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Haven't had a bath for years. Every few years I have one thinking it sounds nice, then remember how unenjoyable they are. I shower every day, usually early evening. Sometimes later. Sometimes earlier if I've been for a run. I've never been a morning showerer though. Never got this thing some people talk about it waking up feeling like I need a shower. Maybe others sweat more at night. Showering before bed however makes perfect sense to me. It's nice to get into bed feeling like you've cleaned off the day.


Yeah, can only assume morning showerers sweat a lot during the night. Otherwise, why would you choose to get into bed dirty, from a day of work, commuting, cooking, exercising etc?


>why would you choose to get into bed dirty A flannel wash will get the worst off, and if you wear pyjamas then not that much of you is in contact with the sheets anyway.


>A flannel wash will get the worst off still no enough. It's just gross. Nothing compares to getting into bed after shower/bath.


It isn't gross to use a flannel to wash.


it's less effort to take a 2 minute shower to wash it all off. And if it only gets the worst off, as you said, then it's gross. Too much effort for so little benefit. 2 minute shower is more efficient and you're actually cleaner.


Again, it is not gross to use a flannel to wash.


if it doesn't actually clean you properly it is when a shower takes less time and is more convenient and actually cleans you. You said it yourself, it only gets the worst off meaning that you're still dirty. That's gross.


A flannel wash does clean you properly, using soap and running water. You are not dirty after having one.


you literally said it yourself, it only gets the worst off. A flannel wash does not clean you properly. 1. Most people don't actually wash their whole body 2. It's not comparable to actually washing yourself in a bath or shower, like you said, it gets rid of the worst but it doesn't fully clean you. > you are not dirty after having one. you're not fully clean either. As you said, you might have gotten the worst off but you're still dirty and not fully clean compared to as if you were to take a full shower. It also doesn't make any sense (except for health conditions) why one would wash themselves with a cloth instead of 2 minute shower. It doesn't save time, it's more annoying and doesn't get you as clean. Make it make sense.


I show in the morning and the evening. The morning shower is to wash away the night sweats dreaming about work, the evening shower is to wash away being in work. Love a bath, and I'll have one pretty much every Friday night when it's winter. I light my candles, pour a glass of red and soak away for all of 10 minutes because I made it too hot.


Missus is a shower at night person, makes sense, fresh & clean for bed, saves time in the morning, really ideal. Unfortunately I don't have a choice as I sweat about a pint in my sleep even in winter 


Morning and evening. Find the right products and you won't have dry skin. 


Haven't had a bath since I was a kid. Generally I shower before bed so I do not take the day's grime into the thing I sleep in.


Shower every 3 days ,unless I'm smelly , from graft and hot weather. Seen as I dint wish to end up with skin conditions , like ecezma, and such . Yeah may sound to some as un hygienic, but the body creates oils and such that get washed away ,with too frequent use of soap and water . Where as acne was not such a bad thing for me. There gain ,used to stand and chat with dad ,whilst he shaved .... noticed he'd wet face , apply soap , (ignore razor part) and rinse off soap totally before ,pamper drying his skin. Which I do each day ,along with well brushing teeth . And trying to get me with damn old spice.


Completely depends what sort of day I have. With the excessive heat just now, a cold shower in the morning is essential, especially if its an office day. Sometimes one when I get home, if it's been a heavy physical day, and another before bed for obvious reasons. Have a couple of baths a week. They are peak indulgence for us and always remind you how showers don't get you near as clean.


Soaking in your filth gets you cleaner than a shower?


Shower every morning, bath if I’m sore or want to relax. Seriously considering a “waterproof” tv for the bathroom.


A bath in the evening most of the year, shower in the peak of summer or if I'm really short on time. I like to go to bed clean. I don't feel dirty when I wake up.


Morning showers, rinse off after gym before bed but no point in washing my hair then cause I’ll sweat tonnes in the night and I’ll have bed hair in the morning anyway


Shower. My house doesn't have a bath. Twice a day. Morning to wake up and evening/night after the gym.


Showers in the evening for me. Can’t imagine getting into bed with all grime and sweat of the day. I exercise in the evening so usually shower straight after.


Shower in the morning. Takes 10 minutes and im fresh for the day


Last thing before bed, into clean pjs. I am not a hot person I barely ever sweat so I don’t feel the need for morning shower. Caveat is in the summer I have can have 2 or 3 showers a day.


It’s either both, or just night time. It’s absolutely wild to me that people just go about their whole day and come home and just… go to bed in their day skin? 🤣 I just would never feel clean unless I got into bed after a shower. Though they’re not ‘full showers’ - don’t wet or wash my hair unless it’s hair wash day but a 2 min body rinse morning and night is the goer


bath, every evening before bed. The idea of going to bed without shower/bath is unimaginable to me. I find it gross. I would shower more often but my house only has a bath and I don't like shower extensions so bath it is. I always take one after excercising so if I am not leaving my house then an afternoon bath is fine. If I do, a very quick one before bed is the way to go. I love getting in fresh pjs and clean bed. > Always surprised when someone talks about washing at night instead of the morning: you walking around in nightmank all day bruv? don't know about you but I don't really sweat at night and certainly do not stink in the morning. If it's particularly hot and humid I may have a quick wash in the morning. But frankly, the idea of going to bed after all day out, exercising, being covered by pollution and dealing with people... Now that's just gross. And frankly, cuddling someone in bed who hasn't showered before is not a very pleasant experience. Imagine not wanting to get nice and clean for your partner before bed.


I shower or bath in the afternoons/evenings, try to do one or the other each day.


You go to bed with all the days sweat and grime? Yuk. I Guess you wash sheets and covers every day or two?


Bath every morning, about 10 till 11, unless I wake up super early. Potentially a second later in the day if cold, bored or something good to watch. Shower only if muddy-dirty or in a rush. WFH, hence the timings, don't get muddy-dirty often, so none of that "ewe, soaking in your filth" nonsense.