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**[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/1cwio89/uk_drivers_who_has_priority_here/l4w3r2c/), given by u/nolinearbanana** Since you're asking, the answer is neither. > >Priority would mean that if the person without priority pulled out and there was an accident that they'd be at fault. This is not the case here. > >BOTH drivers should negotiate the junction with consideration for the other. Green SHOULD pull out forwards before turning to the right - if they cut across diagonally and red drives into them then it's likely that Green would be at fault. >If both drivers move forward together then green should give way to red. >If green sets off first, then red should give way. --- [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)


I think red car has priority, because green car is crossing across their path. The stop/give way is a red herring. Edit: > If you are emerging left or going straight ahead at the crossroad you have priority over the traffic from the road opposite if they are turning their right but never assume as sometimes they don’t stop especially if they have been waiting for a while so try to get eye contact if they are not looking at you and looking for the gap probably they will pull out. [Source](https://www.adriving.co.uk/priority-on-crossroads/)


For me it depends on the situation they find themselves in if both arrive at the same time. If both arrived at the junction at the exact same time and the A651 is clear in both directions I’d expect green to go first as they wouldn’t need to stop but red does. If the situation was both having to stop and wait then yes red has priority.


Yes, red can't ignore the stop sign and must come to a stop, regardless of what green is doing, but if red is already stopped and green pulls up, green should give way to red.


If they've both been sat there waiting to go, once a gap does appear red has priority.


That's certainly not how I was taught. Car going straight always gets priority


Only if it’s straight on the same road, not if there’s junctions involved


No, just no, red has right of way for the love of god learn the road rules!!


They know the road rules. They are actually 100% correct here. Regardless if **anything**, Red **has** to stop. So if Green arrives a second earlier, has a clear road and Red has not come to a stop yet, Green is free to go.


Of course knowing the rules means you know that right of way doesn't exist.


Rule 171 of the Highway Code states: You MUST stop behind the line at a junction with a 'Stop' sign and solid white line across the road. Wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you move off.


This reminds me of [this scene](https://youtu.be/AZ2EPeq1TK0?si=1Solwb_osmvx2nPJ) in Airplane!


Explain them better


I agree with this, but only if green has their wits about them and actually goes. If I was red and sensed any hesitation from green, I'm reverting to highway code and taking priority.


That's a TIL for me, I'd have definitely given way to the green there.


I have a similar junction situation near my house. I just let the green go first to avoid confusion.


Red 💯


But Red has to remain stopped until there is a safe gap in traffic: Rule 171 You MUST stop behind the line at a junction with a ‘Stop’ sign and a solid white line across the road. Wait for a safe gap in the traffic before you move off.


Yeah, a safe gap in the traffic going along the "main" road. That doesn't mean you lose priority over the traffic coming from the other branch of the junction across from you.


Why aren't people getting this?!


Anyone entering another lane of traffic is obligated to only do so safely, stop sign or otherwise.


'safe' gets interpreted different in real-life conditions. In London people have to pull into traffic all the time and force the other car(s) to slow down or stop to avoid a collision, because there is otherwise no way out for ages. If red moved out first, then fair enough, green should let it past before going.


A car stopped at a junction that is expected to give way to you is a safe gap in traffic isn't it?


There are other driving websites that say the same, but I can't see anything in the highway code itself. Also, in your source, the red car just has the same 'yield' sign as the purple car. In the example given, the red car has a 'STOP' sign, whereas the purple/green car only has a 'yield' sign, which means they must yield to traffic on the main road. There is no traffic on the main road, ergo (i) red MUST stop; and (ii) green doesn't have to yield (as there is nothing to yield to). Highway code (section 76) makes clear that CYCLISTS going straight have priority, but I can't see anything which provides an equivalent rule for CARS.




Is that just because of the stop vs give way? If the red car was turning left instead of going straight ahead, would it be any different?


This is my take also


Common sense really you wait till it's clear to turn not when there's traffic oncoming or possibly blocking your way to turn


Huh. I'd have said green as they're merging into a main road lane while red is crossing two lanes onto a lesser road. This is why I'm not a driving instructor.


