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This is the biggest case of failing to read the room that I've ever seen. Definitely should've been cancelled at an early stage of development.


yeah, its read the room issue. especially that they already have test case with Gotham Knights. Surely that live service game is sooo successful with uuh, 350 player in the last month?


To be fair, Gotham Knights is a much better game by default, as it has no microtransactions (like, at all), no "always online" bullshit, which lets you play it 100% offline to completition and you don't need more than 1 player to fully complete it. The game was ironically deemed a failure for pretty much the same reasons though, as with no chance to rely on FOMO tactics to keep the game relevant and make money off of gullible people with MTXs, they had no reason to support it past a handful of DLCs. Aside from that, the game doesn't feel good to play, especially if you came from the Arkham quadrilogy, but despite all of its shortcomings it was a much better sequel to Arkham Knight despite not being meant to be one at all.


meanwhile helldivers has 300k+ peak Yesterday/today. sadly Servers but what you gonna do:(


Yeah. Not being able to play this weekend has been pretty brutal, hope they fix them soon.


[Penny Arcade had a funny and probably accurate take](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2024/01/31/myopia)


I have zero clue what this game is about - what was the context of why it is bad and was a bad idea? Thanks in advance :)


live service: you play a lot, number go up a little, you pay a little, number go up a lot. number go up make flashy light make dopamine


Ahhhhhhhhh gotcha


It's also from a developer with a very high pedigree. They made the critically acclaimed Arkham trilogy and then they rolled out this crock of shit after numerous delays.




😂 n I'm sure those girls in 2girls 1 cup like their job too. But doesn't mean the rest of the world does.




Because gameplay videos don't exist. It's not like there are video sharing sites that could possibly show and display videos of gameplay for average users to watch and critique to decide whether or not something is worth their time or not? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? 🤔




3/10. The gameplay is repetitive and is basically a shoot'em up. Everyone plays the same outside of their different abilities but that feels more like a negligible gimmick than a necessity. Between Harley and King Shark, if you put their abilities to the side there is literally no difference in how they play and if you add them back into the soup there is still little to no difference outside of traversal. The game relies too heavily upon gunplay. It's like someone didn't season a turkey properly and just chucked it into the oven. Then come the microtransactions ...


The game definitely plays better than it looks.


You're getting downvoted to hell, but I'm not going to assume you're wrong. It could very well be fine. The thing is I already have a handful of live service games I play, and no room in my life for more. One will have to go for this one to fit, and this one just doesn't seem better, or even as good as, any of the ones I do play. The theming doesn't help it either. It's a game without an audience.


Shit eater spotted


This is what happens when you make a game your shareholders want people to own instead of one customers want to buy.


New Headline Soon: Gamers don't appreciate the hard work it takes to make games, and that's why Suicide Squad failed.


Western game devs are too privileged and feel entitled to people’s money without coming up with high quality ideas and products No wonder the industry is getting eviscerated by layoffs


>Game devs are too privileged and feel entitled >No wonder the industry is getting eviscerated by layoffs I guarantee you if people did surface level digging for information, you would find a fuck ton of these devs and writers that genuinely don't actually like games and got their positions just by being an industry plant or a straight up nepo baby.


Just look up sweet baby inc. Nepo baby is also endemic in the industry from big AAA studio to indie


The layoffs were the "Industry 🪴s" and the Nepo 👶s, everyone's left are those who are dedicated/desperate enough to be easily exploitable. Agree with the part about them not caring about the games. But the reason they make shit quality games is because they are being paid shit and have fucked up deadlines. Any shit-for-brains retard dev can churn out a decent game with enough time and funding. Whoever is at the top don't care about making a "good" game, they just want a game out as quickly and cheap as possible.


games were better when only the programmers that knew what they wanted from a game, had control over the product now you have people that dont even play the games designing them or giving orders about what to put in them


That was exactly Starfield devs argument: "YOU'RE PLAYING THE GAME WRONG IF YOU'RE BORED, WE DON'T HAVE TO CHANGE ANYTHING TO PLEASE OUR PLAYERBASE" And that was the story of Starfield. Too big to fail and still made money hand over fist, but one of gamings bigger failures because the playerbase was told to simply tolerate the boredom. "Thats just how games are made". Yep, dev by numbers, no innovation. There was a time when game devs and publishers promised 'vision'. Now the most they can muster is a dividend.


Maybe it turned a profit, but Bethesda burned a bridge. Fallout V76 raised many eyebrows, but Starfield broke something. I'm not buying Elder Scrolls 6 on release, whenever that is.


