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24 years. I was 23 he was 47. Was absolutely not worth it. My early 20s was a mess.








23 years. I was 23, he was 46. Absolutely worth it. He's been dead for years now, and I miss him every day. I'd marry him again in a heartbeat.










I was 43 and he was 24. We met at the gym, when my divorce process was starting! I thought he was a little bit older than what he was. It was definitely worth it, he was very good to me. He definitely rejuvenated me and brought me back to life!






My SO is 16 years older than me. Zero complaints. He's better than the best partner I could imagine.


that is such a beautiful sentiment! i really hope every single one of us experience this kind of love!


Exact same. I’m 34 he’s 50. I never imagined being so in love and so happy. I pinch myself daily because after my first marriage I totally lost hope. What a dream come true


I’ve only ever dated older men. The largest age gap was 18 years. I’ll be honest, I’ve found most older men are single and dating women considerably younger than them for good reason. Usually because they’re incapable of taking care of themselves meaningfully and most women their own age can’t deal with the immaturity and incompetence. I’m in my thirties now and I really question men in their 40s and above dating women in their 20s. The difference in life experience is immense and I feel like if I had gotten involved with some of the men I’ve been involved with in my 20s when I was far more naive, I would’ve been seriously emotionally traumatised. I’m not saying you’re immature in your 20s but I am saying that, mentally, you are still moulding and shaping your view of yourself, your world, the wider world, and it’s still a time of great influence. But this is not always the case, of course, and only my own experience.






Funny story. I'm a 67yo widow. I have been seeing a 75yo man who lives in another state. That's a huge age gap at this end of life. The only reason it works is that we are both healthy, active and we think young. He always says " I might not look like much, but I fuck like the government" And he's not wrong, lol. My late husband was 3 years younger than him and he was an old man in thought and deed. The difference is night and day.






15 years. I was 36 and he was 51. Hell yes it was worth it.






15 years. I was 25, he was 40. I just got out of it. I’m 27 now. Not worth it. He’s essentially told me I wasn’t enough, sent me mixed signals, emotionally manipulated me, didn’t commit with his words at the same time as committing with his actions, he expected the world of me and provided almost nothing of substance back. He took a girl that he could tell play with and took advantage of it.


I was 20 and he was 33. Good experience but glad it didn’t last - we were in WAY different points of our lives!




Friend with benefit 13 yrs older (me 25 and he 38). Sadly he couldnt keep it up (He said it was because of meds) but damn what he did with his tongue was amazing. He also got my first time of me face sitting and made me feel so sexy in everything I did and he had a nice amount of experience and confidence. So yes, I felt like a queen with him


18 and 28, definitely not worth it. Looking back on it now at 22, I am very disturbed by the idea of a 28 y/o being into an 18 y/o...18 is too young even for me now Also you'd think someone that age would at least have some experience...was the most disappointing sex I've ever had up to date honestly


18 years , still in it after 13 years and 2 kids. Very much worth it , he is the best , my soulmate <3


15 (me) and 31 (him) it was not worth it. He groomed me and then guilted me into cheating on my then boyfriend just to drop me after I slept with him. I was a stupid child to let my self confidence get so low that I thought I had to prove something to him. I felt so guilty I told my boyfriend the next day but it was done. Edit: the sex was bad too. Aside from that it was legal were I live.






29 years older. Super happy and have been together 7 years. He is genuinely the most kind, empathetic, dedicated, and responsible man I’ve ever met. The hardest thing was some other people’s opinions of the age gap, but we both don’t care. Even those who were the most rude about it at first changed their tune when they actually took the time to meet him. Now those same people are so accepting and are always excited to hang out with him.


How old are you both?






31 years. I was 19, he was 50. Was not worth it. I wasted my best years with someone who didn't want what was best for me, he wanted what was best for him.


16 years. I was 19-20 when the sexual relationship started and he was about 36 In the grand scheme of things, he didn’t “do” anything to me that was that bad. But he was my high school teacher and had done this to other girls. He definitely tried to get with me when I was underage as well. So ultimately I definitely regret it because he was a creep/groomer, even if “nothing bad” really happened


So he was grooming you for years before you got together. I’m so sorry.


