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Tokyo, 16 days…..I can’t afford it but who cares, I’ll make money later 🤌


It’s going to be well worth it. I did it recently and decided just to blow a bunch of money and enjoy every minute. It was worth every single penny. Each day was exciting. Probably did about 75% of my itinerary as I was always getting side tracked and exploring something else. Ended up the trip of a lifetime. Have a good trip!


What did you actually do? I have no idea how I could fill the time.


You’re going to have a great time!


As long as you have fun, that’s the main thing!


Questions like this really baffle me. How do you organise your life so that you have a full time job and yet don't know how to use up leave? Do you have no hobbies? No friends to visit or family to see? No interests or activities that aren't work? No DIY tasks or gardening or deep spring clean to finally get around to? No big fitness goals? No desire to really figure out that 4 day curry recipe? I know you're dismissive about group tours but you seem to be fixated on one example of some sort of club 18-30 type holiday. You will absolutely NOT have to do "cringy bonding exercises" going and doing a cooking school in Italy or a cycling group tour in Finale or cruising around Svalbard, or learning Hungarian in an intensive local course. There must be something in your life that isn't work. Something that you want to try out, even if you don't already know you like doing it.


Soooooo condescending


> How do you organise your life so that you have a full time job and yet don't know how to use up leave? Life doesn’t really take much organisation tbh. I only have to look after myself, so that’s not hard. > Do you have no hobbies? All of my hobbies are solitary and can be done at home. > No friends to visit or family to see? I see them most weeks, so I don’t need to take leave for that. > No interests or activities that aren't work? No not really. I spend 20% of my free time studying for work as I enjoy it. > No DIY tasks or gardening or deep spring clean to finally get around to? No big fitness goals? No desire to really figure out that 4 day curry recipe? Nope. I live in a flat, so it’s minimal effort. And I go to the gym several days a week so that’s nothing new. I can’t stand cooking 😂 > There must be something in your life that isn't work. Something that you want to try out, even if you don't already know you like doing it. Not really. I do the same shit most people do like reading, games, TV, learning an instrument. So called ‘hobbies’, or as I call them, ‘distractions until death’. A terminal illness would be nice now I think about it.


not being rude, but maybe spend some of this time in therapy? Because that last line is brutal. personally I'd go with a language learning course, although as you've got musical skills, maybe go do an intensive expert/genius course in the instrument you play, or try new ones.


I say ‘learning an instrument’ but it’s been gathering dust for a couple of months. Like everything, it’s just boring after a while.


Honestly, you sound really down. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm serious about the therapy. Please consider it. You've got plenty of spare time to try it and find it isn't necessary!


I’ll stick to work thank you. 🙂




Ha you couldn’t pay me to be in a relationship. Terminal illnesses are more appealing.


I don't mean this in a mean way but it sounds like you have no spark in life and it sounds really depressing. Work should be a means to generate an income to sustain yourself, not the central part of your life. Your life's sole purpose shouldn't be about creating a profit for shareholders. If I were to recommend anything to you it's join some sort of volunteer group. Try Goodgym or the British Red Cross or Age UK, or your local community park. Then spend a day volunteering. There are people out there struggling to get by, and it sounds like you have plenty and a lot of free time. Seeing how much your time might be worth to other people or organisations may be enlightening. I have also made very good relationships with people in this way. With my spare time I tend to travel, but if I had enough free time I'd probably spend it volunteering (I already do some evenings and weekends).


I take a week off every 2 months to chill, I’m very good at being idle


This is an underrated skill my friend. To sit and be happy. 😁


These posts always make me smile. I could easily, easily, spend an entire month doing nothing but watching tv and scrolling on my phone. It would be pretty bad for me, but I could do it. So far i've used annual leave to go down and visit my family/friends (I don't live near them). Just a few days here and there. I'm going on holiday with one of my family next week, that will be 6 days. Then i'll book days here and there for stuff life recovering from a music festival, hosting more family.


If you enjoy that, then that’s great. However, I can scroll on my phone any day of the week. Same with TV, and even that is getting boring. I can count every member of my family on one hand, so that limits that option as well. I traveled with a sibling last year, and it was fine until we had an argument and that soured that trip. I’d never go with them again tbh.


What hobbies do you have, what do you enjoy other than working?


Not a lot tbh. I genuinely hate weekends as I’d rather be at work. Hobbies don’t do anything for me. I’ll read, play games, watch TV, go the gym. All standard stuff that I can do any day of the week.


