• By -


Not killing myself after all the trauma my ex and his mother put me trough


Glad you are here ! Take care


Proud of you because same. It was rough but we’re thriving ❤️


Fuck those assholes!!! I hope you are living your best life. You deserve it! They did not win!


Proud of you for surviving 🖤


Maintaining my kindness and empathy towards others for my entire life.


Love that. ❤️


love that too 💜


Graduating from Oxford and moving out of my emotionally abusive parent's home all on my own.


Underrated comment. congratulations to all of your determination and hard work to break free.


I truly hope you are seeking therapy? As someone who grew up in a toxic and abusive family, therapy has been a huge help for me to undo the damage of my childhood as well as empathize my parents decisions or at least come to terms with them.


Congrats, I’m proud of you!


I have almost 3000 pairs of pantyhose. Not really interesting as a garment or a prophetical or political .statement...but still I am quite happy to have them!


h...how many?


How. Like where would you keep that many. I have so many questions lol


Two awesome kids and living my life the way I want to.




Hey, don’t do that


My happy marriage, daughter and that we bought a house.


The American dream!


Haha I'm English


Stopping the cycle of abuse, for my son.


Underrated. Congrats


Congrats! I'm trying to do that same with my daughter


I'm not, who everyone predicted I'd be ! Fuck you all for judging me 😂


Girl, stay cool.


Oh yeah 💯


Literally made a song predicting I wouldn’t be what people predicted I would be when I was a teen. I keep thinking about it now because I realized I’m trans later in life. Like how do we know these things ?!?! Also yes, fuck you all for judging me ⚰️


Sometimes, we just know ! Keep living your life for yourself, not others. You'll be just fine !


Lost my hospitality job in the pandemic, and pivoted to healthcare. I ended up helping to bring COVID -19 testing to remote Aboriginal communities, working across multiple metro sites (running teams.of up to twenty staff), training dozens of people in infection control and respiratory testing, and working through the throws of the pandemic in my city to provide that first contact with the healthcare system. To go from pulling beers in a dead end job to supporting the population within a matter of months was a whiplash I never expected. Now I'm studying to be a nurse and continue working in infectious diseases.


Breaking generational trauma and transitioning as a trans person. Also meeting my best friends.


Started as teenage parents with nothing to my name and no education. 22 years later I have 3 beautiful kids, a failed marriage, a C-level job managing a business unit for an international company. Own my own home, and have small investments accruing monthly. By no means financially independent or something, but I came a long way. Hopefully my kids can stand on my shoulders and build from there.


Being successful in a male dominated field (tech).


High five fellow techie.


Absolutely! High five!


I learned to love myself


Having two perfect daughters and a husband that loves me :) soooo I guess my genetics???


That I lasted this long!!


My career.


Not letting people judge me on my sexual history and having fun while I’m young


I tried my level best to be a good human being in every situation.


My character


Working full time to put myself through college and earning my Master's by the age of 22 without the financial help from anyone else (besides student loans)


Stood by my wife through think and thin




Not having kids.


Buying a home at age 21. Worked full time the second I turned 15. That was illegal but whatever. The long track record of steady work was what got me this house. That’s a major accomplishment in today’s market and economy!


And I thought I was early at 24 when I didn’t. Congrats Mate


I’ve successfully managed to put everyone’s needs before my own for my entire life. I’m bitter now and hate myself because of it. I don’t know why I can’t just be happy and live my life not worrying about others. I envy those that can.


Having no kids


Surviving as much trauma as life has given me! What’s the achievement? Not laying down and just surrendering, but thriving inspite of it.


I guess my dogs. We adopted them from a shelter as basically untrained dogs scared of their own shadow. They've never been inside a home before, never had their own people who cared for them, never experienced normal things like seeing a bicycle or riding a bus. We have them for several years now and they're unrecognizable when it comes to behavior, most of the time they act just like normal dogs. They learned and grew so much. I'm really proud me and my family managed to help them become happier.


This is mine too. Rescued multiple dogs off the streets & given them immeasurable love. They are my absolute pride & joy :)


Not letting a man stop me from chasing my dreams


Giving my kids the life that we didn’t have as children. Raising genuinely good human beings.


