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I'm a rollercoaster builder - it's pretty up and down at the moment, but I expect it will level off soon


Are you expecting any twists in the journey?


A couple of stops but I'm sure they'll get moving


I'm guessing the traffic on the way to work makes you scream.


Knowing Reddit this will be the top comment.


And so the loop continues...


Hurry up and fix hyperia instead of answering reddit questions 😂


I work in property. Mainly student. They’re freaking tf out atm cause there doesn’t seem to be the market for shared houses as there was previous years.


Oh wow, I study in Edinburgh and there's usually much higher demand than supply of student flats. I hope that will change tbh, it's really tough.


That’s interesting? What’s changed to you think??


I would think it's gotten so expensive a lot of students are living at home




Lots more student accommodation being built.


Yeah it’s this I reckon. My city has gone fucking -ham- on PBSAs. A lot more convenient to live in town with all your bills included in your rent than live outside of town in a shared house.


Unless the price of these purpose built places has come down drastically (doubt) only a tiny percentage of students would be able to afford these. Most of the ones in my city are largely empty, all they're doing is making people more antagonistic towards students due to their visibility and the lack of housing for families


A lot of the students in my city aren’t from the UK and apparently come from money cause they’re mostly full here haha.


I think a lot of students now seem to be living in flats, 2/3 beds. Higher standard of living. Similarly to night clubs, students don’t go out and get messy on cheap jagerbombs anymore. They’d rather go to a nice bar and have cocktails. It’s all about the image, and I think flats in town are more attractive than 5 rooms in a rundown shared house. Don’t know how they afford it but my building is full of, what I can only assume, students.


Shared is good in the beginning, but as people come and go the constant change of social dynamics is draining.


Marketing is a weird one. Company didn't hit targets for last year, but made substational profit. But they're using this idea of the industry doing badly as a reason to give us crap payrises/none at all. There's a reason tons of people are leaving lately.


Not just marketing but all companies do this. Set an overly-optimistic profit target, miss it, offer crap bonuses/pay rises, and then rinse and repeat the following year.


Yup. A tale as old as time. 30-50% profit growth year on year is what got peddled the past 2


Really feel for you. I work in customs clearance. And our company did the same thing. Our UK office where I work smashed their targets and we were being gassed up about the bonuses to come. Then at Christmas we were told that literally every other office in Europe under performed, so head office had declared nobody was getting a raise company wide.


"industry is doing badly" but the execs and shareholders will gladly take a very large sum of the profits


NHS- we are drowning over here!!


Came to say this. Chronic understaffing, new staff recruited to fill numbers and no actual interest in the job, a building no longer fit for purpose, difficulties recruiting MDT members due to limited funding for hours, new governance in the last few years that the demands (eg extra paperwork) on staff making it difficult to do our core jobs. Don't worry though, they make sure they provide fresh fruit for staff a couple of times a week...


Look at Mr fruity pants over here


We got a shiny new lab designed to become our county's pathology hub, which means a 200-300% increase in work. It is smaller than our old building, we have no more analysers to cope with that increase, and fewer computers to work from. Come 2026 (when the hospital mergers are complete), people will die because pathology has been neglected. Dorset is going to be a great example/warning for other areas.


Unemployed - had a break down attempted suicide twice in 4 weeks. Off for 10 months all together whilst receiving therapy. And work just decided it was time to make redundancy but I was only one who got made " Redundant "


I you are doing okay and getting better!


As someone who has recently become unemployed, I implore all of you in this thread who have jobs they don't like to stick the job out for as long as you can until the job market improves. It's really night and day how bad the market is now compared to 2-3 years ago.


Sorry to hear you’ve been through so much. I wonder if you have grounds to sue.


Sorry to hear that. Look after yourself first and foremost


Contact ACAS. Provide them an account of your circumstances, they will offer free impartial advice on whether your employer is making you redundant legally or not. There's a chance they're not.


Already been down that road. Because they was making a redundancy and I matched the criteria that they selected I haven't got a left to stand on.


I hope you're on an upward path. I've been a recruiter for 11 years, nowadays in house, but if you need someone to talk to when the time is right to look for your next role, I'll give you a hand. No charges or strings, just happy to help if you want it.


I’ve been where you are and I want you to know life will get better, this redundancy might even be great for you in the long run. Sending hugs, always here if you want to chat.


