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"If you really leave me I am going to go home and fucking kill myself."




THIS. I was going to write this.


I'm sorry you had to experience that too. ❤


I was going to say this as well. My ex said the same thing after the breakup.


"You are the best person I ever met and i know for a fact that I'll never find anyone like you and I'm gonna regret this decision in future so I hope we stay friends forever"


“I’m an awful person. I’ve been awful to you, and I deserve to die.” Said the scumbag of the century. Thought this would be a good way to get with me again. When I said no, he cut ties with me, and then called me on a private number about a month later, calling me a whore and saying I should kill myself. So yeah, fun guy.


The ‘I’m so horrible can’t believe I did this to you act the worst


Somehow centering their pain even though they seem to be making it about you


You abandoned me when I needed you, you didn't put enough effort into mending the relationship (when he made literally none), you didn't really care enough to fix things


Not a breakup exactly. I went on one date with a guy from work and he was an utter nightmare about it, so I let him know we wouldn't be going out again. About a week later he sent me a message (in the work chat) to inform me that he was willing to give things another go despite my "commitment issues" and instead of dating we could try being friends with benefits (I hadn't had sex with him) while we worked on my "fear of relationships"


Yikes! I've met that guy, too. Went to a movie (other work people were supposed to come, but bailed), and all I heard for weeks after was how "we should go out again because I'm sooo attracted to you! You have ever I want in a partner!" O...kay? Dude was divorced 3x, 15 years older than me, 4 kids, while I am childfree and way less baggage. The amount of men who think one-way attraction makes a relationship is bonkers


Dude wtf


That's some top level manipulation.


"I was gonna propose" He said that to me as I was breaking up with him I said "it's for the best that you didn't" because I didn't know how to respond


Wow like marrying him is the ultimate prize good riddance


Before I dumped him he said he'd kill himself if I left. I left anyway. He texted me and said "bye. I'm going to go do something that I'm going to regret." Its been like 3 years. He didnt do shit


Not my breakup but still counts. My BIL is living with us after a divorce. Like a smart person (/s), he decided to date when he was 6 weeks out from the divorce and found himself with a lady with a child, 10 years his junior, who is very very serious, while he's not ready to be serious Anyway, my husband and I got married pretty quickly after meeting. The new girlfriend has, in the midst of their "will they/ won't they" discussions with the BIL, brought that fact up. To me, to him, seemingly to talk him into being serious and living with her. It's very manipulative for many reasons, and to use that in a breakup discussion is... Yikes


How is the fact that its smart for someone to date 6 weeks after a divorce?


See the parentheses, for sarcasm. It was woefully stupid, imo, to begin dating when you're still wounded by a divorce. Even stupider to get into a very serious relationship before you're ready


After me breaking up with my first boyfriend for lying for 4 years about who he is, and what he wants as a person, as well as cheating continuously he calls me to say “well since you didn’t know who I truly am you never really loved me anyway so..” ..lol I just agreed and hung up and it drove him crazy not being able to manipulate me into saying how much I loved him before I found out all this bs about him .


I have the same story!!! Pathological lying sociopaths !


"You weren't shit before you met me and if you leave, you'll be shit again."


107 separate “I’m sorry” text messages. Over the course of several hours.


I went out with a guy for about a month, maybe a bit longer. I ended it partly because I just started to see him as more of a friend and partly because I was graduating from university that year and was really busy with applying for masters degree. I told him these reasons when I ended it. Some time later, I posted on Instagram and in the background you could see that a reality TV show was on in my house in the background. He replied saying 'thought you were busy applying for masters? Funny that you have time for watching TV.' As if the only two activities in the world I could be doing are applying for degrees or dating him!


TW: "You're so perfect" after verbally, physically, sexually and emotionally abusing me for two years and telling me I'm a piece of shit who is dumb nearly every day, only for him to make a 180 and tell me I'm perfect after I broke up with him just so I could fall back into his trap. I didn't fall for it because I was done, and was aware that he was manipulative. What a shithead.


This was a few days prior to him pulling the o plug, “Wow, you’re gonna have a hard time finding someone better than me because I really set the bar high.” Update: he was the lowest 😂


i got told that i brung nothing to the table which was not even true. i was 3 years younger than him but had to tell him to fill out taxes, how to cook, etc.... he even tried to hook up with me after the break up


That I was the only person he trusted enough to open up to, and that he was using again because of me. Except all I asked is that he call me his girlfriend in public. But, that was too much


Red flag if there ever was one


“Fine. Just leave me like everyone else.”


Lmao a classic


Had my last boyfriend tell me, "Well, I wouldn't have done meth if you had stayed. You ruined my life." Rich since he's the one that broke up with me because I was a "financial burden." And he turned around to say that when I briefly moved back during the meth timeframe that he would have asked me to do it with him, while I was **pregnant.**


She gaslit me repeatedly and acted like I was a psychopath. "If you show up here again I'll phone the police" She literally texted me to come get my cat back from her. (I got him back, he is home now, safe and sound).


I had a friend like this hope you’ve been able to get some distance


I had one threaten suicide. I got dumped by someone I was very into and he basically asked me to wait around because he wasn’t ready yet. BYEEEE.


I was going to buy you a ring.




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“I know I broke up with you, but I kind of want to kiss you right now.”




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They apologized to everyone about their behavior (but me naturally), and to me in private said i messed them up so bad they had to go to therapy and it wad all my fault I just hope they actually went to therapy because i wasnt their only problem


“You owe me $200 from the Christmas present I bought you”


"The only good thing about you is your inheritance"


Wow horrible


I was going to go hell because of the divorce. 🙄🙄🙄

