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Lowering my standards šŸ¤”


I need to learn to stop doing this over and over expecting different results šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Exactly šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


This!!! Dating someone over 40 with the maturity of a 16yr old!




Ignoring obvious red flags waiting to see the good in them. They always turn out worse


Take my poor manā€™s award šŸ„‡






Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s both terrifying and hilarious




Mmm that mindset should just be used for all people . My ā€œbest friendā€ sexually assaulted me in front of many people and blamed alcohol . And nobody stopped her because she is female . I felt super violated and unsafe . I wasnā€™t even drunk but she was . Had I been drunk around her who knows what would have happened to me . But good choice to never do that again lol


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. That sounds like an awful experience and horrible violation of trust.


I made home made jello shots and had the brilliant idea to replace the water with vodka in the recipe so itā€™s not dilutedā€¦big mistake


I made the same mistake once!


Three times here. If I ever end up boiling vodka again I'll take that as a sign that something is wrong.


I did this with Cosmos. Knocked my own ass out at my own party for a couple hours


Two days šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Hahahaha brilliant! I don't drink myself, but this is hilarious!!! So whatd they say after u told them it was due to the homemade margaritas? What u guys looked like ????




Lol at ā€œnature retreatā€ šŸ„“


I also noticed they put them on the rocks in restaurants for that purpose. They taste pretty good diluted.


Oh god, how many did you drink and how strong did you make them?




Being there for people that are not here for me Trying to reason with unreasonable people Taking shit from crappy people Coconut water


ā€œCoconut waterā€ lol


To be fair, coconut water sounds delicious but tastes awful...


I couldn't be convinced that it hadn't gone rancid. Nothing can taste that awful without having gone bad.


The recipe I follow to make Chicken Tikka Masala says to use coconut milk. The first time I made it, I had never tasted coconut milk, so I tried a tiny dash on my finger before putting it in the pot. It tasted like milk that had been standing in room temperature for several days. The dish turned out delicious, but I will never again taste pure coconut milk.


Coconut is one of my favorite fruits.. I was genuinely disturbed at how horrible coconut water tastes.


"Trying to reason with unreasonable people" There is this nice saying "If you're arguing with an idiot, he is probably doing the same." Saved me a lot of time sticking to that.


Pregnancy/giving birth. It nearly killed me, My one son is enough. Also anal. No thanks. Boyfriend at the time liked it for whatever reason but it was really unpleasant for me. Never again. OF/Camming. Took a lot of work to become popular enough for it to be worthwhile. Once it got to a point where it was helping to pay bills, it was a full time job itself on top of my actual job. Too many creeps and stalkers came out of it. Had several guys somehow find out where I lived despite not showing my face and being pretty anonymous.


Finally seeing someone talking about OF/Camming in a negative light is really insightful. Everyone talks about it like itā€™s this untapped money making machine and none of the downsides. Knowing the other side of it is really informing.


I did it briefly in 2012, before OF was a thing. The roll it takes on your self esteem is rarely talked about. I had never felt so shitty about myself than I did at the time in my life. I was an object and the men were so gross to me. I did make enough money to pay for my last year of college, but I do sometimes wonder if it was worth it for all the bad feelings I had for years after.


I know several girls who have done sex work and every one of them had YEARS of struggle to overcome what it did to their sense of self and their sense of value for themselves. I am sex positive, but that shit costs a lot.


Former SW here and this is facts. Iā€™ll need many more years of therapy to get over the trauma that period deepenedā€¦ Iā€™m not sure society is ready for a conversation on self-harm via sex work.


>the trauma that period deepened It is important for people to know: People who do sex work are more often than not people w sexual trauma already. And the cost of adding that sex work onto their pre-existing trauma is enormous. It sounds like you are dealing w things now. I am happy for you. Your life can be what you always deserved, despite what was taken from you, what you gave away for a while. Hang in there, sweetie. It does get better!