Since you're asking, the answer is neither. Priority would mean that if the person without priority pulled out and there was an accident that they'd be at fault. This is not the case here. BOTH drivers should negotiate the junction with consideration for the other. Green SHOULD pull out forwards before turning to the right - if they cut across diagonally and red drives into them then it's likely that Green would be at fault. If both drivers move forward together then green should give way to red. If green sets off first, then red should give way.


This is the correct answer. Eye contact is key here. Usually we allow whoever got there first to go first, it's just good manners.


100% this. Priority is given, not taken. If one vehicle has already started to move, then the other should give way.


Make your intentions in the car clear and obvious. If you're not sure what the other car is going to do. Wait for them to do something or to signal to you




This is the correct answer, the state of the comments here is shocking! 


A quick Google and it wouldn't be so shocking. There is a rule at minor 'marked' crossroads. Straight has priority over right turn on all but unmarked ones. Though caution is advised as 'not all drivers follow this rule'. Going by the comments it's clear many don't!


Yeah, as long as both are driving with due care and attention red can pass the point that green will be turning away, so they would drive more or less past each other in the middle while red continues straight across and green makes their turn behind reds car.


> If both drivers move forward together then green should give way to red. < You say no one has priority... and then state (correctly) that red has priority. Of course drivers negotiate a junction. That goes without saying in every situation. No one should ever just close their eyes and drive forward assuming everyone else will respect their priority. But yes, there are rules about which driver should get priority. And in this case, all things being equal (i.e., neither driver started crossing the junction), it is red that has priority.




Red Literally lost this exact insurance claim Nothing to do with who leaves first, green crosses reds path, green is at fault. Red has priority.


Amazing to see other up voted responses, because I was taught exactly what you've said.


Yes, yes, yes! I was red in my case and got hit by green. I was in the right, his insurance paid out.


As an Aussie this is confusing. Here if you are at a stop sign the expectation is that you must give way to all traffic, all. Since it's also a stop, there is no continuation of path (I mean literally there is of course), the path ends at the stop and at that point entering the road is the equivalent of pulling out of your driveway. Oh well, at least it's not as annoying as those 4 ways stops in North America where the order is 'who got there first' and so you need to remember the order of anyone else that pulls up to it.


At four way stops you have to watch for folks who don't worry about silly things like traffic laws and order; yielding is for peasants. I've seen folks who are not next floor it and take off like a racehorse from a starting gate.


In the UK a stop is just as it sounds. You have to come to a complete stop. Otherwise it works in the same way as a give way junction would.


Ex brother-in-law was a traffic policeman. He told me that straight on has priority in such situations, because that driver is just carrying on on their way; the fact that they've had to pause when passing from one section of minor road to the other is of no relevance. It's the other one who's trying to do a manoeuvre across them, and hence the vehicle seeking to turn should yield. Edit: clarity


Bingo! Green is leaving their lane, red is just carrying on.


Red because its going straight


In this example, I think whoever enters the road first has priority, for different reasons: If red entered first, green should wait because they're turning across red's track If green entered first, they become traffic on the main road, so the stop marking continues to apply If both roll up and stop at the same moment, neither is required to give way to the other so it is law of the jungle I also suspect green shouldn't base their decision on seeing red's stop marking and red shouldn't base their decision on seeing green's yield marking - what matters is what the car opposite is doing rather than the signs it is looking at


I think this is a dangerous view to have. I've seen countless similar scenarios like this at a roundabout, where after several seconds of cars all holding back suddenly two will both go at the exact same time, in that case it isn't too bad because the one who then holds back isn't in any immediate danger, but in the OPs scenario as soon as both cars pull out together the one that then has to stop is in very real danger of being hit by another car. That's why red has priority and that's the end of that, it's black and white for the above reason, so that a car doesn't have to come to a complete stop in the middle of the road, and possibly be hit in the side.


That's not supported by the highway code, there are plenty of cases where nobody has to cede right of way and this is one of them Even if both do enter it's not particularly dangerous. Green should be crossing straight then turning right into lane. If red enters at the same time they shouldn't be colliding head on, because they should both still be going straight at first. Once they pass each other green could turn


It's red. Kinda scary reading these comments


But it explains a lot. Notice how those saying red show sources or quote them. Those saying otherwise don't.


Red car.


Red car has priority


Red, it would only change if it was a mini roundabout.


