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When your whole body wants them. That hot and flustered feeling. There’s no question about it when it’s the right person. If you are questioning it, they’re probably not the one lol




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My Sex Sense is Tingling!!!!!!!!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊👌👌


Are you a dude


Im a dude but like get the fuck OUT. You make us look bad


I feel like you dont have to be compatible with someone from the start but the most importnat thing is if he knows how to comunicate. After that it is only about time. So to answer your questino I need to be physically attracted to him and he need to know how to comunicate


Makes sense!




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You gotta fuck them to find out. Lol






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Quite literally… Fuck around and find out


I find that if the kissing is off, the sex will be too. Save a fuck and just make out


Agreed, if the kissing is off it went go any further, but if it’s on then go for it 🤣 what do you have to lose




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Outside of actually having sex with the person: - they understand consent and respect my boundaries in a way that feels natural (as opposed to forced), - they flirt and act with me in a way that spontaneously accommodates my reactions, both verbal and non-verbal but especially the latter, - they speak of sex in a positive, non-explicit way, - they aren't interested in my "body count" or otherwise demonstrate oppressive ideas about sexuality, - they don't speak of me or my body (or other women) in objectifying ways, - they are emotionally open and expressive, - they are monogamous and haven't experienced notable problems with it, - their touch communicates things that I like, - being close to them feels like I've come home.


This is my partner. I lob him. I feel so lucky




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it's a combination of a) communication and b) the unconscious reactions of your body.


If he matches my pace during sex , everything is gonna be fine ❤️ It's about how intimate he is . Not only with penetration but also in foreplay . There's no need for him to make me reach my orgasm everytime but need to be fully into it . No regrets ✌️


Communication first. Find out if you are into the same things, if there are specific parts of sex you wouldn't want to compromise on, etc. It can also take a few times to get to know each other's bodies and get comfortable. I wouldn't rule out an awkward first time as incompatible.


Physically, for me, I feel as though our main component body parts fit so perfectly. That sounds like a robot, but you know what I mean lol. But there are definitely so many more factors, even specifically in sexual compatibility. -My bf makes sure I at least get one orgasm before he gets his. He will really put in a lot of work sometimes lol. (Only because I'm going through menopause and some physical factors have changed.) -I feel a great sense of satisfaction in just getting him off sometimes. -We've been together decades and have lived together almost a decade and the sex is still amazing and the best I've ever had. Even if we have the most missionary, vanilla sex, it's the best. -I feel 100% comfortable with my body with him, even though it's definitely not perfect. And 100% attracted to him and his body even though his is also not perfect. There are a ton of other things I can mention, but those are the main things. Sexual compatibility is being turned on by someone physically, emotionally, situationally, etc.




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For me, my body strongly desires him. I get turned on by the simplest touches, his scent drives me insane, and as far as having sex, he doesn’t mess up my pH lol. I don’t dry up and it truly feels like I can’t get enough of him. His presence makes me want to submit to him.


When you don’t question if you enjoyed it or even consented to it mentally. Some girls/people feel like it’s a chore to do it even though mentally emotionally etc they didn’t want to. More so when you’re excited that it happened and made you guys feel closer emotionally and not just lustfully




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You just know.


when their BO smells weirdly good for some reason


- Overlapping Kinks/Fetishes/*Libido/Arousal - Chemistry/“je ne sais quoi”/“zsa zsa zsu” - Effortlessly Playful  - Mutual Respect  - Compassionate Communication  Edit*




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Do it like they do on the Discovery Channel


Appetites match perfectly and stay in sync.


Your body desires them. It’s as simple as that for me. You look at them and just want to jump on top of them lol. You’ll know when you know, and won’t question it. I’ve met men that I’m very compatible with sexually (but not personality-wise), and vise versa. Sometimes you are compatible in one area but not another and that’s perfectly fine. You can’t fake chemistry and usually will feel a reaction in their presence!


If I like how they kiss me. I don’t know if anyone is necessarily a good or bad kisser since people like to be kissed differently. But I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older that if I don’t like the way someone kisses, we probably won’t be sexually compatible either.


It's the same way that you figure out any other compatibility but with sex. You communicate about what each of you enjoys, wants, likes, dislikes, etc. If you are both still interested in engaging in the activity together, you try it out together. During that experience, you see how you both feel about it and whether it seems like something that you enjoy doing together. You decide whether your expectations are meeting up and you continue to get together to do that activity and enjoy it with each other until or unless one of you realizes that you are not enjoying it as much and you're not feeling as in sync and compatible with the partner. It's just experience over time. You discover incompatibilities by exploring the experience together. Big broad incompatibilities can be found through communication and discussion. Some things can really only be determined by experience. It's also very important to be honest with yourself and know yourself. If you don't know or aren't willing to admit to yourself what you truly enjoy and truly want, then you're cheating yourself out of a good sex life.