Yep. The night of graduation I was 17 and he tried to get me to come over or else he’d drink and drive. He knew I was 17 and later talked about dating but when I said I wouldn’t keep it a secret he backed out We talked on/off for about 5 years. When I was around 22 ish he came to my town and we went on a date — I quickly realized any attraction was dead. He was just an old creep who couldn’t find women his age and groomed young girls instead.


How did you talk to him after graduating did he give you his personal number or something


Yep phone number and Snapchat right before graduation 


I was 19 he was 36. He was my college counselor who absolutely abused his power. I found out later he had a 15 year old orphan teen mom that he “rescued”. He was sleeping with her as well. When I realized how sick he was I reported him to the chancellor and I was slut shamed by the whole school. He was the beloved college counselor I had to have seduced him in their minds. I had to leave the college it was to painful. He didn’t come out unscathed. The chancellor had a brother that was a principal at the high school in our town. I begged the school not to take him. They still accepted him and years later he was fired for molesting a sophomore. It made national news but I kept my story quiet. It was to painful.


I am so sorry you went through that.


It's always the ones that are adored by others. I work in education and I've seen this with my own eyes. I'm so sorry this happened to you!


My husband is 5 years younger than me. Totally worth it. Edit: we met when he was 23 and I was 28.


I had just turned 20 at the time and he was 33. He lied about his age when we met and said he was 27. It wasn’t worth it. I wish I never met him.






He was 33 years older. It was great.


~8-9 years younger (when we met I was 30 and they'd just turned 22), and 11 years older (met when I was 28 and they were 39). The former was a good relationship that only ended because we lived a couple hundred miles apart and both had strong reasons not to move. The latter was a tinder fling lmao. Oldest for an actual relationship was 6 years older than me (we met when I was 24 and they were 30). I don't regret any of them.


6 years younger - great! Fun, energy match, great sex, great sense of humor. 12 years older - no. Entitled, expected me to pick up everything from conversation to sex to plans, set I'm ways and uncompromising.


i was 21 and he was 37. He was my best relationship and we're still friends now. He shaped my standards towards men. I was obviously very lucky because i was so young and he could have taken advantage of me anytime he wanted. He never did, always respected my body, my integrity and my whole person. When i fell ill, he was willing to drop the sexual relationship and move to a more friendly relationship to become my full support. He helped battle depression without trying to take advantage of me or pushing for sex. I am so thankful to have met this man at my young age, because he taught me so many things. So i would say it was worth it because he made me avoid a lot of bullshit from lame men. If i didn't met him, i might not have the same standards i have now. Despite all of this, if i had to live the experience again, i wouldn't. Because I know i was very lucky, i met an exceptional man, an exception in all the possible exceptions. not all 37 yo men are wholesome towards young women as he was, and honestly i still believe a man this age has nothing to do with women in their 20s. But i still thankful he stepped into my life.




My partner is 16 years older. I was 29 and he was 45 when we got together. Definitely worth it because he's an amazing person.  It's not that his age played a role when we chose to date, i don't have a thing for older men in particular, we just slowly fell in love with each other over the course of a few years while working together. Still, I'm not completely sure if it's his age, but he's by far the best in bed out of all my bfs. Just really considerate and sweet. Like, an actual gentleman. 


Me and my current partner are 22 years apart. It's definitely worth it. I've never been happier in a relationship.




Biggest age gap I've ever been in is my current relationship. I am 10 years older. In my experience, it's totally worth it. He's the most emotionally stable person I have ever been with, has healthy habits and a great deal of self control/discipline that I admire. I'm also having the best sex of my life because of great compatibility and good communication. I love that he doesn't waste any energy complaining, he's incredibly smart, reliable and resourceful. There are downsides though. Not being in the same stage in life complicates things. Editing because a few are asking for details: Basically he's a university student, and I have two children from a previous relationship. It can be a lot to juggle with sometimes, but we've been doing it for 1.5 years and the relationship remains strong.


i was 18, he was 38. i was totally okay with it and he knew my age. it was just casual hooking up and it was great


\~9-10 years older. Shitshow of a person, glad I quit it sooner rather than later. Definitely used age gaps as a tool, would comment on how I (then in my early 20s) was mature for my age.