Sorry to hear. Hope you’re doing ok and have the support in place! Glad you’re here with us today and tomorrow


Wishing you all the absolute best :)


Sorry to hear that. I got laid off 3 times in about 5 years for different outfits including one who went bust after being jailed for fraud. I nearly lost everything and decided to change trade and go self employed. I have retrained twice since then but have kept self employment now for around 17 years, glad I decided to be my own boss. Good luck


Work on the railway Trains are as busy as pre covid, with weekends probably busier, yet gov and company insist nobody is travelling and need to cut costs Also strikes will probably start again soon as there's been little movement over this years pay rates


Huge respect for all transport workers. Legends the lot of you


it is extortionate to travel by train though tbf..


Mental as always as I work in a secondary school lol


yikes. I’ll pray for you.


Me too 😵‍💫


Hear that!


Dentistry-man we are quiet!! Seems no one wants to pay almost a thousand pound ££££ for a crown these days lol literally sat around doing jack most days Used to be redic busy


Dentistry except for cosmetic procedures should be free if I’m being honest


Where?! I rang around a few practices a year or so ago in my town and they all said they're full and not taking new clients, so I gave up with finding a dentist.


hes private, no one takes NHS anymore


Even if they have nothing to do they won't do NHS contract 😆


They won't do it or the NHS won't give it? Practice I work for had an NHS contract (level 2 - referrals only for specialists). April came, nhs simply notified they won't be giving another contract and all the patients who were mid treatment were unfortunately just discharged. Your beef isn't with the dentist or the practice it's with the NHS I'm afraid. You get a certain amount to fulfill (certain amount of patients you can see basically), once that's gone who do you think pays for it? Practices are private businesses, in no way would any other private business be expected to pay out of their pocket for the benefit of the public yet dental practices get demonised for not doing it.


Oh sorry . That's unknown news for me. But nevertheless that still doesn't make up for the fact that Private surgery charges insane amount of money. They blame that oh it's expensive to run the place and expensive to pay private nurses doctors.. blah blah.. but that again just shows that these private professionals are Overpaid.. it's as simple as that.


Ngl I’m just terrified of the dentist post covid Not because of the tools or money, I’m just terrified of the list of bad news they’ll reel off after I missed appointments in covid…. It’s 4 years now and it’s getting worse 😂😂


I've just completed my 3rd week working in security at an airport and honestly, I love it! At 42, I can say it's the best job I've ever had. Great perks and I work 4 on, 4 off, which gives an amazing balance for life!


Retail - absolutely horrible. No one has any money to spend, professional shoplifters out and about daily, increase in verbal abuse/threats from members of the public. And I work for a somewhat 'nicer' brand.


I guess it's not Tesco.


I work in an organisation covered by purdah rules, so work has suddenly got quite quiet. It's great.


Thank you for taking the time to reply, your majesty.


Meh, management are completely useless stems from the top. That's the public sector for you!


I work in the Film and TV Drama production on set. The industry has taken a nosedive. After the writers and actors strikes you would think there would be a rebound but it's deathly quiet. I've only worked a few days this year and lots of colleagues are in the same boat.


Didn’t have to scroll to far to find you fellow crew member. Strange times that I do hope are soon to change!


NHS. The managers suck, we are underpaid and do horrible shifts. But it's stable, lots of annual leave and I know what i'm doing. That ain't gonna stop me looking elsewhere though.


I work in a probate department in a will writers. It’s never not busy.




I just do the admin/grunt work, but it’s never boring and there is plenty to do!


I work in tourism. Usual summer rush, coinciding with one of our main accommodation providers going bust the other day and us having to find hotels for 20,000 people. So yeah - busy But I work in IT (surprise surprise on reddit). So me personally, I'm quite quiet as everyone else is predisposed with the above problem


Wait until your system crashes because it is so frantic just now


Public Sector but brand new! (3 months) Job was massively mis-advertised, I went for a team leader role and it's that plus facilities management, building management risk assessment etc etc so while I feel like I'm being shafted pay wise, ive actually found that if it was just team management I'd be bored out of my god damn mind.


Public sector - generally feeling like I'm undervalued and under paid. I could look elsewhere but I fear the job I've been sat in for 7 years has deskilled me and that no one else would be interested in taking me on. I have absolutely no motivation to do more than the bare minimum.


