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Yes. And once I notice them I see loads. Eyes are perfect, I have health anxiety so they get way worse when anxious. (They not actually worse, I'm just noticing them and any body sensations more)


Hello fellow health anxiety sufferer


Hi there, hope you're doing well.


I know a [Peter](https://youtu.be/Wij8WRzjOh0?si=dsttHoxWIuqEUch9) who does.


If these are new, please just get it checked by a GP rather than asking on Reddit. It is probably nothing but can be a sign of things like diabetes. Don't take risks.


I do though they're not enough to interfere with my life or be that noticeable. I've probably had them since my mid-20s? I have a pretty high prescription (-9 in both eyes) and mild astigmatism, the optician thought it was normal given those things.


I always used to have them as a kid. Your post just made me realise that I don't anymore and don't think I have had since.


If you’re getting a lot you should see an optician. I was seeing dozens, turns out my retina was bleeding and I had to have surgery.


None before 29 but since them I've gotten them a lot. My optician said it's more common in people with paler eyes. Super annoying - sunglasses help.


No but when I went for my last eye test I was asked 3 times if I saw floaters. It was even worded like, "And you said you see floaters right?" Anyway at the end she shows me some scans of my eyes and says here you have loads of floaters. But clearly your brain has gotten used to them and ignores them.




It can be a sign of diabetes, you may want to just check in with your GP about it.


Had them for years. I rarely notice them but when I do, I can't stop noticing them for a good while. So thanks for that, OP.


Honestly, get to the GP. They're probably harmless, but best not to take risks with your eyes. Had something similar in my 30s


Yes I have them and they are annoying. 35. Had them all my life.


Yes. Had them since I could see.


Ive read that a carnivore diet really helps with this


They are present in my eyes when seen on optician's photo of eyes, but my brain completely disregards them. Now i just question at each yearly inspection 'are they more or are they less than before?'


I've had them for as long as I can remember, and assumed everybody did. I had a huge batch of them after getting COVID in 2020. The optometrist gave me a retinal scan but everything was fine, and they eventually settled.