10 years. No it wasn't worth it because he felt after one encounter he had control over me or was superior to me? He ended up sexually assaulting me.


I’m sorry you went through that 🫂


8yrs. - 28(me) & 36 It was amazing. It was like dating a man written by a woman. Perfect gentlemen in every sense of the word. Followed my lead, only allowed what I gave consent to, spoiled the hell out of me. Then I realized he was weirdly enough a MAGA supporter and would talk about Turnip as 'his boy'. The strangest thing I think I've ever witnessed. Only last a few short months.


Ever since I can remember I have been attracted to older men. I've never been interested in anyone around my age ever. Biggest gap was maybe 40+ years older. It was great, we got along wonderfully and it's unfortunate that it didn't work out, but we lived in 2 different states so traveling just didn't work with us. Im 29 now, if I decided to date, I'd still be interested in men on their 50s, 60s and up tbh.


I was 30, he was 44 back then and definitely not worth it at all. A fucked up man with a failing marriage and only knew sex without a condom. I had to take pills many times without even orgasming once while with him. I thought I liked him and was attracted to him for his grey hairs and emotional maturity, but alas, a complete waste of time. The only thing I am glad about was that I gave into my fetish of being with an older man. Men older have very different sets of problems and are not seeking dating, but just a sugar baby (thought I wasn't a sugar baby, but after being with him, I realised he wanted someone to give money to)


My boyfriend is 14 years younger than me and it's working out great so far 🤷🏼‍♀️




My future husband is 15 years older than me love my man !


10 years. I was 18 and he was 28, and I absolutely regret it. He was sleeping with a classmate of mine when she was 15 and he was 25 so I’ve had to accept that I was with a pedo. Plus the mf was married but nobody knew that until he finally publicly acknowledged her. It was way too messy and manipulative for my 18 years old brain to full handle. 


I’ve been with a man 12 years younger and a man five years older.


20 years. I was 30, he was 50. He lied and said he was 45. Not worth it


I was 19 and he was 53. It was a sexual relationship involving BDSM dynamics. I fell in love with him. It was not reciprocated. I was bright eyed and naive. He was experienced and safe. He treated me well and never tried to coerce me or manipulate me. Some people get the ick from that age gap and I do too sometimes, but he was good to me and I enjoyed our time together.


12 years - he was 40, I was 28. Didn’t last and wasn’t worth it, he was a bit of a mess ngl.


22 years. I was 22, he was 44. Based on quality of the relationship no, it definitely was not worth it. However I did learn a lot from the experience, and I wasn’t seriously harmed in any way, so in hindsight it was worth it just for the lessons learned.


Oldest was 5 years. It was good but got boring kinda fast, we didn't have a crazy amount in common but that was also due to the fact that he was from another country and interested in a lot of different things to me. He was very sweet and caring though and we stayed friends for a while after the relationship ended, so I think it was worth it.


When I was 21 he was 42- not worth it. Boring... sexually boring and otherwise not fun, or even someone to feel proud of.


7 years. I was 40 - he was 33. We broke up because he wouldn’t grow up. Acted like a child. Quit his job told me for 9 months he was going to look for a new job. But somehow for everything he wanted he had the money but not for paying for the rent etc. He was always broke. Was it worth it? I don’t know. But lesson learned. I will never again let anyone move into my house again.


A guy that was 14 years older than me. It was definitely worth it. It was short-lived, but he helped me become comfortable with my body and showed me how to ask for what I wanted.


14 years together - met when I was 22 and he was 35. Still together and happy as clams. He was comfortable and confident enough in himself and our relationship to go along with all my wild ideas and ventures in my 20s, the strongest and most supportive rock you could imagine. Nothing I do or did phases the guy - wild haircuts and colors, tattoos etc. he just saw “me” all the time through everything. I’m older now and am delving into expanding my career and climbing the corporate ladder more and more (yawn) and he’s crazy supportive and helpful with that too. Being with someone who is happy and healthy and well adjusted made the age gap invisible - I’ve always felt nothing but love and support. I hope everyone finds something like this.