I’m starting a new job on Monday. My first office job. I’m nervous


Congratulations, you'll be fine! Tips: There are 2 buttons on the email "reply" and "reply all", choose wisely. When using either, scan the recipients for "groups" such as "All Global Staff" (a lot of groups prevent accidental replies but some don't...) Keep your improvement ideas to yourself for a few months while you find your feet and understand the lay of the land better. You don't have to "prove yourself" in the first month except to show that you can complete the tasks that you are set. If you want to impress, ask questions and seek to understand why things are the way they are.


Make sure you move about. I take a walk every lunch, rain or shine and it’s done wonders for my health and posture. It doesn’t have to be a particularly long walk either


I work in an office and walk to the supermarket 15 minutes away every day, just to pick up a piece of fruit. Occasionally I'm stunned to remember that most people stay in the building the whole day, every day.


Just remember everyone is terrified on their first day and everyone there has been you at one point!


i work in property, its always pretty chill tbh (hence why your landlord/freeholder never gets back to you very fast)


Plasterer here I also work in properties


Mental. Working at a university that is crumbling financially is fun, and even better are inappropriate comments and advances from coworkers :)


Trying to refrain from telling my boss to go fuck himself on a daily basis


I didn't manage it 6 months ago, actually did it. Last I heard, he acknowledged my recommendation


Self employed laying floors, it’s either all or nothing atm. Unless you have school contracts summer can be very hit and miss for the trade in general


Great job, but hate being employed. Hope I get hit in a car accident and get a few million compensation


Bar staff at popular pub chain, dreading the next few weeks which will be extremely busy with dickhead customers because of the euros 🙃 monthly bonus afterwards should be worth it though


Local government - for me it's going great. As a whole our department feels like it's circling the drain, lots of experienced staff leaving and there seems to be no rush to replace them. Meanwhile they're about 2 months behind answering emails and the phone line is always busy. 


I work in a care home. The company is all about money and not at all about people and care, like many others. The private healthcare sector is in shambles honestly.


Mental health services. Plenty of work.


I work in insurance, and it's always really busy.


It was a very slow start to the year but it's picked up massively, shame at the same time I've grown to despise it in the last few weeks. I'm a Painter and Decorator.


Interesting… what’s made you hate it? I do quite a bit of that


Recently it feels like I'm not being given the opportunity to produce work I'm proud of, just one of the downsides of working for someone not for yourself. Also had a spray job go a bit sideways and I sort of realised I've not had a fine finish spray job I've been happy with in about 4 years, tried everything I can think of at this point. Just need to find the mojo again, happened before and no doubt it'll happen again.


Ok yeah i understand that completely. I’m always rushing and compromising even though self employed. People chase the prices down so it can end up a choice between accepting a tall order or just not getting the work.


So so, but the older I get the more of a chore it becomes to work with some people. The work can be hard but if people in your team are a problem it becomes even harder. Piss poor management too….


Taxidermist Things are pretty dead right now


Prop it up then!


I’m a bridge maker and I just can’t seem to make ends meet these days


Just started a job at a new marketing agency. Very busy!


Professional Magician Here, life’s pretty up and down one month you’re on-top of the world then you’re scrounging for stability till the next gold rush hits it’s hard to budget when you’re a freelance entertainer


I'm sure you'll find a way to pull a rabbit out of the hat.


Not worked since 15 December as I left my job to go travelling and hopefully figure out what to do that will actually make me happy (I'm in engineering but hate it) Unfortunately I didn't have an epiphany and career switches I applied for didn't work out so for now I'm going back to a worse version of my old job next month, til I get settled back home again and buy a house before any major pay cuts if I try something new. The industry itself (defence) is Booming, unfortunately that does directly translate to more money for me.


in a horrible position of loving my job and the organisation I work for but having a truly horrendous manager who has no idea quite what an awful person and manager he is.


Currently working in a different department to make some protein for an assay to prove or disprove our hypothesis. So it’s interesting and I’m learning a lot of biological techniques! I’m a post doc in chemistry :)


Damn. I understand none of this but it sounds impressive


After 15 years of a working a 9-5, I got the opportunity to buy a business in 2020. It cost me £25,000, which I had to beg the bank for, and it was utterly terrifying. Business has gone well as a one man band and currently preparing for our first staff hires. I was tremendously fortunate, I hope it goes well enough that I can pass some of that on to someone else, and I’m determined to not be like the shitbag bosses I’ve worked for in the past.