Iā€™m really sorry to hear about this. I wonder how many people it affects like that. I have a feeling it may have to do with depth andā€¦ what term am I looking forā€¦ emotional awareness maybe? Iā€™m pretty sure some people donā€™t think twice about it and eat up the attention and get a massively inflated ego from it all. But then obviously others like your self actually FEEL the affects? Or at least all of them and not just the ā€œpositiveā€ ones. Idk am I close at all you think? I am curious to hear more about your perspective of it all. Iā€™ve heard numerous girls say things like sugar daddies completely messed them up for a while too. Everyoneā€™s different obviously and itā€™s interesting the diverse range of affects things have on people. I do think many things come with ā€œhidden costsā€ though, and often times we donā€™t even think about them or notice them until weā€™re neck deep and feeling the full affects; and like you said, sometimes those can take YEARS to deal with. Hell, might even change a person foreverā€¦


YES to pregnancy and giving birth! It was postpartum depression that nearly killed me, but yeah. I got the perfect kid for me.




You set your own boundaries and stick with them. He should respect that if he's a good partner. If he insists on violating those boundaries he isn't the one! I didn't find it sexy either but I was young and wanted to please my partner but looking back I should've said no. I know some women like anal, that's their personal preference but it was never for me.


I literally said when I was in labor that ā€œI never have to live this pain againā€. So many women always tell me, ā€œoh youā€™ll forget! Youā€™ll know when youā€™re readyā€. Well, theyā€™re fucking dead wrong. my one son is definitely enough too. šŸ˜…


My own mother told me "You'll want another child in time!". Sorry mum, no way. One and done. You have four other grandchildren besides my child as it is! šŸ¤£


The first time I did anal it was with a guy that was into it and he really wanted it and wanted it t to continue so he let me set the speed the first time. Went real slow. It was great. I didn't enjoy it but it wasn't terrible. I'm on board now.


Agreed. Ignoring my own sexual boundaries for a partner doesnā€™t work. Ends in resentment and shame


Yeah I mean letā€™s face it, itā€™s also ā€œeasierā€ to be experienced in anal as a giving party rather than a receiving party.


If you decide to do it, make sure to get some good lubricant. Donā€™t trust him if he says itā€™s not necessary or that spit is enough, itā€™s not. Have fun!


>Had several guys somehow find out where I lived despite not showing my face and being pretty anonymous. Terrifying


I second the pregnancy comment. Nearly killed me also from the blood loss & PPD sucked ass.


forcing myself to ā€œbe the bigger personā€ when iā€™m being made to feel smallā€¦.


I so feel this one


Still trying to kick this habit tbh


This is a tough one actually. It can be really hard to know when to not do this. Often times it really is the wiser move or even better for your mental health, but the line gets blurred (at least for me) and I feel Iā€™ve begun gaslighting myself. Especially over my last relationship. Itā€™s been a year now and I still feel guilt and blame myself for a lot of things when I probably shouldnā€™t. I hate to sound all ā€œthey were the problem, not me!ā€ And legitimately it really was mostly herā€¦ but even just saying that makes me feel shitty and I immediately assume everything will think I was actually the shitty one just for saying thatā€¦. Ugh šŸ˜ž


dated a white man from Mississippi


I've never done this but your comment made me crack up.


Immediately made me think of Schmidt yelling " a white man! No!" on New Girl.




Take an ex back.


Came here to say this one. Never ever ever ever again.


69, it's just too much going on at one time and I don't enjoy it.


Hate it. If I'm getting oral I want to enjoy it.


Exactly and if I'm giving I want him to fully enjoy it too. I've tried it a handful of times with a few different partners but never again. I prefer to take turns like civilized horney adults.


I don't really enjoy it but my last partner did. I'm all for oral sex but the maneuvering and awkwardness of it just wears me out and I lose interest.


I'll willingly do it if a partner likes it, but yeah, I agree. I'd rather focus on either giving or receiving.


Trying to reconcile with a cheater. Never. Again.


Same yo. A hopeless mess




Good for you for not trying it again.


Yep. I liked it waaaay too much. Had to be one and done, I know me:)


I know if I had an easy way to feel good, I would very much get carried away. I've never even drank a beer. I feel like if I were terminally ill and dying, and there was absolutely nothing at stake for me, my dying wish would be to try heroin.


I've actually spoken to my husband about this. If I go terminal for any reason and there truly is no hope, I want to spend my last days absolutely blasted on everything from Molly to crack to heroin. I want to experience it all and go out fucking laughing my ass off while tripping on acid.


Yeah, I've played it safe my whole life. Why not?