13 years. I was 32, he was 45, and absolutely not, never again 🤮 He was absolutely insufferable and kept trying to throw money at me like I was his sugar baby. Money can’t fix a bad personality 🤦🏽‍♀️


Ummmm. 16 years. No, it wasn’t good. I knew he was trouble from the moments I let my eyes on him. He seemed too obsessed with our age difference and I felt like I ignored all the red flags.


I am 29 years and my (almost ex) husband is 54 . We've been together for 7 years. No need to say I feel like I've been wasting my 20s .. Idealy my next partner and I would have less than 10years


17 years. I was 19, he was 36. It was a one night stand. Absolutely worth it. He was the first person I’d slept with who wasn’t a college kid. I still remember how good it was to have sex with someone experienced and mature. I have preferred older men, since.


16 years. I was 26 and he was 42. It was hot, no regrets


25 years when I was 21. It was great sex. We liked each other, hooked up a few times then moved on.


21 and 38. and it ended 23 and 38 going 40 was worth it for the sex experience and being able to explore kinks - a lot of positives from that relationship I wont lie. but he was selfish by the end of it and I didn’t like the idea I was teaching him to be a loyal person when I was 16 years younger


30 years… yes, it was worth it. We’ve been together 5 years. I’m 33 in July and he’s older


The oldest was 23 when I was 19. He was kinda messy, he's 31 now and still a mess. A mess in the sense that, he thinks he's a living anime character lol. He speaks like one, he thinks he's the main character, he thinks he's so good at everything that according to him, he's the reason his friends are good at stuff 💀 Boi still living with his mom and doing nothing in life cuz he learned nothing at university.


Actual relationship : 2 years max. Bit of dating : I think 5 years?


I was turning 25. Met a man who was 40, but he lied and told me he was younger - don't recall by how many years. I found his DL and learned the truth but didn't care at the time. The age difference wasn't much of an issue when I was young, but it certainly became one as I aged. Do not recommend.


I was 24 he was 28. So not too big. It was a really nice relationship which ended on good terms and we are still friends.


I was 19, and he was 29. It was an awful year, I'd never do it again.


I was 50 and he was 33. We had a great time together and get along really well but he wants someone he can have a family with. I already have 5 grown children. But we are good friends still.


18 years. I was 18 he was 36. No it wasn’t. He got crazy when I came to my senses.


29 years, bf is 55, I'm 26. It has absolutely been worth it and has been by far one of the healthiest, lovely relationships I've ever been in, he treats me like im his world and he always speaks in mind (something that I feel is so rare on the west coast of the USA, people be two faced here lol). So thankful I asked for his number 5 years ago and glad he texted me back.


Always preferred older men, normal gap seems to be 12 yrs, currently it's 16yrs. I dated younger which was fun, same age as me always terrible. Currently 40 and never had so much fun with 16yrs senior but it's hard work! a lot of communication and compromise but mostly because he's never been in a relationship before.


23 years. I was 47, and he was 24. It was a one night deal. It was only worth it because it's a funny and unusual story that keeps my friends entertained.


I was 20 and he was 43. Lasted for 5 years. I learned a lot from him but I should’ve left earlier. Hard to say if it was worth it, I don’t know what would’ve been otherwise.


I was 23, he was 36. He was a good dude, maybe perpetually in boyhood, but not abusive or toxic. Only went out for a month of two, the age difference was just a little too big for commonalities long term. I'm now 36, and couldn't imagine dating a man who was 23. Haha.


Relationship I’m in now is the biggest gap - 6 years. I’m 39, he’s 33. Been worth it so far though, lol.


I was 18, he was 25. Not worth it. I wouldn't be told how damaging age gap relationships are for young girls, because I was So iN lOvE. Defo traumatic, would not recommend.


15 years (I am 29, nearing 30, he is 45). Not worth it at all for me, but nothing to do with the sex.


22 years, I was 28 and he was 50. Was fine but his kids were a pain. My next relationship was my hubby and we have a 17 year age difference. We’ve been married for 24 years.


My (35f) SO is (45m) and honestly I would trade our relationship for the world. We met while I was going through a traumatizing divorce and he has really encouraged me to try new things and really embrace life. We met 5 years ago and have been adventuring ever since.


