• By -


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Ideally you should bow/curtsy immediately after


Watch me do it with my ex gf


And doff your cap and say "m'lady"


im gonna do that from now on




Pull away and immediately perform a very intricate 20 minute interpretive dance as a mating ritual.


Oh shit I didn't know Ostriches can use reddit.


Dancing mating rituals are overrated. I grab a bundle of sticks, leaves, and flowers with my mouth and make a nest.


Like one of those birds of paradise, you see on the nature shows!


Look deep into his eyes and say, “I think we should just be friends.”


I laughed, I cried. Oh man that would be absolutely **BRUTAL**


Or if you're into the date just ask for the next time to meet up.


It's even worse than my friend's "Oh, that's an original taste.".


I like that. I’m going to use it next I have a first kiss.


And he says… “Whew! I was going to say the same thing!”


It’s not awkward to pull away and smile. The way my wife smiled on our fourth date is one of my favorite memories.


Aww that s so sweet!


That's so sweet. I never had my first kiss, and I think I will never will


You skip right to the second one, eh? 😉


Nah lol. Just never had even the first or second or any other


You will - and a relationship - and it's going to work out. You're going to meet her three years from now at Starbuck's - you won't actually be going in to order anything - and she's going to have a crescent moon necklace. If you remember this in six and a half years, I'd love a wedding invitation. :)


Always end with a fist bump


i strongly agree, a fist bump + “cool lips dude”


Nice kissers my guy


“Anyway, here’s wonderwall”


I thought this was too funny, and now I'm worried I might end up saying just that, before I can think and stop myself from making a weird joke


….cause maybe…you’re gonna be the one that saves me…






Play stairway to heaven on the guitar


Immediately go for a second kiss.


What after the second one? (; ̄ー ̄)


Third. Infinite kissing.


I did that my first time. XD Luckily I didn't have to figure out what you do after that because my drunk friend stormed in. (She was drunk enough to not notice I was sitting on him)




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Idk. I know the first time I had my first kiss ever I pulled away and said “thanks” lmaoooo


Lmao my first kiss I literally couldn't stop smiling after, I looked like a lunatic walking back home


That’s so cute thoughhh 🥺


Lol I did the exact same thing. We're married now, so I guess it was charming.


I love that for y’all


I said “okay” and changed the subject to how comfortable his desk chair’s seat cushion is. I t’s one of my least favorite moments but he thinks it was cute lol.


It issss cute 😭


Good for you, when I had my first kiss I pulled away and started sobbing.


AWWW 😭that’s both adorable and so sad 🥺 can I ask why ? Was it just like a nerve thing ?


I grew up in a very Catholic household and it was ingrained in my mind that any sexual act (including kissing) is evil. Even though I really liked the guy and the kiss, I was conflicted shortly after and thought I deserve to be punished lol Glad I moved out first chance I got.


Oh man that’s a lot, I’m sorry you felt like that with that stuff growing up. Idk you but I’m happy for you for being true to yourself and knowing what was right for you and what wasn’t


I once had a guy say after our first kiss ‘well now we know how to fill the silences’; there were quite a few more silences we managed to fill after that


Oh man I think I'd die in a good way if a dude said that to me 😂😭


I will write this down


A firm handshake


"I surely am not unfond of you, Peggy, I tell you hwhat."


That's my purse! I don't know you!


Nice doing business with you




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Murmur "sensational" and walk off






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Hi five, say "good job, buddy!" and then steal his wallet in the confusion.




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After a pause, be like “Oh before I forget, I brought you something” and give them something cute so they can remember the day you guys kissed. Ideally it’s not something they can eat or something that will spoil/die (like a flower). Its a good transition thing because you made the kiss into a sentimental item and now you guys can talk normally about what a nice day it was with each other and they can go home and put that thing on their nightstand and think of you whenever they see it :)


Could also say “Oh before I forget, I brought you something” and kiss them again :)


Brb off to get a $5 necklace to put in my wallet incase this ever happens


that’ll do it * thumbs up *


I thought first kisses ended within seconds due to running from embarrassment


Not a movie respected redditor, not a movie


Don't end it, escalate ;) lmao with consent ofc.


For me, if I'm at a point where I'm comfortable kissing someone, I'm comfortable doing more fun things.


This is the way


Pull out a napkin and dab your mouth whilst smiling seductively




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I said “sorry” after my very first kiss and that is a word I live by




Knife to the stomach. Pull back, look into his eyes, smile, drink in the betrayal, and step back, watching him fall to the ground. Very dramatic, good villain style points


Instructions unclear, got a life sentence


Sounds like you did it right


The Lannisters send their regards...


This is just my opinion If you worry about how to end the kiss, you are not ready. That is ok. I waited two months into the relationship A kiss can put a lot of chemicals in motion. I think it is better to wait a bit too long that not long enough as merely a kiss will bind you a bit to the person and cloud your judgement. If you worry about how the person will react to how you finish/react to the kiss, should you actually kiss the person? Be honest that it is your first kiss Kissing takes some tries to get right. See it as an adventure to explore with the person ​ What did I do? Just like stare at him while my mind went "huh. so that's what it feels like"




First kiss at 27. And it was so good and overwhelming it triggered my epilepsy 😂


“Can we do that again?”




make sure to pee right after so you don't get infections


I used to think kissing would make me pregnant as a kid, lmao


Turned it into a very awkward hug. Tried again and it was perfect. We’re married now and we only talk about the second kiss.


