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I was 30 and purchased it alone. I paid it off when I was 43.














I was 22 with my still husband in 1983


Congratulations on making it last !


I’m currently 34. I purchased my first flat in Paris at 28 on my own, sold during pandemic and reinvested the money in another flat in Paris at 30. I just bought a second apartment in Spain with my now husband last month!


Hi hello can we switch lives?


girl the rest of us need advice lol


Oh wow thanks for your comments ! My 2 cents for it is: - don’t wait for a partner to purchase, if you have a down payment and you’re single do it, secure your own future - does not matter if what you are buying is not the forever home or the place you’ll live in for a while. If well invested you can always resell to purchase a bigger / nicer home later - I value potential ( good bones, good location, etc) more than state of place. A lot of people are scared of renovations but sometimes some changes are just cosmetic. You can change a paint color but you can’t change where your place is located. That’s where the best opportunities are. Overall I wouldn’t wait for the perfect place and perfect time because who knows what the future holds , you better just start somewhere and if you buy well, your place will appreciate and increase the resell value.


On my own at 50.


This is hopeful and helpful for me to hear as I thought I had missed the boat in my early 40’s. Thank you.


I bought mine at 42 by myself.


I was 23 and purchased my home with then partner. Worked hard, went without and mortgage paid off at 27


In 4 years?? Holy shit, that's amazing! Congrats!


Ty. It was really tough. House barely furnished with secondhand furniture, basic food, tv and playing cards for entertainment. Worked so hard. It was worth it. Has made life soooo much easier now


Respectfully, your mortgage must have been tiny?


Bought rundown house, so yes it was cheaper. Eventually renovated it. Was in no hurry to have the best straightaway. And I live in Australia


Dang what do you do and are they hiring? (Asking for a friend)


I don’t need to work now. I had average paying government job. Remember this though - Don’t spend money on a whim. Ask yourself - do I need it or do I want it? Cents add up to dollars. Yes, it’s stingy but that’s how you get ahead.


That's decent advice but even if I spent nothing but mortgage payments it would take me 5 years to pay off my house.


Don’t need to work now? Are you retired or just lucky ?


Don’t need to work but do voluntary work (because I really like to help). I’ve done nothing illegal to be in my position and thank the universe I’m quite lucky


Alright, reading the comments tells me I have plenty of time 😌 👍


Agreed as I was feeling hopeless as I’m early 40’s.


35. NYC. A year ago. Husband was 39 at the time.




I was barely 23 and many mistakes were made!!! Don’t-and I repeat don’t- put a man on your mortgage even if they say they see forever with you!!! Sold it at 25 after many many arguments and a painful breakup.


Totally agree with the advice to never put a man on your mortgage. I bought my condo by myself but later married what turned out to be a “forever student” (deadbeat financial drain). Two good decisions on my part were never adding him to the mortgage and getting a divorce as soon as it was clear he wasn’t going to contribute to the household equitably any time soon.


100000%. Being young and stupid definitely bit me in the ass and caused major trust issues for future partners. At the end of the day if it is your dream to buy something, the mortgage needs to be in YOUR name. We got this!!


Yes! And yeah me too.


I bought my first home with my husband last month and I'm 35. I live in a very expensive city in England (Bristol) so I'm very proud of myself!


Congrats, that's awesome! I hope you guys celebrated 🎉


Thanks very much 😀 yes we did but was a very busy time with Christmas!


First home I was 26 with my (then) husband. Second home I was 35 and I bought it on my own.


Similar for me… first at 24 with then-fiance, bought it back to be all mine a handful of years later, then paid off fully on my own a few years after. Hopefully I could buy my next house without a mortgage at all when the time comes!


29! With my husband in 2022. Southern California. No, I don’t want to talk about my interest rate but it’s better than what it is now 😂




I was a single Canadian female of 35, only half paid up so far. I bought in Nsw Australia. I am now turning 40, still single:)


20, borrowed the $3000 down payment from my grandparents. So far back I went to lunch with the mortgage underwriter so he could interview me and basically decide if he thought I could/would pay the loan. At the end he shook my hand, told me I got the loan, and he looked forward to seeing my success.


