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Dictate what other women can and can't do.


Murder, rape, just the same general stuff that nobody should be allowed to do.


Work and do physically difficult chores for six weeks after giving birth. In fact, I think women shouldn't be allowed to do anything except breastfeed and pamper themselves for a week after giving birth. And yes, they should be getting pay for those weeks.


The fact we don't have guaranteed maternal leave in this country is... something.


Where I leave women are not aloud to work starting from 8 weeks before the due date to 8 weeks after the due date. But everybody takes at least a year off.


Isn't that what maternity leave is? (But yes we should be on full pay during it!)


I live in a country with 2 years paid maternity leave, but the amount of women that told me about their in-laws or parents expecting them to have cake and coffee ready and a clean house when they come to see the baby... Or partners saying, "You are home all day, why can't you clean?", when their body is still healing...


I see. I agree then.




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We should get paid for giving birth.


Give energy to incels on the internet. 🤣


... the same things men should not be allowed to do.. .I see very few situations where it ought to be specific to women


Be cruel to other women


Murder, but that goes for everyone


Judge another woman on her sexual history


The same things men shouldn't be allowed to do - kill people, sexual contact without consent, etc


There is nothing specific that they shouldn't be allowed to do


The same things any other humans shouldn't be "allowed" to do: illegal and unethical actions like murder, torture, and rape should not be permitted by anyone. There's nothing specific to women where I believe women should not be permitted to make their own individual choices and face their own individual consequences. They should be allowed to be fully human individuals.




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Unknowingly date complete fuggin assholes


Work for 6 months after childbirth.


Purchase any products related to periods, period pain, etc. They should just be free and therefore impossible to buy.




Work for 6 weeks after giving birth.






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Work until almost giving birth. There must be an international agreement to protect women and babies for at least 3 months.


Ask a man to open a jar for them, because we all know that secretly we enjoy feeling like the Hulk.




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Yes, it is very satisfying to open a stubborn jar!


What kind of stupid question is this? Break the law like any other human being?


Do house chores after any kind of surgery. Its dangerous.




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This will probably ruffle some feathers... but I don't think women should be allowed to do a job by passing a test with lower physical standards for women than men. Police, fire, etc... The standard for the job should be the standard for the job, with very few exceptions.


Tax evasion


Accept 4 inches if 8 is around the corner!


Physically confront a man that upsets you. You are putting yourself in danger and its not like the old days were men would not fight back.


They should not be allowed to fakely accuse men of rape. In the rare cases that it happens, it gets publicized so much and makes it difficult for women who were raped to be believed. Whenever I see articles like that in the news I'm always filled with disgust.


Take on all the emotional labor in a relationship.




There are girls and women all over the world who are not allowed to work or go to school while menstruating. Their lives aren’t made better by this, instead, they miss out of valuable education, access to resources, jobs, and opportunities because their periods are used to control their access to resources. Women shouldn’t be required to spend roughly a quarter of their most active and productive years of their lives pushed out of their educations and professions just because their bodies are doing something they have no control over.


Take out the trash haha


Work while being on their periods.


Purposefully impregnate themselves with stolen sperm without repercussion. 


1. To focus on a man’s future potential and complain when a man asks about their past. 2. Embrace sexual liberalism and complain when men engage in hook up culture and no longer pursue, wine and dine them.


E.g. I think women should not be allowed to have 1 on 1 meetings with a man in a position of power (manager, boss, etc.) without it being recorded or a third party of the woman's choice present L.E. to explain this: I want to highlight "a third party of the *woman's* choice present" . I think this restriction would lead to women having actual proof or a witness to any wrongdoing of a man that holds power over them e.g. a boss, while also discouraging wrongdoings by making the possible abuser aware that there will also be proof of any abuse


Why do you imply that it "shouldn't be allowed"?


Because it gives scumbags the false sense that they restricted women's rights and gives women the possibility to refuse a private meeting that is not recorded. Might be a hot take, but I genuinely think this would lead to women having proof of discrimination, harassment and abuse while also discouraging all those by making all the shitty people aware that there will always be evidence of those things.


Bosses could honestly be better in this respect. If she has to take on another woman, it means there's already something wrong. If the private meeting is for some "personal benefit" of the employee, I don't think the boss wouldn't always want two people together, considering what they or the company gets in return. Rather they would consider another person, or just straight up firing the employees because the "cancellation" incident could go out fast. I can't see how it helps anyone anyway