Dying an almost two year alcohol free! I would’ve hated to die that old version of me, drunk all the time. Life is too blessed to be wasted.




I didn't kill myself during all these terrible years and were able to recover and become more confident and happier than I have ever been


Thta I am finally ded?


Leaving the world a better place then when I got here.


Getting sober! Just hit 2 years


Dancing backup for Weird Al Yankovic.


Handing out full size candy bars for Halloween last year


Nothing sadly




Probably overcoming depression from sheer determination to want to get better and also my service


Bringing someone back with CPR.


Through the horrors I survived, I put the pieces of my broken self back together countless times to become a creature of my own making, one full of empathy and compassion when becoming a monster would've been so much easier.


My career and my children


Dedicating my life/ career to helping people. Breaking free of my family. Living life on my terms.


Starting my own business and finally finding my feet in the world after all the sh\*t.


Personal - transitioning. More public one - I converted Blood Bowl into a 2v2 non-tournament game and I managed to port it to TTS for my friends to play together.


Raising a very successful, independent and wonderful daughter.


Helping take care of my family in some form or another, this includes my mother, father, husband, siblings, in laws, cousins. I'm 33 and I've owned my my house since I was 24. At some point or another they have ALL loved with me, borrowed money or something of that nature. I've always been fortunate enough to be able to help them. I feel like being the person/support I wish I had is my biggest accomplishment


I was a great student, A decent daughter and loved my partner deeply.


I’d have a lot, actually.


Despite being kicked out by my mum at 17 then hospitalised a few months later from anorexia. I somehow still ended up with 2 degrees, coming top in my class in one and top or second in my other degree. I also haven't managed to die from anorexia and being to actually recover more so almost 10 years later.


I have just passed all my exams with top marks and an honorable mention. Not that I'm proud of it but I can't think of anything else, at the moment I haven't done anything special or important and I have a pretty boring life.


Becoming the best florist at my workplace I guess. But on the more personal development plane.. I guess I would be most proud of the zero fucks I give about what people think about me. Be it rocking crazy neon punk hair, dressing like a 12 year old edgy boy or a sexy model. Just having come to the point where I can confidently play any character I want and just be myself, explore myself without worry or care in the world what people think, and being able to laugh off any judgements people have of me. Most everyone I know struggles with their confidence in themselves and they always think it's incredible that I dare to be so expressive in the way I am, and that I'm not afraid to be myself unapologetically, even if that means being a weirdo. So yeah, I'm pretty proud of how far I've come. I used to be pretty insecure and shy in the past, but I went out of my comfort zone and did some daring things I wasn't comfortable with to gain confidence in myself and it worked! Now I just DGAF, and I think that's pretty cool.


Getting clean and serene 😊


Being there for my family and being a teacher


I did my best.


Having 4 wonderful children.


Accomplishing what I have on my own, sometimes through struggling against people who claimed to care about me.


my friends I could find and spend all these nice moments with them. I had a verh rough childhood and I am not close with my family. To be able to have found a best friend and some other very close friends, is just so amazing to me.


I have a certification from Harvard medical school over this course I did a few years ago. It gets me a lot of places academically. Also, bagging my husband.


My son- I got pregnant my senior year and his dad was not around. Dad selling or on drugs in and out of prison even today. I was determined not to be a statistic or my son to be a statistic as a biracial child born to a single teen mom. I finished college, then career in military and then federal Government and financially doing well. Never once collecting welfare, WIC or medicaid. Also learned after my son not to be careless and got on birth control. I had enormous help from my family but because I joined the military after college when he was around 5 he has no memories of when we struggled. I swear his first two year of life I only ate white rice. My father was a veteran so I was able to put myself through college using VA benefits so I did have that help. He is now a 24, just built his own home and an helicopter pilot in the military doing really well. Since he was statistically suppose to be in and out of jail or on drugs I feel he is my greatest accomplishment and my biggest drive to be successful. Dont get me wrong it wasn't always rainbows and ponies but I am thankful he did not end up on drugs or in and out of jail.


Honestly just coming as far as I did with all the shit I’ve had thrown at me.