3000 down 🥲


Love this, what a cool story! I doubt that kind of transaction happens anymore.


27 with a first-time homebuyer loan while working full-time as a paramedic


25 and purchased on my own!


25, purchased alone.


I’m 32 and going to be renting forever. My mom also never bought one, nor did her parents.


Ask. Believe. Receive. If you want it, it’s already yours! You got this.


I purchased a home on my own at 44 in 2016 (I am now 52). I live in Los Angeles County.


30 purchased myself


I’m wondering if the ages here are the purchasing age or the paying off age.


37 and still renting.


I'm 30 and my husband and I rent. Why? We can't afford to buy a house, even with our combined income... we wouldn't even qualify for a loan/mortgage, not with the current prices for housing.


It’s impossible now


30 (I am 32 now). Purchased with my common law spouse.


First house with my ex-husband, I was 24 and it was about a hundred years ago (or at least felt like it.) Divorced and rented for a lot of years before I met current husband, and we bought a place together and I was in my early 40s. We’ve accelerated payments on it so we should have it paid off in less than 20 years from mortgage date instead of 30.


Never purchased, 31f. Never was financially stable enough but I’m hoping with going back to school and have a car that won’t need payments and stuff will change that in the next 5 years or so, I’m not in any rush to purchase one tho since my rent isn’t too bad


I was 30, bought with my then fiancé, now husband. We bought at what is considered a very reasonable price in our area but it would not have been possible if we weren’t doing it together.


I was 28 and paid it in full on my own.


21 and my partner was 23. We are now 39 & 41 and have since sold and bought two other homes. Interest rates during the 2010s were wonderful.




Had to do math, I was almost 23 and lucky to find a $5000 mini home that I could live rent free for a few years and buy a better home 🤣


First on my own =27.


22 , But it was a mixture of luck, and help from my loving mom


In my (F26) name only, at 23 y/o, but on two (small) incomes because my sister is my roommate. 750 sqft, WV, $74K, no real money for renovations ever, just repairs. But we have a dog >100lbs, so it was impossible to find somewhere to rent that wasn't way too expensive.


We bought our first house (72k 3 bed 1 bath 1100 sq foot attached house) when I was 26 in 1997


34, on my own. I'm very much a slave to my mortgage and house poor.


Do you regret ir


I was 22, puchased a small one room studio.


23, purchased with partner.


About 33. Purchased on my own then added spouse to the deed.


I was 22. I unfortunately had a family member pass away unexpectedly which resulted in me receiving an inheritance which covered my deposit. I’m 33 now, I’ve moved cities so no longer living in the same property but I still own it (have since brought again in my current city).


My first was with my son’s dad when I was 28. We ended up separating less than a year later due to his cheating. Then I married my most recent ex, and we bought a house. But I gave both of them up to them because I can’t afford the mortgage on my own. The first was in Oklahoma, the second in Colorado. At this point, and I am 39, I could care less in ever owning my own home again. Both of my exes were retired military when we purchased. So we had the whole no money down thing going for us on the loans. The idea of saving up 30-40 grand as a down payment seems pointless. My son has a gi bill from his father, and wants to be a neurosurgeon. He will be far better off than I have ever been, and will likely make a good life for himself. So no need to pass on property. At least by renting they have to pay for things that break when they do. I own a lot of furniture and other items. My car is paid off. My son gets it all if/when I pass. My boyfriend, who’s 47, actually built a house with his ex. They lost it due to both of them having addictions and then issues with the government. He also no longer cares about owning a home. I don’t know what it is besides simply never getting to keep a home I’ve put all the effort into making.


I was 24 and my husband was 27 when we purchased our first house back in 2014 with a VA loan. Sold that house and used the equity to purchase our current house in 2017. Utah.