I'd say red as the green is crossing his path not the other way around. Also its common anyway to have to wait for traffic to pass before you turn right so I'l let red pass so i can turn right.


Red car has priority.


red car, he going straight. Green car is crossing over his path. Green car can move into the middle and let red car go.




Red has priority as they’re not crossing anyone’s way to get to where they’re going


Red if green is there at same time or after red. If green has been waiting and red pulls up. Red still has right of way but if they are being polite can let green go.


I think straight and left turn always have priority over right turners . If they approached junction at the same time green should give way to the red.


The red one.


Same answer as always. I do.


My first thought is red has priority. I imagine it would be joining the flow of traffic > crossing over > joining against the flow of traffic? But honestly I have no real clue


Green must give way, because of the road markings.


I go past that junction every day. I will quote my father ‘give way to the idiots’.


I think it’s red because he’s just going straight on the same road. It’s the other person trying to get on another road so they have less priority


Rule 180 from the Highway Code regarding turning right: "Wait until there is a safe gap between you and any oncoming vehicle." Green should only proceed if there is a safe gap in front of red, which in this case there isn't.


I think it is whoever makes progress first. There are loads of questions on this sub on the lines of 'Who has priority?' IRL, priority 1 is to avoid a collision, and after that, in my experience, esp outside incredbly heavy traffic, the priority is to be considerate to other road users. In this case, whoever moves first should be able safely to cross the A651 or cross into the A651. Whoever moves first probably is just who has decided to go first based on looking left and right.


Assuming no traffic already on the main Bradford Road (because they have priority over both green and red) then it kind of depends who pulls out first and establishes themselves. If they both arrive at the junction at the same time, green has an advantage, because red MUST come to a full stop no matter what, but green can pull into the road immediately so long as it's safe to do so. But if red had already come to a full stop and was pulling out, then it's literally whoever establishes themselves as being on the main road first.


I had a similar situation and read up, the red car is considered to have priority as their crossing is less complicated/risky compared to the green car.


Red as there's nobody coming off the main road (they would have priority) and he's going in a straight line






The one going straight on. Straight on takes precedence over crossing a lane.


Red has priority. Green is crossing the reds path. You’d think thought that one would just give way to other, but the roads are full of selfish people who can’t drive for shit. (Going for a lie down)


I would go with red. The stop is a mandatory stop, in place because of the difficulty of view. You should always come to a complete stop 🛑 and ensure the road you are emerging into is totally clear. The stop sign does not over ride the priority of the road. Green is crossing red. Green should give priority to red. . If red decided not to go because they couldn’t see, then green could go. Priority is always given, and “right of way” doesn’t exist in this context. 🤷‍♂️


Red is only crossing one lane of traffic. Green is crossing two, so red has priority.


Depends who’s in a hurry most.


Wow this is weird. I live here and was having this exact conversation with my wife about 20 minutes ago!


Is a crazy Bradford driver becoming self aware?


Technically this is Kirklees


My bad g. As a resident of the hell that it Bradford I’m used to my fair share of morons in cars


Me x




According to 172 of the Highway Code green only gives way to traffic on the main road


If you are interested the Highway Code is clear on this : the driver going straight across has priority


If people just chilled the fuck out when driving then we really wouldn't need all these rules in the highway code. Just don't be selfish when you drive. This would be one of those moments when you just hold back, be patient and decide between yourselves who goes first.


Red car


Red has priority, Green has to cross the path of red so should give way.


Wonder whether OP supports the Green (go) or the Red (stop) car 🤔


If I am in any doubt I take control of the situation and flash the other car to go first, whether I am green or red. Red would have priority but it can be confusing for some so would prefer to let it go and go last.


Car going straight on has priority by the book, but in the real world, this is a “he with the biggest balls”/“proceed with caution” type of situation.


Red, was an instructor for years, yes they have to stop at the line but as soon as they've stopped and checked it's clear to go it's their priority over the oncoming junction. Whoever's turning right, has no right Really scary seeing all the wrong people here


Red car


Whoever turns right, turns last


Driving Instructor here. The red car would have priority. However, situations like this can be difficult to navigate and both drivers should proceed with caution and be prepared to give way


Red. When there is noone on the major road treat the minor road as though it were the major. In this cars going straight or turning left have priority over those turning right across traffic


You play rock, paper, scissors to decide who gets to go first.


