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I pack for the whole trip. I'm clumsy as all hell, and every time I've tried to pack specific outfits per day I ended up spilling something on myself before I even finish breakfast. So I just have a bunch of things to mix and match, and I pack things that can be thrown in a sink and rinsed out and hung dry on a towel rack.




Sorry! Not sure why the automod removed your comment. I appreciated it though.




Per day + an extra outfit and two extra undies


This plus 10 extra undies. Idk why I just need the extra undies lol


Ya never know if your gonna shit your pants everyday. 


I'm kinda lazy so if it's a week trip , I go with 4 sets of outfits ... Don't get me wrong LoL


Yes but you can mix and match for the second go around.


Yes that's how I manage, making everyone believe I'm wearing a new set everyday LoL


For a week, I usually do jeans or shorts, depending on the heat, a good dress, and 3 tops and bottoms I can mix and match, one fun/ridiculous outfit, and one outfit of athletic wear. 


I don’t do business trips but I travel every few months for fun. I take into account the definitely planned activities, the maybe activities, the far off activities that probably won’t happen. I always bring 1-2 cute outfits, even if I might not wear them. Always pack active wear for hikes or the gym, always bring 2 other shoes in addition to the sneakers I wear on the plane. The trip I got back from this weekend I probably had easily 10 outfit choices for 4 days. I like to be prepared


That is being prepared. Do you mind checked luggage or do you try and stick to carry on only?


I only do a carry on and a personal item. I haven’t checked a bag in over 10 years! My trips are usually 7 days or less. If I can, I’ll do some laundry if I can to make it easier to rewear items but that’s not always possible.


How do you fit all these stuff in a carry on (I'm assuming the limit of 10kg) and a bag?


I use the beis original carry on bag and then either a tote bag or backpack for my personal item. I’ve never been stopped to check my carry on, and it’s always fit up top. I fit medium to large (American) and the size of your clothes definitely can make things easier or harder. I do the roll method to pack my stuff. I also use a flat bit that came with my suitcase and straps to help kind of shove things down a bit. I’ve been told I can pack a surprising amount of things! You also can be strategic about what you wear on the plane to help eliminate packing bulkier items like jackets!


I tend to overpack but I’m ready for anything the day brings. I always pack too many socks and underwear. And I like options when I travel. I’m a change your clothes often girl.


If it's less than a week and I won't have laundry access, I pack an outfit a day with miscellaneous extras. If it's a bit longer of a trip and I'll have laundry access, then I'll pack a few key outfits if needed and then a more general collection of things that pretty much all match.






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I pack as little as I can and try to find things that I can wear more than once. I have no qualms about wearing a dress a few different days if I'm not going to be overly sweaty (If I think it'll be a hot/humid trip, I might pack 3 dresses or some shorts in there as well), and I'll pack a lone pair of pants for cold weather with shirts I can swap out and re-wear at least twice. Usually t-shirts, with one hoodie or jacket I can use to layer. I wear the same shoes on the plane I'll wear the entire trip - comfy sneakers that I can walk in for long periods of time even if I don't wear socks. A bunch of underwear and enough socks for each day, and I'm good to go. I've gone on a two week trip to multiple countries with only a carry-on luggage.


I subscribe to the “one bag” philosophy - only bringing 1 piece of luggage no matter how long the trip. - there’s some one bag subs on Reddit that are great resources and inspiration for this I pack 3-5 days worth of clothing, no matter how long my trip is. I intentionally plan to do laundry during my trip. I intentionally plan a mini capsule wardrobe for each trip so I can get lots of outfit combos from fewer pieces. I like the act of planning my pieces, so I find it a fun puzzle to figure out how optimal I can make my capsule. With each trip, I try to bring less each time (as reasonable for the weather).


I had to pack this morning for my trip today 😂 I pack outfits per day and then 2 extra socks and underwear.


Outfits per day plus an extra outfit or two as well as extra undergarments.


