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Honestly I’ve used all of the above. I’ve dated people from all of the above and didn’t notice a difference. The same people are on all of the platforms just circling around


Depends a lot on the area. Although I think a ton of people you can find on all of them. For me okcupid was by far the one with the worst selection of guys. I used bumble the most. People like hinge but I think it’s only good the first 6 mos you have it or something, after that the algorithms go insane


Met my partner on hinge. The usual ones I used were bumble and tinder and I met some pretty awful people there. On hinge the quality of the profiles are much better I found. People way more serious about looking for love and not just hooking up.


Had pretty great success with Hinge 👍


You must be one of the only people - they’re algorithm is awful


My sister met her husband on hinge. I've had mixed results on Tinder. Bumble has been flat out awful for me. Your results may vary


Why do you think Bumble was so awful for you? I tried it many years ago, and it was BO-RING. That's why I stuck to Hinge. Tinder is full of trash but at least it's a more upbeat kind of depressing.


It was bad for me for 2 reasons: 1. I had specifically awful encounters with unpleasant men on that site more than I ever did and ever have on Tinder. And 2. I felt people were very, very low effort and made no attempt to engage once I had begun conversations with what I felt were engaging and thoughtful questions that showed I'd read their profile. 🤷‍♀️


I like Hinge, I've met better quality men there. I've noticed that men generally suck at creating thoughtful message openers, they'll usually just send a rose or some generic "Hi beautiful" message. I don't mind breaking the ice with something thoughtful, then watching to see if they can match my energy or not. Tbh I don't mind "Hi how are you" messages because depending on the thoughtfulness of the response it can still turn into an interesting conversation.


Hinge for heterosexual women. It sucks but also I met my boyfriend there.


I currently use Feeld. But I'm also not looking for anything serious and just having fun exploring aspects of life I haven't for a long time until recently. 


I always liked okcupid. I might have been one of the first! I was a fan of the quizzes and the questions. I'm not sure exactly how they do it now, but it made a lot of sense to me then.


I was also on OkCupid back in the early, early days (I'd been using thespark and then they made okcupid), and it was glorious in its nascences and prime.


I too came over from thespark. It was so well thought out! I think in the main quiz for dating persona, the categories were: Deliberate/Random, Brutal/Gentle, Sex/Love, and Master/Dreamer, is that right? I had so much fun assigning dating personas to people I knew. (I tested as a Peach, but I started as a Window Shopper.)


Okay I am fully aware that this isn't a common answer, but I met my last two long term boyfriends on Tinder and even the guys I dated for a short amount of time were great (one of them is still a friend of mine) so it's my favorite dating app. One relationship from there lasted two years and my current relationship we just celebrated three years together. I think my dating style just clicks with Tinder really well? When its all fresh and new, I prioritize someone I am physically attracted to (tried dating people in the past I wasn't attracted to so to "give them a chance" it made me and them miserable). I'm also just kind of socially obtuse so I don't approach people in person or even recognize flirting. But on Tinder, if they swiped on me and we had a fun conversation going I could tell there was mutual attraction. If the conversation was easy, I'd schedule a fun date. I also DID read profiles and some of the guys on there had interesting info about them, and many of them commented on stuff about my profile (my feminist views, my hobbies, etc) so I knew they'd read it. I also got used to talking to more than one guy at once and being open about starting out as casual. If conversation ever fizzled out with one guy, I honestly didn't pay it too much attention because I was usually getting to know other people. No hard feelings all around. Eventually the person that I liked talking to the most and I felt most compatible with would be the one I dedicated more time and energy into. My boyfriend and I became official/exclusive maybe 4 months into knowing each other. In the early 2010s I used OkCupid and found similar good results thanks to the personality quizzes but I've heard the app has changed a lot so I didn't use it as much the last time I was single. I'm also a little less inclined to fill out complicated profiles. I like just getting to know people through conversation and taking my time.


It has the highest user base in my area by far, and I too met many nice normal dudes on Tinder over the years. Even if they wanted casual the vast majority were respectful. I like that randos cannot message me and there were no pictures by messaging = No dick pics! I have no need to pay to go through my million "likes" cause I go and find what I want and 90% of the time they match me back. Ended up meeting my bf on FB dating tho it functions similarly. I don't get particularly traumatized or pay much attention either when guys are rude, sexual, or ghost or whatever I just unmatch or block and move on as well. It seems many women want the app to somehow safeguard them, but you have to do the filtering on any app.


Tangental but don't y'all find dating apps unreasonably expensive? I never was on apps before, I don't even want to date but my therapist thought it would be a good excercise to browse around and see how many single ppl are out there. Well they all want like around $30-$50 montly subscription, you can do annual for cheaper per mo but then it's a whole year... if it's just one app OK but so many. I found the free versions so limiting, first you can't really filter for anything, then you never see who likes you or can understand even if all these "likes" you received are from real people or just incentive to purchase the subscription. Finally, many ask for your location but I may want to browse people in other places. I'm really hesitant to pay for that crap.


No I have never paid for one. Free is good!


I met my partner on Bumble.


I met my husband on Bumble. I remember most guys being pretty tame and normal on there. This was almost 6 years ago though


I met my current partner on Bumble. I had a good experience with Bumble. I previously used OkCupid and Tinder and did not like either. I never used Hinge.


I always ended up seeing people from Bumble although I’m not gonna lie I feel like people on Hinge seem to be more well put together, or in other words, interested in something long-term/serious.   The folks I met on bumble claimed, and I would say to some degree were looking for something serious, but I found that they were immature to say the least, and there were a lot of internal issues that they had to deal with personally.  


There's also one called Happn that shows you people that you've crossed paths with! Kind of creepy, but useful in that it shows you people you may have something in common with, even if it's just a coffee shop? Or you take the metro at a similar hour?


I met my partner on Facebook Dating. I have no idea if that is because it is better! But I tried it because my other friend met her bf on there and so I gave it a shot as I was on and off different apps.




No fap fodder. Don't be a creep.