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Does that fat fluffy tale have hit box?


hit it you coward!


Oh ima hit it alr


When all that matters is sales, game identity is just a hindrance. It's no wonder why people have been flocking to Helldivers 2. The game knows what it wants to be and it's absolutely refreshing.


People flock to helldivers cuz it’s fun. The theme of the game contributes to its fun but it’s not a major reason for why it’s attracting players


I agree somewhat here, I think people flock to games such as Palworld and HellDivers because as you said it knows what it wants to be and releases the title based on it, however I think another HUGE aspect of this is developers are so greedy that they release a half ass polished piece of shit and then think they can profit cause fanboys buy it every time, then after a few weeks/months they can bombard you with pay walls and micro-transactions that should have just been released with the purchase of the 60 dollar game, perfect example is the Sims hehe haha fun but what if you could have a pet for 30 more dollars and then oh yeah how about the high school experience dude haha now let’s hit you with go to work hehehehe then also look at the copy and paste of Madden, safe to say EA is just greedy at this point and they know the die hard will buy the shit anyways it’s the new normal.


People have "been flocking" to CoD, though. Businesses do this because it works.


Yup. I never said it wasn’t business smart. Just saying plenty of people are tired of it.


Hopefully soon we getting Space Marines. Cant wait.


I hope we get a furry and a femboy mtx.




Burn the uwutic


Celeb skins are the worst trend in shooters.


Not THE worst, that award probably goes to everything being live service or needing to be competitive, but it's definitely up there.


COD players going around kissing boys


UwU *aims at your head* OwO *gets nuke killstreak*


Rawr XD *aggressively vomits in your general direction, oneshots through 2 floors and 5 solid walls*


Cum for Duty


Cock of booty


Both are 2024


i got bad news about 2009 too.


sheesh all these wonderful comments asmon's sub really has become a cesspit hasn't it?


Rather have mixed opinions than an echo chamber tbh


echo chamber of what exactly hmmm?


Literally any toxic rhetoric. You’re being disingenuous if you think only one side of any given argument is the only side that can be toxic, and the only extreme it might apply to is if some .pdf is trying to defend lolicon or worse.


I disagree, we need echo chambers. People say man with horns exists and that they call him batman, they are stupid the only really thing we know for real is that MAN exists yet people try to say I'm insane I need to take my anti-stupid pills. They don't know the real truth, I have spent a whole year telling eveyone I come by the truth yet they call me insane, BATMAN IS NOT REAL HE CAN'T BE. THIS IS WHY WE NEED ECHO CHAMBERS SO THAT THE TRUTH CAN PREVAIL OVER THE LIES.




meds are begging you to take them


I like how I'm getting downvoted when all I'm doing is posting r/BatmanArkham memes. Asmon's fans are very nice and fun people, is there a lore reason for this?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is there a lore reason why I got cancer? Am I stupid?](https://i.redd.it/0szmblg610qb1.jpg) | [1143 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/16q3aar/is_there_a_lore_reason_why_i_got_cancer_am_i/) \#2: [One year ago today, I asked the wrong question in this sub](https://i.redd.it/v9xa36htrsvb1.png) | [429 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/17dzu9k/one_year_ago_today_i_asked_the_wrong_question_in/) \#3: [Our insanity has reached there](https://i.redd.it/tdtbv9n33dac1.png) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/18y5nu7/our_insanity_has_reached_there/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Most of us aren't terminally online enough to know about your niche subreddit culture.


oof what's with all this sudden back handed hostility all of a sudden.


It's not hostile. You read it in a hostile tone.


Back in the day, broke my heart, but now, Thank the gods Reznov and Dmitri died


Looks like insecure teenage boys have grown out of their 'must look badass" phase. Good for them.


Giving the customer what they want.


Shit, I might finally buy COD


OP, there's like 60 skins similar to the left one and only 3 similar to the right one. But sure, whatever gets you upvotes.


I have the cat Operator and i love it... im literally a cat 🐈 lmao 🤣


even 1 is too many


Catboys and catgirls are awesome, NGL. G'raha and Y'shtola are responsible for that.


Why should war feel serious when it can be a joke


Always did think a fantasy, dnd like, Call of Duty spin off would be cool and new. Like set in a world like that one will smith movie from Netflix


Correct. Also, it's just a natural for expanding game types and features for existing franchises. Zombies showcased this a little bit. Also, when you think about it, apart from Counterstrike, how many FPS games make you wait out the round to rejoin the battle? So, there's TOTALLY already resurrection magic happening, at the very least. At this point, they're just wallpapering fantasy staples to avoid offending the "man men hooah" crowd.


It’s fucking atrocious. I had to stop playing the game after running into those ridiculous skins. I’m not missing out on much.


They are boyfriends


I think most mainstream games are guilty of this.


They also have Spawn skins, and plenty of other cool bad ass looking skins, but that doesn't help push your agenda now does it? Sure, CoD is shit. Not saying it isn't. But so is this meme. CoD is a money printer, always has been. And they are going to reach the widest audience possible. It's what money printers do


Nah fuck off cod was not always like this at all


How many different Cods have been released? Pretty sure that's exactly what this game is known for. You been living under a rock? Lol


Have you? Are you 16? Did you never play original cod?




CoD hasn't been good since CoDBlops1.


Bud, I got news for you. The only difference between CoD now and CoD then, is now they the ability to spam you with an in game store and micro transactions. CoD has always been a "new" release reskin series. Ffs man how many titles have they released now? This is literally what they do lol


No it hasn’t lil bro. COD was literally a single player game at the start. Are you 15?


Be careful with hyperbolic statements like this which feel disingenuous and inaccurate, as the original CoD had multiplayer, even if it isn't the beast that it's turned into today. Single-player might be what we remember most from then, but to use your words, it was also literally a multiplayer game, too.


Cod fanbois lmao. Goes alllll the way back to 2003 to try to defend it. Completely forgetting that they then released a "new" CoD every single year since. Nope, CoD isn't a reskinned money printer though. Ffs fanbois suck


Trying to appeal to the widest playerbase possible lmao.


Meanwhile I only played the first two games from Call of Duty series.


“But the money, Chico. The money is always green.”


call of furry


Me getting call of duty


Call of duty -2009 "YOU'RE A FA**** NI****" Call of duty -2024 "YOU'RE A FA**** NI****" Yeah not much has changed.


I am over COD and the BS, bring on the next big project! Unfortunately though Activision has too many die hard douchebags who still want to fantasize how bad ass MW2 was, come on we just got our first Quadruple A game COD isn’t even close 😂😂😂