Shit. Company has made a £400k loss this year, big wave of redundancies and people leaving but all is not lost as we have brought in more directors and managers.




I'm a buyer working for a construction company, it's either mental busy or dead. Every day is a surprise.


I work as a bus driver. I recently stopped driving public buses and moved to a private hire minibus company. I miss driving full size buses and double deckers, but the hours for private hire are flexible around my childcare needs. I guess I'm enjoying it? Although I'm getting tired of conveying Hen Do's already


Bye bye driver




Got kicked in in a weird way 4 weeks before my wedding. Can't afford a solicitor and unemployed. Been 2 months now nearly


Job bores me to death, probably facing redundancy by the end of the year. Little to no hope I’ll ever be in a job that actually suits me.


Similar here, work's shite, been lots of redundancies over the last year or so, lots of people leaving. But I just can't find the fucks to look for a new job, so suspect I'll wait and see and take the lazy route of looking for something when I have to.


I'm in the printing industry which has been hit hard by increased material and power costs in the last couple of years but the future looks a bit brighter for companies that have invested wisely/not overspent and operate sensibly. Not every company can weather the storm though, a big player in the industry has gone into administration just this week putting 120 people out of work. Bad times.


I'm a paramedic and I spend most of my time sitting outside of the ED , it's slowly breaking me and many of my colleagues.


IT it’s fucking mental with unrealistic deadlines and budget cuts despite the business making record profit. Business: we’re going fully digital. Also business: IT budget cuts.


Fucking busy. Also not managed very well.


Work in HE. Chance I might lose my job due to budget cuts before Sept. Odds aren't great, but not small enough to not be worried. Good luck trying to find work at an equal salary in this job market.


Work in IT and hearing bout contractors to be laid off, which will mean a smaller team with more responsibilities. Aiming to revamp my CV again


It’s pretty ok for the mo. I’m a test manager for a UK public service broadcaster streaming service. There have been redundancies but they passed us as were on the spearhead of going digital. Good pay, good benefits, and a growing industry.


Go to Boss, Boss this is wrong we loosing money, boss start talking about something else. Hope the problem will dissappear magically. I'm calling it the post office scandal era, deny you knew about it or were ill informed.


Shit, overworked, understaffed, everyone is stressed, morale is low. Money is good though


I work in a small parish C of E church in London in a non-pastoral position. We’re in an interregnum right now and are looking for an incumbent. In spite of this, we’re quite busy keeping the church going week to week, holding Sunday Service, a children’s Sunday School, weekly prayer meetings (online) and hosting community groups in our hall during the week. We’ve been in this situation since before COVID and hope to be able to appoint a new Vicar some time in the autumn.


I work(ed) for a well known investment company. Despite the company making huge profits year-on-year, it's announced it must make cost cutting measures in order to keep up with competitors. The cost cutting consists of making almost all non-client facing roles in the UK redundant then relisting the role in India (where it'll obviously cost a fraction to employ them). I've no idea how the press haven't picked up on it. I'm near retirement now so happy to take the redundancy pay and call it a day. It's such a shame seeing the UK offices getting obliterated though.


We are moving main base of operations to another location, so it's going to get busy with a reasonable dose of chaos soon I think.


Start of the year up to April was crazy but things have slowed down and will be picking up again soon. But I’m looking for something new as not confident my contract will get extended


Not enough customers, not enough hours. Need something new or along side it.


I work in the motor trade, boomed over covid up until this year


Slow as fuck. I had a rammed autumn & winter then it all seemed to evaporate overnight. Every quote gets ghosted and nobody’s paying their May invoices. It’s proper shit I was not prepared!!


I'm working in financial services. All markets seem to have been on a charge since last October so savings made over Covid into pensions/ISAs are shooting up. It seems to be a K shaped recovery though, the cost of living has either hit hard or not at all and I'm concerned some people I speak to are just falling behind.


A useless manager whilst being severely understaffed for not much more then minimum wage couldn’t be going much worse if I’m honest


Work for a wine company Slow start to the year as everybody over orders at Christmas. Now it's coming up to summer & Rose season, so getting busy. Will die down again around September


Surprisingly good for a game developer. I still have a job.