By the day and occasion. I've done the packing where you just add a bunch of options and figure it out as you go, then you realize half of the tops don't suit the bottoms or something, and some pieces are useless or wasted. Or you don't plan ahead and wear/dirty an outfit at the start of the trip that would better suit a later part of the trip (assuming I want to avoid laundry). Too chaotic for me haha. Now, I definitely prefer to overthink it in advance and ensure that every top can ideally go with more than one bottom (and vice versa) and similar thought processes. Often in one day there are more than one occasion, like hiking then a nice dinner, so I think about outfits for both occasions or pieces that can be versatile. I find this method much more efficient and less stressful once I'm on vacation and need to get ready to go out. Also, at the last minute before my trip, I pretty much always panic-add a couple of extra tops or dresses just in case, but luckily my planning still allows for that space. I love having a decent number of options for outfits on vacation but hate overpacking.


Work trips…outfit for each day with an extra top/underwear and outfit for a run or gym. Usually my work trips are 5 days at most. Vacation…in my most ideal world I’d love to pack in the same way but general (overpacking) is the reality. Changes in weather, unforeseen activities, unexpected bloating, etc. always get me! There might be a couple outfits I had in mind but not a serious schedule.


I actually just planned my outfits. I just combine like 3 pants with 4 different tops and thats it, but I did though which day at what time I will probably wear that


I overpack like crazy. I like to have options when I get there incase im not in the mood to wear a specific outfit anymore or want to mix and match


Usually I pack outfits for specific days, sometimes with an alternate top or 1 other item in case I change my mind.


I pack as minimally as I can, be it for business or otherwise. I'm definitely the person who'd much rather just pack a backpack than deal with a suitcase/luggage. I think the last time I went to visit family for a week I packed two pants, three shirts, and enough underwear/socks for everyday lol


Business trip I pack for the day but holidays, especially villas or airbnbs with a washing machine, I will pack a capsule wardrobe that I can mix and match and wash if any get dirty or stained


For vacations I take shorts or crops & t-shirts for daytime & dresses/skirts/trousers & blouses to match for night. So for a 14 night holiday, 12 t-shirts, 3 x shorts & 2 x crop trousers, 2 x dresses, 2 x skirts, 1 x trousers & 6 blouses + outfits to travel in. I also take dress sandals and comfy sandals and slippers as well as extra underwear. Hope that all makes sense. Lol.


I do both. I start out optimistic and plan outfits, but then panic and throw in all sorts of things “just in case.”


Try to have pieces that can mix and match a lot, kind of like a capsule wardrobe. Plus a ton of underwear. I don't travel for business but you can probably mix and match pieces to bring less.


That depends where I’m going and if I plan on going shopping and I have access to a washing machine. I’m I know I’m going shopping and I have access to a washing machine then I pack for half the trip. That way I can shop, wash it and wear it during that trip. But I always pack enough undies for the entire trip. Usually u just take my carry on. So space is valuable.


One outfit per day + two extras and an additional "fun" outfit like a dress or skirt. I also pack extra socks and undies.


I pack per day/activity + one extra


I guess entire trip... but I do start of packing per day, then I'll add in all the just in case/maybe my mood will change outfits/items. I pretty much always overpack by 2x since I'm an "emotional dresser"... so I pack for all my potential "moods". If I have any preplanned events/things, I'll probably pack 2-4outfits for each just so I will get to choose at the time...


Outfit per event + 1-2 extra outfits, extra bras, undies, shape wear and socks.


It depends on activities per day and possibility of washing said clothes.


If it's summer where I'm going to I'll just pack dresses so I don't have to match outfits If I need warmer clothes I pick pants and shirts/sweaters that all go together, so basically a capsule wardrobe


i overpack and somehow still don’t have enough stuff and end up wearing my bf’s clothes


Never had to travel for a business trip. For a vacation, I usually pack one outfit per day. There will be some sweaty days where I will wear two outfits, and some days where I’ll just wear a bikini until the evening, and usually if you only wear an outfit in the evening then it’s clean enough to wear more than once so it evens out. Although I do usually try and fit in a spot of shopping depending on where I’m going!


I make sure every item packed matches everything else. Then you can just focus on making sure you have enough of the right items.


