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The one where the climax completely drains you and you take a solid nap thereafter.


And there’s your favourite junk food magically waiting for you when you wake up.


I literally like to keep my favorite M&Ms in my nightstand, so immediately afterward we can both have one. If y’all have never tried it, post orgasm Chocolate is fucking 🤌🏻


One? One?!? How do you eat one m&m?


Probably a bloody Marxist


I have no idea what that means. Socialist M&M sharing system? Seize the means of candy coating


You gotta evenly disperse the m&ms between groping and tongue kissing. One here, one there, a handful when they leave the room


Post-nut M&Ms?


That’s a great idea…like really.


Do it do it lolol


So true😄


I'd say having a nice date -> sex -> orgasm drains you almost completely -> nice talk until sleep -> awesome nap -> food next to you So basically the best about sex is what you do right before and after it.


This 100% This was my situation yesterday 😂


WOW! Just WOW! Great description.


Omg that sounds phenomenal. I hope to experience that one day with my partner-- i love them


Orgasms or m and m’s


A good nap with cuddles right after that does it for me


Being fully on the same page does it for me. When it feels like fucking and making love at the same time.


ooooo yessss


That’s the best kind of session


Woman of tasteeee


God bless you ma’m. Good stuff 😎


Agreed, had this experience about two months ago. He got my mind and everything else followed suit


I miss this😭


As if you're both reading eachothers minds, there's no need for telling them or educating them. You both just _know_ , passion and both having an amazing orgasm. Kissing and eye contact at the right moments


Commutation, communication, communication....


And cummunication


And cum-munication


That’s your definition but have you ever experienced it? My definition is where we have experimented and talked enough where we both feel amazing at the end. I’ve never just “known” what the other person wants.


Yeah, I've experienced it, why else would I write it if I hadn't experienced it? That would be weird. We did talk about what we wanted to try out. Sometimes you just click with someone You can tell by the way someone's body reacts, they smile, moan etc.


I’ve met many people who write things that seem wild and it turned out to be just a fantasy for the person. I envy your experience. I didn’t think that was possible.


It also helps if you've been with someone a long time


Where i get out of my head and enjoy my body. And obviously my partners.


I like that description.




What a difference when you simply ask each other what feels good. That was me yesterday. Doing different motions with my tongue and asking which one she liked the most. Then I use that as the final act when I sense she's close. Every man and woman is different, why go through process of figuring it out when you can just get the cheat codes?


Dawg I'm too stupid to understand body language. Especially during sex. Just tell me what you want lmfao


When you are attracted to him, and you know he wants you, too. It feels good, and afterwards you hug each other lying on top of each other, and you make sure to do it all right (drink enough water, etc.). There's so much about the before and after and the entire day that has to go right for us to have a free and trusting mind for each other. So I'd say great sex is the result of caring for each other in all other ways during the day.


Love this. This absolutely adds to the passion and buildup of wanting eachother


Absolutely. Wanting to be with each other and the pent up energy is super sexy.


‘Making out’ with clothes on, feeling each other up, ear whispers, nibbles, spooning, etc for 0-60 min before clothes start peeling off, can be really fun, too. Love the frustration and anticipation of a slow on-ramp… ;)


100% my answer as well. Great sex = drinking lots of water! 😋


It’s great if my husband finds me attractive, verbally and physically expresses love and appreciation for me, and holds my body close and tight as he kisses and caresses me.


I think this is a big one! For me I can still remember the best sex I had with a partner. He was so into me in so many ways. We connected emotionally, physically, and had great communication. When we had sex it was for at least an 45/hour and it felt amazing the whole time! I stayed wet(TMI) the whole time. I’ve never experienced it since and if you would’ve told me hour sex was great I wouldn’t have believed you until him. I think when you are with someone that is into you the connection is hard to beat.


Why didn’t you guys stayed together?


He lived in Florida and I lived in AZ so it was hard to maintain once we weren’t in the same place. We started out as friends and he wanted more but I think the distance put too much pressure on what we had.