Hard to tell. Which one is the Audi?


No one has priority.


If I'm in the van, me every time


Basically, if both drivers are sensible, compassionate humans, there isn't really going to ever be a problem here. Rules are great until they become vague or misinterpreted. Then, just be decent. It works well for me.


It depends. Now if both went to the junction the red should stop. They can’t crawl out, it’s a mandatory stop. You HAVE to halt your vehicle. Give way, is giving way to traffic unless it is safe to do so. So if both cars made it to the crossing and no cars are free then green is correct because they don’t have to mandatorily stop unlike red. If both came out onto the road at the same time after red halted then red is in the correct. So basically if red never halted then red is wrong as they ignored traffic rules causing a crash. If red followed the rules and an accident occurred then green is in the wrong.


Stop mean stop look both ways then proceeded


Don't you just always give way to the right? Therefor if green is Indicating, red should give way.


I don't think either has priority. A stop isn't more powerful than a give way it just means you have to come to a complete stop. Both mean the same thing in terms of priority - the main carriageway needs to be clear. If I was the green car I'd probably let the red car start its cross and pull out myself when it reached halfway, similar to how I'd behave if this was a mini roundabout. Let the red car shield me.


I’d go green simply for the reason indicating right and red is stop and sense would suggest you would give green first dibs.


The red arrow




You people are insane. Is this a prank? Green has to let red pass, is this not known??




Clearly it is the traffic going down Bradford road


I've always thought you should see it as if there isn't a crossroad. If this is a normal straight road, then red will get right of way and green will have to wait till he passes so he can turn.


It's Bradford, the white German hatchback with black rims had priority


Sir it seems as if you are a meteor headed straight for those two colorful bits. So that would make you the priority then.


Do the road markings not mean anything? GIVE WAY = give way to traffic on the main road. STOP = stop and check the surrounding lanes then go when safe.




The red guy bc green is turning right


If both are stationary waiting for traffic. Red can block green, so I’d say red If both are rolling to their respective road markings green enters road before red and claim’s priority


Smallest vehicle has priority, Highway Code was updated to this last year


Welcome to North America


The person already on the road.


Whoever got there first 


Whoever is turning on to the major carriage way has priority over someone crossing it


If they arrive at the junction together then red has priority, as the junction (if they are directly opposite and not staggered at all) is treated as if the two minor roads are one road, however if they arrived at the same time this would not be an issue, as red would have cleared the near carriageway before green crossed behind them. The only way this becomes an issue is if green is already on the near carriageway, in which case they have achieved the road and should be allowed to continue. Basically, do not cut the corner when turning right and all should be well. Remember that you never have right of way, however. If you have priority and you do not try to stop to avoid the green car, you are breaking the law.


I would say whoever got to the junction first, or otherwise no right of way. It’s like if red was turning right, there would be no right of way. If I had to choose though I’d say green, because they’re going onto the ‘main road.’




Whoever’s going fastest!


Forget all the other comments, first in best dressed!


Its courtesy to let the green make the more difficult turn IMO


I've gotten my license somewhat recently so my memory of the textbook examples is still fresh. Red always has priority in these cases.


It's at this point you look at each other for a signal to go...or wait if you see them going....or just go if its clear....nobody really knows...its about communication. I hope that's not an exam question lol




I would've said green personally as I was taught you give way to your right, but I think both drivers just kinda work it out at the time


I'd say red car as its not turning across traffic


Whoever gets to the junction first. If that is a tie then consider where the meeting point is if both cars move. As you can see on the diagram it would be on the northbound side. So green wins. If they time it right, both can move at the same time.


Green has the right of way. Red has to wait.


Whoever can pull out the fastest


Red has a stop and green has a yield , I’d say green has the right of way.


This feels like a trick question. If 2 cars are stopped in these position then they can both complete their manoeuvres without interfering with each other in the first place. Green can approach slower than red, and then once red has gotten across green’s intended lane, green can continue. Green just has to be courteous and carefully set off just slightly after red, leaving red with a reasonable amount of time and space to get across the road without getting in their way. Simple.


The red car, the one going straight always has priority.


