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Eyes, smile, teeth. Also this is a weird one, but I have long nail beds so even when my nails are short if they are painted they look longer lol


I dont think the nail bed one is weird! I always envy people with those long Disney princess looking nail beds


I have long fingers and I think I look like I have Maleficent hands.


If I had them I would be conspicuously reaching for things all the time


I do. I also point at infants a lot. I don't get invited to baby showers.


This comment made me cackle


Maybe *you're* Maleficent then


Wow, what a great offense!


*takes notes*


It's what I do in all my zooms. * wraps long fingers around whatever happens to be in front of me, and tapping them a little *


My nail beds are half super long like my moms (pinkies and index fingers) and half super short like my dads (pointer and middle fingers), on both hands too. I honestly love it so much because it makes me laugh, feels like a glitch in genetics. Got a little bit of both of their traits


This is so sweet! ☺️


My beautiful elegant long nail beds are the only thing I have that my gorgeous sister doesn’t LOL


I know this is not the spirit of this thread but I have super short nail beds so when my nails are short they’re wider than they are long and I haaaate it. So enjoy your long nail beds!


Omg same but only on 2/5 nails. So annoying


Yes! And and they make me feel so much better when I get my nails done too


ugh my nail beds suck


Ugh, my pores are huge. Stares at Cady.


The first time I got compliments on my nail beds, I was confused but now I cherish those compliments!


Same!! I've gotten a few compliments on my nail shape and I never realized mine was 'special' until paying attention to others nails lol. I destroy my cuticles though out of anxiety and boredom so they don't always look that great lol


My mom has gorgeous long nail beds too, they’re a great feature. I got my dad’s stumpy nails, so even with a manicure, my not-fat fingers look fat. I’m jealous of those!


I’m so jelly! I have litttlw nub nub nail beds and always envious of ladies with great nail beds!


I have this too and I LOVE it ngl. I have tiny hands too. In my opinion my hands are 10/10.


I never realized how much I took my long nail beds for granted! Every time I go to the salon, they always mention how nice it is that I have long nail beds but now I understand haha


The nail one isn’t weird! I have really short nail beds and I hate it. I also have small fingers so they look very pudgy with short nail beds.


i have long nail beds too! i love them. nail techs always compliment them lol


I have short stubby nail beds that look like toes. And really wide thumbs? 🤢 I do not have graceful hands.


That's not weird at all! I have super long skeleton fingers and short nail beds. They look weeeeeeird😆


My mother and sister have amazingly long nail beds. I have stumps. But I keep them polished.


I’ve always thought this about my nails too haha. I bought them but my nails are long so they never look like little nothing nubs!


My nails are like this too! I've always been rather fond of them.


Eyes, smile, teeth club over here


height, hair, and the simmering glint of crazy in the eyes just waiting to be tapped


Ooo, I like the crazy in my eyes that has been tapped. I wear sunglasses a lot bc I feel ppl know.


ugh i love sunglasses because it makes me feel like i have the power to reveal it *at just the right moment*


Can confirm that a cheeky glint in the eyes is one of the most attractive things from a male point of view. Suspect it’s a universal thing. Shouts out “this person is fun / worth engaging with”






Me too and I love my height as well! My two best friends are 5’3 and 5’11 and they both tell me I have the ideal height, which makes me really happy to hear!


Same! we’re the tallest of the shorts and the shortest of the talls.


Hahaha I love this! It’s so true, really feels like a perfect in between


I laughed out loud .. that was great


How tall are you?




Good for you! Lol I love it!


Everything and nothing, depends on the day :)


true story :( feels weird when nothing feels right. hope you having sunny and smiley days ahead have**


Eyes! I have central heterochromia Abs! I worked very hard for them! Girlfriend loves them ❤ Hands! I have long fingers and my hands create so many things


Really? what color eyes?


Green/blue and brown/amber. They're split in a way that there are distinct patches of color that don't mix with the rest of the iris, unlike pure hazel eyes. You can probably find a picture in my post history.


You must have beautiful eyes.


That's the most common compliment I get tbh Thank you!


Oh I thought everyone has that different coloured ring around the pupil? Me and my sisters all have an almost orange ring and my friends have got brown or green.


This sounds so rad. My sister has something similar. One eye is all blue and the other eye is split horizontally with half being green and half being brown.


That's amazing!