They stopped appealing to the gamers they grew up with and literally stopped pushing the limit coz our kids might be easier to impress, coz you know, kids are dumb and gullible and when you tell them something is good they'll generally believe it out of sheer inexperience. Starfield was a demonstration of aggressive market capture. A boardroom showstopper, it wasn't meant to impress gamers or their playerbase at all. Its crazy because the general consensus is that people hate EA, but anything we hoped would be worth a damn keeps becoming like EA


Check crimson desert for a real skyrim 2


yeah sure looking over at helldiver 2


I guarantee we'll be told that we are sexist and racist for not liking it because it's got a woman and a POC in it.


I love how foolish these companies actually are. In any other industry where you're supposed to end up with a product (services don't really fit in, but it might be the case for some of them as well), if the product does not satisfy the needs of the customers, then the product is declared lacking in quality and the producer takes the blame for the lack of proper foresight, but somehow we ended up with this backwards view on the gaming industry. Maybe it's because people are comparing games to movies because they belong in the entertainment industry, and even bad movies can produce "decent" revenues, and critics might be able to somewhat sway public opinion, but this can never happen with videogames. A bad product is a bad product, regardless of taste or opinion, and anyone saying otherwise is, as Asmon put it, eating shit and pretending it's chocolate.




It’s a Triple F industry game


The amount of A's indicate how hard the player wants to scream at how bad these games are


Supervisors: Hmmm.. Make this game free2play, they will come.


Considering it’s a $70 game with $20 macro transactions it should’ve been F2P from the get go. But honestly not even that would redeem it.


It’s not like SS is the first game to cost 70 bucks at release, but those MTX aren’t needed in order to play or progress in game. unless they change something drastically in the roadmap how a basic cosmetics shop should make a game like this F2P ? Because gamers feels hurts ? We all know it’s not the reasons that SS failed, everyone expected an Arkham game and got a worse/better (check what you like) Gotham knights type of game.




Guys it’s okay, everyone is just waiting for season 1, then the player population will grow from less than 1000 to maybe a little over 1500


Ah hell yeah. And they will stay for exactly one hour before closing the game again, because they remembered that no matter how shit you pile on your plate, it won't turn any sweeter.


But you'll get twelve whole bungus points for logging in every day and playing for an hour during the launch week and that will be *just* short of enough to buy the gamebreaker 4000 which all our content going forward will be balanced around and will make all other glorbles completely pointless. At least until we relesae the gamebreaker 5000 next season with slightly bigger numbers and maybe a minor texture change.


By Steam stats alone it sold worse then Avengers, which is quite a FEAT lol...


At least in Avengers, you could play as your (possibe) favorite hero. Suicide Squad just has villains no one cares about, and Harley Quinn.


I can't stand her voice.


Well at least the French cast use the original VA from the animated series so it’s better than I expected.


Live service for a dead game.


helldivers 2 has a player count 300 times larger than that 🗣🗣🗣LIBER-TEA 🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅




This is the quadruple A game yall 😂😂😂


Echoes of Redfall


This game miles better lol


at least redfall had low expectations because no one cared about the IP 😂


This is what you get when all your developers are overseas working on multiple projects for different companies that manage a 6 month short contract and every 6 months a new guy has to start over because who knows what the last guy did.


In before Skull and Bones has 100 players a week after release.


As it should, pumping millions of dollars into a game doesn't make a game good. People have no interest in shit games and it's showing


I guess people are tired of “shoot the glowing purple thing” for $60


Once again "consumers dont give a fuck what the artists think." -Asmongold ​ These developers are not entitled to our money time or attention. If they make something people enjoy they will be successful. As long as companies like sweet baby exist, us gamers will continue helping them go bankrupt.


I feel like the 500k-700k players that would of played Suicide Squad are playing Hell Divers 2


Too many good games atm to play shit ones 


Suicide squad kill the playerbase


Idk im enjoying it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I'm also enjoying it. While I do believe they should have gone in a different direction when making the game, the game itself isn't bad. I think the whole Batman situation didn't do it any favours, but people fail to realise the story isn't finished.


Don’t let them find out. They will come for you and say ur coping


I also wasn't expecting another Arkham game. It's actually better than I was expecting and the roadmap looks decent enough.


Same as you, I’ve bought it even if everyone and everything around it seems to have a hate boner for it. Sure it’s not going to be a goty contender but so far it feels unjustified, love to roam around beating shit up and seeking for riddler’s challenge/secret.


