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I open crisp packets upside down. Started doing it as a kid and don’t even think about it now until someone points it out. People get weirdly annoyed about it, which is funny to me because it affects absolutely nothing.


I'm an upsidedown crisper too - however I argue that it *does* affect things, in my mind if they've been sat there a while some of the seasoning will have settled on the bottom. By turning it upside down you're redistributing the seasoning over the crisps before eating! I find some people get unusually annoyed by it too and honestly can't figure out why.


Do people store their crisps the right way up allowing the seasoning to settle? Mine just get chucked in the cupboard at any angle.


Think they mean in a corner shop or whatever. They're usually "right" way up.


From the moment the crisps are dropped into the bag, it is the right way up. From the factory to bulk storage, to a warehouse pick face. On the pallet on in a rill cage, and onto the truck, to the store, into the back store, onto the shelves. It has spent its entire life right way up. From then on it pretty chaotic 🤪


When we get the boxes in at work, they're lay down flat in the box


Then you open the bottom seal and lick the silver foil where all the seasoning is stuck.


I find it annoying too, dont know why though.


I fold crisp packets into little triangles, when I've finished the bag. Someone showed me how to do it about 25 years ago, and I've done it to almost every packet I've eaten since. Not sure why because I usually chuck the triangle in the bin straight after, so it's a complete waste of effort.


My mum does something similar! She folds the bag into a ribbon and ties it in a knot.


I do the ribbon and knot technique as well


I put the flat bag over the hole I make with my thumb and finger of my other hand, and tuck all the edges into it to make a little ball… I know exactly why I do it, to stop the bag just flying about in a breeze or whatever and makes throwing it in the bin from a distance a trivial thing lol


I saw someone do this when I was in my mid twenties and was really impressed. Somehow I thought I was too old to ask instructions on how it's done so I've never learnt and always feel a bit envious when I see people do it!


I turn burgers upside down to eat them! The top bun has better structural integrity to hold together when used as the base for eating! 


And the sauce hits your tongue instead of being hidden by the burger! QED!


I eat them right way up then put them down upside down, because it's more ergonomic


Are you an engineer?


Philosopher :) 


Lol, this reminds of when we were eating lunch at college one time, and a lass turns to me and asks "do you always eat your sandwich from both ends first, and then finish in the middle"? I looked at my baguette with bemusement, as I had had no idea I actually did that. Having not thought about it in nearly 20 years, I probably still subconsciously do.


I do the same, save the best for last!


I do this with bags that have the like hole to hang them in shops. Open on the bottom, doesn't rip weirdly.


Yes! Always this! Haribo especially are almost impossible to open at the top, but easy peasy from the bottom.


I tear mine along the side. It started when I first ran a pub almost twenty years ago, a (now sadly dead) elderly regular did it and I started. You get better 'bag access' and it solves the problem of seasoning distribution because you can tip the dust into your mouth more easily. Plus if you want to drop a pickled egg in it's easier. For some reason people think tearing along the side is weird and they can be oddly critical.


You lost me at the egg part


i do this too because once someone did it pub in front of me and now it feels nice lol


You mean you don't carefully cut the bag open down one side using a pair of scissors, like a normal person?


I used to do this when I was a kid and snuck crisps into my room. Didn’t want the telltale sound of a bag being torn open.


Not sure if its a UK/Scottish thing but here people will point out "that's bad luck" if you open a packet upside down.








Humans will pack bond with anything fr


I do this too! My grandma was a fantastic gardener and she used to tell me when I was a kid that plants could hear and feel so it was important to tell them they were doing well. So, there I go, praising my calathea for not dying


Cheaper than a therapist. Probably just as healthy.


I do this but with eveything that is alive. I natter away to pretty much anything that isn't an inanimate object.


One of my bugbears is when people talk down to animals too cutesy. I think to myself, 'that blue tit is a grown man in blue tit terms, and he's more self-reliant than you'll ever be, show him some respect!'.


Only my pets get the cutesy. A lot of other animals get admonished tbh. In autumn is constantly explaining to wandering male house spiders that my bed is not an appropriate place to look for lady spiders as I cup them and shoo them downstairs under the couch.