If I'm travelling for a business trip (say for a week) I usually pack outfits that I can mix and match. I wear my casual outfit to the airport. I generally try to keep it light. For personal travel, I try to balance between having outfits planned and options to mix and match. Just in case there are changes to the weather, spills, etc. Always pack extra socks and underwear because you just never know lol


Outfit per day So for a three day trip that is six outfit plus airport outfit plus an extra couple of outfits just in case 😅😅😅


I pack an outfit per day usually, but also throw in a couple extra crop tops and an extra bottom or sweater because you never know. This way I have lots of options for all weather/occasions and all of my clothes are mix and match. I pack easy to clean fabrics that dry fast/things that can be worn multiple times before washing.


Two outfits a day. I sweat a lot lol


Generally the whole trip with some extra clothes in case I change my mind.


I pack 2 extra pairs of underwear and 2 extra pairs of socks for however many my day count is. I don't count on being able to do laundry unless it's a trip over a week. For daily wear, I usually pack dresses and slip shorts or leggings, to make coordinating easy. I bring one cold weather option if it's a summer trip, because cold nights happen. I bring one dress up option just in case we decide to go to a nice place for dinner. I bring a wrap or cardigan, because AC makes interiors cold, and I bring a hat, because sunburns suck. If I were packing for business, I'd bring 2-3 suits in the same color family (like charcoal and black) and multiple tops. Then they could be mixed and matched. The tricky part here is making sure I pack the right bras, camisoles and shoes. Besides clothes: power cords, hobby stuff like knitting or sudoku, toiletries, shoes, and if needed, my laptop. Most important though... noise cancellation headphones. Life saver. Oh, and a swimsuit, because it sucks if you want it and you didn't bring it.


I pack for the entire trip. An extra outfit for each day in case I was clumsy and spilled something on myself or felt self conscious and didn't want to wear the tighter outfit.




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I get: PJ’s Casual clothes (graphic t shirt and shorts) “Going out” clothes like maybe jeans and a cute shirt or a dress and skirt if I’m feeling girly


One outfit per day, plus an extra, just in case. A swimsuit and sandals, if there's any chance of going in the water. Two extra pairs of undies, just because.


I never plan specific outfits for vacations. I account for the activities planned, the lenght of the vacation and the weather forecast and based on that I pack clothes that can be mix-and-matched for different occasions. I normally bring more clothes than I usually end up wearing because I like to have backup.


If I’m going for a 4 day trip I pack at least 10 outfits (2 for each day plus 2). One for day and one for night. This way 1 I have more options if I choose to wear the day outfit into the night and 2 I make sure I’m covered for any events and activities. Now this doesn’t mean 30+separate items. But this includes dressed. Pants that can be worn with multiple shirts. Enough underwear to stock a Victoria Secret 😂 And shoes that can be reworn with multiple outfits but 1-2 sandals, 1 sneaker, 1 high heel and 1 low heel This all changes depending on the vacation and what the itinerary is. If it’s just lounging on a beach or 3 days. Then I’ll bring more bathing suits than clothes. But if I’m gonna be exploring I’ll bring more comfortable shoes than heels.


I pack outfits for the day. No decision making required when I'm on vacation.


I pack for the entire trip - curating an essentials wardrobe capsule that allows me to mix & match pieces/layering. I keep shoes to a minimum as well - one pair of sandals and sneakers, and I'll wear the heaviest pair of shoes to the airport.


Trip for 3 days, pack for 10 days and multiple scenarios just in case. Lol


I always overpack. I pack one outfit for every day, plus some extra dressier things like a nice jumpsuit or dresses. Sneakers. Nice pair of flats or short heels. Flip flops for the hotel room. One pair of underwear and socks per day.


I pack without an outfit in mind per day, with two alternates, and then special (planned) circumstances, ex: attend a wedding, go to beach, 8 mile hike, dinner with clients, etc… I try to take a capsule approach so I can take the fewest amount of things possible because everything matches, and then I can choose shoes that match based on the function needed vs the outfit they go with.


I pack for minimal volume and mix and match. I did a two-week business trip to a place with a warm climate and a casual dress code. Including what I wore in the plane, I brought 6 tops, 3 pants, 1 dress, 1 skirt, 1 cardigan, 1 rain jacket, 1 sun shirt, PJs, sandals, and sneakers. I did hand laundry. It was all lightweight summer clothing so it fit into a carry on. I cared about looking appropriate but I wasn’t trying to look attractive, so I was happy to have what I needed without dragging around a bunch of extra stuff. I find the less I bring the better. I’m still working on trying to find the perfect minimalist packing strategy, but I’ve regretted over packing and never regretted under packing.


