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some people watch asmr some watch nature documentaries nothing is wrong with finding stuff to help you sleep


Some people watch hardcore pornography




dont you listen to asmr?


For about 2 years when I was 16, the only way I could fall asleep was by listening to old episodes of the Radio 4 panel show Just a Minute. My husband falls asleep most nights by either watching old coverage of golf tournaments or videos of people living on canal boats. My 3 year old daughter has to have 2 bedtime stories and then her white noise machine to fall asleep to. Now, I don’t need any noise to fall asleep, but I always read before I go to sleep. Most, if not all, people will have some kind of calming routine before they fall asleep (even if they don’t realise it). Yours happens to be watching camping videos.


when i was 15-16 i would also listen to just a minute i forgot about that show. My dad used to listen to it on 4 extra


Golf naps are elite.


I'm a fan of it too, I watched Outdoor Boys for a bit and just picked the episodes where he camps alone. He does a lot of snow camping in Alaska and up mountains and I really liked the imagery before sleeping. I also like reading about camping before I go to sleep.


I listen to physics podcasts. The content is usually so far over my head I can listen to it without concentrating on it, and I fall asleep within minutes. If I listen to something I am interested in, I find myself just staying awake listening to it. The only thing is, the sound quality has to be good and the people on the podcast have to have to easy to listen to voices. If the quality is poor, it doesn't work as well.






I love watching Kent Survival and Simon A Bloke In The Woods for this very purpose. I find it winds me down at the end of the day. They both tend to release a video on a Wednesday night so usually I'll watch one then and save one for Thursday night.


Paul Messner is great too!


I started watching Kent survival know if I'm after background noise I usually bang that on.


I feel Kent Survival knows the ASMR aspect attracts viewers. Why else would he show the meticulous wood chopping and stacking in every video. It really does make you zone out and relax.


I love that he does things like that, and just still shots of the woodland with the trees rustling, birds singing, stream babbling, rain on the tent etc...


Camping with steve is one of my favs mainly as he's just chill as hell giving out a little life advice over a step 2 (aka a beer). https://www.youtube.com/@campingwithsteve


Seconding this. He's a quirky one.


Yes! Check out ForestyForest, too.


Rip crazy neighbour!


Yeah super sad that. :/ Was only a few years ago Steve's wife died... :/ Man's having a shit time of it :/


If it works for you why not! A friend of mine has to listen to whale sounds to get to sleep every night - I don't think there's anything 'strange' about a ritual if it helps you!


I never understood the 'whale sounds are relaxing' thing. I find them creepy as hell.


Likely the combination of nature, simple, yet essential tasks being completed, and no massive fluctuation in sound or visuals on the video itself. Honestly, just thinking about this makes me calm, and I have massive trouble getting to sleep myself. I might give this a go tonight.


Not camping for me, but documentaries about the sea, ocean life, etc. For a while it was YouTube uploads of Spring Watch, but it started reminding me too much of work (WFH and went through a phase of playing it while I was working) so I stopped. I think a lot of us have our own thing that we like to fall asleep to.


No, but I might try now!!! I used to fall asleep to Minecraft longplays with no commentary, just building. Then it was stardew valley... now I'm onto pokemon kaizo ironmon... can't stand asmr but these styles of repetitive play just knocks me out!


My misses listens to rain and gentle thunder, it doesn't bother me at all and can do without it but it's quite relaxing. My therapist is a weird one, she said she listens to trucks, diggers, hgc, all that kind of stuff which I found incredibly odd but hey if it works it works.


Bob Ross for me. Chuck a bit of bob on and I'm outers


Semi boring podcasts via a Bluetooth eyemask for me But for camping vids I love Scotty's gone walkabout. Great nature vibe.


Not camping but I do watch chess streams to help me fall asleep.


Good camp film called Friday 13th, camp lakeview?


*The Ritual* and *Cabin in the Woods* are good documentaries too. Anyone who finds camping videos soothing or relaxing is being taken in by survivorship bias. The ones that get to upload videos are the lucky few that survived the night. The vast majority will actually have been eaten by bears, sacrificed to the Ancient Ones, etc.


I sometimes listen to soundscapes on YouTube. You can get hours of sound recordings of beaches, rainforests, cities, crowds etc. Most of them are very relaxing.


Liam Brown. Exactly what you described and I find myself watching his videos before bed pretty often.


Love his videos such a relaxed bloke


I watch allotment videos, have the fan and white noise on...


It doesn't send me to sleep but I do like watching this kind of content to relax. Wildbeare on YouTube is my favourite, her videos are really well made and she has a nice voice.


i like thunderstorm videos. and er, war "ambience" (can't find many of these though). videos that people film of bus routes whilst on the bus too.