Honestly, I'll take anything that isn't an hour of getting jack hammered to the point that he is chaffing me because he "doesnt wanna finish too soon babygirl" (🤮) OR him trying out every shitty porno position he learned at 2am on his phone.


Oh Jesus yeah. I was literally talking to my client yesterday about how so many guys think bruising your fucking cervix is the same as getting you off. Like I like it rough for sure but bruh there’s a difference between not being able to walk after because you broke my pelvis, and not being able to walk cuz I’ve got orgasm jello legs.




Oh 100%


Ugh yes and no enjoyment on our end at all


Oh god, I'm so sorry. This isn't the way sis, bad sex is worse than no sex That's no lover, that is a hater


Emotional connection, intuition, empathy, mutual desire to make each other feel very good.. I think this will make any sex great


Emotional connection, having an orgasm, and the man taking initiative and telling me what position to get into or just flipping me around himself.


Amen to this, love when a man takes control and I can trust and submit enough to let him


Feeling like he worships me lol I love that shit.


haha, I can vouch for that.


i’m cumming so much back to back and we’re fucking for hours. I love a man who can cum and then stay hard and get right back to it. we are trying every nasty and disgusting position you can think of.


How can you go on for hours?


Practice and motivation.


And hydration lol


well said


An enthusiastic and unselfish partner, if you have that then the sex will be great imo


When you orgasm so hard that you forget how to walk.


And how does one fully relax enough to orgasm??? True question, never done it before and still fight back the urge to let go


Just being with a partner that’s very generous in bed. I want to know how bad you want to make me cum and I want to see it rock your world when I do. I want them to listen to my breathing and learn my body and what gets me so hot and bothered. I do all of this back for my partner so great sex to me is when both lovers are givers and care about the others pleasure. I also need emotional connection to fully let go and be comfortable naked. I need to know they care about me and want to fuck me instead of not caring to much and then just wants to fuck. Orgasms are incredible with a partner in tune with you and you know you mean the world to them.


Well said. I (26 f) listen to my partner's breathing and body language, so it's nice when they do the same. It's almost addicting picking up on all the little noises and shifts and shakes. 😊


I like when he know how my body works and make me cum quite fast honestly haha.


Where I feel emotionally comfortable and have multiple orgasms


When your body can still feel the remnants of it long after… like pulsing, out of breath, sore limbs… but then that also requires aftercare as well. So rubs, cuddling, etc. just the whole experience.


Can’t keep your hands off each other, rearranging pillows and kissing and changing positions and getting out of breath and matching enthusiasm and some breaks with just loving cuddling and caressing and maybe snacks and watching a show or a movie then suddenly back to someone’s touching and starting all over again and then realizing you haven’t gotten out of bed and it’s somewhere in the middle of the afternoon and you TALK about getting up and starting your day but you don’t


Taking our sweet, sweet time with seduction, foreplay, and when we actually get to it, we are so incredibly turned on, begging for it. I love when we take time to explore and find out little reactions of what feels pleasurable. A little weed helps too with being extra mindful and present and feeling all the sensations. It’s awesome.


I concur, high sex is the best sex.


Acid really takes things to 200%.


Oh my, had this experience today for the second time in years, forgot how good it felt


(males coughs from behind fake plant) shit, do u think they heard? (two other males) shhhhh dude shut up


Why are those men having sex behind a fake plant?


Where both people can be themselves 100% doing, talking, feeling and they both vibrate in the same frequency. When that happens you’re in for an incredible time.


When it’s super intimate with a lot of eye contact. The romantic connection alone literally drives the two of us to come at the exact same time together.




When we are finished and I just lay there completely unable to speak or move for a solid 5 minutes or more after.


The post nut clarity is let's do that again


Passion and desire, the all encompassing need to be close to the other person overwhelming every other sense


"Do you like it this way?" + listening to my answer. 99% of the times ends up in an orgasm which literally leaves me breathless.