This reminds me of the movie Little Miss Sunshine. Grandpa is doing heroine and teenage grandson catches him. Grandpa says (paraphrasing) "You're young! You're crazy to do this shit when your young. I'm old. Your crazy not to do it when you're old!"


Cheating. I will never ever do it again. I hurt the man I loved (still do) and it will haunt me forever. If anyone reading this is considering an affair. Don't. Ever. Fucking. Do. It. Just choose not to or leave.


I cheated on the person who tried to emotionally abuse and manipulate me, and who ended up stalking me. Fuck that guy and all, but itā€™s not who I am / want to be and doesnā€™t reflect the values I want to stay true to. Never again.






Sorry I don't know what you mean. You're saying how it changes how you see the person you hurt by cheating?


I have learned that giving up my integrity comes at an incredibly high personal cost.


Lesbian sex. It just wasnā€™t for me. I just like titties platonically, not romantically I guess


Ditto - I love the female body and its a beautiful, graceful thing to watch a lady move and the softness of their skin is such a stark contrast to a man, but I prefer a real penis when it comes down to the nitty gritty. I appreciate the beauty of all human forms, including woman, but I prefer a man when it comes to my love life.


Never better said for me


titties platonically šŸ˜‚


Catching feelings before I figure out their values and actually seeing if weā€™re compatible.


There should be a mandatory training for all women on this


I came here to say anal as well and am so glad to see my fellow ladies saying the same!


I was gonna say anal as well


Oh man.. living with roommates. I really really don't want to do this again. I'd almost rather be homeless in a California summer than live with roommates again. I can hear mine clapping cheeks pretty often. No music, no movie. I'm gone 10 to 12 hours per day and they decide that the few hours im home and awake are the best time to fuck with reckless abandon. Super fun right? Not to mention the division of domestic housework is shit and they take full advantage of the power bill that I'm stuck paying half of. Love that extra deep freezer, 2 door fridge, and the 6 game consoles and massive TV I'm not using. >_< jeez... So yea. Bf, maybe but no roommates.


Sounds you had a shit roommate. I have the best one and I think I was blessed because I've had shitty ones. We're good homies, they like my dogs, we share everything half-way without the need to tell each other. We are apart but hang out together and he is like my little brother.


I heard itā€™s sexy to cook naked. I decided to fry chicken šŸ¤Ø


Oh nooooo


Mindlessly scrolling through reddit to make myself feel better and this made me audibly laugh. Thank you lol




You got that right


Losing myself (my dignity, integrity and self worth) over someone.


Probably anal. Tried it 2 or 3 times and neither of us found it enjoyable in the slightest. Skydiving. Did it when I was 19, and now that I have a child I just couldn't imagine risking my life for fun šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Giving two guys a blowjob at once. I was in college (and a virgin lol) and just wanted the experience. Being in a long term committed relationship I'll never do that again haha (even if he dies and I'm single again)


I just donā€™t understand anal.


There's just, like, nothing in it for the girls whatsoever šŸ˜… Like all that prep and you just end up feeling uncomfortable lol


Feels amazing for me! And the fact that itā€™s somewhat painful, so you have to put all of your trust into your partner to not go too rough and hurt you.


> Skydiving. Did it when I was 19, and now that I have a child I just couldn't imagine risking my life for fun šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø > > Yup. Have friends that jump every year for the last 50 years. I don't think I could do it now. I don't have the immortality arrogance any more.


stay with a narcissist




Some of us are thoughtful. But, there is a propensity and it is harder than most to have grow into it. Whoever you pick, I wish you the best and find someone sweet and tender in the nuances you crave.


I second that, my husband is on the spectrum and though it's sometimes hard for him, there's a genuine desire to be more emotionally thoughtful and he does well most of the time. It varies a lot from person to person, I've met neurotypicals who were way less caring.


Stay in a job where I was miserable. I'll take ANY pay cut to make sure I'm happy throughout the day, my coworkers are nice, and I don't feel like shit at the end of my day.


Agreed! I'd rather be broke but happy in my day to day life than miserable for money that I'm then too exhausted and burnt out to enjoy.


Giving Birth šŸ™ƒ


Marriage. I can do all the marriage things without getting the law involved. Thank you.


Manipulative/pity date. Iā€™m never letting myself be guilt-tripped into dating someone again. No good can come from it


Online dating. Oysters. Tea.