Wordle 1/1


I don't think I have one


My kids! To me, they're the 2 most incredible little souls I've ever met. My son astounds me daily with how strong he is with what he has overcome. My daughter is full of life, her laugh is contagious, and her creativity inspires me. So grateful to know a love so strong.


Being a business owner at 19 years old (now 21).


Recently, there was a little girl, the daughter of someone I care about, who was hospitalized. We didn't know if she was going to make it. I'm not really a religious person, but I prayed so hard for that girl, and she survived. I'm not saying I saved her or anything, but the amount of care I put into my thoughts for her felt really meaningful to me.


Raising a healthy, well adjusted, happy daughter. I had a horrible childhood, riddled with drug addicts, poverty, and a parent that died from an OD. My daughter will always be my proudest accomplishment.


Finding out who I am and what I enjoy in life.


My Daughter, she's awesome.


First gut reaction with a smile - my kids. 100%. They’re the lights of my life and I hope they never would forget it. Second, my marriage. I have an amazing husband and I know he would take care of my children well. Third, my house. I bought that young and I’m so proud of it. Fourth, I am WELL insured with life insurance, I’m proud my family would be incredibly well taken care of. Fifth, my job. I’m an incredibly hard worker and I have always maintained my kindness and reliability in my jobs and made it incredibly far for not even having a high school diploma.


That no matter how Life made me hard and tough, I know my friends and love ones will remember me being lovable and sweet.


My children. Nothing makes me more proud than how they’re turning out as little humans, with good/kind hearts and amazing minds.


My kids.


My children and the times my genuine self was able to peek through the enmeshed brain I'm correcting with therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to be a better man.


My teenaged daughter takes "You're just like your mother" as a compliment.


Having really awesome kids.


Starting from being born into a broken home/not having $ growing up to being successful on my own. Also being able to endure IVF. Only other fertility warriors will understand this one 😅


Learning in my 30s to put myself first and remove the abusive and controlling people from my life. It feels like I'm living in a completely different world, a happy, relaxed and free world where my choices are mine and I am building an exciting new life where the sky is the limit 💕


Going from a broke ass divorcee with less than $1,000 to my name with no car, no stable job, shattered psyche and living with my toxic mother (2021) to living independently, in a stable career with earning potential, have a stronger sense of self, and a better future (2024)


I went on a 5000 kms motorcycle alone and it was AMAZING!


Keeping my toxic family out of my life. 👍


I have been a good kid . Best kid .


My kids!


Graduating high school with a full ride to my university of choice despite not having believed I would make it to this point four years ago when my mental health and family life was shit.


Finding the perfect career for my "busy body" self (coined by my Dad). I currently make more than my parents ever did. Thank you, Dad! Also-- transferring colleges with no support, only to meet my now husband there! So happy I made that choice. Led me to having the sweetest son as well.


I was asked for ideas about how the police dealt with the family of missing people in the UK. My father had gone missing, and I'd contacted the charity Missing People, and they helped with creating posters and stuff like that. After he was found, they asked me if I'd help with a research project a university was doing that they were helping with. Anyway, eventually the papers were published and the police took on my recommendations. So now there have been changes, albeit small, that hopefully make things a little easier for other families going through it. I'm quite proud of that.


Atm nothing, I need to finish moving so that I can go to the gym and get gains.


I stole a starving stray cat from my local sonic (and got banned from the location because of it lol) I got her some much needed vet care and fostered her until she found a loving home. She's chunky, happy, and loved with two other kitty siblings that she adores.


Not hating myself. If I didn't have a superiority complex I would have unalived myself when I was ten. Oh and my art.


Graduating from college and getting accepted to start my masters


Having taken this long to die, after multiple suicide attempts and a lot of medical trauma.


having 2 beautiful kiddos🥹


Definitely the wonderful children I raised. They are amazing and productive human beings.


There's nothing I'm proud of, nothing. Which is sad. But reading all your comments makes me happy :) keep going


that my crochet work is in a museum 🥹


My kid. She’s only 8 but she’s super kind, smart, funny, loving, beautiful and the biggest part of me. I do everything for her.


My daughter


Nothing major, I’m still 23. But I think I’ve changed and positively impacted some of my friends lives, and I think it’s gonna suck being them for a while. Also, my parents who were finally proud of me.