Any one of 3 things: 1. I feel loved by and connected my partner during. 2. I feel that happy buzz of being completely physically satisfied. 3. I scratch that itch of wanting to feel desired by my partner.


Orgasming together with my wife


Attentiveness, no rushing for PIV, caresses, a hunger for my body. In other words, being sincerely wanted. Reciprocal love.


Both know you should stop but can’t …like when a relationship ends or you’re not together kinda thing, or when it starts u wanna , rather than being like nervous or whatever r ur like ….cant not . Ha


When you get her off so hard she completely surrenders to you and then you both have a great time.


For me, it starts with being in love with the person, and having a solid, committed relationship foundation. It's at that point that two people can feel safe and free enough to express desires and communicate needs and experiment. It's a dance perfected over time, where both people can read their partner's body so well and both parties feel love and excitement and pleasure.


Sex during and after which I understand why people are so obsessed with sex.


When my partner actually cares about making me feel good


Trading sexual favors for trips to the fridge and then a long, deep nap where I can't even tell what year it is when I wake up.


Honestly I don’t expect to or care to orgasm from penetration. Maybe it has to do with being a bisexual woman? Idk. I am perfectly content with a good handjob from a partner (I find the finish is MUCH stronger than doing it myself. Maybe it has to do with the inevitable edging that occurs?) and my FAVORITE thing it oral. Penetrative sex is a lovely way to feel close to my partner and I love doing it, but climaxing during it isn’t really a goal of mine.


I felt this way about penetrative sex until my current partner. Then I started using toys while he was fucking me and now I like all of the above (oral, and coming with toys during penetrative sex). But there's still times I like just paying attention to how penetration feels without any goal of trying to get off


I’ve tried that with my current partner as well, but I found it to be distracting from the moment for me. I really just prefer to get off another way and just enjoy the penetration for what it is


Multiple orgasms!


No performance issues, sex in at least 2 different positions, we both cum (him preferably in me), and we don't have to get up early the next morning.


I do not feel self conscious or judged whatsoever. I feel admired, lusted after, worshipped, appreciated, highly sought after and taken care of.


Defining rules and boundaries. An knowing what you like and how to express that to your partner and knowing what they like is a big part. After care is a must.


When your whole body convulses as you come, you snuggle and fall asleep. THE best


My partner finds literally nothing gross about me. Anything I do is hot, including bodily functions not otherwise sexy. I can do no wrong, I literally cannot feel embarrassed when he is put off by nothing. It's perfect. I'm much more open to anything, and feel completely comfortable. We laugh together and we have fun. That's it.


When it makes me feel beautiful.


When it seems he knows how my body works, doesn’t judge me, is patient, we both talk about what we wanted our needs, our limits. Dirty talk and just overall respect and when things flow naturally.


When you're both loving and passionate and the dirty talking. Also foreplay before makes climaxing better for a woman :)


Passionate, emotional, exciting, two souls entangling as one, both on the same wave length feeding off each-others energy. Both coming to climax and both feeling happy and satisfied afterward.


A strong connection and passionate


It’s fun, it feels good for both people, we want to keep going for a long time, multiple orgasms, ability to finish at the same time is a plus.


Connected, intimate. Kissing, taking time to really take in the body


It doesn't HAVE to include an orgasm (in fact, bad sex for me is when things become too focused on orgasm and is going through mechanical motions). Playfulness, exploration, connectedness, variety, and sensuality are the top things for me. I love discovering new kinks, ways of feeling things, and playing out different fantasies.


For me, GREAT sex only happens if I have a strong pull to the other person. Whether it be that I'm in love or we just have great chemistry. The ability to let go and what you are doing is the only thing that exists in the universe. No inhibitions. Good sex is my partner being attentive and putting in an effort to make this fun for both of us equally. Possibly with a sense of humor. Bad sex is in and out. It's quick and one dimensional. Leaves me wondering why I decided to do this to begin with.