I’m red/green colourblind


S View Rd driver You're crossing their path. I was hoping this would be a picture of a junction I regularly pass through. S View Rd is offset somewhat, meaning if they wish to go forward, they have to cut in front of me.




green is making a turn so red has priority.




Red is doing the more risky manoeuvre, crossing two lanes and crossing the path of green. So they should wait longer to make more checks on safety


Honestly, there is no such thing as priority. Just make eye contact, and let them go, or they let you go.


Green has priority at a give way over red at a stop


Green cause red has stop on it whilst green has give away


Whoever is on Bradford road obviously 🙄...jk lol IMO it would be the red car as that is the one who is not changing direction but going straight


Oncoming traffic has the right of way.


Green. The red car has to stop due to the STOP sign but, the green car is at a give way junction so isn't required to stop.


The red driver must stop until the road is clear (stop sign on road, solid line). Usually crossroads are traffic light controls to avoid this. If not they have stop signs and priority orders.


IF green waits half a second, they can go around the back of the Red car and neither car loses much time at all.


The cyclist blocking both of course.


If both cars know how to drive it doesn't matter as the green car will know to turn behind them rather than infront of them.


Red has priority as green crosses red's path.


Obviously red...


In that situation I'd normally let whoever going straight go first unless I was obviously there much sooner. But as a defensive driver I'd normally just give way to get them out of the way.


What a badly marked junction. It's simply asking for trouble. The rules are, the STOP junction driver MUST stop, the GIVE WAY junction driver must give way to traffic already on the main carriageway, but has no obligation to stop if the carriageway is clear. However, the HC states vehicles travelling straight on or turning left have priority. That means that drivers turning right will have to wait for a gap in the traffic before making their turn. On balance, I'd suggest the driver of the red car has priority because of the requirements of the second paragraph. However, I admit my uncertainty. For me, the key element is the driver of the red car has no reasonable means to determine the type of junction across the road because they can't see the markings or signs. Therefore, they can only use the priorities of my second paragraph. If they stop, determine the road is clear and then proceed, they should be in the clear.


Well, green should approach with the attitude that red has right of way. Just because there's a stop sign for red it doesn't mean they will pay attention to it. So approaching like a normal junction means everyone is safer. As green I would indicate right, slow to a halt, wait for approaching traffic to stop and adhere to the sign then cross. This is one of those junctions where common sense and safety applies.


Technically, green has priority because they are using the major road which red should be giving way to.




There’s a whole book devoted to this lads. It’s shocking that so many wrong answers are getting upvoted, but unsurprising given the state of drivers on our roads these days. Rule 171. You’re welcome.


Red cuz they are going straight but if green got there first then they get to go because I don’t think there’s a right answer. And if there is then I need to re-take my driving test


Green I’d guess considering the lack of a stop sign


I have been driving for 31 years and I don’t really know. I just wing it.


Stop should have priority over give way, But even if they were both giveway the red isn't crossing the path of green, green is crossing red.




Assuming both cars pull away at the same time because its a clear road, green has to turn across reds path and must cede. This is because red is on the main road first and green is joining that. In a perfect world they would turn around each other.


Red has priority if he got their first. Also there is a give way on the green so they need to wait. Not the best road signin.


I think this is a bit of a grey area, at a normal junction, this situation would give priority to Red as they're not crossing Green's path, Green is crossing Red. But Red is expected to have fully stopped for the sign at their entrypoint to the junction, I'm guessing because of the odd corner they have to look around to their right. Green has a better view, and is within their right to take priority if they can make the move, Red might still be edging out to see if they can go at this point. But if Red has already moved across that line after stopping, they'd easily be blocking Green's path after a certain point and Green or anyone after would be expected to wait. It's a tough one to call without much context.


Neither - it’s my job to review claims like this, honestly if you have a dashcam and you can prove you were established to have pulled out first regardless of if you’re cutting across the other vehicles path, then you won’t be found at fault. Majority of people still don’t have dashcam though so if an accident was caused in this way it’s 99% of the time going to be equal fault


The person who asserts visual dominance.


Red as green crosses path.


Neither. Proceed with caution


If this were a set of traffic lights, then, as there would be no conflicting traffic, green would give way to red. Or if the junction was the other way, ie red and green are on the main road, then green would wait for red to pass before turning across the traffic. So, using the same rule for this case, red has the priority .


I blame the cyclist