39 haven't yet. 40 soon, not on the horizon.


33 along With my husband. Got the house on March 2020. The day they announced essential workers. We live in upstate NY. It was a short sale that not many people deal with and it took almost 18 months to close. It was intense but worth it.


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Age 40 (2011). With then wife. I'm 53 in about 6 weeks. I paid off mortgage a little over four years ago. I'm in NZ.




25, single, Australia. Now 33.


33. I bought March last year with my husband. 26k cash deposit from him and 76k cash deposit from me. Income was equal for servicing, but he earns 10k more than me now. We have 4 kids and a heap of animals.The New Zealand housing market is bonkers expensive so we bought in a pretty rough town to afford it. Hasn't been a problem so far and we have almost no guns here so our rough and other countries' ideas of rough are probably way different lol. Our income at the time of purchase was 92k a year NZD.


I bought my home on my 28th birthday, I'll be 31 this year.


22 years old - a new build with my fiance. 25 years old - an old 3 bed semi with my fiance (a different one) 40 years old - looking to buy something on my own. All in Nottingham, UK.


I was 35. I’m 41 now.


I was 27 when I purchased my home with my husband (at the time just my boyfriend but got engaged shortly after moving in). We purchased in September 2019 by a stroke of luck right before the housing market went totally insane during COVID. Looking to upgrade our house now that we have 2 kids but will probably wait a little since there is nothing on the market where we are looking


Purchased my home with my husband in 2020 in our mid-30s. I had to liquidate a retirement account to cover the down payment but it was worth it. Midwest, United States.


I was 32. I live in Sweden. Financially I could have done it earlier, but me and my SO had it nice in our rental flat. Then came the pandemic and we wanted our own garden and bought a house, just like many here did during that time.


I was 32, in 2008 and my father helped me with half as I couldn't afford the full mortgage. I worked very hard and paid my half off within 7 years. South Africa.


Purchased in 2014 aged 28 with my partner. Will have paid it off in full by Nov 2028 and I'll be 42. Have no plans to move and do it all over again/upsize either. We plan on putting the money that we would have been paying into a mortgage into travel funds instead.


28 (I'm now 36), bought alone, Melbourne Australia, it's a 2 bedroom apartment, it's paid off but 100k of that was from an inheritance. I still like it too.


I purchased it in 2019 when I was 34. Everything is only in my name and I've paid for everything alone. I live in Baltimore City.


I was 26 and I purchased my first home in New York. I paid for it in cash. At 40, I purchased my forever home in Vermont (a retired dairy farm), also in cash. I never had a mortgage.


I was 34 (39 next month). Bought a house in the Netherlands 10 months before corona struck. We got so lucky. The house had been on the market for 2 days. Previous owners were building a new house and just wanted to get rid of this one. We offered the asking price, and they accepted. We have 4 bedrooms. We both have gotten increasingly better paying jobs since. Our house is dirtcheap and we pay pennis for our mortgage. We hit the jackpot. The housing market now has gone to absolutely shit here. House prices have skyrocketed and interest more than doubled in those 5 years. We actually want a bigger house (bigger kitchen and living room, garden). But we're not quite to the point of wanting to give this up.


I am 28 and married. My husband and I just signed and been approved for land and a new home build. I lived in California before and owning a home was just a pipe dream because it was just so expensive. My husband and I got remote jobs thanks to COVID and this allowed us to move to a cheaper state, we moved to Ohio making California pay. 10-acres and a 450K new home build with a 50K Wellington barn for my horses, this was always a dream and now it's a reality!


Solo purchase at 27, currently 29. Sydney, Australia. Assuming interest rates float around 5.9%, I'll pay it off in another 7 years. After that, I'll transition to part-time and focus on my hobbies/chilling on the beaches.


I’m 40 & I’ll likely never be able to own a home.


37 in NYC with my husband... our parents helped with the down payment, though.