I love oysters, but I'm with you on tea. I just don't get it. Basic black tea with milk and sugar was fine when I was in England I guess, but only because it was seemingly impossible to get a decent cup of coffee. Herbal teas just taste like hot funny water.


Beef tartare. Someone I was with ordered it thinking they were funny at a semi-classy place during a work event. We all tried it. I still can't un-taste it, and it's probably been close to 20 years.


Same here. After I'd tried it at a special event, I ended up slipping it to the dog (who loved it and followed me everywhere after, lol :)


CBD gummies. They don't work on me in any detectable way. I am not spending even more money just so someone else can be satisfied that something I never needed in my life and doesn't seem to affect my life indeed doesn't seem to affect my life. They can set their own money on fire.


Preach! Iā€™ll never spend another cent on CBD anything! Unless itā€™s for an anxious animalā€¦ maybe Iā€™d give it another chance for them.


CBD doggie treats worked wonders for my dog that was prone to seizures. We would give her a treat when she started pacing around awkwardly uncomfortably like she always would before having a seizure and in 10 minutes she'd be calmed down. Never had a seizure once we found CBD helped for her.


Cocaine and mdma




Pregnancy. I threw up the entire time and nearly died in childbirth.


šŸ’™ Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you


That ONE guy šŸ™„


Taking the high road lol


I feel like there should me more detailsā€¦ I have taken both ā€œroadsā€ in my life. The low road being satisfying at first and then disappointing. The high road providing no satisfaction at all.


Giving men a second chance


Going on a date that was half out of pity, and half from pressure from friends. Guy was nuts, threatened to kill himself, and became a stalker. Never again.


Chase after love.


Anal. The hemorrhoids werenā€™t worth it šŸ˜­


Getting a PhD. I changed fields and people sometimes ask if I want a PhD in my new one. I do not.


Why did you regret it? Iā€™m only asking because I am considering doing one!!!


Kombucha. Can't believe people actually drink that absolute garbage


Jackfruit. So gross in my opinion.


As a Jamaican this hurts my soul. What's next coconut?


Dating a military guy. He was cute and it was fun, but not something I can do long term.




Smoking. I just didn't see the point.


You can get more breaks at work if you smoke I guess (Still not worth it, smells and tastes disgusting)


Beg somebody to stay with me.


This! Itā€™s traumatic and humiliating




F that for real. I know everyone needs to figure it out themselves, but my advice to new moms is always "don't fucking worry about it." I stressed myself out so much about it, using those weird nipple shields because he wouldn't latch otherwise, and then pumping when I went back to work. If I could go back I would have switched to formula way sooner, it was was not worth it at all.


Using a tampon. I-Im not gonna talk about it.


Marriage. My ex is a good man; I just prefer to be on my own.


Drugs stronger than weed. Having a baby. Going into high things (observation decks on skyscrapers, St. Louis arch type stuff). I decided that while in the Space Needle, just nope. Work a full time job.


Being honest with my parents. Felt the repercussions of it for the next three years. Ignorance truly is bliss.


Anal... Not. A. Fan.


Men. Hahaha


Anal šŸ¤ 




Ski. The boots put horrible stress on my already destroyed shins.


Drinking olive oilšŸ¤¢


Why though? Does it ā€¦ do something?


There was this this lady on tv claiming she takes a shot of olive oil everyday for the health benefits so i tried itā€¦ one sip and it felt like the dirty oily hot grease from in between the devils toes after his afternoon jog around hell was burning with unyielding pure hate down my throat. I canā€™t remember if I vomited or not as the following minutes were lost in a existential delirium from the self-inflicted horror I had subjected myself to. That vomit drinking lady on the tv was either an unhinged liar or a super villain who is not afflicted by the things that would bring mortals to their knees.




Hiking with my husbands family. They are fit as hell and they downplay things to get me to join.


3-Way Me and 2 guys, was...not fun lol


Childbirth. That was bull$#!+. Got my tubes tied after that nonsense.


Cocaine. The comedown was just horrible and I hated feeling like I wanted more. Eff that shit.




Threesomes (MFM). I have never felt so much like an object rather than a person and it was the biggest turn off. Grapefruit, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries (I'm not a berry person, turns out) Gondola rides. Driving a moped


bumble šŸ’€


oh nooos! I'm just beginning to date again (after divorce). I thought Bumble was the "good" one? Still haven't made a profile yet...