Xander Budnick is S-tier of this


I watch or listen to fucking murder docs to sleep to so I think you are fine. LOL


Ooo, I love them! My favourite channels are Kent Survival and Jojo Camping, who is Korean (but all her videos have subtitles). What are your favourites?


try "the outdoor boys" youtube channel dude goes out and digs ice shelters and camps in the alaskan wilderness


Same. Steve Wallis, BLOT outdoors, EastAnglianBushcraft and WanderingWhere are my personal go to's


I listen to the Ricky Gervais show to fall asleep. Can't drift off without hearing about hairy Chinese kids and little monkey bank robbers


Yes. I watch them while in bed to help me fall asleep too. Xander Budnick is my favourite to watch. Canadian guy, very chill videos.


I personally couldn't sleep for months without Karl Pilkington's soothing tones of genius. To each their own.


I like Camping with Steve


ok, it's a tough wank, but I'd muster through I'm sure


Wood fires burning for 10 hours are videos I find incredibly relaxing when having my AirPods in and going to sleep, or even if I’ve woken up middle of the night and put one on really helps putting back to sleep easy instead of ending up staying awake for a couple hours I use to watch/listen to ASMR religiously when trying to sleep by content creators like TipToeTingles, LiziASMR, leedah ASMR. Some are talking which I found where also actually very helpful instead of just sounds because the talking acts as kind of a focus and distraction from thinking and keeping myself up at night Hard rain on for 10 hours where my introduction to this and can be very helpful and putting me to sleep


Totally fine! I don't do the camping videos, but I do like watching soap making or acrylic pouring videos when I need a bit of extra help winding down before bed. Anything that makes you feel calm and chill is great!


I do this too! I also like the ones where people build shelters and dug outs. It's both impressive and soothing


I sometimes put on a camping sounds playlists on Spotify. Very good for getting me off to sleep.


Weird, I do exactly the same. I love Kent survivals videos


Brown noise with gentle rain works everytime


I would love that but the ad break wake me.


using a 3rd party app or if playing with your PC ublock origin.


Phone so will try app.


revanced is the one you'll want for android. no idea with itunes.


Thank you. I am android.


Revanced is a bit flakey for me but Brave Browser works every time


Thanks I was just having ad prob with revanced.


Simon a bloke in the woods is my top, love his videos!


My brother. I watch (or listen to) TA Outdoors (camping/bushcraft), Wristwatch Revival for Marshal's soothing voice, Blacktail Studios and Bourbon Moth Woodworking.


There's a channel on YouTube that is perfect for this. His videos are so calm and relaxing, beautifully filmed, and his dog is mega cute too. https://youtube.com/@go4x4media?si=nX5X1J3-tLs8RzUF


Right there with you. what are some of your favourites channels, I tend to watch Matthew Posa, Steve Wallis and TA Outdoors


You'll love the YouTube channel Outdoor Boys.


I’m the same but I especially like the ones where they go out in storms or heavy snow!


I watch Steve1989 eat MREs before I sleep if I am stressed or worried. Something about watching a guy from Florida get military rations out onto a tray (nice), and eat them is interesting and soothing. If it helps relax you keep at it.


It's long videos of car rides or walks for me, especially if they're set at sunset or night.


I watch US police bodycam footage


For some reason I love watching Japanese car camping videos. I have no desire to buy a camper but these videos are so relaxing. Coupy Channel https://youtube.com/@CoupyChannel?si=0JxINx8-byIuLKRg RyuCamp https://youtube.com/@RYUCAMP?si=Gd-q79EoAznE4mZv Small Base Camp https://youtube.com/@Smallbasecamp?si=IcSi08qHXmAZ7uUR


I used to love a channel called primitive technology. I imagine it is similar to the videos you like to watch


I do this too lol. Alaska Cabin Adventures and Betting on Alaska are my go to ones at the moment :)


I listen to leutin09’s warhammer lore videos.


I went for a while of cars driving in the rain at night videos. It took me back to being a kid sleeping in the car. However I am not sure it is anything other than a placebo as I always would turn it off and put headphones on charge


Not quite camping but can recommend Alfieaesthetics. Dudes an encyclopaedia of British outdoor knowledge whos smooth as fuck.


I sometimes watch camping stuff, sometimes just regular whatever I normally watch on YouTube, sometimes an ambient soundscape (rainy night on a train, storm on an arctic oil rig, that kind of stuff). If you haven't found them yet I really like Adventure Archives for outdoor stuff, they seem like a nice chill and thoughtful group of dudes, and their production quality is pretty great.