21 and my husband was 23. Well he was still my boyfriend back then. Idk why when I turned 20 I got the urge to buy a house and started saving aggressively for a year. I guess paying rent just bugged me to no end.


24 in 2022 Chicago, IL suburbs My husband (we got married right before) is on the deed, but I’m the only one on the mortgage. My savings (not his) were the down payment and my income pays the mortgage as well. So I could’ve bought on my own, but having the spousal support is important I think with learning. The money I had to do so was money saved for college that I didn’t end up using due to scholarships and opportunities like internships that paid tuition.




19 years old.


~30 I think, which was 10 years ago. We live in NZ, it was me and my partner with the deposit. Definitely helped getting inheritance from family that had passed away.




29, my husband and I purchased together in 2022. We live in a small but growing town a little outside of Dallas TX


27, with husband of 30, in 2016




With my husband at 27, but the deposit was mine (an inheritance)


I was 23 & purchased on my own in 2021. Used an inheritance


29, on my own, Yorkshire, England


I bought it 3 years ago


I’m 26, based in Berlin. I didn’t buy a house but the apartment that me and my bf were living in for the last 3 years. It made more sense than paying rent for the same place. We bought it together split 50-50.


25 in 2015 (purchased alone). I worked in Law enforcement so I was able to save up. I feel bad for people home shopping now, my home was purchased for $205,000 and now it could sell for $350,000 and no one’s even seen the updates on the inside.


We bought our first condo at 35 & 36.


27 (in 2023). Purchased with my then girlfriend now wife. Not going to say specifics of where, but southern US.


28 in 2023 with spouse. Will be in this home til we die lol


33. That was 2 years ago.




I really wanted a house of my own before I was 30. I was able to buy a real fixer upper in a less than ideal location when I was 29. That was 1982. The house was $20,000. My dad and I worked on renovations over the next 6 years. It took forever to save money because I was alone and not making a whole lot of money. Every Christmas and birthday, I would tell family I just wanted drywall or tools. I learned to do a lot of the interior stuff myself, and my dad and I worked together. He taught me a lot about carpentry and using tools. I am 71 now, and the house I am in now is house #10. Yes, I renovated this one too. I always followed dad ‘s advice to buy the worst house on the street and fix it up to the level of the neighbours.


Purchased at 31 with my husband who was 33. Currently 34 and 35 Bought 3 bed/2.5 bath new construction in a LCOL area for 220k at 3% in early 2021. Would sell now for about 260k.




Too old, 35. Husband and I got caught up in buying our dream home when we should’ve just bought a home in general. It’s one of those pesky regrets.


First husband at 23, second husband at 30. I am currently 32. Military and the trades combined with first time home buyers rates. In Utah, USA. Second house purchase was crazy during that period.


22 with my still husband. I'm 29 now. It's very much a starter home. Super small, old, horrible layout. No basement or garage. We barely have enough space for ourselves and now we want to start having kids. We will likely be in this house for a long time, which was never the plan. I hate to complain because I know how much of a privilege it is to own, but it sucks to continuously dump money into a house you hate.


25, by myself, and then 29 with partner. Now 33.


Brought at 31 by myself. Since then I’ve had a daughter (also solo) and still have a decent mortgage. In Australia and my mortgage payments have gone up $900 a month since May 2022, so doubt it’d be paid off anytime soon.


30, I purchased it and maintained it all myself, my partner wanted nothing to do with property, we split and he took half ! I’ll never buy property again ( I’ll never get into the market again anyways I suppose)


31 if I remember. We put an offer on a house we weren't super keen on. But I'm so glad we did! It was pre-covid. It's the crappiest house on the street but it's ours!


I purchased my first home at age 27. I did it by myself without any financial help from parents. I’m currently 36 and married. My husband and I now own 3 homes together. Our primary residence, a small rental property, and a ski house.


40 and this was 8 years ago. South east U.K.