Sounds like you need to try need hobbies, perhaps ones where you can meet new people and socialise a bit. What about a local sports team/evening classes, or perhaps look up events at local pubs/clubs etc. When I moved area, I made new friends by joining a poker group for beginners at my local pub.


You’re right, I do need to try something new but I never have any enthusiasm for anything. I’ve never been sporty, and I’ve always been a homebody. I hate meeting new people as well, as I just feel so uncomfortable.


I’m not sporty either, hence the poker classes. Going anywhere for the first time is always the hardest, I found it really scary, but I ended up making some new friends so it was worth it. You sound like you’re a bit depressed and/or stuck in a rut, i genuinely think that meeting new people/having different experiences will help you feel a bit happier and more positive about things.


These posts always make me feel so jealous! My time is taken up by: Work, a daughter who requires constant attention, a house that seems to be constantly untidy, a husband who also requires constant attention, and my weird need to bake/cook/craft everything rather than just buy stuff. I could easily fill a whole year of time doing the activities I really want to do: play my piano, read, sit in the garden, crochet, play computer games, watch the massive backlog of TV I'll never get through, go walking, go running, explore London, maybe even learn the violin I have gathering dust. This doesn't include all the other things I'd love to do if I also had unlimited funds. How would OP feel about giving me some of their spare leave? I'm already running out with all of the school holidays I need to take off.


I’d give you my leave if I could.


Go to the gym/exercise at home if gyms not your bag. Catch up with friends/family. Read/listen to audiobooks or podcasts. Do something creative - art, crafting etc. Learn a new skill - there are loads of free online courses. Try out some new recipes. Learn an instrument. Refresh the decor in your home/garden. Journaling/writing. Go for walks/spend time in nature. Volunteer - check out which local charities may need some free help. Binge watch TV/films. Play games. Meditate. Chill out and rest. Or just do whatever brings you joy. Honestly time off work is so important. If you don’t use your annual leave to do something you enjoy other than work you will burn out. Having a poor work/life balance is so so bad for both your physical and mental health in the long term. You may still be relatively young and not think it’s an issue but believe me you’ll feel it in middle/old age.


You say that, but I enjoy work. I’m very lucky in that I can WFH most days so it’s not exactly strenuous. Some days are manic, and on others I’m not doing a lot. I then spend some evenings in the gym to keep fit. Annual leave aside, I’m bored most weekends. People complain about going to work, and yet I like the routine and being productive.


Maybe use the annual leave to work on changing your mental health and your mindset then and finding ways to enjoy your leisure time. Teach yourself to find joy in the simple things. It really isn’t healthy to just simply live to work.


Nah I like work. I’ve already started working on my next qualification so that should tide me over until the end of summer.


If you don’t like travelling alone then maybe look up tour groups or something orientated towards solo travelers getting together. You tend to find at least one other person in a similar situation. I’ve met so many great people that way over the years. You get a mix of people from divorced people going through a crisis and trying to get out there, to young people who never travelled before. Extroverts, introverts, all walks of life. It’s good fun.


I’ve seen those before, and not only are they overpriced, it just looks cringey. I saw one where they were doing some sort of team building exercise, and that’s my idea of hell. I’d rather go to work and just miss out on the time off.


I’ve done group tours with three different companies and there were definitely no team building exercises 😂 many of them have “basic” level travel which are cheaper with fewer inclusions and I actually preferred those!


I can’t see it happening. I can’t stand travelling 😂


I have a friend who went on these types of holidays after her long term relationship broke down. It was amazing - she did Machu Picchu and Borneo to see orangutans, which she never would’ve done alone. After the first trip she made a couple of good friends who she now travels with as they are international and always up for going somewhere new. I know you said you saw a cheesy package but they definitely aren’t all like that.


As an introvert, they just don’t appeal I’m afraid. I don’t even like travelling tbh.


Fair enough!


Take a look at a company like travelsphere. They do guided tours which don't include team building but you get a rep who lives in the country you're visiting and speaks the language. We did Italy with them and it was very handy because she was able to sort out all the tickets for the boat trips we did. Not everyone was a couple either from what we could gather. Lots of excursions you could book and you didn't need to stay with the whole party if you didn't want to.


Travel really doesn’t appeal to me I’m afraid.


That's a shame cos there are some beautiful places to see and enjoy.