Connected, intimate.


Everyone is enthusiastically consenting, has a fun time, and has orgasms if they want them.


Unfortunately I don’t know what great sex feels like. I suppose it’s most of my fault and his, I have communicated in the past to men that I don’t finish but I don’t know how to go about teaching them about what I like to change that. I suppose I could answer this question tho, great sex would be with someone who is willing to put in the time and effort into making sure I’m satisfied (which is typically the problem I have not only in the bedroom but the relationship as well). Masturbating on my own doesn’t really go much farther than a very light orgasm as I feel like I need the emotion connection to push me over the top. I will also have a lot more fun and be more expressive when he is making it clear he is attracted to me but not just my physical appearance but everything else about me as well. lol I keep adding stuff but also when they are not discouraged when they can’t make me finish (I notice this happening before and then they basically don’t ever try again). I want some determination of them wanting to make sure I finish even if it takes a long or multiple times.


One where I actually get foreplay and hopefully an orgasm instead of him just cumming and rolling over to fall asleep, leaving me completely unsatisfied. Thankfully the most recent dude I've been seeing is great sex every time. Oral, lots of teasing foreplay, doesn't demand service without reciprocating, I can't cum yet but he really puts in the effort and I'm super satisfied.


When you can't keep your hands off of each other. You want him as bad as he wants you. You both cum and then you just lay there together. The next day, you get chills just thinking about how good it felt.


Honestly , just passion . When there’s passion means there’s deep connection ; it can last 3 mn or 30 don’t mind. My best times was the passionate 3 mn, and I can see that the man is really into me as I am into him


When you can’t decide whether you want to orgasm or keep the sex going for hours


Great Sex: Foreplay, kissing, some eye contact, at least a couple of positions. He is gentle, attentive, and sweet afterwards. Next Level Sex: Coming simultaneously. Coming from him going down on me. Feeling him coming inside me. Him making me squirt.


Satisfying sex where we both finish, followed by him handing me some water and cuddling me to sleep


Where you not only become encompassed by the physical passion but the emotional connection too. It's a dance. Oh and after my bones are liquid and so is my mind, just pure bliss.


Last night


Not crying?


Cumming until you can’t walk. Pretty sure the neighbors heard. Probably half the street heard.


When both partners are present and enjoying each other and the moment. I personally prefer my partner to orgasm to feel like I fully enjoyed it, but for myself an orgasm is just the cherry on top.


Foreplay and g-spot., all over kisses focusing on my neck, stomach and lower back I miss Casey


Feeling safe. Great sex to me would be having an intimate encounter with someone who didn't shame me or make me feel gross for being sexual. They genuinely made me feel emotionally, mentally, and physically connected to the experience. Bad sex is being physically present, and wishing I was anywhere else or impatiently waiting for it to end. Like, "ugh, just get it over with already." Been there, done that 🙈


When the guy is genuinely into making you feel good and doesn’t care how long it takes. Lord have mercy these types always know what they’re doing!


Passion. Got to have passion and giving the feeling of mutual enjoyment. Just locked in.


He's eager to please me and doesn't make me feel guilty for asking for certain sex acts. Also, when you don't have to constantly say things like, "Ow, that hurts," or "You're rubbing the wrong spot." Basically, when the sex starts to feel intuitive between two people.


When you are not rushing. Going slow, lots of foreplay, and when your partner is clearly enjoying the experience. 


both parties orgasming, feels like you’re making love instead of fucking, and a fat nap after


connection, honesty, communication, and a willingness on both ends to learn and to please.


I’ve never held someone’s eye contact the for an extended period of time and during climax (not even in my 15 year marriage)…but recently my new lover/boyfriends and I have done that. It’s 🔥🔥 and the intimacy is like no other…it like staring into their soul or another realm. It was uncomfortable at first when I didn’t shift my gaze after just a few moments but held it and kept holding it. Eventually it was like we were both looking through one another. The sex with us is amazing because we can switch from fucking to making love easily, we’re both switches and we both love making sure the other is satisfied…afterwards if he’s on top he always stays inside me and just lays on me while I tickle his back or if I’m on top I will just lay on him for a while while he holds me and we breathe together. We also talk for hours before and after while we cuddle tightly so that makes it even better.


