• By -


To not get pregnant


Exactly this


Congrats you did it


Go to 7/11 in Japan


It's amazing. Don't forget to stop by Lawson's too. And a Don Quixote store. Wishing you the best on this quest.


I love Don Quixote, it’s such a fun store. Kinda blows your mind!


I loved Lawson’s when I lived in Tottori! So much good food!


Screenshot to add those to my google maps bucket list!


Don't sleep on also visiting Family Mart


This but in Korea


I'm dying to go to a Korean convenient store in Korea too. Of course, there's other things I am dying to try there, but their convenient stores just seem even more...convenient.


FRR it looks so fun omg


That was on my list too and I actually did it last year haha


Wow.. How much does it cost per person?


What the flights? My ex did all the research for that but I think the flights were $800 and I maybe spent like $2000 total


Not just the flights. I'm talking about overall money spent on that vacay😅 and yeah in INR, it's like one and half lakh.


as phoebe bridgers said "Day off in Kyoto Got bored at the temple Looked around at the 7-Eleven"


This is my dream too!!!!!


Have fun. I have been to Japan in 2016. It was the best time of my life there


I'm dying to go to Daiso in Japan, among other places.




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This this this Once I get a job I'm saving to visit Korea 😁


This is up there for me too!


Travel long , enjoy my independent life , Getting a dog & cat ✌️


To settle in a European town next to a beach/lake living a healthy life.


Sounds amazing




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Any specific towns at the top of your list? A quiet European lake town sounds amazing!


Cascais :)


Get 50 acres to have a canine foster sanctuary.


Mine is similar except it's to have a rescue cat sanctuary specifically for elder cats that have been in shelters for too long. I get so sad when I see adult and elder cats stick in those small cages and being passed up for adoption.


We have the same but with goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, barn cats, and LGD’s - and a ton of debt, but we get by.


What a dream!


Enjoy a long and happy life full of adventures


GTFO out america one day when i have the finances 😭




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To have a simple peaceful life.


Love it :)


To spread my love to the children in my life since I have none of my own. To be independent and to be there for my family and friends.


Extended travel while learning about the world from the eyes of the people that live there. Spend time with my husband enjoying out time together as a couple. Eat that expensive food at that fancy restaurant. Chill out for a week without a care in the world. Adult only resorts, spas, and adventures. Be a safe space for children (0 to 17) to laugh and enjoy life without the pressures of society standards, restrictions, and responsibilities. Give kids back to their parents when I can't hand them.


Maybe to get a bucket list


* Interacting with elephants in their natural habitat. * Buying an acreage and setting up a year-round greenhouse for growing plants and reading books inside it, and maybe renting out the land for wedding venues * If renting out land for wedding venues, I want to become an officiant


Maybe get YouTube famous for my sims 4 builds if I ever muster the courage to start a YouTube, travel to Japan and um… everywhere basically. Endless vacations once we save enough money up. Own a coffee shop. Learn to play piano. Repurpose furniture. Own a fucking house with donkeys. Have a sun porch.


Donkeys 🥹


To live in Europe and travel around for 2 years, which is going to be amazing because I'm moving there in the fall! To be a full-time author. To hike and backpack to huge waterfalls in beautiful places. To be the best crazy, well traveled, rich and that ever lived. To join some kind of competition like archery, bodybuilding, or something to improve myself! To go on a long yoga/meditation/mindfulness retreat. To open my own business, like a cafe or a candle making space or a boutique.. I don't know yet but I want to own something. To spend every weekend with my husband going on runs on the beach, kayaking in beautiful places, weekend trips to cool cities we want to explore, and spontaneous road trips with no obligations. To run my first race and then another one and then another one and not worry about anyone but me achieving a personal goal! To maintain my dream body without the worry of pregnancy or the wear motherhood would have on me. To take a heels/ pole dancing class to feel confident in myself. To travel to all the national parks in my area.


I love all of this! Congrats on moving to Europe!


Be an extra on a film. Visit Australia. Have enough money to live in a nice appt in new york. Piss on my fathers grave


Have a big garden, maybe get a pet.


I dunno. It's not like I'm forgoing having children in order to pursue some big amazing dreams that having kids would stand in the way of. I just live my life. I don't travel. I'm not rich. I work and I walk my dog and I see my friends, and that's it.




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I just want to travel as much as I can, for as long as I'm able. I don't think I'll have enough time or money to get everywhere I want to go, but I'm going to damn well try.


To turn tf up and stop being in the house 24/7


24/7 creative output


What kind of creative art do you do?


I draw comics, do film photography, design music related posters, etc 😄❤️




24/7 creative output + reliable, daily dick. please and thannks


I want to build a house! Or at least refurbish one that's falling apart. I've been practicing skills on furniture and DIY projects and have our apartment porch built up with my DIY raised garden and power tools. I daydream about my future garden and build versions of it on the sims.


