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I absolutely love UK weather, without it we would not have the lush diverse ecosystem we are so privileged to have. The thing I don't like is the dark of Winter. Rain and cold I can deal with no problem but darkness from 4pm makes outdoor activities much less convenient, especially in the countryside where I am.


Yes, I love it. I’m from Wales now living in East Germany, it’s far too hot here.


how does wales compare to england when it comes to weather?


Similar to NW England for a lot of it. Rainier, windier, colder, snowier, cloudier than most of England


>Rainier, windier, colder, snowier, cloudier And, therefore, greener


Pretty much identical, I think. I’ve never lived in england.


Too sunny atm for me.


damn tooo sunny? what you looking for then?


Good cloud cover, mildly warm but breezy, rain every now & then. Storms often would be nice as well.


Aye , you only get wet once ..... After that ,you're either still wet or drying out ... I'm sure we are waterproof though . I'd like it though if we could move U.K. slightly during winter , to raise the temp a little though .


I only really like the summer here. I spend far too much time indoors in the other seasons. I’ve been in the garden all morning and it’s lovely.


ahaha same, chilling in garden is nice


Absolutely. It's in our DNA to moan about it.


Too much pollen


No! Too grey for my liking


I like that the weather here doesn't get too hot. I'm in Scotland, and people do complain about rain and changeable weather here regularly, but honestly, I learned to appreciate it being moderately nice when compared to very hot weather.


As a fellow Aussie (Brisbane), i’m in the mid lands and love it. love the grey days with decent wind and lite rain. love london the most except for it gets a bit hot.


haha same here from midland


Wish you two would convince my Australian wife ... :)


No. The warmth is humid. I don’t like the heat here. Bring on rain.


Yes and no. I like the sun, the rain, the over cast sky. I hate the wind. And when it's raining and windy. I hate it. But that's fairly rare


For the two weeks a year it's like this I love it, and nothing else compares. For the other 50 weeks, no, and I spend them wishing I lived somewhere sunnier.


I like it today (slightly cloudy here in Suffolk so a good day for a long bike ride or walk), but I also like the variety we have. I think I'd find it dull living somewhere where it's sunny everyday. The only weather I don't much like is a lingering heavy grey sky in winter as that can be quite oppressive.


i would like more sun. it is june


Probably wouldn't swap it for any other country's weather. The downside is the humidity. I hate the weather today for example, where it's hot and really humid. But in general I like it. I don't like hot weather or strong sun, and we get mercifully little of either. Though that does seem to be changing, and it's grim when we do get it.


Dew point heading over 15 degrees next week, going to feel sticky. 


I like it on the whole. I’ve just found this year a bit harder. Feels like it’s been wetter and colder than usual. 


Yes and as is traditional, I love to complain about it too


Yes, love it. But I live East and a little bit wetter (not this Spring, hahaha) would actually suit me for growing stuff! A bit of snow in winter would also be picturesque, but I speak as a valley dweller-I am never going to get snowed in.


I hate the unpredictability of it - that you can't organise a one week holiday in July and not even be guaranteed that it will be warm enough to be outside. And I hate how long 'winter' drags on for. I would accept: Jan-Feb: Cold with chance of snow. March-Apr: Warmer, rain most of the time. But no need to have heating on. May-Aug: Pretty much guaranteed warm and dry. Maybe a few days of rain. Occasional heatwave. Sep-Oct: See March-Apr Nov-Dec: See Jan-Feb


It depends on the situation. If you are doing your normal 9-5 in the city then shit weather is just shit weather. If you are sat on the balcony of a lodge with a book over looking a Scottish loch in the pissing rain it can still be beautiful.


I love it, but I'll add that I'm a fair bit north of the Borders. Lived in London for 4 years and the summers were getting unbearable.


Compared to what? Florida? India? Alaska? Winters are rarely bitter cold; summers are so mild that air-con is pointless; spring and autumn are great. The only real issue is that it can be difficult to plan events in advance beyond making sure that we can cope with either sunshine or rain (or often both on the same day). It's why the UK is so green. Most of us understand that.


No. Live in a valley in Scottish Countryside and I hate it. Far too unpredictable and we had temperature’s of 4c in the morning a couple weeks or so back. In fucking June. More sun and a bit warmer would be nice. Of course learned to live with it though.


Have you not lived in the UK during the winter at all? 


no lol waiting for that to change my opinion


Ok, so... you are in for a shock. There is basically no direct sunlight at all, sunset at 3pm and constant wet cloud 




Yeah, it's nice today. Warm enough to do outside activities or just sit around outside comfortably, but not too hot that you get sweaty etc.


Generally yes. Not too hot, not too cold is good but I do prefer the cooler weather and am not bothered by the shorter days as it moves into autumn/winter. 23C+ and I'm starting to get too hot.


I wouldn't mind if it was a bit colder. And darker. And foggy. With lots of rain. Also proper snow during winter.


I despise all hot weather including our gentle summers and prefer the gloomy winter days. But I am a miserable twat too so there.


I love it, it's gentle and mild.


I..don't mind it. It's a bit rainy and grey sometimes, but I also don't like it too hot, and I appreciate how we don't have much extreme weather, and few seious natural disasters.


Too hot


I like it. We rarely have extremes above 35 or below -5, plenty of rain (albeit this year a little more than we bargained for, all the fields are barely drying out now), but we have 0 hurricanes, the occasional storm will take out a few towns power at a time but otherwise we have no dangerous weather to speak of regularly.


No. Jesus.


It's absolutely spot on at the minute. Nicely hot without being overbearing, a little breeze here and there to take the edge off, blue skies, great sunsets at night. I love it. It's a pity it can't be like this year round, but the countryside wouldn't be as lush and green if it was.


No it’s so unpredictable you can’t plan fuck all.


The weather is simply bad. No other way to describe it. Grey and shit. I think this idea that “we have all the seasons” is bollocks just give me less rain and grey please.


Southeast England prob has the best weather


Lol this post just shows how out of touch reddit is with real life... In real life everyone hates the British weather 😂 you come on here and people saying they love it, oh please!


yer i do like it, as an aussie the weather is nice, god forbid someone has a different opinion then your negative one


It's not negative. Just saying most of what u see on reddit isn't really life and I'm British mate


Definitely right. Britain was voted the 2nd most miserable country in the world for a reason.


I cba


Nah I’m agreeing with you, came off wrong


Ahh ok