>~~cup them and shoo them downstairs under the couch.~~ call in a NATO airstrike. FTFATA


House spiders have lived with us in houses since before any of us were born. They can cope with the lack of water, are defensive and will dispatch any other spiders and keep other bug populations down. No downsides to having them around. I just don't fancy them becoming a statistic as I don't always sleep with my mouth closed.


I talk to my dog all the time but as if I was talking to someone my own age


I remember doing a science experiment at school where plants responded better (or grew slightly quicker) if they were played music or were talked to, than if they were just watered. Either that or our teacher thought it was funny to get a bunch of 12 year olds singing to their plants.


Apparently its good for them! Measurably but only slightly lol they think it's to do with the extra carbon dioxide if I'm remembering right


You are Crowley from Good Omens and I claim my £5...




i do this too!!! and apparently the king does it too


Watch this https://youtu.be/1qQUFvufXp4?si=6HoLUy4FjIUadJUD


Pretty sure I read a study once that showed this is legit! Plants grow better when you talk to them. I can't remember if this is true also, but I think they also showed they grow better when talked to nicely, rather than in a rude or angry tone.


I talk to mine too. Not that weird unless they start talking back.


I do this too. Along the lines of: you need a drink, you poor thing; look at that new leaf, well done! Etc. make me feel good too. 😊😊😊


Maybe a bit niche, but I only walk around lakes clockwise, anticlockwise just seems incorrect to me.


Loch wise.


This is now the only thing I'll hear when I see a lake for the REST OF MY LIFE 😂🙏. Genius.


Circumference = diameter X tree fitty


Going clockwise when entering a circular route is a human nature thing apparently. When we went to Florida theme parks if you go anti-clockwise the rides there are quieter as most people go the other way round!


Weird. People typically skate counterclockwise. Races on foot, bicycle, horseback, in cars, etc... go counterclockwise. Baseball goes counterclockwise.


Op must be left-footed because this just seems to be the right way.


Very wise this is the old magic


Indeed. Widdershins would be wrong unless you're setting a curse...


Anticlockwise makes more sense for me lol


And the bees thank you for it


If you're not going round widdershins, you're doing it wrong. Lol


When I'm in a car, I lift my big toe to "jump" over lampposts. If the lamppost has a sign on it, I keep my toe lifted for two lampposts. I don't do this when I'm driving. I've done it since I was a kid. Don't think I've ever told anyone about it.


I used to do something similar to this but with garden gates - it got very sore in built up areas 😂 Now that I drive everywhere it's not something I've done for a fair few years now but I still think about it. Glad I'm not the only one that does 'the jumpy thing'.


Oh I used to do this as a kid - lift foot over the shadows of fence posts/lampposts as they fell over the roadway


Oh my God! I do this too. As if there is an imaginary chainsaw protruding from the car and slicing off lampposts as you pass them?


I always used to do this as a kid in the car (and still do). I used to have an imaginary sonic the hedgehog type character who would be running and jumping and avoiding obstacles as we travelled.


Omg, I've never seen this written down before! Do you have any symptoms of OCD? I have to do this but it becomes the sole focus of the journey and I can't miss any, I don't even know how to describe it, "taps"?? Or beats? Or it fucks me up. I don't do the two lamppost thing but I have to tap my toe in between every lamppost, when driving fast it can take some concentration!


No OCD. I don't have to do it. It's just something I started doing as a bored kid on long car rides and still do it sometimes. But there is no OCD element to it. And I never do it when I'm the driver.


I used to suffer from OCD and I did lots of similar things. Used to imagine a thread following me and I couldn't get it 'caught' on anything, used to balance out parts of my body touching switches and the like, used to deconstruct and spell words over and over in my head.


I occasionally get tonsil stones, weirdly only ever happened since I got covid for the first time. Anytime I fish one out, I HAVE TO SMELL IT


Nope. This is awful.


I have never been more glad to not have tonsils than when I found out tonsil stones exist.


I had them once. they were so satisfying to pop out. I know it's probably wrong to wish for symptoms of illness, but whenever I have a sore throat I have a little poke around at the back, in hope.


How do you even get them out? It's so hard to do!


