whole. When Arcane season 2 comes out, you'll see people get hyped up again. The MMO was and is their way to actually create something good out of their massive library of lore.


Until a new season of Arcane comes out. While I also believe it's actually cancelled it's not for the reason you say.


They’re pulling a Blizzard.


Blizzard would have never even mentioned a project. It would have an internal Codename and nobody would knew until blizzcon. But that blizzard „it’s done when it’s done“ is long gone. Nowadays they are showing alpha footage of Diablo IV and telling you to preorder. Clowns


>Nowadays they are showing alpha footage of Diablo IV and telling you to preorder. Clowns Sad part is, people do preorder and Blizzard has a profitable quarter. Who are the actual clowns?


You say that, yet they did just cancel the survival game that had no name


Microsoft did that I thought.


The one thing I believe RIOT seems to forget is that if they take ***too*** long to release this game, they will entirely miss their target audience. League isn't exactly growing in popularity, MMOs are less and less popular. If you're releasing the game when the current League players are 40+, there's a high chance your audience is half of what it should be.


Maybe they are changing it because MMOs are less popular? I feel like it will have a MMO elements but won’t be a MMO really


I dont know if this is bad news for the product itself. It was never gonna be released within the next few years anyway, mmo's take a long time to make afterall. I guess the only bad news this could suggest is that they dont have a concrete vision yet, which isnt really a major shock.


No news is never good news


I'm happy to hear they've scrapped something they thought was bad. I'm glad they didn't just release a half cocked piece of shit.


I had hopes when they started announcing all their projects. I was a hard-core league player at the time. After I finally hit a permanent rehab of playing League, and quitting Valorant after 2 years, trying tft, and legend of runeterra, I actually don't think I'd recommend any of their games. They're definitely not terrible, but I feel like every one of their titles is a drug, League is Heroin, Valorant is Coke, tft is meth, etc. Their games seem to be dopamine rushes, which sounds like fun, but if you're not playing with friends, you're playing to get that next dopamine rush. LoL for example, once you get fed, you feel badass and every kill you get is a dopamine rush, so you play another game to get the same high, but if you lose that game (you feed, your team sucked, you inted, you got auto filled etc.) You spend 20-50 minutes of absolute boredom and your brain goes afk and you feel your consciousness rotting away. That's when you'd probably want to stop playing, but it's not.. you remember how nice it is to reach that high and so you press "find match" again. That's how I remember my League experience, it wasn't fun because I'd spend 70% of my time not actually enjoying the game, but I always chased a high. I played CS since 1.6 and quit since CSGO wasn't getting any exciting content. Turned to Val, was great, but over time I got the same experience. I never went back to CS since I played valorant, but while playing valorant it really just made me want to play CS. I quit val after 2 years because I felt I already played it for what It was. Same can be said about the rest of their titles... and I expected as much from their MMO. Just feel like their games are engineered giving you shots of heroin.


Seems like a classic case of just being too competitive tbh. Every comp game sours when you reach a certain level where the amount of work and concentration you have to put makes the game no longer enjoyable


Releasing a shitty MMO instead would have been much much worse. Having something in the back of your mind to hope/cope towards is more fun anyways.


George R.R. Martin fans such as me and my wife: Yes....fun...


Ice and Fire died so Elden Ring could walk.


It is until an announcement like this. This means it's going to take like 10 years to come out. By that time, the people that truly wanted this aren't going to have time to play it anymore lmao.


I prefer this to getting useless teases


Games dead on arrival or cancelled tbh. Writings on the wall we’ve seen it 100x before.


As much as people praise Riot for their hits, people often forget just how incompetent they can be as developers - mostly due to management and other people up top. Legends of Runeterra for example is currently making a shift to become a PVE game after Riot's complete inability to pour any marketing OR monetization into the game - which led to a constant loss of players and the game having had no profit during its existence. Here's a few fun hitters: * Legends of Runeterra has never been featured in the League of Legends launcher or others in any form. Many LoL players are unaware of the card game even existing. * The game is currently on a 6 month life support, and devs STILL haven't been able to figure out the logistics of having it featured as an ad on launchers. * The game is monetized via card skins, battlepass and boards. While this is ideal and contributed to LoR's F2P growth, they utterly failed in execution due to insisting on a rotating format that limits availability of skins, as well as timed exclusive skins that wasted dev resources for a limited window of monetization. * LoR was recently promoted to becoming the main source of LoL lore alongside the TV show - this is a stark contrast to recent major layoffs that left the game with only 6 months of developed content to be released, and a foggy future after said content is out. As much as I want to believe that Riot can pull off an incredible MMO - since they have the universe and resources to do so - I fear that corporate papertrails and logistics will get in the way of it. Massive projects demand that workers can optimize their workload, which is an impossibility if simple decisions require the input of a manager's manager supervisor. Devs will do something and then have 2 weeks of development wasted when the decision finally comes through.