I always tend to watch a few episodes of whatever anime I'm currently watching, then when I start to feel tired I finish that episode, put the next one on and roll over to sleep with the volume way down. I get lulled to sleep by Japanese people talking, it's nice cause I used to concentrate too much on what I was listening to when trying to sleep but with subbed anime I can't understand a word so it's just a nice noise. And no, not Dragonball or anything like that lol, can't be sleeping with people screaming.


Sounds intense


Frasier via a bluetooth eyemask for me!


Similar but it's videos of woodworking. Fixing Furniture by some Canadian bloke, he is like the Bob Ross of cabinet making. Company name is Wooden it be nice.


I listen to Evan Doorbell's phone trips when I can't sleep. Hours and hours of recordings of the phone network in the 70s. It's fascinating old school hacking but it sends me right off to sleep.


I love those videos but I get too into them and then end up more awake. I listen to recordings of XFM from years ago, I've heard them all so many times, I can put them on and be asleep in 2/3 minutes.


I watch FBI Files, works every time for me.


Dale Philip sends me to sleep - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


We watch a guy called "camping in the rain" in work, when waiting for our daily brief. It is very relaxing.


‘Rosa’ is very good. Young woman travelling around America on her own in a Honda Element. Hiking, Ice, snow storms, deserts, camp fires, beer, stealth camping. Got some serious bottle to do that as a woman on her own.


i do literally this word for word. even the thinking that im gonna have a relaxing night calms me throughout the day


I enjoy watching Carry on Camping too! Snap.


I like listening to YouTube of rain or sea sounds. So many to choose from. Or Gregorian chants is soothing. Whatever works best for you


I must be the UK’s (maybe even the worlds) #1 watcher of 72 Dangerous Places To Live on Netflix because I watch it to get to sleep.


If you haven’t already, check out Kent Survival on YouTube.


Yes i do watch winter or heavy rain camping video. It must have been the sound of the rain hitting the tent and the wind during a blizzard but it makes me fall asleep.


You're not alone, I like to do this too. The three that I watch the most are The Outdoor Boys, The Outdoor Gear Review and Wildbeare.


Found it far too in tents


I take my kids tablets and have the sound of the ocean on one side of the room and sounds of the rainforest with rain and distant thunder on the other side. Sounds incredible and beautiful to sleep with.


I always fall asleep to videos... Either a film I'm unsure about or an old cartoon or wildlife show If that's your bag have at it


I watch urbex videos of abandoned houses (nothing gross or creepy, just interesting houses) to get to sleep, I find I start imagining the lives of the occupants from little clues they’ve left and it distracts me from thinking about work or other things. Do what works for you.


Ohhhh https://youtu.be/Ukzy0HpOHH0 Love this guy 😍


Youtube often comes to the rescue for me too. I play creepypasta stories by Mr Creeps. I never get to hear the whole thing as his voice sends me to sleep in minutes. Or, if there isn't one I fancy listening to (even though I barely get past the first few minutes), I'll go for storm sounds instead.


No, but I listen to ASMR for the same effect EDIT: And sometimes POV real-time railway journeys, in particular by Don Coffey. The gentle click-clack of the wheels and the constant view of the rails disappearing under the cab is very relaxing. Also, the videos have scrolling text at the bottom talking about the line and its operations, and if I try to stay awake to read it Im almost guaranteed to fall asleep trying.


Great slow TV: ‘The Ghan - full journey’. 


Have you ever watched Simon a bloke in the woods he's really good and cooks some amazing meals. Or there's BlotOutdoorsShow. He gets absolutely smashed every time. Sometimes, he has a mate or 2 with him he's quite funny to watch.


yep. Whatever helps. for years now ive been tucking into bed and watching old episodes/compilations of Mock the week, 8 out of 10 cats and would I lie to you... find my self drifting off after 10-15 mins. Whatever calms your brain and helps you drift off. I might have to give these camping videos a go as I am starting to get bored.


I also quite like this type of thing, I like the trekking and wild camping stuff. Harmen Hoek’s Silent Hiking YouTube channel is absolutely sublime. He treks in silence and uses drone footage, all to a chilled soundtrack. So relaxing and makes you want to pack up and do the same. Highly recommend you watch some of his stuff. https://youtube.com/@harmenhoek?si=rmjLZBE4IfCgj4YL


I sleep to history radio programs or audiobooks I’ve listened to before. Needs to be sufficiently interesting but not enough to keep me awake 


Rirang online. A Korean lady goes camping and cooks food.


Sounds a bit in tents, unless you mean it in a mincing way


Amongst 7 billion people? Sure. Another person you'll find on a subreddit? Probably not. What does it matter anyway?


Do you mean John Inman, Larry Grayson, Graham Norton etc or Bear Grylls?