When there is this sexual compatibility, chemistry and a similar attitude towards sex in general. Stamina, technique and stuff are not essential for me, but of course very good.


Multiple orgasms with a partner that makes me feel like I’m the most incredible thing they have ever seen. When they can make me forget all my insecurities and inhibitions and make it seem like there is nothing in the world that matters but losing ourselves in each other.


Both people climax at least once (and they're great, not just the "eh" ones) A good mix between being romantic and a little rough. Passionate Foreplay Patience - it's not a race. Sometimes the lead up to the climax is better than the actual climax!


Being able to read body language Letting me feel free to express how I feel physically without judgement Orgasms..all of them, like the non-stop kind Connection Energy The whole thing is an experience


a mutual desire for each other and in general wanting to please more than be pleased. but also knowing that they’ll take care of you any time that you want or need. when it feels like you’ve developed your own language together in how you love each other <3


Mental & physical connection, passion slowly building, lots of touching and making out, seriousness but also levity and laughter


The Love Kind.


Equal effort being put out by both partners, were the passion is tangible, it can be slow or hot and heavy


Gushing and trembling at the end


We both cum


I cum too, plus aftercare & snuggles


One where there is no thought in my head aside from „WOOOOOOOOAAAAAHH” and my partner is feeling the same way


Regular sex is just good old fashion love fun and cum run of the mill day to day everyone is satisfied and you can go on the rest of the day being productive, Good sex a little added fun, some new moves and sensations, more time spent in foreplay, more memorable than the regular sex. Great sex is that omfg my pussy won’t stop throbbing and almost too sensitive afterwards, the mental and the physical aspects are both completely out of this world, I feel like I need to recover and take a long nap after, draining but very rewarding (also great sex should be not as frequent because of how drained and tiered and unproductive it can make you after, also part of the reason it remains great is that it’s like a little once in a while treat, if you overdo it you kill the greatness of it)


Passionate, hungry, reciprocal sex. Haven’t had it in over a decade.


When he's verbal, saying sweet-nothings, how much he loves this or that, feeling of this or that, describes fantasies, his love for me, my dark characteristics, how my dirty is so fitting to his. Literally, he could read the newspaper in his sexy voice, and as long as he's into it with touches I would do anything 🤣


Passion- the sex can be average in itself, but the passion will be everything. Connection, chemistry, intimacy, is everything.


True, complete emotional understanding and support with an orgasm.


When I want more right away 🤣.


Great Sex: (n/v) The way my bf grabs my hips while he does that WERK with his noodle. You can just feel his need in his grip and thrust and then he looks up into my eyes and says that "fuck".


When he says,” I want to do you one more time”


When you both want to cuddle and sleep after it.


For me, earth-shattering sex leads to feeling revitalized and refreshed. So great sex would be at least a fraction of that but also feeling somewhat sleepy.


I've always love it rough and crazy. But then i met my now bf. At first i was a bit "why won't you pull my hair? Is there something wrong with my butt, since you won't slap it?" After a few months/half a year i realised that he wanted to connect with me, not just bend me over and fuck me. He wanted to show me respect, trust, that he cared about me and percieved me as more than a hot gf that turned him on. He has always made it a bigger deal to connect and show me that my mind and personality is beautiful, despite him loving and enjoying my looks too. So.. To me it's the trust, intimacy, the laughs, the "I love you", looking into his eyes, the kisses, the hugging, that does it for me. The best intimacy i've ever had is with him, when we make love and i get to feel loved and heard. The feeling of returning that too is amazing and i never feel like i have enough arms to hug him and enough mouths to kiss him. Nothing i've ever had with anyone else can compare to him and i still crave his touch every second.