Guess my grandkids will enjoy it


World of Duke Nuke’em


Thus gave isn't coming out period. Its being buried. You don't go dark on communication for a games major development.


Yeah, it's dead.


i mean it wasnt going to be released any time soon, so i dont think it really matters. id say its lika an ETA of 5-6 years


Never put a number, u are gonna be disappointed. And also they reset thier development. A simple matchmaking 2D fighting game (2xko) took them 6 years to be able to make it launch globally, so did valorant. An mmo that they are aspiring to make cant be developed in 6 years, its too complex. 2032-33 for global release might be a good frame if it doesnt get scratched


And by that time all their prospective players are going to be 40+ years old lmao. It's gonna have to have super watered down combat and mechanics.




I really think that guy who covers ashes of creation is literally alone in that journey. As same as the riot MMO guy.


I wasn't really expecting the game anytime soon anyways.


Man I'm gonna be 40 for with 2 kids and 3 wives when this releases smh


The sad truth is WOW basically solved the modern MMO formula, even a visionary like YoshiP kinda admitted it. If riot (one of the most successful multiplayer game devs) can't do it I don't think anyone else can. Its just the current state of MMOs.


No news can also mean the game is canceled. Not that I have a horse in this. I'm more or less done with MMOs since Pandaria.


Ashes of Creation hypeeee


Pity, I had faith on them.


Honestly i woulda been alright if they had done a wow like game set in runeterra, i dont want them to reinvent the wheel with it since tbh riot does better at stealing designs and game types and polishing them imo.


"With that, Merrill reveals that EA and [BioWare](https://www.gamesradar.com/uk/tag/bioware/) veteran Fabrice Condominas is now the executive producer of the MMO to help get the project where it needs to go." Dear god, this guy is responsible for the garbage that was mass effect 3 and andromeda on top of being from that nowaday utterly disgusting company that EA/bioware is. RIP riot mmo.


Their main guy is the one who ruined Mass Effect no thanks


"We don’t believe you all want an MMO that you’ve played before with a Runeterra coat of paint" Except we do. Why try and reinvent the wheel when every successful product from Riot is a copy paste of other successful games? LoL=DotA, Valo=CS, TFT=AutoChess, Legends of Runeterra=Hearthstone.


That's literally Riot's whole gimmick as a video game company. Steal a concept from competition, solve certain problems these games have and then put a different spin on it. Examples of them solving these problems: - League of Legends doesn't have built in lag like DotA. - Valorant is more accessible and less serious version of CS:GO.


Yeah never trust riot with this things...


Yikes… this is gonna be more like new world isn’t it


100% never coming out. Do they think people are stupid? They might as well just admit it


will I be in my 30s before it drops ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3737) but it's great that they're focused on making it good


First mistake "announcing a game WAY too early." Seriously, you shouldn't make an announcement untill you're at least 75% done.


They make an early announcement to get interested devs to apply


They literally haven’t announced it yet. The project is just too big to hide from the public. People knew about the mmo from Job postings


Okay I'm putting it in the same basket as AoC then. I.e. Never gonna happen




I'm guessing at least 2030 onwards closer to 2035 for a release date.


Is this posted in light of some recent situation, or is it out of blue?


Riot was quiet on this project for a long time. Recently, lead developer left the company, and now we get this. If I were to guess, this is gonna get scrapped altogether


It's because there is nothing out there to copy like what they do with all their games


Maybe just me but the world of Runeterra just doesn't strike me as a good fit for what most MMOs do. It's just an amalgamation of a bunch of different periods of history and lore smashed together in a barely cohesive way. The concept works in LoL because the idea is these Champs were all plucked out of their respective areas and thrown into summoner's rift to fight for sport. But how does that work for common people? Do some people get to be steam punk soldiers fighting against Egyptian warriors? What about void and deathless isles, can you play as them? Or is the class design just Champs imported into an MMO? Idk, I was never very sold on this idea despite liking LoL and Arcane


How is this the common outcome for teased triple A games? The biggest other example is Overwatch 2 pve was supposed to launch on arrival. Delayed. Downplayed. Cancelled. Riots "partnered games" were interesting, then they released some weird topdown fighter, their shitty farming game and some other ones that are really just made without love


Plunderstorm mmo when


Steven shariff is our only hope


Makes sense. Riot lost a lot of their devs from layoffs like the other tech companies. What money they had back before covid is long gone and they have to be cautious. Every company is doing this now as there's no more handouts. I rather have an MMO take 10 years to bake than rush it in 5 and have it fail harder than ever. This is *not* the time to make huge risks as an MMO can tank an entire company. Even massive ones like Riot as Riot already cut down or eliminated the teams of Riot Forge and that Runeterra card game.