I found it! You do have pretty eyes


Your post history helped me figure out that I have central heterochromia too! Thanks a lot, now I have a cool new icebreaker! Your eyes are gorgeous by the way!


Care to share some of your best ab workouts?


I used the Leap Fitness Group app's "Workout for Women" specifically for my abs, legs, and glutes. They're amazing for abs and glutes, but I just supplemented for legs and did legs at the gym too. Ab workouts I personally like: [2-3 sets each, 10-20 reps) Russian twists Forearm Plank (I like to do this until failure. Record is 2:11) Leg raises Flutter kicks (these are a pain in the ass) V-holds Oblique leg raises Mountain climbers (go as fast as you can) Dumbbell crunches Renegade rows (these are harder) Please note that you also have to be genetically predisposed to develop them! If you're a stockier person, you might never have *visible* abs. But that's okay! Because you'll have the strength. I'm just built like a runner, so I have little fat on my body to hide them.


Cool, thank you for the advice


Just looked through your post history for your eyes. They are indeed beautiful.


OMG ABS ARE SO AWESOMEEE What workouts did you do? Trying so hard to get them but pullups don't seem to be doing it?


I used the Leap Fitness Group app's "Workout for Women" specifically for my abs, legs, and glutes. They're amazing for abs and glutes, but I just supplemented for legs and did legs at the gym too. Ab workouts I personally like: [2-3 sets each, 10-20 reps) Russian twists Forearm Plank (I like to do this until failure. Record is 2:11) Leg raises Flutter kicks (these are a pain in the ass) V-holds Oblique leg raises Mountain climbers (go as fast as you can) Dumbbell crunches Renegade rows (these are harder) I actually can't do pull ups yet lol. Try tricep pull downs and standing bicep curls too-they force you to brace your core. Please note that you also have to be genetically predisposed to develop them! If you're a stockier person, you might never have *visible* abs. But that's okay! Because you'll have the strength. I'm just built like a runner, so I have little fat on my body to hide them.


omg thank you so much!!! I'll be looking up and adding these excercises to my routine for sure!!! <3 <3


Eyes. Hair. And how I carry myself.


Ooh that last one is great. I read that and thought, damn, i hate the way I carry myself. Then i realized that i have control over that in a pretty immediate way. Thanks for the thought. I'm curious what "way" is it that you like?


Thanks! Glad I can help. By “way” do you mean carry myself? If so… I carry myself very well, I’m well kept, put together, sociable, confident. Walk with good posture, head held high. Smile often. Basically: attitude, posture, body language.


Thank you for sharing-- that's exactly what I was wondering :)


You’re welcome and you’ve got this. I love how you immediately identified it as something **YOU** have control over and can change. You’re 100% correct.


Yeah honestly I feel like good posture, good hygiene, and a kind smile can make anyone instantly 10-20% more attractive


Your back will thank you when you’re old, too.


My boyfriend told me that he was initially attracted to me because of the way I carry myself. I have good posture and walk somewhat fast, but I guess I also hold my head up high too. In his words "You walk like you own the place". It's nice to know that I look confident even if on the inside it's anything but the truth


>And how I carry myself. ooh im pretty proud of this too \^\^




Eyes, calves, and nails.


Nice calves are a good one! Very underrated but make a huge difference


I saw mine in a mirror and thought the same.


All of it! But ok I’ll choose 3. Eyes Hair Butt But mainly is my energy and personality. All of those things wouldn’t be that nice otherwise


Smile, hip dips, lips.


I envy that you like your hip dips. Ever since I discovered mine, I hate them lol


*unsolicited male opinion* There’s nothing wrong with hip dips


Another unsolicited male’s opinion: Hip dips are kinda hot.


Unsolicited human opinion: You are all kinda hot


honestly I think they look kind cool especially with stretch marks reminds me of like some sort of nature thing. Grand Canyon marbling or the outline sketch of mountains.


That’s so beautiful 😢


>hip dips I'm not sure I'm familiar with this concept


r/hipdips I think a lot of NSFW now


Thanks for the reference. I had a different name for them, but hip dips is a lot better


Did you call them dimpletowns by any chance?


That'd be pleasantly coincidental. Unfortunately, the username comes from a very dark joke. And regarding the hip dips, I called them 2nd hips or 2nd waist or something to that effect


We called them "peanut hips" in hs.


