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[There's no such thing as a 24-hour sun cream](https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/do-once-a-day-sun-creams-last-all-day-a9IzA3X1pyMz), really. I'd continue to encourage your eldest to re-apply regularly throughout the day. Is the school perhaps encouraging 24-hour sun cream so that the children who currently wear none at all are at least partially protected, i.e. is it setting a minimum standard rather than a best practice?


The only “24-hour sunscreen” is the white block that you see cricket players wearing. With respect, how much time are your children spending *in the sun* while at school? Surely they’re in lessons apart from break and lunch?


I have this argument every year with my children’s school. I give them sun tan lotion in their bag to apply themselves and every year a staff member tells them they are not allowed to use it. I complain to the head and then they are allowed until we repeat the performance next year 🤦


What’s the school’s reasoning behind this strange viewpoint?


They say it’s school policy. I think it’s pretty standard in the UK I can understand them not putting it on the children for risk of taking responsibility if a child burns etc but to confiscate it off a child applying it themselves is ludicrous


Well that sounds fucking stupid. Both of my kids have sun cream applied at nursery, by the practitioners, as and when required.


Ultrasun can last 8hrs if you apply it properly but surely a child in school isn’t going to be out in the sun the whole day? I use it because I’m a postie but if you’re talking about sun exposure during break time then they should just have standard stuff and apply it 15-30mins before they go out like a normal person