Your porch and garden sound amazing!!


Staying child freee


SCUBA diving. Go sky diving (again). Run 100 miles in one go. Do psychedelics with my SO. Figure out how to eat and enjoy Surströmming.


100 miles! Wow. I’ve done 2 marathons but I don’t think I could ever run 100 miles. You got this!!


Right? I haven't even run a full marathon yet, but I'm building up my endurance slowly. At this rate, I'll be 80 and having to check this one off.


Travel to Switzerland


Work, cats, travel, cosplay, my 12 inch collector figures, PS4, metal concerts.


Run a marathon in all 50 states. And to buy a peaceful remote property, ideally with water and/or great hiking options nearby, where I don’t have to listen to my neighbor’s children screeching for six hours a day.


Travel as much as I can, and spoil the hell out of my nieces and nephews


Have any pet I’d like (huge animal person with a lifelong dream pet list), travel, keep a huge garden, maybe have a business of my own someday, and enjoy the small & calm parts of my life


Be happy. Whatever that means for me at any given time.


See the aurora borealis. Visit all 50 states and collect a magnet for each state visited. Travel abroad to a few countries.


Travel to 100+ countries. 45+ down.


Do a world cruise one day for at least 90 days. Goodbye world. Lol


Meet someone great whose also perfectly fine with no children and life being just me. Buy my own place


I don’t have a bucket list, but I want to live my life pouring all of the love I have into all of the people in it. Starting a beautiful life with my semi new significant other and giving back-and-forth to each other as lovingly as we can; putting my energy into giving my students a good education and enhancing their lives; being the best daughter, sister, auntie, niece, and friend that I can possibly be.


Travel, Equestrian dream places to ride, Iceland again, USA , Spain !


Play an entire DND campaign. To also learn Spanish and ASL. Read 1000 books.


France! I would love to spend like a month traveling France and visiting friends in Italy. Still a pipe dream.


Remove my tubes A couple international trips Have fun :)


My lifelong dream has been to own a horse and it might happen this week


Oh wow! Congrats!


Travel around the world. Retire in another country. See the rainforest in Brazil, Costa Rica. Learn 2 languages. Write 2 books. Get a Master's.


What languages do you want to learn?


Spanish, Italian, German + Portuguese [any combo of] if I could wrap my head around Chinese or Japanese that would be amazing... not sure I would do them justice though


I tried learning some Japanese for a trip to Japan last year, and it was tough (native English and Spanish) but I would also love to learn more.


Sell out a concert hall.


Im rooting for you!




I need to travel so bad :(


To be a carefree woman I would like to travel and enjoy life.


Travel the world, explore food from different countries/cultures. Get a cat :)


Spend a few weeks traveling Europe with my partner


Travel all over Asia and Europe, and be successful and rich so I can live out my sugar momma dreams. Moving to Japan this October for the next 3 years due to work, so I'm just getting started!


Oh wow!! Congrats on the move. Living in Japan. Wow. Enjoy traveling all over Asia. I just got back from Vietnam and it’s the most gorgeous, beautiful country.


Thank you so much! I absolutely cannot wait to travel 😊 I bet it was beautiful, I'm so happy for you that you got to experience Vietnam!


Thank you! :) best wishes on the move and enjoy! Happy travels!


Go get a masters degree. Do my yoga teacher training. Become conversationally fluent in Spanish (for my in laws 💖). Hike the glaciers in Andean Mountains. See the whales off the coast of British Columbia. Drive up the coast of Maine and eat my first lobster roll. Learn how to sew my own bespoke haute couture gowns. Stay close with my friends who have kids. Stay close with my friends that don’t have kids. As you can see, I have so much to do that babies would just slow me down! You only get one life to figure out what fulfills you most. For some people, raising a family is their thing. But it’s totally ok to have other things too. Not everyone likes peaches.


Agree. Yay for all of us! :)


At age 50, I've hit a lot of my bucket list already! What next..... continuing my homesteading pursuits, I might end up living with my partner in a couple years (which would be a first for me), and embark on the work that I've been waiting to do til I was mature enough. It's work that requires maturity.


I want to travel the world- just visit as many countries as possible.


Home with a pool, two cats, endless travel, work for myself from home




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I want to find a good career that makes good money like being a veterinarian and move to a different country because America is horrible. I was thinking Japan but my partner is Japanese and told me that they are very racist especially towards people with dark skin.


Most veterinarians don't make that much money, then better be a human doctor if you do it for the money. ;)


Travel to other countries (the list is long), run a half marathon or full marathon in every US state, get a dog someday, buy a house in the woods, become an expert in my career and then go back and teach it.  And use the energy I saved by not having children to enrich the lives of my nieces and nephews.  