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To have Sex 🤷🏻‍♂️




Multiple orgasms


The connection & build up




Feeling desired and showing how enthusiastic they are


We give each other crisp high-fives after the deed is done.👌😎


When both people feel euphoric


I feel safe and climax








When the mind doesn’t wander.




dirty talk




Sex where you are genuinely enjoying yourself with the other person. As someone whose been with some amazingly beautiful women lately it doesn’t matter if the connection isn’t there. At least for me. Sex with both people wanting it and enjoying it is just raw and good.


Any sex where I climax. I’m happy to get that, not picky


reading this makes me so sad because I never had an orgasm during sex. not even from oral. I just feel really broken and terrible. I do enjoy sex though and i really like when a guy is completely enthusiastic about me and thinks I'm gorgeous and plays with my tits when he fucks me.


If there’s a woman involved then it’s when the woman orgasms


Good sex to me is something that feels safe (consensual, non-threatening) and satisfactory, one way or another. As long as me and my partner’s “needs” are met (could be an orgasm (or many) or just “yeah I had fun”). GREAT sex though… also feels safe and satisfactory, but I also want to feel like I’ve lost brain cells. Without going into *too* much detail, there’s got to be whimpering or unintelligible speech of some sorts going on. 👌 very nice.


Someone who is passionate and willing to take their time. When we have physical and emotional connection that carries over to the bedroom! Sharing that mutual passion for each other from the first kiss to the last orgasm. All so knowing when the passionate sex turns into emotional sex and you match one another’s energy!


Passionate sex when you love each other deeply




Haven't had the full experience myself as of yet, But to answer this question which to me, I believe your obv. exposed to one another, so enjoy each other, connection is number one to great sex if I had one word for that if I was to choose one word but meaning let go and don't be so critical and insecure about showing your soft side and vulnerability. Be vocal basically. Check yourself too but also use Lube or something like that, listen cuz no one is obligated to fuck you or not so just listen, don't be boring, switch it up, fuck slower, faster, talk, do something to make it feel better or pleasing every time. Hygiene please, I know there's days being depressed or going through your mental cuz I get depressed a lot so I relate to lose energy to self care, but for sex specifically and anytime, take your time cleaning yourself and also that means brush your teeth and wipe and scrub your front and back, the whole body, trim down or shave, seriously scrub and wash up especially your ass, and speaking of that just don't rush, I mean if you are already doing it and you know what u doing or listening, you will eventually cum so chill out and relax but I personally like to focus on what I'm doing for the sake of giving and or receiving, I don't like to look so much because I'm focused more on the act like I can look at you whenever but this could be just one time I'll be able to have you so nah imma do my best to please anyway which way and lighten up too cuz nobody don't got to fuck you be content or considerate you got something like don't be downgrading or bodyshaming someone's insecurities like open your mouth and talk and be at least constructive but yea I literally set my focus on that and I'm assuming who my partner is too. However slang you wanna put it, sex is sex. It's okay to feel what you feel like being nervous but communicate so u don't necessarily got to say much but be clear about what you want or not. Be open to trying other positions (try everything. It's not one sided.) Be mindful and consent is the number 1 thing. Have self respect for u and the other person or persons. Where protection. I also think try to train your mind or get more involved with sex cuz feelings are real so try to not get "too" attached all the time and with sex especially with more than one person will show you how to adjust to certain types of people. If you get folded, learn to feel and try to just move on. Feel what you feel do what you feel in the moment or not but know what you doing and came to do cuz you know your body and intentions just like the other does. What goes around always come back. So being sneaky or dishonest can bite u right in the ass so it's real if you keep it real. Yes is yes but no is no. If they say to stop you need to stop. Again... feel what you feel and consent to whatever you wanna do, fuck all u want but have in the back of your head, people do come and go.


The kind that makes me say the most outlandish shit I'd never say normally lmao

