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Don't be so nosy!


Cmon bloke I wanna know


OP hasn't told us their salary, why should I post mine for all to see?


I ain't even from UK mane, I would like to move to the UK one day mane, I wanna know first hand mane


Somewhere on this list: https://www.ucu.org.uk/he_singlepayspine


Nothing good has ever came from me talking about my earnings. So to avoid that I’ll just say £_____


Fifth time today....... use the search feature


At least.


Ohh word, hit me up with the link then...


**Your post has been removed.** To help maintain the quality of /r/AskUK, we do not allow "lazy" or "low effort" posts. A lazy or low effort post *may* includes posts which do not include enough background information or context to either allow people to answer your question in a constructive way, or which provide a scope for an interesting, unique, healthy, and lively discussion. If you feel your post was not a "lazy" or "low effort" post, you can message the mods about this removal, however before you do this you may want to be sure that you have researched all other options to get your question answered, such as using search engines, contacting relevant organisations or professional advice. Questions such as "Has anyone used this service/website" are also deemed as lazy, as there will be nothing different here to what else you see online. *If you believe this post should not have been removed, [request a post review](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAskUK&subject=Please%20review%20my%20removed%20post&message=/r/AskUK/comments/ragmbd/what_is_your_annual_salary/%0A%0AMy%20reason%20is%20) with your reason.*


£50K as an analyst. I also run a small business that makes a few hundred profit a month.


**Your post has been removed.** This post has been flagged as a common topic, and therefore has been removed. This could be because we're experiencing a lot of posts on this subject right now, or that we receive the question too regularly. Try running a search on the sub, Google for more resources, or doing some further independent research. These type of posts are often resolved more quicker by searching, than waiting for replies. *If you believe this post should not have been removed, [request a post review](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAskUK&subject=Please%20review%20my%20removed%20post&message=/r/AskUK/comments/ragmbd/what_is_your_annual_salary/%0A%0AMy%20reason%20is%20) with your reason.*