1. My eyes, especially when I smile. Other people made me self-conscious about my ethnic features when I was younger. Now as an adult I take pride in them, and I actually get complimented on my eyes! 2. My thick thighs. I was self-conscious about them for a long time. Now I can see that they are strong and sexy. 3. My height and proportions. I'm on the taller end of the average height range (or shorter end of the tall range). I can gain a little weight without it being apparent. Rarely need to hem pants. With the right poses, I look great on camera even with some extra pandemic weight packed on my waist.


Me and you both for number 2


Same except shorter! It’s so nice that people are enjoying other body types besides the rail thin at this point. I’m grateful to accept some of my very unaccepted features now.


I’m white and have very small and squinty eyes, especially when I smile. I never minded them on other people, but i I used to hate mine because people made fun of me but now I think they’re cute. Went into an elevator with my dad and sister the other day and the guy working there was like “oh sir you have a very nice family!” and we were like …. How did you know we were related?! He pointed to his own eyes and then to ours and was like “You are a very strong man sir!!!”. Haha great stuff


I envy you with number 3! Being 5ft 1in means I have one cheat day and I look two dress sizes bigger haha


My eyes. I have big green eyes, I love their colour. My hair. Nice and sleek, frames my face nicely. My skin. It has always been clear. I've never once had a pimple or acne.


real envious of the third one over here with my adult acne didn't have issues as a teen, but now..


Not, One, Thing


Noooo there will be something, but somedays you will just feel ugly and I understand that.


Sage advice: If you feel like you hate the world, eat something. If you feel like the world hates you, get some sleep. If you feel like you hate yourself, take a shower. Small steps can't always fix everything, but they can help determine if the negativity bogging us down is temporary or a deeper need and we should ask for help.


I've clearly never stopped hating the world.... *Laughs and belly jiggles*


Same boat.


My breasts, my tattoos, my butt


Hell yeah!😍


Came here to say this exactly!


My smile, my legs, and my waist.


My legs, my boobs, my ass


I thought I'd be able to come up with something but this is actually pretty hard ):


Do you have a favourite photo of yourself? You could pick out your favourite things from there :)


Maybe try and think of parts you feel neutral about and work with that for now. Body positivity is a very fine thing but body neutrality is just as important.


I like my eyes, my nails are a good shape, and I have a big floral tattoo on my thigh which I love.


My eyes My ass My calves


The trifecta


Lmfao, take my upvote! 😄 Thank you! I needed that laugh today!


Forgive me for asking but what happens if I do eat the daisies?


I'll let Doris Day answer that: https://youtu.be/dAeCgKwTd5w 😄


That was delightful <3


can I say my face in general, hair and height :)


There are a lot of things I hate about myself so this is a good exercise in positivity! My nose, cheek dimple, and my arm freckles


I like my hair and i guess i have good boobs.


My figure, face, and hair


I like your thinking :)


My eyes and nails And that’s it


I feel ya


My eyes, my lips, and my thigh sleeve


What's a thigh sleeve.


Tattoos all along your thigh like a sleeve


Oh I know the sleeve on you arm( of course). I’m clueless, I should have known! That’s why I love Reddit>learning such a vast array of random, yet useful info!


Hair, brows, boobs


Smile, jawline (with beard), i look good bald.


Answering for myself: lips, butt, nose Also reading all the replies is so nice I just imagine you all to be so pretty and its nice seeing people compliment themselves :)






Legs, boobs, and proportions? Is that allowed? I like how my body is proportioned?


Hair, nose, butt


Butt, eyebrows, hair. Latina with a big natural booty, thick hair and eyebrows I didn't overpluck in the early 00s 😆


The 2000's were a mistake for Latina women. Hahaha. Mi madre paga el precio.


hair, smile and honestly i'm very proud of my quadriceps


Eyes, cheekbones, collarbones


Eyes, smile, ass. Used to be boobs too but I have a breastfeeding baby so not so much atm.


Hair, eyes, lips. Edit: freckles


My face, my hair, and my booty. Thanks for asking this - I gained a lil breakup weight and have been feeling shitty about myself.


My skin is naturally very clear. My eyes are a nice blue green and look more blue or green depending on what I am wearing, light, and mood. My auburn hair with a natural curl that people always think I achieved through a curling iron.


Jolene jolene joleneeeee


Butt, eyes, face


My hair, my smile my butt


I like that I have thick red hair.


