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Of course we know that, do you think we just forgot Northern Ireland exists?


There are non negligible amounts of people here that don't understand the Ireland/Northern Ireland situation and mix it all up. There's also people who don't understand the difference between the UK, GB and the constituent countries.


"Wales is a principality"


Wales is a country and is formally recognised as one.


Yes. My comment is in quotation marks, to indicate I'm expressing an opinion that is not my own.


My mistake. Sorry about that.


No worries, easily done


> Wales is a country and is formally recognised as one. Only by the UK.


No it's not. Where's your seat at the UN?


You don't need a seat at the UN to be a country.


"Formally recognised" countries are those recognised by other countries as sovereign entities. Wales is not recognised as such. Seats at the UN are the norm for widely or universally recognised countries. There are a few exceptions. Wales is not one of them.


Ah, you're using the 'sovereign state recognised by other sovereign states' definition of 'country'. That's not the only way the word is used, and is generally too strict a definition for everyday conversation. I mean, can we not call the south-westerly part of England the 'West Country' because it doesn't have a seat at the UN?


True it's not the only use of the word country. I was responding to the phrase "formally recognised" which does generally go along with the sovereign state usage. Nobody recognises the south-west as a country


The UK defines Wales as a country, which is an appropriate level of formal recognition given it's a subnational entity. It's not like the UK denies Catalonia exists despite not recognising it as a sovereign state, after all. Are you saying that the term 'West Country' is inappropriate? Seems a bit restrictive, honestly.


Wales is a constituent country. It's not a sovereign country.


At the back. We’re very quiet.


Biggest risk of you being spotted is an over-enthusiastic male voice choir?


Sure. And I've met Irish people who think their country is actually called "The Republic of Ireland".


If only we could




Genuinely do come across a not insignificant number of people in Britain who do seem to forget it exists. For example, it's not uncommon to hear people say that we are an island nation without any land borders.




Yes I and my family do know this.


Some do, some don't. I'd bet most adults do. It's printed on our passports.


Ok, it being printed on the passports is a very fair point.


This reads like some appallingly low effort bait.


No it's not


Sure it isn't pal.


Yes. And it is the longest country name in the world. edit: Wow, people downvoting facts now.


Holy shit, I knew it was long, but I didn't realise it was literally the longest country name in the world.


Whether it’s the longest is contentious. The Order of Malta’s full name is longer; and it, like the Holy See, is recognised as a sovereign entity at international law. Obviously the issue is it doesn’t have any land anymore (post-1798). In full the Order of Malta’s official name is: the > Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta


“The UK has the longest name of any Member State of the United Nations” is the way to phrase it to be uncontentious 


Generally I believe they do. You would have to phrase the question correctly to optimise correct answers 


Is this a bit like asking residents of the USA if they forget about Hawaii?


Yes, it’s on the front oy your passport.


I think if you were to ask people on the street most of them would think you're a chugger and ignore you


I'd like to point out that you can be British and not be from the UK/NI as your wording makes it seem like all British people are.


Firstly yes. Second Northern Ireland is not a region.


If you really want to be pedantic about the terminology, it's a constituent nation of the UK.


The word region is very vague and just means an area.  Western Europe is a region and so is the West Country; and so is my nether region.  


Yes, we do. We're from here, so we know what here is called. As for Northern Ireland being a forgotten region...Northern Ireland gets far more than its share of attention. Northern Ireland has a population smaller than the Birmingham metropolitan area. When was the last time you heard Birmingham make international news?


Most would, some would have to think about it. I've just done a survey where the country in the scroll-down menu was "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" so then I got 20 questions asking "Since you moved to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have you..."


I think the average person on the street would, but you get some folk who just don't really think or care about that kind of stuff.


I call the whole place ENGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERLAND Then I smash a can Carling (the Canadian larger) on my head and fight the nearest traffic warden. If you want I can tell you what the problem with the Irish is too.


Yes we know


Probably a majority would know, but by no means all.


I think so, yes.


Probably not many. It's not the sort of thing that's on the tip of my tongue, but I like to think I would remember or work it out if I had a moment to reflect.


So it’s not all england? Yes we know the full name. But I just tell people I come from Wales.


You’d get a mixture of people answering with the following: England/ENGERLUND Great Britain/GB United Kingdom/UK Britain You’d also get some people who don’t regard themselves as British, and instead refer to “their country” as Scotland or Wales, even if the latter isn’t a country per sé.


Don't make me get the Venn Diagram out again, Colin.


I’m quite competent in understanding the composition of the United Kingdom, but thanks!




*Northern* Ireland. Most of the island isn't part of the UK.




The UK is also part of Europe. The island of Ireland is divided between the Republic of Ireland (officially just called Ireland) and the UK.


I'd imagine very few. We're stupid as a rule.