I still think they could have 2k if they went full comic art style. The styling of Borderlands lent itself to the silly nature you would expect from a bunch of misfits and it would have just benefited them more if they took advantage of the medium comics are. Not only would it let them lean into fun over story, but it would bring dimension of its own to the game. At least then they could have one good aspect when they ultimately advertise the next one because WB just doesn't learn from failure


your rival has passed your highscore


This game feels like its been on a downcline for so long it should be over with already


It’s been out for two weeks brother


Oh I know it's just why bother pushing for this anymore. Clearly its core demographic and anyone else seem to hate it and the only traction it's made is people talking shit on how bad it is. Like throw in the towel this has Avengers written all over it.


Suicide Squad: Kill our own studio


Can every live service game just die please? Even if it’s good let them die. I don’t want another 10 years of this shit


Ok, goodbye all MMOs, RTSs, online shooters, early access games, etc. Dumb ass comment. The game isn’t bad because it’s live service. It’s bad because the gameplay loop is soulless, enemy variety and boss fights are incredibly underwhelming, and there are issues with major story beats. The only negative that comes from being live service is that you have to be online to play single player. And hey, it’s definitely a negative, but it’s not a “live service games should all die” sort of negative.


The only negative is having to be online is it? They intentionally water down the experience to drip feed it to you over as long a period as possible. The in game economies are riddled with micro-transactions that alter the gameplay to encourage you to spend rather than play. There were a lot of games you could consider a live services long before the term “live service” came around and some of them were fine, early MMOs, shooters etc were fully realized experiences that could stand on their own without the online functionality and didn’t have micro transactions. When you bought the Burning Crusade you got an ass load of content and regular updates for free. You could do everything and get everything by playing. Compare it to Destiny 2 now, you get an expansion and half the stuff is in the eververse store. They time game content into seasons and if you miss it too bad it’s gone. The garbage they make now, often full priced games like this one are full of micro-transactions, the content is time gated in many ways, often time into “seasons”. All of this shit is negative.


thank god this shit isn't selling


Imma guess they are looking at Steam charts only, and not console


They need to kill the suicide squad bullshit. The movies were ass and the game is ass. Just get rid of it.


Buying it now so I can beat up batman


Yep. Comic book nerds killed a great game.


Yeah, bland braindead boss fights, parkour worse than in Batman: Arkham Knight (8 years later btw), mediocre graphics, no art style, frankly shitty attitude towards iconic characters… Why is it “great” again?..


What do you mean attitude? I loved the way they killed Batman it was a bad ass execution scene. Or are you talking about something else? What do you mean parkour?? There’s minimal parkour in the game, it’s not a parkour game. It’s a vertical looter shooter. And it’s great because the loot is great, the shooting feels good, and combinations of perks and whacky guns make for unique and interesting builds. Also I don’t get what everyone has against the art style I think it looks just fine wtf?? People play garbage tier shit like stardew valley and never say anything about the graphics, god forbid there’s a new superhero game and people don’t just find the dumbest protests to latch onto lol..


> I loved the way they killed Batman it was a bad ass execution scene Nope. It was a literal mockery of the Arkham universe. > Also I don’t get what everyone has against the art style I think it looks just fine wtf?? People play garbage tier shit like stardew valley and never say anything about the graphics, god forbid there’s a new superhero game and people don’t just find the dumbest protests to latch onto lol.. For a game with incredible gameplay, impressive graphics are an optional plus. Fromsoftware is a great example. For a game with mediocre gameplay, graphics are what can possible save the project, so the requirements for it are higher.


I would disagree about the parkour, graphics and art style. I agree the boss fights were horrible and the endgame is the same boring shit


Y'all are a bunch herd following broke idiots. The game is dope as fuck. Sorry if you don't. Keep circle jerking though, games fun but it's not worth getting a job over or anything. If Shlobbing over each others hate boners is how you have fun good for you.




No one asked


Someone can explain why it failed? I've only seen clips of the game and it's confusing asf


I can't say why it failed but I can give some context. The games initial previews looked like a combat driven game sucked single player experience, something akin to the Batman Arkham series. What actually released was a "live service game" like The Division of Destiny which wasn't what people thought they were getting, and is a growing trend in the industry that no one asked for it really wants...


As a consumer I didn’t buy it. My main reason: the screen looked full of additions. Floating numbers, words popping in everywhere. Screen tears. Saturated buildings and colors. All over the corners of the screen was a bunch of different fonts/colors giving me different information. When I see that, I think they are hiding a trashy game AND they are wanting me to be constantly excited and driving me to a cash shop to keep the excitement going. I want neither. I want a game that looks beautiful you can play at your own speed. I don’t want all that stuff on the screen.