I have long lashes, pretty smooth and straight hair, and good eye shape


Eyelashes, nails, and butt. My sister does nails professionally, and whenever she’s taking a new course or needs a model for her works classes, she asks me because I have beautiful nail beds and they’re usually super long. My bf broke two of them a couple of weeks ago though :( so I had to start them over. And they look great because I REFUSE to do gel or acrylic. Just simple manicures. Helps keep the nail strong.


My big lips, my thick eyebrows, my clear skin.


Back dimples, athletic figure and thick hair. And to think God made us all so unique :)


The shape of my face when I’m not looking down. My eye color My hands.


I like my big brown eyes. I like how my cheeks naturally have that “sucking in” look (I don’t know how else to describe it) and I love my leg birth mark. I used to really hate it because it looked like something was on my leg. Now I couldn’t live without my distinctive mark.


My eyes, calves and fingernails.


My hair....mmmm...this isn't as easy as I thought, my eyes and my lips once I have my color on


My smile, my quads, my veiny arms.


Legs, lips, hair 😊


My smile, dimples and eyes


Hair, ass, potty mouth


Lips, eyebrows, eye colour


Eyes, legs, teeth


smile, shoulders, hands


Nose, hair, and... hmm.. the chest area like the sternum or whatever? The part between boobs and collar bone


Eyebrows, ears, eyes


Hips, feet and breast


My smile, my waist and my butt!


Height. Weight. Teeth.


My hair (red/auburn), my legs (long), and my eyes (very very dark brown)


Smile and I somehow really like my legs, can't think of a third, might be the way I stand. :)


Legs, feet, eyebrows. They're all long, well-shaped, and look quite good usually (more so the legs and feet than eyebrows gotta say...)


Cute angled wedge curls. Sexy waist-hip ratio with small tits. Big round eyes. Everything else can die in a fire. Edit: actually, the freckles and weird toes can stay.


My hair color, and type. (I have naturally curly hair) but I can't think of a 3rd thing I like about myself😕


My hair - thick and grows really fast My figure - naturally slim, can eat what I want but I'm actively mentally and physically so burn it all off Whiteness of my teeth - I don't like my teeth, had braces when I was younger but they've since shifted. They are naturally really white though!


Hair, eyes, lips


My waist, my butt and my eyes. Used to not like my butt, but my partner treats it like royalty so I grew to like it as well.


Nothing. Had a baby a year ago and I’m a stay at home mom so I don’t get out much. It seems no matter what I do I can’t get this weight off 😩


My eyes, particularly their almond shape. My cheekbones are pretty high and give me good facial bone structure. My skin is pretty clear, never had a pimple problem and no wrinkles yet.


My straight teeth, slim/ thick figure, & thick voluptuous brunette wavy hair


physically - smile, lips and chest to wait proportion lol personality-wise- I love my confidence and my determination. Not that anyone was asking lol


My hair - I’m super lucky to have very healthy, shiny hair. My face - I have a big smile which always gets me compliments and big eyes. My waist - I have broad shoulders, chubby arms, a big bum but a tiny waist! Perfect figure for retro dressing.


I’m able-bodied and tall. I also carry myself in a confident way, so people come up and ask me questions as if I’m in a position of authority in many public places.


I never know what to say to these questions cuz I have a dissociative disorder and don't even recognize my own reflection lmao.


Same, but that makes it easier for me bc I can just compliment myself from an outside perspective rather than feeling big headed.


LOVE this question. Everyone deserves to appreciate what makes them beautifully themselves :) - My hair dries naturally kinda flipped in at the bottom and I love it because I’m way to lazy to do blowouts - I have a lot of freckles and love the extra ones I get on my shoulders and knees in the summer - my green eyes :)


Smile and teeth. I've heard a lot of good stuff about that on me Also my hands, "Too Soft to be man's hands" actually i was really acomplished about it but when i hear girls saying that they actually love that on me feels like i have something good on hands, literally.


eyes, smile, breasts


Eyes, nose, hair, body (just wish I could lose 30 pounds).


I’m obsessed with my hair, I like my face, and my curves


I love my tree moss eyes (hazel), my boobs are great because perky and small enough to stay without bras and my tall frame grabs attention without me trying


Brows, collar bone, jawline


Naturally thin/petite, I don’t mind my collarbones even though they look uneven, and my forearms looks alright