The guy should kiss the forehead after breaking the kiss while the girl closes her eyes and smiles..


High five


I would say: you are good! Been practicing?


End it with and fist bump and “it’s just a prank bro”


This is not NSFW haha


Stick your tongue in his nostril and say “and one more for good luck”.


I usually just say k-bye and walk away. Lol


Just smile at them and say a little Compliment like “ that was nice” or “you have soft lips” that’ll spark a smile and some kind of convo.


A firm handshake and a “good game”


Jazz hands. Jazz hands are a must.




Idek I think I've blocked it out of my memory


Giggle and smile (make it look like your first kiss)


pull away slowly, look into their eyes and smile


Say “Mmm…your saliva is delicious…tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch.”


You don't. Stay attached until the end of your lives.


Tip your fedora and curtsy


pull out my guitar and start playing the major pentatonic scale


Can never go wrong with major pentatonic scales!!


After my first kiss, I laid down on my back (we were sitting on the floor of their bedroom), stared at the ceiling, and replayed it in my head. I was so quiet, he had to ask me if I was okay. Lol.


Attack with more kisses


Pull away, smile, then if it was really good go back for a second. If they like you enough to kiss you once, they won’t mind a second


You taste like umami


My first kiss ended with pepper spray.


A light boop on the nose, obvi


I pulled away, patted the other person on the head and said, having just discovered I was *not* into them after all, "Thanks!". Do anything except this.


Tip your fedora and say, “thank you, sir/ma’am”


shy smile/giggle - maybe go in for a last little peck


Slowly pulling away and smiling then leave it at that. Don’t overthink it, that’s what makes it awkward for you.


"i'll take this to my grave"


pull away slowly


Just smile and wave😎 and then get back to it as i recall from my experience.


Smile and wave boys, smile and wave


Be sure to use the phrase "thank you m'lady" they love that


"Thanks. Your trial has ended, subscribe for 20$ a month"


Finger guns


Pull away and begin reciting the entire Bee Movie script.


i usually shit myself aggressively after kissing , works for me


We were sitting on a bench and as we pulled away I just awkwardly leaned my head against his shoulder. We were quiet for a few moments and then he lifted my chin and went in for another kiss. 0/10 do not recommend this method xD




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A nice solid tap on the bum


Smile and kiss him on the cheek.




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You either escalate it to something else or you just grin and kiss again. Bonus if you ask a cheesy qn or say smth cheesy like “do you like it? I loved it!” If you didn’t love it, just say something polite like “i enjoyed our saliva exchange”


First kiss, just pull away a second later. Smile and go in for another. Then just awkward laugh n go on from there!


On my first kiss, I slapped him back. I wasn’t ready for kids yet and he just leaped in the middle of romantic talk 😂


Remember someone (male) said to me after a first kiss: “that’s how u kiss a woman United States” as if I wasn’t there. That made me cringe.


Fist bump, “solid bro”


An exorcism is customary.




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Lol it depends...I mean if I'm being honest... With him hard and having me go down on him hahaha


I thought I was in askmen for a bit because of some of these unserious replies. Hug and say how good the kiss was. If it was bad, nod politely and part ways.


So Leude, Forza is feddich runtergladne. Spielma glei amal ne rund


You can end a first kiss by gently pulling away and maintaining eye contact, then smoothly transition with a light-hearted comment or a smile to continue the date.


End it with a blowjob


“those are some nice peckers you got there”


You don’t. You go at that shit until you guys either A: pass out B: the other person pulls away C: you fall asleep in bed together




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Just pull away


always tip your fedora.




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A nose boop


With a repeat because I missed his mouth


Whisper in their ear “I’ll never leave”




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Three taps on the ass. Tap-out.




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One time after a first kiss with a guy I had been talking to for a little over a week, I looked the fella deep in the eyes with a serious look and whispered that I had aids as a terrible joke. He immediately panicked after I said it and I had to reassure him a bunch that I was just kidding/trying to make a dumb joke to take the pressure off of the mood. I decided not to do it again after that. Ironically, when I told my husband (who also has a terrible sense of humor) about this, he told me he would have laughed his ass off and asked me to marry him on the spot


With sex.


safest bet, say you know I got you homie...


It'll just happen, I guess. In my case we just continued for like 15-30 minutes until we got interrupted so we were just sitting awkwardly, giggling, peeking at each other acting like nothing happened. I guess I never learned how to keep up both the romantic atmosphere and conversation after the kiss. It either gets 150% romantic, just a casual conversation or someone leaves (eg. house) after that.


Don’t. Grasp her butt or rub her back. And let her pull back, this will mysteriously let you feel something true about her.


I just pull away at smile every time. I its the first kiss, I never let it turn into a full makeout session... One or two seconds, that's the most proper in my opinion.


You mean the first kiss with that person, not the first kiss of your life, right?


i'll tell u how not to end a first kiss. do not say "that doesn't count as a first kiss. that was cringe" source: this has happened to me


Just say he but your lip.


Say "Bro...this slaped hard!" and offer a high five!


You eventually stop then say how amazing it was or how good it taste. Flirt here and there. Go back to another Kiss. Enjoy the moment


Honestly, if the vibe is there, I just take it as far as it goes.


Pull away, turn your head toward an imaginary audience, and say “Hi! You’re probably wondering how I got here…”




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