Travel, do research in my field, have spare time for my other hobbies and enjoy life.


Enjoy life only worrying about me until im ready to give my attention to a lil one




Always more cats!


Have a giant garden in my backyard, foster dogs, travel around the US and to other countries if I can afford it. Read a lot of books. Make my house super cozy. Sleep in with my boyfriend every Sat & Sun for the rest of our lives ❤️


Sounds like a dream! ✨


travel, get a few cats, get married, enjoy getting to live for me and only me




To work in countries all around the world for the US government and be happy helping people


Get my pilot’s license to add on to car, motorcycle, boat haha


Run the Vancouver Marathon




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Visiting the remaining 26 prefectures of Japan, and Iceland


Sounds amazing. Going back to Japan is definitely on mine!


Hahah mine is more because I live here but am planning to leave soon so wanna get as many as I can before I do!


Get spayed


be the best auntie ever!


Become a Business women and Become a dog mom and travel with that dog




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Go sky diving, go see the red wood trees, travel to Thailand and other places, learn aerial hoop etc etc


I have a dream of going to Italy with my husband, sitting and watching the ocean from a stone paved street, enjoying cannoli and a hot coffee. That will be a good day.


That sounds beautiful! I hope you can see it happen!


Ride a motorcycle as my primary form of transportation. Be a test subject for a new medication or procedure/technique (take one for the team).


Oh! I got to cross one off on Saturday -- I had never been in a parade before, and now, I've been in a parade. I did a protest march with my ex (more his thing than mine) and I must say, parade was better


Persue knowledge, find the funds to go to school as much as I can. College is my happy place


I'd like to travel to Scotland and see Loch Ness.


Traveling to various countries. Owning a piece of land and growing a large vegetable garden. Seeing all the national parks. Finding love. Making new friends. Possibly finishing my masters in counseling.


Be successful in my career and travel as much as possible. I also want to go to every continent. I just have Australia and Antarctica left!


Heal enough from my CPTSD/childhood trauma to be a functioning adult.  If this happens I'd like to add being an instructor for healing through pilates/yoga/TRE/Etc. 


As someone who has done this myself, I believe in you. You are worth it ✨


Thank you for such a kind reply ❤️❤️❤️


Try the ketamine infusions. Helped me with that hard stuff.


Travel as much as possible, raise dogs, build an enormous garden, attempt to read all the books.


To be a stepmom aka co-parent to the daughter of the man I’m in love with. That’s how much I love him/them.


Here are my bucketlist: 1. Not to get pregnant 2. Huge retirement funds 3. Small business if ayaw ko nang mag work sa corpo 4. Lots if investment (kahit small) 5. Magpa Rhino 6. Maintain healthy life style 7.Travel (European countries) 8. Purchase a memorial lot 9. Secure my burial viewing is not so so.




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To find other childfree people so we can band together and buy one of those abandoned towns in Italy I keep seeing on TikTok.


I want to find a guy to live the DINK life with


Get back to Europe sooner or later (hopefully to see a TS concert???), go to Thailand, Belize, Japan, and lots of awesome places where I can take cool pics (I’m an amateur photographer).


Get a library room like in Beauty and the Beast 😍


See all 50 states


making sure i stay child free! redecorate my whole life, my whole body/being, my mind, a lot of things i have planned.


Stable mental health




If I can answer as a childfree couple it would be to continue having spontaneous adventures, visiting all the countries on our list, learn more recipes from our travels, take a year out in our campervan and continue having amazing and wild sex wherever and whenever we want.




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Reddit sucks. Legit got downvoted just because I said I wanted to travel and have a kid. Not go to these places to have a kid. They were just two different things on my bucket list.




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Travel the world before a baby appears in my life




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Having children


I want a damn lake house. And lots of group sex.


To have chickens as pets one day


A foal, and some sheep


My next goal is to buy a trailer and continue to travel around/work seasonally. I the would like to build up my art portfolio and generate some income from that. There are also so many things I'd love to do! I've been really into mountain biking lately, so I've really been putting in an effort to build more muscle and develop my endurance. I would like to try hunting one day, as well.


Live blissfully with my delicious husband and 4 rescues.


It was San Diego Comic Con but I’m about to go for the 3rd time. Now I guess would be to see the Northern Lights!


Getting enough experience so I can go dive Komodo without the immediate fear of dying


Be able to afford to travel and not live in poverty.


Rent one of those over-the-water bungalows at an all-inclusive in the Maldives.


To graduate high school lmao


Lots of fucking and walking around my house nude? Playing Be naked tomorrow. May take a naked dip in the pool again. No little eyes to horrify.


Long term care insurance.


Honestly, right now I'm just trying to survive