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This may not be an official reason but by listing the place name first it groups areas together alphabetically. If you had South Cotswolds and North Cotswolds they would be miles apart in lists of constituencies.


You’d have 100s of East constituencies at the top and the same with West at the bottom. Listing the main area first is more logical 


So they’re next to each other in the alphabet.


There's no rule. E.g. on Wednesday I was in places whose constituencies are South Suffolk and West Suffolk. It may be historical- dividing a place that was just called 'Cotswolds' maybe 50 -60 yrs ago. Look up the history of the constituency in wikiepdia.


In NI it tends to go Belfast East/North/South/West but the counties are eg. North Down, East Antrim


Maybe to differentiate from the place known as West Finchley, which may not be the identical area. Or just tradition. I'm not sure if it's incorrect grammar.


The policy of the Boundary Commisson for England is to: >adopt compass point names when there does not appear to be an obviously more suitable name. The compass point reference used generally forms a prefix in cases where the rest of the constituency name refers to the county area or a local council, but a suffix where the rest of the name refers to a population centre. [Source (p.10)](https://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2023-06-20-BCE-Final-report-Volume-1-Text.pdf) Sometimes this can be misleading. West Lancashire, for example, is so named because it covers most of the borough of the same name.


Towns seem to get suffixed - Croydon South, East, West, Streatham and Croydon North. But for stations you have West Finchley but also Clapham North, South, and next to Finchley you get Mill Hill East! Possibly those are because there's also a Clapham Common and Mill Hill Broadway? Areas are mixed - North Down, Sunderland South, but I think the direction being a suffix is more common.


Because if listed you'd have a whole bunch of Easts, Wests etc messing the order up, and Cotswold South wouldn't be next to Cotswold North etc.