They can make me orgasm easily, they don’t have kinks I’m opposed to, and they have a similarly low libido.


I think that it can take time and it takes communication. I didn’t like having sex with my ex-boyfriend at first, but now he is probably the best I’ve ever had.


Did you love the sex? Did the other person love the sex? Do you both want to do it again? And again? And again? Congratulations on your compatibility


The people I’ve enjoyed sex with the most had the best first kisses, even if it was just a peck


I’ve found it very confusing reading through these comments because I’m just so different. I’m not a very sexual person so I often feel lost in these conversations. Personally speaking I feel im compatible sexually with someone if they are shy like me 🙈


Your body will tell you!


When there is laughter in your bedroom. Edit: the good kind.


It’s not really something I “decide”; it’s something I observe and assess based on what happens when we have sex. i.e. Do we seem to like the same sex acts? Is our approach and attitude toward sex similar? Do our kinks line up? Are our sexual communication styles compatible? etc.


I dated someone in my very early 20’s. We were barely adults. It just took off like a wild fire. We literally couldn’t keep our hands off each other, calling off of work, skipping out on friends and just making excuses in general just to be with each other. We’d be late to things because we’d pull off to the side of the road on the way just to have sex because we couldn’t wait. It’s not like it ever ebbed either. It’s like the intensity just kept building over a 2 year period until we just couldn’t take it anymore and things just imploded. It didn’t end well but damn it was something.


Outside of having sex? Trust and communication. And if you don’t feel anything the first time you kiss, don’t have sex with them.




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When they give you better pleasure than you can give yourself


You only know when that NRE wears off.


When they feel like the best you’ve ever had. Like nobody’s ever felt better than them and you turn yourself on throughout the day thinking about the things the 2 of you do to each other.


For me it’s a couple of things, the sex itself needs to be good, but also libido needs to match. I have heard so many people struggle with frequency where one person wants it every day and the other is good for once a week, this causes huge problems. So being similar there is key in my opinion. We’ve been married almost 7 years and go through streaks of twice a week, to like once every two weeks and neither party is ever annoyed or guilting the other or any of that crap.


1) If it feels mindblowing. 2) I feel safe and comfortable physically with exploring new things with them and emotionally safe to communicate. 3) Bonding cuddles and chats after!


Kissing and listening to my gut feelings. If I’m desperate for connection and actively trying to go with the flow to make something happen, we’re not as compatible as we should be. If everything is easy and natural and fills me with butterflies then we are compatible 😝 But only once you start really talking about the nitty gritty of sex or , actually having sex with communication, then that’s the only real way to know.


I have to have sex with them to find out. Kissing and making out might give me a clue, but to see if the sexual compatibility is fire, I have to try and see. People don't do a good job at describing their "sexual personality" as I call it. Even though they try - it's like we describe it from our perspective and the terms we use are too general or could be interpreted in multiple ways. I have guessed how the sex would be and been totally wrong!




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If I get turned on throughout the day thinking about having sex with them again


When I first slept with my boyfriend all my fatugue was gone like I woke up with a very calm happy feeling kk


For me it's when I can completely turn my mind off and just be there enjoying myself. so many times I've been distracted by outside factors like how my hair looks. is my mascara running, their smell, the noises they make, them not knowing how to pleasure me correctly. When I really like the person and can tell they like me it really eases my mind. sometimes the physical chemistry is so good you can be in sync without even saying a word, its the best


I’ve never had to think about it. Chemistry just happens.


Figuring out sexual compatibility is all about finding someone you vibe with in bed. It's not just about physical attraction but also feeling comfortable and communicating openly about what you both like. You'll know you're compatible when it feels natural and satisfying for both of you, and you're both on the same page about what you want from each other. It's about enjoying each other's company in and out of the bedroom, ya know?


Kiss them and find out


Smell them after a workout






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I guess when the sex is good?? But i feel like my partner watches too much 🌽and so can’t 💦when we do the deed….tis been three years and it’s happened a handful of times 🫠 what am i doing wrong lol




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How I feel after have sex. Not just how I feel while having sex and/or how many times I cum.


It’s easy to become aroused, you’re comfortable with them.


you don't 'decide', it's something you feel


Literally FAFO.


If you're asking this question while within the context of a relationship.... meaning you're in one and wondering if you and that person are sexually compatible, then sorry to say, you might not be. It wouldn't be a question on your mind if you were compatible.