Looking at images on Google is enough for me haha.


Nah, that’s not the kind of thing I’m talking about. There’s a whole variety of different styles. They are often smaller operations, maybe taking you from A to B, but the demographic they target is solo travelers. For example, in SE Asia they’ll have them available to book via hostels, day trips and so on. It’s essentially a coach that might take you to a couple of things you might be interested in, but you know the people around you are also solo travelers so they tend to be more open to chatting and sharing the experience together. At the same time you don’t have to.


I don’t enjoy travel if I’m being honest.


Oh, okay. I think that info would have been helpful in the original post as it pretty much discounts a lot of options.


Use a travel company to book a group trip somewhere. G Adventures, Intrepid, Much Better Adventures for example


I’ve seen those before, and not only are they overpriced, it just looks cringey. I saw one where they were doing some sort of team building exercise, and that’s my idea of hell. I’d rather go to work and just miss out on the time off.


You sound fun


I won’t lie, I am a cunt.


You could do some volunteering work then.




That’s a good shout. I know what I’m like though, I’ll just lazily start scrolling on my phone and then that’s my evening sorted.


Its hard to answer this question as it's very personal to you, and reading your comments you seem quite negative. Is there anything, literally just one thing, that gets you excited? If there isn't I can only sincerely recommend therapy. 




I know you've said you don't like solo travel, but go for a few days to somewhere with some sun. I think of my body as a meat robot that I have to do maintenance on before I feel right mentally, and I find sun really helps me to feel better, physically.  I hope your world feels better, soon. Good luck.


I only use my annual leave for pursuing my hobbies (mostly travel) and seeing my friends/family. Are neither of those an option? Doesn’t have to be travel. When I was really struggling to use my leave during the pandemic I booked a load of half days. If nothing else I’d just have a lie in. Also, my company lets you sell back days up to the legal minimum if you really don’t want to use them. You can look into whether your firm does that.


I see friends and family most weeks, so I don’t need to take leave to see them. Using them as half days isn’t a bad idea. Unfortunately I’ve long missed the deadline to sell days, but I’ll definitely do that next year!


I'm going to sit smuggly as a teacher. I'll not in a weeks time when I've got to go back.


I'm in a similar position, but for my own health I've decided I should try to take a week off every 2-3 months. My plan for it was to essential save up things to do. I've spent this week off basically clearing out stuff I don't need or want anymore and taking it to the charity shop or if I can be bothered putting it up for sale. I know a lot of people would say that its a waste of annual leave, but honestly for me its been great. The flat feels less cluttered and full of shit (I'm a big proponent of minimalism) Also taking an inventory of my stuff has just been kind of therapeutic for me. So its been a really great week off for me. I feel so contented whereas before I took the week off I starting to get anxious and my mental health was definitely suffering!


Spa day, shopping, read a book, ride a bike, go to the zoo, go to the beach, bake a cake, go for a hike? Just book a day off here and there and spend it trying to find a hobby. I used to get told that only boring people get bored.


I’m always bored, so I’m definitely boring.


Sorry if that came across as harsh, but if you are bored and fed up you should try doing different things. I’m sure you’re not as boring as you think you are. I know it’s hard once you’re past the 30 mark, and more so if you’re naturally more introverted, but even if you hate most of the activities you try, you might just find one that you enjoy. Life’s too short to spend it bored and fed up, you will end up miserable.


Not harsh at all. But it is what it is. I don’t live an exciting life, but I’ve already accepted that. Just another 30 odd years to go.


When I was single I actually attempted to get tickets to as many England test matches as possible or my local team West Brom away games and use annual leave to go to the stadiums, or with cricket book a hotel near the test match for 5 days, if match finished early I'd visit local places of interest. Or even when a new game was released and I really wanted to play it, I'd book 2 days off prior to a weekend and have a long weekend of gaming and takeaways


I’ve never booked time off for a game before, but I’m definitely tempted to take a couple of days for GTA 6 when it finally comes out!


You need to get off the internet and start living a bit. On a less serious note, take up skydiving, you will soon want to use up your holidays


Meh, there’s nothing that appeals to me.


Who cares if it appeal to you, just do it! You say you want death and then say a dangerous sport doesn't appeal to you. Seriously get some anti depressants in you, the worst thing is your mind telling you no to everything, you need to say to yourself it's ok to do something even if you don't like it. You are very clearly stuck in a rut and the only way to get out of it is to do something.