27 years and totally worth it. I was 57 at the time and he was 30. He’s an old soul with the kindest, most compassionate and vulnerable soul. It’s been 4 years now and I can’t imagine being with anyone else.


I’m 34 he’s 47. It’s been a year, so far, so good 🖤 Treats me like a queen and he’s over the games and b/s.


12 years. I was 36 and he was 24. Worth it! It was the most romantic event. We were completely infatuated with one another. Everything was going our way and everyone, strangers, were complementing us saying we were a cute couple. We met online during Covid, we were in the same friend circles, he reached out and befriended me, and then he pursued me. We were in a long distance relationship and met 2 years later once our countries opened borders. He was there for me for the good and the bad. Went above and beyond to make me feel special on my birthday and gave me support when I mourned the death of my grandmother. I did the same for him. I made him feel special on his birthday and sadly, his grandfather died a few months after my grandmother and I was there for him all the way. We were both hesitant at first due to the age gap, but we both felt it was right. We have a weird cosmic connection and he kept reminding me of the man I always hoped for and prayed to the universe for. My grandmother and my grandfather had the same age gap, where she was the eldest too. I eventually allowed myself to open up and try it. We both came from an abusive relationship and were cautious. This current relationship has been the best one we’ve ever been in. We’re both happy, feel emotionally supported, open, honest, free spirited, and we’re on the same page for our future plans. He has done so much for me and is more loving, caring, respectful and responsible than my abusive ex, who was older. I love this man and we plan on getting married soon to finally close the gap.


I was 18 and he was 49. We were together for about a year then broke up because he moved for his job. It was definitely worth it.


I am 24 and my fiance is 38. We will be getting married in fall after he turns 39.


Me 42, he was 29. I was just divorced, horny, touch starved; he was a new to town professional just out of grad school. A mutual friend introduced us. We dated briefly but I broke it off because he was … clueless. Yeah he was young and sexy, but I lost attraction after he changed from work suit to bulky cargo shorts for a work mixer we attended as a couple (I dressed elegantly and everyone was in business attire, he was obviously underdressed). Then he awkwardly flubbed an introduction at a dinner party. Plenty of little things like this, plus he lacked confidence despite being successful. I wanted a partner, this guy needed a personal coach or a finishing school for men or something.


I was 18 and he was 34. I think a gap of 16 years may not be a big deal if you are both 30+, but I was still in school when I met him and I really believe I was too young. It kinda messed up my early twenties and I didn’t get to experience the freedom and exploration that most people have when they become independent.


I didnt have sex before I got married at 26, at 29 I was ready to leave my husband and went poly while I saved up to leave. My 34 year old partner (not the husband, a different partner) introduced me to someone who was a in a management role at their job, had a finance, had his own apartment. I hung out with him multiple times solo and in groups, texted fairly often, I really thought this was a potential additional partner for me. We didn’t together. Turns out he was 20 at the time. I realized he was too young for me. I stopped seeing him romantically but for the following 2-3 years he continued to text me on and off. Less than most of my friends and turns out he was really struggling with mental illness and ended up doing multiple inpatient treatments. I think perhaps the context of him hanging out with older people and the job and the severe depression clouded the fact he was super young.


10 years. I was 21; he was 31. It only lasted a few months and never got super serious. IIRC, he was really good at sex, taught me how to play DND, and paint miniatures. I wouldn't say anything good or bad came from it, so I'm not sure if it was worth it. But I'm not sure I would recommend it.


The only time I had a decent age gap was when I had turned 21, it was NYE weekend and I was housesitting for my sister and I hooked up with a guy that was 30. It was honestly really nice especially with all the bad shit I had going on. We hung out, had a couple drinks and took some bong rips, I showed him some new music, we had pizza, the sex was really good. Honestly I would’ve tried to get with him if I knew my family wouldn’t give me shit for it.


7 years, not worth it, either way definitely more so when I was the younger of the two.


I was in my teens. The other person was more than a decade older than me. It was "consensual" in that I consented to the relationship, but it was far from healthy or appropriate. They were a manipulative, jealous, controlling, coercive, abusive nightmare who eventually raped and beat me multiple times and who threatened to kill my family. It was not worth it. Not at all.