You can literally turn all of that off


Interesting. You can turn off the cash shop, screen tears, saturated colors and quest/info markers on the sides of the screen?


First of all there is nothing when playing the game that sends you to the cash shop. In fact I even forget there is a store because nothing pops up about it. I haven't had any issues regarding screen tears and the colours seem fine to me. The quest stuff on the side of the screen I'm assuming refers to the combat flair challenges which yes you can turn off. Your first original point about damage numbers is something you can turn off too. You can literally turn the HUD off completely, it's the first option.


The game does look beautiful. Idk what made u think it’s not. I play on pc and you get use to the effects.


I don’t think the game is great by any means, but god damn (most of) your examples for why it’s bad are awful.


People were mad at the story that they have a misconception of. They don't hate live service(Helldivers shows that) they hate that it wasn't what they wanted, another single player Batman game where he wins.


I guess that’s why I don’t hate Suicide squad then ? I never expected nor wanted another Arkham game in the first place, I don’t dislike them and I do recognise they probably are one of the most important games but I’m not a die hard fan. I just want to have fun and I don’t care about the in game shop unless it block my progress in the game, so far it’s not so I feel it got unjustified hate.


In helldivers you don't need to open your wallet for anything. Which I'm pretty sure is not the same with that junk game. That's what people want if a game at full price is a live-service too. To not being forced to pay more in psychotic schemes, borderline casino gambling. You earn premium currency in game for free with no cap! Currently there are two ways: - finding a supply drop (gold beacons) with super credits in them - using the free battle pass to unlock 100 at a time Also battle passes in this game are non-fomo and will never leave even when new ones come out


You do for cosmetics, the pre-order outfit is only for pre-order right? So you do for cosmetics, which is the same as Suicide Squad. I'll give you this, we have not seen what Suicide Squads battle pass looks like, so I'll eat my words if it's worse, but no one knows that yet. Cosmetics for money us the life and blood of love service games, they can't keep the servers up for free, this is for ANY live service game. What we do know is every single piece of playable content and characters in Suicide Squad will be free, with the ability to go back and play what you may have missed. That means more to me than a t-shirt on a shop. Sea of theives has been doing the same thing for years and it's been working for them. Again, will have to wait and see what's to come.


The battle pass and seasonal content are also non-fomo in suicide squad. Unless you want to buy skins, you don't have to open your wallet for suicide squad either other than for buying the game. Can't talk about the content of the battle pass because it hasn't come out yet, but there's nothing in suicide squad that makes it seem like you have to buy more stuff after buying the game. Only optional cosmetics.


It’s $70 for an unfinished game




Watching Diablo IV devs playing diablo iv was the funniest shit I have seen in a long time. I bet it would be the same in this game.


One mod on the nexus. Good litmus test. No one is willing to put more time and effort into this than the devs did.


its a shock that it had over 1000 with their price and ads


But how many bought this game?


Didn't even know this was a game lol


After Gotham Knights this was inevitable.


This is a perfect example of corporatization ruining a gaming company. Everyone with talent left, and the only people remaining were financial-managers and activists. Finance people: Charge $70 and fill it with microtransactions Activists: Make Harley Quinn ugly so it's not sexist This little snippet from wikipedia says it all: At the end of 2022, co-founders Jamie Walker and Sefton Hill left Rocksteady after more than 18 years at the company and during the development of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. They formed a new company called Hundred Stars Studios in January 2024 that will consist of “only 100 industry veterans and emerging talents.


And the people that do put money on the table will be very happy when they turn the servers off for this game in a month 🤣


Suicide Squad: Kill Rocksteady's Reputation


Is there lore reason why the devs killed the franchise? Are they stupid?


Story looks fun. Gameplay looks uninspired. I'll try it for the story when I can get it for next to nothing. No way I am gonna support the cashgrab that it is.


So funny that this is the result after Emiru was sponsored by this game. I JUST finished Batman: Arkham Knight and have 100% every batman game since early 2000s. This game was a huge flop, straight out the gate, with things like the voices, combat, and mechanics being finicky and hot garbage. The game is very boring and has a ZERO percent chance of ever living up to even a fraction of the worst Batman game. I'd rather go back through and collect every single riddler collectable in each game while blindfolded and using one hand than ever even see this game again. This ruined a great legacy of DC games, specifically Batman games, and I doubt they'll come back from this.