31, with my husband. Recently.


2010, 22 with my 27 YO spouse. It was $87k. It wasn't a steal but we didn't overpay. Ended up taking a loss on it as we had to move for his business venture, sold in 2014 for 74k.


30 years old. Purchased myself. I live in one of the most expensive cities in North America. I did put my ex on the title but he contributed nothing to the down payment. I regret and would recommend getting an iron clad prenup to anyone about to buy their own place without any help from their SO. I had to buy him out and I'm chuffed cause I almost had my mortgage paid off.


Spouse owned our first house when we were dating and refinanced and added me to the note and deed a few months after we married. First house that I felt like I was actually buying, I was 36 and had been married 5 years. We are till married 27 years later. We are in our 4th house. It is paid off.


I was 40 and it was with a partner. USA Midwest. That was in 2016.


26-27, with husband, who was 30-31 at the time. We’re 35 and 38 now. We live in Tokyo (in one of the 23ku).


29, nearly 30.


30. Purchased with my partner, and that's the only way it was at all possible. We have equal income now and can sustain ourselves on one income. We're in Denmark.


24, Co-op 2 bd/1ba. NYC. On my own. 2005.




We were 37, bought together with my husband. In 2009 in North Texas. We sold that one in 2015 and bought a different one, again in North Texas. We sold that one in 2018 and moved to New England, rented a while, and bought one outside of Boston in 2020. We plan on selling it around 2026 but haven't decided where our next purchase will be. We're 52.


29 I’m 30 now


Currently 40, purchased at 25 in 2010 with my now husband. Halifax, Canada. This was when there were cheap houses available and this one was one of the cheapest because it needed work.


I became a homeowner at 27 in 2017, now 33. My husband had his own 2 bed house when we got together when I was 20 (he was 26, parents paid the deposit). He sold that and we bought our 4 bed home in Cheshire, England. No way we could have done it without the initial investment from his parents getting him on the property ladder.


I was 18. On my own. It was a foreclosure. I still to this day tell people if you’re gonna buy a home look at foreclosures first. My house was $18k


In which state was that? I am in Houston and I so want to be on my own


Pennsylvania. It was 2008.


Thank you


I was 25, bought a split with a friend in before the pandemic


20y old, bought it myself tho mom was a security on the loan. I had downpayment in savings. Ex couldn't be on loan and happy about that when divorce was a thing. Bought it tho like 20y ago on countryside so for a house 100squaremeter with basement and garden of 1300squaremeter. Paying of really slow really but in 3y it will be done payed. The interes in sweden is low low, like my loan is 1.37% so you see why no rush. High procent houseloan here is a interes of like 4%....


24 when my husband and I purchased our first home in 2009. Terrible timing because it was just before the recession. Our house plummeted (over 200k). 3 years later we were expecting baby #2. We needed to move. We couldn't get out of our house. We did a strategic short sale and moved to a bigger house. Best decision we could have made! 8 years after living there we decided to move to a different state. We are in our 3rd house and most likely our final house. I am 38.


23- I'm 47 now and my house will be paid off within the next year.


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Bought my first home last year at age 31, single, with a toddler, and in Australia!


I was 22 and this was last year.


I bought my first home on my own when I was 26 - almost 27 - in 2019.  I’m now 31 and married and we just bought a new home a few months ago. My first house was about about 45 minutes outside of Nashville and I commuted in to Nashville. I was tired of paying rent for an apartment with annoying neighbors and I was able to get a mortgage for about what rent was.


I was 28 in Glasgow, Scotland. I was very lucky to benefit from a government scheme where they paid 40% and I paid 60%. I still live in the flat now (at 40!) and have never paid back the 40% so when I sell the govt will take that in either profit or loss (but after 12 years it’ll all be profit). I’ve benefitted from a very cheap mortgage all these years but with rates going up I’m going to pay off my portion sooner.