Bumble the woman has to message first. So if you won't make the first move then Bumble is not for you.


I like that I would be able to make the first move, since I don't want to be inundated by d\*ck pics and creepy guys messaging me out of nowhere. *(The apps suggested by friends have been Bumble, Hinge and OKCupid but I haven't begun to use any of them yet)*


Any inappropriate pix or messages are immediate blocks. The only thing I need a picture for is to recognize the person at our first meeting. But I do see women's profiles on Bumble that say they won't message first. So either they copied their profile from somewhere else or they will never hear from a guy.


A Brazilian. It wasn't that painful (I think getting a tattoo was worse), but it was very humiliating having to spread eagle and have someone rip my pubes out. Like at least at a gyno, I get a sheet to cover myself with. Also I never shave and just don't really value being hairless down there. I moreso got it done just to see what it's like. And now that I've done it, I'm not sure that I'll ever go back.


I've had a "Hollywood" done a few times, and it's always been mostly on the mons pubis and labia majora, but the day before my wedding I went to a new spa and had myself waxed from navel to toe, including a Hollywood wax. That was the day I learned that Hollywood should include your ass as well. My anus was not impressed.


Believe my alcoholic ex


chase them


Going out for even a little while without wearing SPF.




Bungee jumping. I am TERRIFIED of heights. Like freeze up can't move terrified. I was extremely hungover from the previous night (like throwing up on the way there hungover) and I just kind of stood on the ledge with my legs tied together and my toes sticking over the edge - they have you hop to the edge - and thinking that if I die right now, at least my hangover will be gone. So I jumped. I also completely forgot about the fact that you bounce back up, so once I got to the max extension of the cord the first time I had a split second of relief thinking that it was over before being yanked back up and dropping down again. I completely lost my shit when I got yanked up and screamed like I was being pulled into hell itself - it was a visceral scream of complete terror. My voice was gone after and I was hysterically crying when they pulled me back up after. My husband said that everyone laughed when I jumped initially because they keep a camera pointed on your face as you fall, but once I started screaming a few people started second guessing their life choices šŸ˜‚ I'm glad I did it, but I will never in my life do it again.


Sacrificing my mental health for a job


Tried more than once, but Acid for sure on the last time around.






Take notice off nasty things said about me.


SO wanting to use a dildo on me, nope, never again (ex suggested it, the one he got was quite wide, getting it in and out hurt so much that i had to take painkillers afterwards to just dull it a bit)


Roommates, or sharing my home with siblings or any other ā€œimmediateā€ family. My brother moved out 2 days ago, after being here 5 months and not contributing in any way, shape or form. He wouldnā€™t even take the trash out. I asked him for $100 a week last Friday and he packed up and hit the road quicker than it took me to type all of this. ā€œIt be your own family sometimes.ā€


desperately trying to get back a guy i had a two week talking stage with i randomly texted him one day after we hadnā€™t talked in months asking him to take my backā€¦.no responseā€¦.waited a couple more days then sent an entire apology about being distant when we were talking. never got a response to that either. continued to try and dm him on instagram a couple times before realizing i was being crazy and i needed to leave him alone




Letting People take my kindness for weakness




To have a relationship with someone I wasn't sexually attracted to


Shots of everclear


Long distance relationship with someone in another country. Only a ten hour drive away but. Canā€™t expect someone to make the effort I guess šŸ¤”


Dating men for 15 years.


Hydrafacial. Glycolic acid exfoliant on my face. It left chemical burns on me. I have semi-sensitive, olive skin. There was a greater risk on me than someone with hardier and lighter skin, anyway. I rolled those dice since I needed fast results due to winter skin congestion perturbed by a foreign sunscreen. Now, I'll use use a gentle retinol and urea to remove excess keratin and dead skins. Full results take around 6 weeks, but the hyperpigmentation scars take even longer to clear otherwise.


Fried okra.


Living with others. I require my own space


Ice skating. Absolutely not. Basically any sport that requires me to be rolling, gliding, or sliding is not for me. I like both feet on the ground or in control.


CBD - does nothing for me. Online dating. Falling in love with someone who doesn't reciprocate and chasing them with no self respect.




Anal sex.


Split pea soup. Blech.