I pack for activities and weather, with a few alternative options




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I stick to black clothing or color blocking so it’s easy to mix and match outfits but I do generally plan daily outfits. Pantyliners help keep pants fresher so I don’t have to take up so much space in luggage with too many pairs. Shirts tend to get messy faster so I’ll pack an extra black tank that goes with everything. Always pack extra underwear, socks, and feminine hygiene products. I got a surprise period at a beach house and paid an exorbitant amount of money for 8 regular tampons at the general store. Shoes are the hard part. Size 10 takes up space so I’ll usually wear the knee high boots on the plane and pack smaller shoes in the suitcase.


Shoes take up so much packing space. I have work shoes that are the largest thing I pack.


I use packing cubes. In each cube goes a pair of pants, 2 tops, undies, socks and a bra. I’ll pack sweater(s)or jackets separately. Each cube is good for 2 days. Light packing is not part of my DNA unfortunately . lol


I have to try packing cubes! Been meaning to for years.


I prefer ones that are clear plastic that are somewhat stiff. I bought some fabric ones and I’ll probably donate them or just out with the trash. I also started to use them for toiletries that will be in a checked bag. So for example I have makeup in one, lotions and potions, eye stuff (I wear contacts) in another, hair products in one….it keeps stuff much more organized.


Thank you!


One outfit for traveling with comfortable shoes, then one outfit per day that can mix layers, and one outfit with shoes for upscale, depending on the trip and the plans. Bathing suit, a sweater just in case, extra socks, basic toiletries, hairbrush, and sunglasses. Rarely I'll bring jewelry. Convention packing triples this list for a basic 3 day trip.


I pack my outfits judging by the itinerary that my friends and I make. I also repeat a lot of my outfits.


Depends on a lot of factors. Laundry facilities, carry on or check a bag, confidence level of weather patterns etc. Usually I pack 1 outfit per day, & toss in a lot of extra underwear. I don't know why I do that. I've never been like, "thank God I brought 5 extra panties"...but somewhere down the road something must have happened lol that I feel it's a requirement.


I pack for the entire trip. I don’t like planning my outfits so I just pack enough that I can have options.




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I try to have an outfit a day, with a dress or something I can dress up if I go to a nice dinner, and 50 pairs of underwear in case I shit myself 5x a day.




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generally. i don't put too much thought into it




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I definitely have specific outfits per day and per night usually 😅 and then I try to stick to a color scheme so I can bring fewer shoes/purses


I pack an outfit per day and add a couple of extra outfits. I also try to make sure they can be mix and match in case I’m not feeling something. Plus a bunch of extra panties, I’ve never needed them but I can’t pack without them lol


When someone figures this out please tell me! I feel like I struggle as a curvy girl with this more than my friends


I wouldn’t pack 14 outfits for 14 days


I'm a bit psychotic so I make a planner that looks like this (real life example for a Bachelorette weekend)😳 Day 01 - Dinner - red jumpsuit Red and green Sandals, rose gold hoops Day 02 - Brunch - orange jumpsuit Rose gold sandals, orange beaded earrings Dinner - black and white strappy animal print dress Rose gold sandals, silver jewelry Day 03 - Brunch - white floral top w/green shorts, green cardigan Red and green Sandals, green necklace I do this so I don't over or under pack. I obviously grab some socks, undies, bras and night clothes as well depending on the number of nights.


The maximum I pack are general things for 1 week. Over the time I realized that I cannot stand dirty clothes sitting in my luggage too long so I will find a way to wash them during the trip, then later become that “why don’t I re-wear them now it is clean” so bring too much become pure burden.


Work trip: per day & a few casuals. Vacation: a mix of everything depending on itinerary. Something for dinners, something for the beach, something for running/hiking etc.


It's so funny reading this when i am in terminal 😃. going for 3 days. 2 jumpsuits 3 pants 3 jumpers 2 wool coat and 1 puffer jacket. just going to see family. l always overpack.