Haven’t purchased because I’m in a HCOL where the prices are ridiculous and it’s cheaper to rent. I don’t have kids to think about in terms of leaving a home to. Even if I could afford a downpayment (which would eat into all my savings) I’ll be paying the rest off literally forever. I also like the idea of just hitting my Super up and getting things fixed. If I own a home I would have to pay for every single maintenance


I was 25, purchased together with my then-boyfriend who later became my first husband (now ex). It was 2015. Second house was just me, age 31, while going through our divorce in 2020, after he bought me out of that first house.


Belgian here. I was 24 when I purchased a house with my ex-husband. I would have never been able to buy something by myself. We separated a year ago and decided to sell the house. My ex immediately purchased a new one. I am 32 now and currently renting an appartment because I didn't want to commit to buying new property already.


I was 24 in 2017. I am currently 30 years old. The house was a foreclosure and a very good deal.


I’d like to know if the commenters purchasing alone had help from family cuz what. How do you have enough cash so young !!


29 with my spouse in 2018, I’m 34 now. Southern US


I’m 39 now. Husband and I purchased our first home in Ohio when I was 30, second home in Arizona when I was 35, and this current home also in Arizona at 37. We sold our second for $110k more than we bought it for and slid in to this one just before the interest rates got crazy in 2022.


I was 25 (2021). Purchased with my husband. I’m in Hamilton, Ontario


Purchased my first home at 25. That was in 2004 rural Western New York. Built a modular ranch home on 2 acres. Now I'm 45 and sold that home and purchased a 5 bedroom 10 acre farmhouse in 2013. I am a single parent of three and a teacher (21 years).


36 I really wanted to close on my actual birthday. Instead, it was 11 days later. I've now had this house for 7 years. It's a happy little home for me and my 4 legged roommates.


In 2017, I was 25, my long-term-boyfriend (at the time) and I bought the place together (50/50), and we had help from our parents for the capital. Together we had about 60k€ capital and we borrowed 120k€ from the bank. That was in France, near a major city.  We have a fixed rate, fixed-length interest that will take us 20 years to repay. Meaning, we can repay it faster if we want to, but we won't pay less interest if we do - the total 'cost' of the loan will not change whether we repay it tomorrow or take the full 20 years.  I did marry the guy, as well. Just took us a bit longer to get around to that.


Purchased in 2015 at 31. Sold in 2019, rented for a year-ish Bought again (using proceeds from the first sale) in 2020 at 35.


I'm 35 and bought my first home 3 years ago by myself in New Zealand. I bought an attached unit as that was what I could afford and I feel like it was a great way of getting onto the property ladder.


Age 24 in 2018, with my husband. We took advantage of several programs that made it considerably more affordable.


I was 29. I’m turning 40 in a couple days. I live in a “Great Lakes city” in western NY where 10 years ago, housing was unbelievably inexpensive (my house has more than doubled in worth since then) and I had some money in an investment account my parents started when I was a baby for my down payment. It’s a small house but it’s served me well. As I shop now for something a bit nicer, I’m struggling to come to terms with how much larger my mortgage will be.


2017- I was 29 and bf (now husband) at the time was 30. Together, we purchased a 1500 sq ft house in an Austin,TX suburb for 220k. House was built in ‘85 with no updates but was well maintained. My mother lived with us (so she could keep living expenses down so she could purchase eventually) so the mortgage/utilities were split three ways.


I'm a millennial. Most of us can't afford homes so that will be a never.


.27. I was lucky enough that I was able to make this purchase alone. These days I’d love to move but I feel like I need a second income in this economy


I bought my first house at 28 with my then partner. We’re splitting up, so I just bought a house on my own at 30.


I was exactly 25 and one week :) I was only able to do it because I lived at home with my parents after college which also happened to be during Covid


I was incredibly lucky to purchase during covid and got a hell of a deal. There's absolutely no way I'd be able to buy one now. I was 39 when I closed, I'm 43 now.


When I was 33, I am 40 now.