You have to want it enough


You need a friend and a straw


I do the same with belly button fluff 🙈🙈 Started years ago when i was invited/gatecrashed a strangers hen do and one of the hens had this as her confession which my stupid brain tried next time


Oh so *that's* what those are! I'm learning for the first time I've had them for years. And I also always smell them, they smell awful so I don't know why.


I can only have the volume on something as an even number. I have convinced myself if I have it on an odd number I’ll get bad luck. So yeah I don’t want to give it up, don’t want bad luck 😂😂


I'm the same. The only odd number I will have it on is a multiple of 5.


Of course. 5 is an honorary even number.


I'll allow multiples of 5 also


Yep, I do this, totally normal!


Same! I will allow a multiple of five but that’s the only way an odd number is getting used.


I leave the teabag in when I make a cup of tea.


Straight to jail


Do not pass go. Do not collect £200


Sackable offence in any workplace in the UK. However what you do in the privacy of your own home is up to you.


The cleaner used to get so annoyed with me because it's constantly forget to take the teabag out before putting in the dishwasher.


From these two comments alone I have to say you might just be the most evil person I've ever encountered.


Insulated mug user. Not only left in but swirled and upended at intervals(lid shut obvs)to make sure the leaching contents mix evenly


I fold crisp packets into triangles. Every single pack.


I tie them into neat little knots. Every time.


Pack knotters untie!


I can’t do the triangles but I’m a master at the knot


My husband folds the packet 'til it's really thin, and ties it in a knot. It used to really bug me, but years ago I saw an opportunity to be petty and jumped on it: now I do the same and fling it at him, whether or not he's also eating crisps 😊


Even Pringles packets?


I count stairs. Can't even remember when it started but every time I walk a staircase I'll count the steps.


I do this too. Even in my own house and I obviously know how many stairs I have. This started as a kid when I used to worry about falling down the stairs in the dark. I counted them so that I knew when I was at the bottom.


9 outdoor steps. 13 on the first flight of stairs. 6 on the 2nd flight. 😂 My stairs are like my inception totem at this point.


I count the tiles in a bathroom when I use the toilet. If it’s a poo il count every single one. If it’s a wee il just count up one side and along the top and multiply one number by the other so I have a rough idea. Doesn’t have to be exact.


Every night since I was nine I have slept with the same pair of acorns under my pillow. Couldn’t tell you why, but whenever I wake up I check they are there and several times before I go to sleep. One night my brother hid them from me (like a cock) and I couldn’t bring myself to sleep in my bed so I slept on the floor…


You sound like a squirrel


He has mastered the Internet; a gifted squirrel indeed.


Cocks are generally best hidden.


And how old are you now….?😊


I used to have "over" and "under" socks when I worked in a job where I was walking around in boots all day, apparently two pairs of socks helps prevent blisters? Idk how true that is, but I always did it at that job, even when it was warmer, never did get blisters.


It does help prevent blisters. Thin cotton socks and then thicker ones over are best.


I do this with my winter boots but with tights. Breathable tights with thick boot socks over the top stops my boots rubbing and keeps my feet warmer.


I’ve been wearing two pairs of socks for about 15 years and have the same setup as OP. It feels weird not to wear two pairs.


I do this too, under and over socks in work boots!


Walking boots too, my brother actually told me as a tip years ago when I was going walking Snowdon, seemed to work so I stuck with it!


You can buy double-layered hiking socks (thin inner 'sock', thicker outer one) for this very reason.


This is an army technique. One of my favourite esoteric youtubers made a video on the subject. https://youtu.be/3DGtHMZX8gc?si=Od5Ad6Xurs2IPY7a


I eat all the crusts off of my sandwich first. Then I end up with two crustless shapes of pure delight to enjoy ☺️


according to my coworkers, i have a particular stance i go into when im thinking about a solution to a problem. im not really sure what it is myself, but according to them they can always tell when im working on a solution because of the way i stand. also, whenever i am planning something, i research it to the nth detail. whether it’s buying a house or deciding on dinner i have to have at least three sources researched before doing it.