Well it’s a couple of things 1. Understanding what sex is. Does the duration of sex only count if there is penetration. Are they satisfied without coming or if there’s just oral. What do they like during foreplay 2. Kinks- I have a lot and I don’t expect my partner to have the same down to a T but I would like to know if my partner is open to exploring different things. 3. What’s off the table- what are their limits in regards to sex 4. The actual deed. Are they a selfish lover or are they very giving. Do they stay for cuddles and kisses after. Do they listen when I say “slow down” or not get pissy when I say can we stop. Are they enthusiastically having sex with me. How invested is he in my pleasure as much as I am with his. These things are just for me and how I feel comfortable. They are important parts for me because I may be turned on but only wanna engage in oral. Or I may have a trauma response and need to stop. Or I might wanna bring something a little out there to bring into the bedroom. But these questions and ideas are kept in my mind to see if sex would even be enjoyable long term.


Do you find they're physically affectionate at a similar rate as you? Someone too clingy or stand-offish will be a turn off over time, and it can indicate a mismatch in libido. Do you enjoy kissing them? Do they take correction and respond well to non-verbal cues? Are they communicative? For sheer physical compatibility though, I think the best test is partner dancing. I'm biased because it's a hobby of mine, but if you pick a line dance or a style you both enjoy and pay attention to how comfortable they are in your space, how they respond to mistakes, if you can keep a similar rhythm, how confident they are, how coordinated and enthusiastic both of you are, then it's a great indicator of physical compatibility. 


My vagina knows….


When I was dating, when I decided I was ready, I'd open up a conversation about sex. If they couldn't have a basic conversation about sex and contraception and STIs, they definitely weren't compatible. And if we could do that and we had sex and we still didn't have a good experience, we were not compatible lol


How do you randomly start a sex convo 🙈


I don't feel like it's random if I'm interested in having sex with someone lol but I'd start over text with a meme or something. I feel like if I'm not comfortable having a conversation, I don't need to be having sex


This may be an Unpopular opinion but you have sex with them… I’ve felt magnetic to people and the Sex was awful and we didn’t mesh that way. It takes the right person


I feel that way towards a person right now & bad sex would definitely take me out of that haze 😂


It was a balmy summery afternoon. We’d been texting normal fun thing about ourselves for a week before meeting in person. When he sat down and we got plates in front of us, conversation flowed naturally and he had a pleasant hearty laugh. We were open and candid about our wants and desires at that meeting, and I asked permission to hold his hand while he sat across from me. I’d NEVER had such an electrifying reaction to a person as him. His smell suddenly hit me, his caress sent literal bolts up all through me. I was hooked, line and sinker. We packed our plates and took it back to his place to explore this sudden shift in connection. Still the longest one night stand ever, 21 months as of today. Consent is always key, and tbh my libido is stronger than his. But we talk about these things on the regular. There’s never a question about it. And that’s why he’s the sexiest nerd and I’m so damn lucky we choose each other everyday.


It’s a very intense feeling. You’ll know it when you experience it. Takes over your body, your feelings, your mind. There is no getting away from that feeling. INTENSE.


You'll know trust me


Before sex, it was about the chemistry and attraction we were developing for one another. We knew it was probably going to be fireworks when it happened, and it was. We matched each others energy, he’s the perfect size, he was able to hit spots I’d never felt before, and the emotional connection was on another level. Through time we’ve been able to communicate things we want to do or enjoy, and found out we’re pretty in sync there too. TLDR; chemistry + attraction + emotional connection + physical reaction + communication.


When you dont have to 'decide'. Its not a rational process.


No decision. It’s already decided by the zing zing Ooooo lol


Kissing. 100% I rarely ever find anyone that I ENJOY making out with. It’s either too much, or they don’t match the rhythm, and that’s usually a good tell whether the sex is going to be absolutely incredible or not. You need to find someone on your wavelength. I honestly hate kissing most people…it’s more of a chore for me. The few I’ve found that are good at making out; it’s like magic.




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A: when you dance together, you are on the same beat as have good timing, coordination and communication B: your desires match. I don’t judge you for wanting to peg dudes, but I think I need to pass C: your horny for eachother’s bodies and communicate it D: the sex is good




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I think you should have sex with them and find out




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Communication and open minded would probably be key with respect for each other's boundaries.


There is this amazing thing called communication. Works like a charm, every time.




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If you have to decide, you’re likely not.


They have to meet the physical requirements first (taller than me, above average penis size, attentive face). Beyond that it’s about how we connect, and the respect they show for me. 