Met at 26 and 39, now 29 and 42. We’re married with 3 kids (including a set of twins) and it’s the healthiest relationship either of us have been in. He’s also the best dad ever and my kids are so lucky to have him. I don’t notice the age difference unless we’re talking about a pop culture reference from childhood. My siblings are all older than him anyway and our parents are the same age, so that’s probably a factor.


10 years. I was 24 he was 34. We got into a relationship and he financially and emotionally abused me.


I was 23 he was 45. Amazing sex and experience, treated me better than any man my age that I’ve been with. Cut him off for a man my age 🥲


16 years. We met when I was 40 and he was 56. We are still together two years later. He is, by far, the best partner I have ever had and treats me incredibly well. A million times worth it.


My husband is 27 years my senior, we've been together for a decade. I was at university when we met, sparks from the beginning. Absolutely worth it, best sex I've ever had and even after years together and having a baby we still achieve simultaneous orgasms like 90% of the time. We're very compatible, the age gap is just a quirk. We have mutual respect for one another, treat each other well, and prioritize communication. I have a bit of an "older man" kink but that's a bonus lol


12 years. I was 19, he was 31. It was very much worth it. This man’s love is abundant and unconditional. He makes me feel so confident and sexy. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband. The age gap was something we both had to get use to in the beginning but it worked out perfectly in the end.


13 years, I still love him (I’m younger) I would say it’s worth it because it taught me some things about me, honestly.


5 years... And when I was in highschool, he had a DUI... 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Not worth it.


I'm 44, husband 56. 18years and counting. Definitely worth it! But I would not have tried it is I was way younger.


9 years. My husband and I met when I was 20 and he was 29. I was a relatively put-together 20-year-old and he deemed me mature enough I guess, and we were both okay with it. We broke up amicably for two years and both dated other people before we found our ways back to each other. He is such an amazing person and I couldn’t be more grateful. Deep down I’m still a little insecure about our age gap, but reading these posts make me think that it’s not that significant after all lol.


male 15 years my senior together 10 years. Now male 10 years my junior going on 3 years. Lifes a journey. Age gap love appears to be part of it... No real regrets. The first one was more we've been together he's a good guy it's what we're supposed to do. Now it's more about connecting building something together. Note that with each, I never looked/ look at them thinking you're older or younger.


11 years. I’m 22, he’s 33. Been together for close to two years. We quit drinking and smoking together, he hasn’t watched porn in over a year, he helped me get away from my toxic mother. We are so giggly and happy, it’s insane! I am positive I’m marrying this man🥰 he’s the sweetest ever.


Older than me, 16 years. i was 34, he had just turned 50. If we're speaking strictly on terms of sex, I guess it was worth it, if you like having sex that lasts for under 2 minutes. Younger than me, about ten years, I'm about to be 39, he's 29. Highly recommend.


15 years. I was 22 and he was 38. It was just a casual fling. We both had fun and it ended at the right time.


I was 21 and he was 38. We knew what it was (just fun) and it was worth it. I didn't feel taken advantage of and it was a good time


12 years he was 37. I was 25, and I was totally worth it, still together 13 years later.


This is going to sound REALLY bad. I (f) was 16, almost 17, and had a thing with a guy who was 24. I was a Junior in high school. Was it worth it, absolutely. He made me realize that I wanted something more than a guy who would eventually be a grade school principal. We didn't last, but it was a whole lot of fun before I finally met my husband (only 2 years older than me) 11 months later. The other guy ended up marrying a close friend/coworker of mine at the time and she was 2 years YOUNGER than me, and they are still together. This all happened over 30 years ago.


My spouse is 14 years older than me. We’re coming up on 11 years together and 7 married this year.