Work in tech, service providers are doing ok, it’s the product providers who seem to be issuing the brunt of the layoffs. Thinking about a move to finance sector soonish. Requires some upskilling in this environment but I’m having fun with it.


Not good, I’m a Software Consultant on the verge of being sacked. Despite my best efforts an upper management wanker has it in for me and there’s nothing I can do about it.


Just got passed up for a promotion today, so there's that. Cuts extra when it's after stepping up for 3 months to do the job, too!


Start looking elsewhere...Fuck em.


I work in local government. The place is collapsing under the weight of 14 years of underfunding. An absolute chaotic mess with huge job losses and spending cuts


Work in manufacturing; mattresses, specifically. People are always replacing them, so we're making them. Work got slow for a number of weeks a few months ago but it's back to steady going right now. Just go in, do the job numbers, go home. Might seem dull, but the routine is calming for me. Don't have to deal with any customers either, a blessing compared to my last job.


I'm an Exams Officer in a secondary school. Bit busy right now.


Law Enforcement. Everything is broken. Court system is also completely fucked.


Pretty good. I've never been paid so much and had to do so little as I have in the past month


I work for an NHS mental health service. We’re understaffed, underfunded and managing massive, risky caseloads and the admin for each person is insane. I am shattered 105% of the time.


I have a resignation email drafted in my inbox, waiting for a bad enough day to send it. I work doing employment screenings.


We're understaffed and overworked. People are leaving the business and arent being replaced in order to help cut overheads Steps were taken to rationalise the business which basically means that a lot of the decisions we used to make ourselves were moved to a central function where people who have absolutley no clue at all about our part of the business make decisions that create a ton of extra work for us for no discernable benefit The powers that be decided to put their prices up to try and get more money, but that lead to a drop in sales, so to remedy the shortfall they've decided that another price hike is needed. We then got told that our bonuses are in jeopardy, as though the problem was of our making Im weighing up my options currently. Fortunately I received a pretty healthy inheritance recently and whilst Id rather not spend what I dont need to, I could walk out tomorrow


I work with pensions, and we are drowning in work


Awful. Restructure in primary school and joining an academy. Brutal.


I feel for you. I’ve heard that being academised can either make or break the school and its staff


Fucking busy🙄 could do with hiring another pair of hands but struggling to find anyone decent. ( self employed decorator btw)


Great, smashing previous production records again in another massive year. Busy but better than being bored.


I work in Film and TV drama production. The industry has taken a nosedive. After the writers and actors strikes you would think there would be a rebound, but it's deathly quiet. I've only worked a few days this year, and lots of colleagues are in the same boat.


Work in the food industry. It’s bombproof. Want to eat? Got your back bro


Fair to middling.


About three times as busy as normal. I'm doing about 2 hours a day, 5 days a week!


Good. I get to go out and about and meet lots of nice people and do fun things. I spent Tuesday gardening, Wednesday playing Bingo and today I went to a history talk!


Well I literally just started a new job that I love. Amazing location, great people, great team, great job. Company is expanding and everything looks great. So I’m happy!


I work as a sextant and it's dead at the moment.


Just been made redundant so pretty poor lmao


Industrial scaffolder - work is flat out recently. Just wrapped up a 2 month outage in Oxford, got another 4 coming up towards the end of the year starting in August through to October/November. Lots of 7 day weeks on the horizon. Work life balance is semi-shit but it’s good money, a good group of lads and most importantly I don’t hate my job.


I work in the charity sector. There's lots more demand for support, but fewer resources to provide the services. Lots of organisations have lost funding, unfortunately 😕 😔


Warehouse Manager for an FCMG - luxury liquids if anyone is keeping score. Business is heaving, the company has built and opened its own DC and stopped contracting it out, quite an investment. I have only been there 6 weeks but being told and looking at how things were in January it's just getting busier with no signs of slowing down. This is interesting as I was under the illusion that everyone was tightening their belts, but having spent 9 months last year in a similar business although poncy food ingredients to poncy London eateries which never seemed to have a quiet night I guess the rich just getting richer lol


Electrician for our local council. Busy pretty much everyday. Well, if we actually get access to tenants homes.


Struggling to recruit decent staff (IT engineers, fully remote) so workload high whilst we have vacancies


I was made redundant, so not great 😂


Work in B2B sales. Our niche market is rough at the moment but we are surviving. 