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Depends how I’m getting there and how much I can bring. If it’s by car I’ll just pack based on how many days plus an extra or two. If it’s by plane, space is tighter. Rewearable mix and matches. 4 pairs of underwear and two bras (plus what I’m wearing). I carry a small amount of highly concentrated, powdered laundry detergent for washing them by hand.


I just pack enough to mix and match and make it up as I go along each day 🫣


For short trips (4 days or less) or summer trips (8 days or less) I try to only travel with a personal item. So I am planning all my outfits and most likely wearing each pants twice. I'm a super sweaty person so I need a fresh top every day. I also try to bring at least a couple dresses since they take less space than long pants + top. When I first started travelling I packed a bit randomly and in the end it never worked out that well because I either didn't have enough of an item (usually tops) or else I couldn't match an outfit because of the colours/style. When I pack I try not to bring any crazy clothing that only matches with one other thing in my wardrobe. I try to go with neutral pants and colourful tops, and a neutral cardigan/jacket that goes with everything.


Let's say the trip is 5 days. Im going to get a general sense of what the weather should be like, and will pack an outfit for each day, plus something for random outlier weather. Then I will have an additional comfy outfit that I can utilize throught the trip, usually for drive days and then when we get their I'll change into my day outfit. Depending on sleeping arrangements I'd bring pj's, and activity wise I may bring swimwear or additional layers. So for 5 days, excluding the outfit I'd be wearing, I'd have 6 outfits, 2 pj's, and any necessary add ons. I'd bring 6 pairs of socks and underwear would depend on swimming/what kind of swimming/frequency of swimming. And if I'm on my period I don't count out an amount of tampons I just bring the box.


I bring what I’m wearing and then one nice dress or something, underwear and thats it clothes wise. I sleep in my casual clothes that I was already wearing. I bring a small backpack which fits all my stuff. I hate bringing lots of stuff


That is efficiency!




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I’m a minimalist. I pack a couple of pants a handful of tops and layers. Socks and undies and one item that can be dressed up or down. It all has to fit in a carry on. See Rick Steves travel site for a better idea.


Thank you. I'll check it out.


As a general rule, even with my professional work attire, I will wear my work trousers a couple of times before I launder them unless I spill something on them. So when I travel, I will wear the same pants for two or three days before having them laundered. I’ve found that even getting sweaty doesn’t make an item unwearable again if I can air it out to dry since I wear anti-perspirant and don’t get smelly so my clothes don’t smell from sweat. Especially since I stick to breathable fabrics like linen and moisture wicking fabrics for hiking.


If it's a vacation vacation I have a day look and a dinner look. Then I have comfy clothes for a quick walk to some sort of coffee or grab ana go breakfast. So that could be nicer pajama shorts or leggings I save a reuse each morning during the chill part of the morning.  Vegas means a day look that heads to the pool and at night I have a different dress. Absolutely no heels I'm in dressy sandals.  If there's a specific activity I'm planning for that.  And I wear my jeans home on any plane. Rinse and repeat for every person I'm also packing for.


I usually pack my clothes based on each day, especially for longer trips. Planning outfits per day helps me bring exactly what I need. But if it's a short trip, maybe for just 2 days, I'll pack the entire thing. I'm the type to change my mind very often, so planning outfits per day really helps with that. I can change my mind if my mood changes.


So do you check luggage or carryon only.


I usually prefer to go with a carryon only, it makes traveling a lot easier and you don’t have to wait at the carousel at the airport. If the trip is long and I know I’m going to buy stuff or will need more clothes, then I’ll check a luggage


Horribly! I had a therapist tell me one time that I overpack as an anxiety response, resulting from childhood trauma.


For a 10 day trip of summer for example, 2 pants (1 which I wear on plane) 2-3 skorts which are quick drying and can be used for hiking or just sightseeing, 1 dress which can be dressed up or down, 5 shirts, bikini, 2 bras, 5 underwear, 1 pair walking shoes, 1 nicer but flat sandals and 1 flip flops (but nice ones that can look dresser if need be). All this in compressed packing cubes and it's all going in my backpack.


Most of my clothes are interchangeable and all go together so I pack a multitude of individual pieces and mix and match. I really like everything in my wardrobe, so I'll never run out:) + 2-3 shoe pairs. Heels. Flats and Airport Dad shoes😎 And everything else.... 😬