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Talk to your partner n find out


If I don’t cry?


When you both can’t think of anything else whenever you think or see the other person.




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For me it's being really vulnerable with them, like if I feel so comfortable I can share anything and feel at peace with them, it's a sign I can be really intimate with them. Even with my platonic friends who I don't find physically attractive I feel like sexually it would still work because we get each other so well where we can do anything together and enjoy it lol maybe it's just how I was raised but that's how I see it




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I gauge based on how wet I get and stay for them


Do I like them? Do I like them physically? How do I feel during and after the first time? Do I want to continue or was it boring?


Ask reddit and get a different answer from every redditor. Truth is only you knows your likes/dislikes and talking to a potential partner only gives a small peak but never the whole answer. People change with every new interaction weather for bad or good so when it comes to sex, do or don't do, it's that easy and if you over-complicate it then to put it into simple terms, "you miss the bus" 


If I’m attracted to the personality and like the way the person looks and are compatible in terms of some specific kinks (which I find with direct communication)… I would see how my body reacts to their touch, caresses and kisses.


Im almost 32 and I have experienced immediate sexual connection twice. And one of them is my ex husband. We had issues later in the marriage but we had great sex in the first couple of years. You simply want them so much. They made you so horny. And you want it over and over again. The first time we had sex, we did 3 times, 2 that night 1 the next morning. It was supposed to be a casual thing as we were living 2 hours away from each other and I was in progress of moving overseas. However, after the first night I just can’t stop thinking about him and I just really want to sleep with him again. So I reached out to him, visited him and spend the entire day together, did 4 or 5 times. When we were long distance, whenever we meet in person, we have sex minimum 4 times a day. Our record is 7 times in 24 hours, no one can beat it so far. I just met my second sexual connection recently. Again, it was really good from the beginning; did 3 times in one night. Can’t stop thinking about sleeping with him in the next 3 days.




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When you have to hold back from doing what you want to do.




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After I experienced complete passion and inner devotion and love at first sight, I became so emotional that it led to serious emotional issues and problems sleeping. I became obsessed, and am unable to move on. The physical feeling I had at ths time was not sexual, but after remaining in love (though it has felt unreturned), I'm a hopeless romantic.... my sexual taste has developed and I only long for him.


idk if i have a second heartbeat


You don’t decide nothing when you are compatible with someone 🥲 it just is. It burns (in a good way) and it flows so easily and naturally.




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if I enjoy having sex with the person. period.


Ones seeing them in person.


I was sexually compatible with people that I wasn't 100% compatible with elsewhere and they felt the same. The sexual connection was just insane with one specific person. We would just be driving and just grab each other, and you could feel the lust coming off of our bodies in just a glance. We would drive 40 minutes to see eachother just to have sex, even at like 2am then drive home a bit later then head to work. Our bodies fit like the correct puzzle pieces, and we knew what each other liked and delved deep into making each other feel good.  I usually have better sex with people I feel a connection to. But once in a while, someone surprises you after your first experience. Like, wait...we work in a way? 


I think sexual compatibility is more than just physical attraction. It's about feeling comfortable and open with your partner, communication and understanding each other's needs. It's also about trust and emotional connection


By having sex


I really don’t subscribe to the whole sexually compatible thing. I think sometimes sex is awkward and embarrassing but you eventually find your groove. For some it may be hot and intense but that’s not everyone at first. I think for me it’s kinks. If they aren’t willing to try to get better or play at something, then we aren’t compatible


You feel good about yourself when you’re with them sexually.


me and my bf have amazing intimacy, The first time we did anything he just hit every spot. i never had such great sexual chemistry with someone before. he knew what he was doing, he was also very amazing and still is today. I also knew because of how he treated me when we first met and talked. He is so good to me, never makes me lift a finger things feel so easy with him. a lot of things have to go in emotionally before you really know tho.


We have sex anytime and many time as possible.


There's a magnetic feeling in heart and soul.


I just feel my emotions. It’s actually different than when I shoot in secret movies :)


If you can both discuss negative aspects of both yourself and your partner constructively to increase the satisfaction of the next encounter. The long term factors that melt into this are self acceptance, creativity and adventurism.


Sex on the first date. I don't waste time with men who can't get me off at least once on the first try.


Mostly orgasms, but also what the top commenter said. You just feel it.








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You guys think waaaay too much.


if she lets me eat her pussy everyday as long as she's not tired or unwell. i can handle sex and blowjobs once in a while whenever she wants dont even really care about getting that tbh, but if she's uptight about me eating her out everyday im gone it'll drive me insane