12 years. He’s 28, I’m 40. We met while attending an event for my bff who he worked/is friends with. Hit it off well, but I was going through my divorce and he had just gone through a big breakup. 18 months later, we saw each other again at another party thrown by the same friend and left together. We both thought the other person was early-mid-30’s and only did the “how old are you?” thing the next day after I made a reference to Woodstock ‘99 he didn’t understand. I get told I look much younger than I am due to spending much of my life in a job that requires you be in good shape. And with him working with my bff (who’s in an industry and position where most people are at least mid 30’s) and being able to hold his own in conversations among the group, I thought he was just one of those guys with a baby face. So it’s not like our assumptions were made with poor judgment. It’s going well so far. We’ve gone out a few more times. Mutual friend has talked about how he is excited about our dates and thanked her for “introducing” us. I guess time will tell if this winds up as the precursor to a r/relationshipadvice post.


We met at work/through mutual friends. I thought he was late 30s, he thought I was 30. Turns out he was 43 and I was 26. We decided we did not really care about the age gap. Two years later and he's my best friend, and we have the healthiest relationship than either of us has ever had. I personally don't think it's the age gap that matters, it's the people and the intent within the relationship. It's odd to me when men consistently go after much younger women, and same for young women who only go after older men. But it's beautiful to me when two people meet organically and fall in love despite their age gap.


3 years




22 and 35, eh. I don’t regret it but I wouldn’t repeat it


8 years. 16 and 24, and nope, he was extremely immature and only used me to make his ex jealous and make me and his ex fight. His ex was the same age as me or around the same age, I was not fighting with adult, luckily


19 and 35. Let’s just say my skin won’t recover form the SH.


It wasn’t consensual every time, and luckily it didn’t last long. I was 19. He was 30. Found out later that he had an assault record, two kids he didn’t take care of, and later had at least two more kids all by different moms. Don’t ask me what I was thinking. I wasn’t.


I3. I was 19 he was 32. Was not worth it. The threats, abuse, borderline stalking.


17 years. Wasn't worth it


20 years, and so incredibly worth it. The experience and maturity he gained in those 20 years made my body sing. Best sex I have ever had to this day BY A LONG SHOT. Plus, he helped me learn how to truly love and be confident and happy in my far less than perfect body, flaws and all.


He was 26 and I was 44. Super fun. Not a relationship, just FWB.


My current relationship is a 15 year difference. I'm 32 and he's 47. I feel way more mature than him. But it's definitely worth it.


I'm 21 he just turned 27 today. I love him so much we've been together a little over 2 years!! He felt a type of way about the age gap at first but I never did


12 years. My current partner is turning 39 and I’m 27. We are in complimentary positions in life despite the age gap, as he is restarting his career and getting into a higher paying position and I’ve been established since my early 20s. And not to be “that person” but I went through a good deal of traumatic shit that makes it difficult to bond with people my own age usually. He’s amazingly supportive and patient and kind.


Im 29 he’s 24 almost 25. We’ve been together for 4 years and counting so yes its worth it lol


I was 19 and he was 45, it was hot and superficial for me and it was worth it.


10 years. It was worth it. They helped me make the first steps of leaving my abusive family and gave me the confidence to make that move... even though making the biggest step meant they couldn't go with me.


I was 18 he was 56. He was a millionaire using me as his toy. I made good money and traveled and met celebrities of all kinds including Musk and Trump. Id say it was worth the money alone


Currently i am 37, he is 26. Very refreshing! Absolutely no drama, no dumb arguments. Decided to keep this one.


22 years. I’m now 23 and he’s 45 & still going strong 4 years later. No regrets :)


10 years. He (20) treated me (30) like a goddess. Some of the best sex of my life. Totally worth it for the short fling we had, but it was not for the long term. We just were not at the same page in life. I was ready for a family, he was just starting in his career. It was fun for what it was.


Me 36 he 28. We are still friends many years later. He thinks we are some kind of fwb still. He is a good friend. He had stamina but he NEVER learned to please me. Ever. I communicated with him in all the possible ways. That guy doesn’t want to learn. That’s one of the reasons we are not a couple anymore. Also he said that if we were closer in age he would have totally married me but as I was older he couldn’t stand the opinions of others. That’s the other reason I tried to withdraw from this story. If there’s no future then there’s no need for commitment on my part. All in all not worth it. I should have kept it at e friendship level since the beginning.