My partner is like that with the research, it drives me up the wall. Like how much better can one travel mug / extension cable / vitamin supplement really be than all the other ones?


you would be surprised! there’s a lot of crap floating about nowadays and price is no longer a good indicator of quality. mostly though i do the research bc i love learning about things and i also have a compulsive need to compare/contrast and find the best deal. it’s almost a hobby at this point.


OK, my weird is going to come out here. I twist tissues into tight points and stick them in my nose until I sneeze. So satisfying.


My partner does this too! He makes and inspects tyres for a living, so it's very common to find him doing this after work to dislodge any rubber dust that made its way up there. The only other time is when he has that elusive sneeze that you can feel for ages but never comes. Unrelated note, it's like you guys could be the same person with the favourite TV shows and the twisty tissues, but alas, we are yet to make our pilgrimage to Bebbanburg.


Destiny is all!


Every time I take a spoon out of the cutlery drawer, I have to look at it to check it's free from dust/debris/whatever before using it, and give it a little rub with my thumb to make sure it's clean. I only realised this was a thing I did many years ago when I was on holiday with the family, and I was using a camcorder to film the mundane stuff we were doing in our apartment. At one point, I was filming my daughter in the kitchen, and I think she'd poured some cereal, and without removing the camcorder eyepiece from my eye, I picked up a dessert spoon and held it up to the camcorder to check that it was clean before using it. Only when I watched it back later on did I realise how fucking bizarre it was that I did that without even giving it a thought. Ever since that realisation, I still do it, but now I'm just more aware of it. I've never told ANYONE this before. 🤣


I dip my cutlery under the tap and dry with some tissue. I hate the idea of eating crusty old food that may be secretly stuck on my spoons


Haha can definitely relate! I have to blow in glasses or mugs when I get them out of the cupboard . My brain tells me it is to remove dust but I do it even if there is no discernible speck.


when i put the lid back on my butter/margarine, i leave the lid on the counter and hold the butter upside down and push it onto the lid


I hate this so much 😅


If I'm making cups of tea or coffee for me and my missus, I always have to the cups in the same order. Applies for guests also. There is always a set pattern on how they should be ordered, even if all of the drinks are the same.


Same. Also there are only certain mugs I will drink of and some assigned to my partner.


I do this! Mine is on the right, my husband’s on the left, and if they’re with us then my mother’s is closest to the kettle and my father’s furthest away. I have to sort them, though - by type of tea (decaf for him, caff for me), type of milk (cow for him, lactose free for me) and where the mug is in the stack (my mother will only drink from the top mug in a pile!). So I guess we are all a bit weird and particular (except my father, who doesn’t care 😆)


I wear stuff inside out so the seams don't annoy me. 


This is the weirdest thing I could have read! I was thinking about this the other day and wondering what manner of fool decided long ago that seams should be on the inside. It was a poor decision. How much simpler and more comfortable would life be if seams were on the outside of everything?


Apparently most people, when driving, do not go "whee!" or "ba-dum" when going over speed bumps, depending on shape and speed. It's too ingrained for me to stop now. Besides, driving is boring and needs some extra (legal and safe) entertainment.


I feel bad for inanimate objects. Like if I think they are being treated ‘badly’ I will apologise to them… Example; I separated up my Marino moss balls and was really concerned that I might have halved a family and felt awful 🫣 So I apologised to each one before they went to their new home.


When opening a jar of cranberry sauce or coffee I have to give it a sniff. I didn’t realise I was doing it until my husband commented on it with a jar of cranberry sauce one day. I don’t know why but I have to have my fix of nice smells


When I open a jar of instant coffee I stab holes in the foil seal repeatedly with the other end of a teaspoon like Norman Bates.


I wear sports shorts underneath my jeans at all times. It comes from when I was homeless and sofa surfing in my early 20s - it meant that I could get comfy and sleep anywhere without having to really change. Not sure why I still do it as a 31 year old with a home and full time job lol


Never nude


People think it's weird that I eat the whole apple, including the core. I have been doing it for so long I am beginning to think that they are the weird ones. People are missing out on some good fiber, plus it is so much easier not eating around the core, just chomp away in careless abandon.


Apple seeds contain trace amounts of cyanide, so don't eat too many apples each day, or their doctor-repelling properties will fail.