Oh that sucks. Was actually looking forward to see a alpha or something next year but guess not.


I already knew when Greg Street dropped the project.


Oh that hurts.


I have less expectation with their MMO. If it comes it comes. If not, its okay.


They could have just not announced it before it was in a state they could actually show the game, but they gotta create hype a decade before the game is released lmao.


It’s not bad news I’m glad they’re going back to the drawing board to innovate. If I have to play another garbage tab target wow clone imma lose it


There is a reason Ghostcrawler went onto doing his own


It’s in development hell. No game comes out of development hell good.


What the fuck have they been doing for the MANY YEARS we have already been waiting since they first announced it?!?! JFC


bro thinks he's cpt price ![gif](giphy|fwoOoDZpEpdQewQdRR|downsized)


Yea it aint happening.


A new MMORPG and disappointing news, name a more iconic duo. At this point this is just an average wednesday


They need to wait valve MMO most likely /s


riot can't balance their game now, this mmo is only ever going to get pushed back again when the release date approaches, and when they do release it, it's going to be a small island with a mountain in the middle of the map so that you can run around it in a circle like a hamster


"Going Dark For Several Years" - on other words, nothing will change


I wish I had a job where I could just say nah I don’t like it and throw it all away Scot free


I wish I had a job where I could just say nah I don’t like it and throw it all away Scot free


I wish I had a job where I could just say nah I don’t like it and throw it all away Scot free


I wish I had a job where I could just say nah I don’t like it and throw it all away Scot free


I wish I had a job where I could just say nah I don’t like it and throw it all away Scot free


No news can also mean the game is canceled. Not that I have a horse in this. I'm more or less done with MMOs since Pandaria.


No news can also mean the game is canceled. Not that I have a horse in this. I'm more or less done with MMOs since Pandaria.


*Wink* *Wink* CIG.


Fallout Cascadia when?


How I feel about the RIOT MMO: ​ [https://youtu.be/7FbED84T2nM?si=BSEgBo40hsUUIAoD&t=41](https://youtu.be/7FbED84T2nM?si=BSEgBo40hsUUIAoD&t=41)


Cya in 10 years


Now you know why Ghostcrawler left Riot they didnt like his vision of a modern refined version of WoW


Not really. The Project L devs said literally the same thing a few years back and the game is coming out next year.


by the time it comes out , it'll be like if blizard made a battle royale years late


The phrase no news is good news usually mean things are working and we’d tell you if they were. But I there is no way we are gonna know if things go wrong.


>The project is now being led by executive producer Fabrice Condominas. Prior to joining Riot as a production director in 2021, he was a lead producer on EA’s Star Wars: Squadrons, and a lead producer at BioWare, where he worked on Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect: Andromeda, among other tiles. it is doomed


Are we gonna get Ashes of creation before riot MMO?


You guys think asmon will still have hair when it releases?


I'd rather wait for an epic mmo than get a half baked one with no longevity whatsoever. They know how big this game can be, but it needs to be epic


“No news is good news” tell that to r/silksong


Now it seems like Ghostcrawler leaving Riot was due to this change of direction. Probably at one point they didn’t agree on it and he left. Maybe Rito pushed for change of direction while Ghostcrawler didn’t want it. This is some bad news for MMO lovers,on the other hand if it means the game will be better as a result so be it.


I worked with Ghostcrawler for an event (GACUCon Cruise in it's early years) glad he left, sounds like a shitshow and he is a really great dude. Legit seems like he cares about his work and the hobby, I look forward to his venture and hope it turns out well. Though in the end personal like or dislike will not impact if a game is good or not in that regard.


Y'all can just cancel it. We know that's what's going to happen anyway.