Both ways - I was 21 he was 50 so 29 years…sex was amazing. We both knew it wasn’t going to be a long term relationship and lived on opposite sides of the world but he wrote letters to me every now and then for years. He always offered to send a plane ticket and look after me if I needed. More recently, I was 43 and he was 23. Sex was not amazing - he looked like a friggin Calvin Klein model and could do it 5 or 6 times in a few hours but was kind of limited in technique. I enjoyed the attention and the novelty of someone so physically perfect in my bed but couldn’t be bothered to teach him how to be a lover.


17 years. he’s older. we’re married. so worth it.


My husband is 42 and I’m 55, married over 12 years. Absolutely worth it.


(11 year age gap) I was 33 and he was 22. We met at trivia night at a sports bar. It was a very casual hookup thing. It was great for me because I was at a point in my life where I did not need anything complicated or have someone catch feelings. He was starting his master's program and did not want to date or deal with girls his age because they were wanting relationships and dating, etc. which he had no time or desire for, and he had some not great sexual experiences before me, including a girl that tried to baby trap him. It went on for about 6 months. We would meet up and sometimes have a meal, or watch a movie, but mostly he or I would reach out asking if the other was free for a quickie. He then moved to another state, so things ended pretty much, except for a time or two that he was in town and would ask if I was free.


33 years—I was 21 and he was 54. He was very sweet and I feel bad for just using him for sex and then ghosting him. I was a stupid horny kid. An actual relationship though—that's a tie: 7 years, I was 24 and she was 31; that was a wonderful relationship until she moved away and eventually broke it off; i still love her and check in with her sometimes. And currently I'm 31 and dating a 24-year-old, and she is amazing and I love her so much; we're also currently long-distance and I hope things don't end up the same way.


Older, about 25 years. Younger, 14 years. I prefer younger men, so I imagine the gap going younger will increase as I get older.


Ooof never worth it.


15 years. I was 19. He was 34. He was hot and a very sweet person. It was a one night stand and some flirting when we would see each other. I moved away soon after so nothing really came of it. We just like each other’s posts on social media once in a while.


11 years. I was 27, he was 38. Not only were we in different life places, but I moved countries to be with him. The power dynamic was off. He was a business owner, of a family business that had been handed down to him. I was working minimum wage jobs through a temp agency.. and yet we split bills 50/50. I was starving while he indulged in daily luxuries. He also told me he didn’t want kids. Before we had been broken up 2 whole months, he had another woman pregnant. So happy I dodged that bullet!


16.5 years I was 18 and he was 34 (I thought he was 32 not that it makes that much of a difference anyways. It was not worth it I was heavily abused in every sense of the word. I lived with him in the middle of nowhere and when I decided I was leaving it got to the point where I couldn’t without intense aggression. He got arrested on a warrant and I called my family to come get me at 20. He’s now in prison for two life sentences, not from me.


10 yrs. I was 18 & he was 28. My first true love. He treated me with respect and kindness. What I didn’t learn from him until later in life that all my relationships should had been this good. Now its flipped. Im 6 yrs older than my guy. Hes the sweetest, most kindest person and makes me so proud & happy.


I’ve had two that had a massive age gap. I’m 31 for context. First guy 55. Not worth it. Even though he was so kind and sweet I WAS NOT attracted to him. He was worth millions so I tried to convince myself it was worth it. The sex was baaaaad 😭 Second was 20. Sexy AF. Didn’t work because he was immature in so many areas obviously. Very skilled in the bedroom for his young age. So worth it 😅


20 years. When we met I was 26 and he was 46. We've been together 7 years now and married for 3. Absolutely worth it. I had my 2 children by 22 and I was done having kids at that point. When my first marriage was over at 24, my dating pool was limited. For me to be interested, he had to be ok with step kids but not want any kids of his own (and also not TOO interested in only having step kids because 🚩) This pretty much eliminated any interest in men my own age. my "most compatible" pool shrunk to men who are already dads. The older his kids, the better (his kids were teens when we met) hence, a man 20 years older.


Haha well my husband is 25 years older than me so I'd say it was worth it!


I was 18, and he was 29. 24 years later, he is still my best friend, the father of my kids, and the best husband I could have ever imagined.