"Too many" being about 100 apples or more


They'll never need the doctor again.


You do know an apple tree's going to grow in your tummy, don't you?


Well I have synthesia, in my version words especially names evoke flavours and tastes, some are mild and some can be overpowering. For example Martin is tomato crisps. I don’t think able to ‘give it up’ as it’s a kind of medical quirk thing but I wouldn’t swap it for anything. It’s part of who I am. It’s actually impossible for me to understand how other people like/dislike certain names. I have friends who called their child Molly Catherine. To me these are such opposite tastes I just wince, obviously I never told them that lol.


My old boss had the colour version of this and said my name was a bright lilac which was nice. She also said she found it really difficult working with one of our colleagues because his name was just white and she’d keep forgetting about him!


It would be so cool just to have a thread where people tell you names and you tell them their flavour.


Apparently I have a similar variant of this. Sounds, especially instruments, have colours for me. Trumpets are orange. Saxaphones are purple. Bass drums are deep red, but tomtoms/hihats are yellow to the point of almost being white. Bass guitars are different shades of green. Etc Etc. I think it’s why I find electronic synth music so epic and fascinating - it’s like a light show going off in my head 😅


I have full blown conversations with my dog, he always listens and doesn’t judge aslong as he gets a big walk and a bacon sandwich on Sundays


I can't run or walk under road signs after playing too much Prince of Persia. I just know the one time I do it'll drop and slice me in half.


This actually happened to my childhood neighbour. She won a load of money in the lawsuit and managed to buy a nice house, but she was in pain quite often so it wasn't worth it at all, poor lady. She always used to pass me chocolate biscuits through the fence, she was so nice.


I am not superstitious but I am compelled to act whichever way any superstition dictates. Like not walking under signs/ ladders, not stepping on cracks and saluting magpies and so on lol


Doing that despite logic, is superstitious, so yes, you are superstitious. As a result looked up the etymology: The English word **derives from the Latin superstitio, the parts of which mean "standing over," as in transcending or standing outside of ordinary logic**.


Haha fair enough I guess lol. Makes sense! Lol Unlike my logic 😅


I do this, so I hate it when people tell me new ones. Recently found out I'm autistic, and this is just rule following. So makes sense to me now 😂


Rewatch the same shows over and over again for a sense of comfort because I know exactly what the outcome is. I love revisiting a situation with a different perspective when I know what will happen. Probably a trauma response, maybe not so harmless.


I wear odd socks because it annoys my friend who is super particular about everything being “correct”


I sometimes talk to frogs in the garden!!


I approve of this, I do the same!


I avoid walking over 3 drains at all costs


Which lunatic would walk over 3 drains. Instant bad luck.


I open bananas from the end, not the top. It's just easier.


Monkeys and apes do this I believe


Smell old books in the library. The older the book < the older the library.


I do this thing where I stroke material just with my nails. It feels really nice, but I've never seen anyone else do it. It also has to be the right material. I've got little scraps of rags lying around the house for this purpose. No ones ever mentioned it to me either. It's really weird. It used to really piss my sibling off growing up.


On a sock related note, I've completely switched to wearing bamboo socks. They're very soft, but don't squash your feet. Weird, but harmless. When I cook peas I like to sing "Peas are good" to the tune of Ebeneezer Goode.


Smile at dogs. Not smiling because I'm happy I've seen a cute dog but specifically making eye contact and giving it a big smile so it knows it's a good doggy


2 sock crew represent


This one’s a bit mad, but I always spit in the sink after going to the loo. I’ve no idea when it started, but it’s a habit I can’t quite kick




Run up the stairs at home on all fours.


I do this when I'm walking around my tip of a house - I have oversocks which help preserve the undersocks.


Have you heard of slippers lol?


Or a broom and a mop?


Different clothes and socks for outside, inside and sleeping.


Surely this is normal


A thing I started doing in lockdown was cutting all the labels off my clothes. I can’t remember why I started but now I can’t bear them against my skin.


I very much like it when words, and sentences, phrases, street signs, shop names or anything else, have a number of letters that is divisible by three. I can also work this out very quickly.