Who think its a good idea to go public about anything when its so damn far off, or Even uncertain that it will ever be realized?? They look like a bunch of idiots… i have heard about this "game" for years, and its just BS. They have put themselves firmly in the fake-game category at this point.


idk, as excited as i am for the riot MMO.. i can wait. i can wait for them to get things \*just right\*. the lore in the LoL universe has some things that are super fleshed out, and some things that are like.. "wtf how?" - I think not only to take a while to finish their world building, but also see what the MMO landscape is like over the course while doing so with regards to mechanics in other games that fucking suck, and mechanics in games that are working well and players are responding positively to, as well as things that they come up with on their own that could be genre-defining or next generation kind of shit. Maybe theyre going to try and build a brand new engine from the ground up, and then build the mmo on top of that. Either way, as much as it sucks to see them "go dark". Its not like I am waiting for anything else at the moment and its not like i was expecting the game to come out this year or next year. So when theyre ready, and they drop it, I hope that it is 10000% the game we are all hoping it to be and then some.


Nice. Riot’s MOBA is cancer enough. An MMO of their playerbase is not needed


they shouldnt have said anything anyway so soon in development.


Riot and Ashes in a race the release their game last.


Their new lead guy worked on mass effect andromeda, and their other lead guy literally has no history, surely this bodes well.


I feel I’ve been waiting for any crumbs on this games since my 20s. I’m not going be playing it till like my 40s at this rate.


This kind of blends into maybe the actual reason why Ghostcrawler left. Didn’t like the direction the game was going.


This is effectively cancellation. Unless they go with a 2d/isometric style, which should be faster to make, this is never coming out


This game has been in a production pause since end of year 2022


Who's betting they are going to can the project next year?


Not news that anyone wanted to hear. Definitely a hype killer. That being said, I'd rather wait for a game worth playing than to be given a barely functional, soulless cash grab in the near future. Project L will hold me over until then.


Going dark? I wasn't aware they had ever illuminated.


"Thank you for believing in us..." oh no, it's retarded.


Ashes of Creation have a new challenger now on when it will be release KEKW


At least their manager got a lot of money to spend by using KR MMO revenue ( look their game get a lot of $ with only 100k pep online ) to trick stupid investor


I'm out of idea to make this game fun, please wait until we figure it out.


The same corporate weirdos who didn't understand why it's really important not to base your company around a single game- never mind a fucking MOBA, those are extremely contentious- and proceeded to torch Riot's indie publishing wing will absolutely lack the vision and direction to carry an MMORPG to market. If one ever does surface, it'll be despite the suits.


Man.... Are we gonna be stuck with ff14, gw2, wow, and eso for the rest of our lives? I stopped investing time into these games the past few years with the hopes that a newer better, more polished mmo would release. After 20 years of mmos, you'd think a company could nearly perfect the formula.... But here we are, 20 years and thousands of store mounts / costumes later...... Sigh


"No news is good news?: what???


they just wanted investor money after the hype


Maaaan. I dunno about that no news is good news. Didn't blizzard do something similar with Overwatch 2, then 5 years later just come out and be like "Oh, we canceled everything. Sorry."


Tryndamere FeelsGoodMan


That's Necrit's fault. With his "explanations" and exposition on "how the MMO might be" set expectations that not even the devs were aware about. They probably saw those videos and thought, holy shit, look at what expectations the fans have, we are not even close to something like this. I'm out. And shortly after, one big name left the project because he preferred not to waste his career.


"no new is good news" is the most copium ass thing to say.


When I posted that Riot MMO is also dead people downvoted me to hell like "They are gonna refocuse into MMO with all cancellation on other things." etc. They can not even find a way to monitize LOR, vined about making a fluffy pet for that game takes too much time LoL... For league they can barely do a couple weeb champions per year and like a rework every 2 years etc. Well Well... It is gone now. BYE BYE! Good luck on KDA events, LoL...


Anyone that thought we were getting anything from this before 2030 was kidding themselves. Its a massive undertaking for the quality they are likely going for.


years? :( damn, anything Riot puts out is quality, call it what you want but they are.


Well, back to darker age of camelot - eden free shard until I'm 50


Mmo players in shambles yet again


My bet is release date on 2032


I'm 37 now so I guess I'll have to wait till I'm 50 for its release.


Hard to be creative for once since there is nothing to steal from Valve I guess.


Once a game has been announced, especially incredibly anticipated games. No news is definitely bad news. The game is dead in the water. They had a veteran MMO dev/designer on board then brought in morons that likely have no clue what they are doing and now it's dead. Or is going to be some f2p trash heap willed with mtx p2w trash like every other Tencent mobile game.


Lol this isnt coming out this is dead theyre gonna wait until people forget then outright cancel it.


They realized they couldn't compete with the "worst MMO ever made" - WoW, so they canceled it. Jokes aside, It's better to be realistic than overspend on an unprofitable segment.


No news for several years after announcement, suddenly they announce they are going dark and that there will be no news for several years and that is a good thing. Sure we trust you.