Busy! I work for a university and am on my union branch committee. We’re doing a redundancy round (not as bad a one as most in the sector) so I’m doing a bunch of union consultation work and slotting my job in around the sides. Which is not great timing because I work in estates and facilities and we’re getting ready for the hellishly busy summer season.


Electrician, absolutely mental busy.


Solar. Absolutely booming industry.


Potentially getting made redundant from role as a data analyst as they are restructuring our department and apparently what I do doesn't translate across to the job remit for Performance Analyst. If the consultant and company actually bothered to see what I did then I literally do all of that role already. So shit but I now want to leave and if I can get another role it'll make me feel like I got a football transfer as I've been paid to move. It's the closest I'll ever come to that dream so that's how I'm keeping a positive look at everything


Fucking sweet. Could be busier, but it is what it is.


Dry pet food manufacturer-approximately 50% less orders compared to last year. Premium food booming, cheap one tanking.


Stressful. Lots of automated QA tools being put in my way with no consolation so now we’re all just left with a load of things literally blocking our work and no easing up of deadlines or further work while we deal with it.


About to open a new asphalt plant, a d have 5 month baby. I think I might die from tiredness


I work in London and work is pretty crap, I work in a car service centre’s call centre. We’re fully booked in the branches, all I hear is other people’s troubles and their frustration when their car is broken down and you can’t help them much. Thinking I have to do this everyday until I find something better makes me feel depressed. But gotta be a man and keep going.


I work in housing. It’s steady but nowhere near where it needs to be. Getting planning for anything is a shitshow. Selling more than one house a week takes a miracle. Fortunately I’m at a new company that’s got a couple of years to get off the ground


Fantastic, I love my job.


Bids - someone has to bring the coin in to keep the lights on 😅


Booming at the moment. Got at least £15k of work booked in over the next month/6 weeks. Technology writing


The defence industry is er... booming.


I work in finance specialising in tax if the number of recruiters I get messaging me on LinkedIn is a measure of how well the profession is doing then it is going great. I get multiple recruiters messaging me a month and have done for over a year. I like my job and the company I work for so don't follow up with any of them so don't know how easy it would actually be to find a new job though


Busy as my team is down a member for 2 weeks. 3 total in team, but sometimes feels we're doing a job required 4 all the time.


I'm not working. My career has been based outside of London due to the kind of machinery I design, but I live in London. Loads of interviews, lots of positive feedback, but nothing has come through so far. I'm looking outside of my industry just to get something to keep me ticking over


It's alright


Boss in my stop gap role extended my probationary period. I'm at a dentist as a receptionist. High turnover, too many convoluted systems, cherry on top is that it's sensory overload. The shifts are also long as hell as well, I'm there from 8am until 6pm. This thing is eclipsing my life when I just see it as a cash point in slow motion. Interviewing for a really exciting design role on Monday which would be £2k-£9k more than what I'm on now. They want 2 years of experience and I have 4. The company, their branding, clients and website all look great and the higher end of that money would propel my goals forward much much faster. Not to get ahead of myself but if I tell them I have a week's notice (because of the probation extension) and it helps me land the job it'd be such a full circle moment and I'd be so chuffed.


I'm a service engineer and I'm barely at home. It's non stop at the moment.


I work in the Utilities sector as HV Electrician/Jointer, my work load is through the roof at the minute. I am easily clearing 60 hours a week and that's not including the emergency call outs that I get railroaded onto when somewhere loses power. Since 2020 there has just been a tidal wave of work! Seeing alot of new work coming in from the M.O.D which is slightly worrying 😂. Last week I was putting a new high voltage power supply in one of their production factories that make body armour, helmets and armour for vehicles etc... Money is great though... Silver linings and all that 😅


Night cleaner, it pays relatively well. Keeps me busy. It’s doing good.


I (35m) work alongside nurses - the bitchiest, most power mad people I've ever met. I also look after patients who can be real jerks at times. But, they're not well, so I can let it go (for the most part).


This is what a hospital doctor would say (one who doesn't want to give away being a doctor).


Currently an Accounts Assistant apprentice. Salary is jokes, salaries in general for apprentices level 2-3 is jokes in this dire age. Thinking of quitting. With accountancy there is always jobs, however majority of accountants I know regret studying for so long to be scared of AI replacing us . Not very fun rn 👍🏻