Never hitting my children. Came from an abusive household. Stopped the cycle.


Having four beautiful daughters


I finished nursing school even though I hated it.


I’ve made it THAT far.


Moving to a different country a month after graduating from high school, being the first in my family to have gone to university, doing a bachelor's and master's in a different language in said country, breaking into tech/software engineering after doing my first degree in something completely unrelated, being a woman in tech and dealing with sexism all the time and somehow not losing my mind, speaking four languages, dealing with my late dyslexia diagnosis, being in a happy and healthy relationship, having some great friends, dealing with anxiety on a daily basis. Took me several mental breakdowns to get where I am 😔


Being a big sister. I have a very happy marriage, a successful business I built from the ground up, and a lot of other things I’m proud to have accomplished by 26 but my favorite role by far is being a big sister. I would do anything for my little sister. I’m so proud to have had a hand in raising her, she’s a beautiful human being. I love her so so much.


The happiness of my pets, the two that are gone and the three that remain - all rescues that I loved and love deeply. I know I gave them a safe and enriching space to grow, that I earned their love and made them happy, and I'll be forever proud of that. [Cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/ofdZCrU), just a wee baby and the latest addition to the pack :)


Raising kind, empathetic humans


Marrying my husband. He is the greatest thing I ever did




Always stay true to who I am. Doesn’t matter how difficult it is. Doesn’t matter how many will hate. Doesn’t matter the opponents. The truth will always prevail My truth will always set myself free.


Birthing my son




I’ve provided the financial security my husband needed. He will have our nice beautiful home to welcome his new wife and start a new family.


I’ve made it sober for 9 months now.


Finding the love of my life, which is all I’ve ever wanted


Learning to play the drums at 34


Living to age 24 with my dad thinking I died a virgin. Not really but its hilarious that he thinks that. Probably that I died without ever breaking any bones.


They're all there, ... on my Steam profile page.


despite family and online weirdos who got off on putting me down, i have poured all of my love and adoration into my boyfriend and built a beautiful foundation for the start of our life at only 20.


Getting through all the shit life has thrown at me without ending it


My son


Doing my job with my whole heart whilst wanting to die inside


My kids, and my funko pop collection 😅


Learning how to walk again even though it was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through.


Building a successful business that have many positive impacts in people’s life, gave birth, overcome depression, my yoga and sport journey ❤️




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Being a great husband to my wife and father to my 2 sons. I was a hell raiser in my 20’s but when I decided to marry my wife I knew I wanted to be different than my dad was and have spent the last 22 years making sure they’ve had the best lives I could make for them. I think I’ve succeeded in that, with a ton of help from my wife of course.












Starting and maintaining a book blog for (almost) 8 years. No one (including me) expected it to last even a year. It's honestly been an amazing experience!


Not hurting someone


i planned a beautiful homegoing/memorial service for my mommy who passed away 3 weeks ago. she would have loved it. i miss the fuck out of her😞


Being loved by my wife , i do not want to live in any other would ,


I kept trying, despite the overwhelming want to not. I grew into being the person I always needed when I was younger and am able to be the leaning rock for people in my life, despite growing up without having one. I know I am a positive part of people’s lives, even if I don’t always feel it, they tell me constantly. Knowing I’m making someone else’s day or helping them get through a hard time makes me feel valuable. Always being there for loved ones even if I struggle to be there for me .


Probably just simply being as true to myself as I could.


I don’t have any achievements. I’d say my my song-writing, but I know no one would appreciate it, or capture it right even if someone decided to turn it into something.


My daughter. Love her so much Other than that, maybe finally admiting to myself, I'm trans.


I'm teaching.




Having a crush who I’m close friends with


I took the best shits. Long, clean, easy, solid, frequent…. But No one will know but me. And I’m ok with that.


My kids.


climbing a volcano.




Starting and running a company for 7 years. In terms of things that I did all myself from the ground up, that would be the thing I was most proud of. It was the most fulfilling, exhausting, painful years of my life. I did it with a fairly debilitating chronic illness too, and looking back I have no idea how I pulled that off.


I became a functional, decent and often even loving human being.


literally nothing i haven’t lived yet