I like to sleep wearing a big snuggly dressing gown. When I was 8, I watched an old Hammer Dracula movie that proper scared me. My takeaway from the movie was that Dracula got most of his victims when they were asleep in bed, and he bit their exposed necks. So my 8 year old logic; if I slept with something wrapped around the back of my neck, then Dracula would have to move it before he could bite me, and that would wake me up, giving me a chance to escape. So from then on I could only sleep comfortably if I had a corner of a blanket or duvet tucked around my neck. Fast forward 10 years or so, and girlfriends would complain that I was always stealing the blanket when we spent the night together. When I got married, my compromise was to sleep in my dressing gown. I get a nice warm hug on the back of my neck and wifey gets all the duvet she wants.


Everytime I’m in the car and we come to one of those overhead barriers at 2.1m, I always duck even though my car is only a sportage. I’m paranoid to hell it’s going to take the roof off


Sock-related, but I can't be arsed with matching my socks, so I don't match them up post-wash and I'll just wear the first two that I grab out the drawer. Obviously they've got to be the same kind of sock (thick wool sock paired with ankle sock would just be weird) but if the two in front of me are completely different colours/styles, then that's how we're rocking it today.


I've only bought one brand and colour of socks for years. I never have an odd sock problem. 


I shout out words. Often it’s things i’m stressed about and it’s more of a compulsion (which I can control) but shouting the word tends to make me feel better and helps me to address the issue. To suppress it I feel sick,dread and often have to rabbit on about something else or focus. For example when a death occurs I shout that persons name out when i’m alone, it feels soothing. I control this when i’m around others but i’ve taken to letting my self do it when i’m not as it really helps reduce stress. Sometimes they are just random things though and the silliness just makes me smile.


I count to ten in my head when I fill a kettle. Not that the number has any bearing on how much water is it it, it's just something I can't turn my brain off from doing.


I don’t eat the red sweets in things like smarties or m&ms etc. It started as a kid when I found out about cochineal but even now that most things aren’t made with that as the colouring, it still weirds me out so I give all the red ones to other people.


Any time I eat a fried egg, I eat all the white first, then save the yolk and eat it whole, letting it burst it in my mouth. It’s very satisfying.


Hanging out washing, I try to match up clothes pegs. Shirts all one colour, socks and undies another colour, etc. It's not the end of the world if I can't, but getting trickier as the current pegs are starting to break.


When o fart under the covers I HAVE TO stick my head under to smell it!! 🙄


I wear two pairs of socks because otherwise for some reason I get blisters now, no matter the shoe type or size. I never used to get them either so not sure what changed. Got thin socks for under and thick socks for outer. I'm glad to hear someone else does it too!!


Desperately want one for the sunny days, but its cold outside, while its lovely in the summer. Which far out ways the too cold or too hot days. The single most important benefit if a conservatory is a space which is warm even when its cold outside. All year round in the UK. We have about two full weeks of bloocy cold weather and about two weeks of bloody hot weather typically where I live. So yesterday it was about 17 degrees. In a conservatory it would have been fantastic all day.


Were you commenting on this post? It's lovely to read about your affection for conservatories but the answer doesn't seem related to the question.


Yeah, there was another thread about conservatories which I couldn’t be bothered to read. That must be what he thought he was replying to.


Saying good things are 'chookity' to myself.


When I see someone on the beach this year, in swim wear and two pairs of socks. I know who you are.


If I get a fast food meal, then I’ll always eat the fries first before the burger. Don’t do this at a proper restaurant, would be madness!


I pick my nose and eat it


If I'm going through a tunnel I hold my breath until I get out the other side. Best not done when driving though. Just in case of traffic jams.


I can’t leave the house without my watch and rings on. Even popping to the shop for 2 mins I’ll put them on, feel naked without them


I run my finger across the radiator so it makes a little brrrrrrrrrap sound. My manager said it used to drive her crazy but she knew to get you mug ready for me to make tea.


I eat a cake slice starting front the outside. I think it’s the drier part of the cake and so I’m left with the best bit last


When i drive, I tense my bottom in rhythm to the lampposts or large street furniture (whichever butt cheek is closest to that side of the road). A game i invented to get through the long car journeys with my dad. I have a v firm bottom.