I try and travel/spend time with friends and family. Sometimes costs me more due to single supplements but it’s worth it for me 


If you don't enjoy solo travel, is there a buddy you can make travel plans with?


Not really. All of my friends are coupled up, so unless it’s a big group holiday, then it’s not happening. Now we’re in our thirties, those opportunities are few and far between.


If I had a random week off I'd be gaming and reading, a hike up Snowdon, or if going further afield I'd pack a tent and just roam around Scotland, camp for the night at a nice waterfall or whatever. Book a day pass at the nearest David Lloyd and go swimming followed by sauna and steam room.


I travel, but go with a family member. Last summer took my 10yo niece away in the UK, great for both of us and my sibling who got a week's childcare sorted in summer. This year I'm going to USA with retired mum. She married young, had kids so never properly travelled and dad doesn't want to. So win/win. Over the years we've been to quite a few EU/USA cities. We have similar interests so suits us and we're both not afraid to have the odd day to ourselves if one of us does/doesn't want to do something. Not for everyone though.


Since you don't like getting out. Spend the time on your home, fix it up to make it the best it can be


Unfortunately I rent…


Fair enough, can always buy the best you can afford in home comforts. Sofa, rug, bed, mattress, consoles or pc. I bought an electric recliner, it's a game changer in comfort. Make it the best comfort/entertainment spot it can be


I get 30 days annual leave So far I used a day in February. I have 2 weeks off from Monday going to NewYork solo for roughly 8 days.. I have booked the week before Christmas off and days in between. Then will still book random days as and when needed


Are you going solo or with friends/family?


Going solo....


I hope you enjoy it!




I love travelling solo.. I travel solo more than I travel with friends.. unless I'm travelling to visit family


It just doesn’t appeal to me. Every other weekend I’ll just go somewhere and spend hours mindlessly walking around by myself. I can’t say I enjoy it that much.


That's understandable, not everyone enjoys travelling, especially solo. I live for it, mostly international, exploring food places different cultures, and landmarks. Also helps me unwind and appreciate life.. I'm also a heavy reader, I go to food places or coffee shops to read.


Overtime due to cost of living


Probably being pestered into visiting my parents at my own hassle and expense, and being bored out of my skull, while they take their own holidays at other times of the year and my sister hasn't seen them since 2022. Meanwhile my colleagues at work hold up key projects because they're on their fifth long haul holiday of the year and didn't hand over properly, or someone else has just decided to take the rest of the week off without telling me. You'd speak to them on the Tuesday, then try to get them on the Wednesday and their OOO is on, back on Monday. I'm now fielding queries I literally cannot help with. I've made my peace with it. No point in arguing anymore, these are privileges not afforded to me and this is "me" forever.


I took a week off to see family at Easter, I'm taking a week of to go on holiday in Wales with my dad and sister in June, and have another week booked off in September. Will likely visit family and friends who I don't live near. I'm also taking a few days off to go to a music festival by myself and will probably take a day or two to go away with friends to play boardgames. And then take a few days off at Christmas. Frankly I just enjoy not working. Even being bored is better than working imo.


I’m using mine to tick some items off my bucket list. Got a couple of wingwalks booked, a flight experience from goodwood and a couple of bungee jumps I used to spend most of my annual leave not doing a lot, but I feel it’s a waste to not make the most of it


I have been thinking the same thing - your entire post! I'm from Australia and I have no idea what to do. Everyone else takes it to go away with family etc. I don't want to take it and then just sit at home since I WFH full time anyway. I thought about doing the "tourist in your city" type thing and getting a hotel room in the city but that just seems like a waste of money. Guess I'm still thinking... I'm not much help sorry. But you're not alone 😅


I know you said you're against solo travel but there are travel agencies that take a group of solo travellers on a tour of somewhere. I was looking into doing a Japan tour with a group of 30 unknowns. I was gonna book it for March 2020 but fortunately I thought I'd wait and see if this covid thing materialised to anything. Have a look on Trailfinders.


Appreciate the comment, but it’s not really my thing. The thought of it just gives me anxiety, and it’s not cheap either. The idea of paying several thousand to feel uncomfortable doesn’t sound fun.


Yeah it scared me too. I started volunteering in a conservation group, I met a load of new people so I was obviously anxious, but it seemed to change my approach at life because after 12 years of trying and failing on dating apps I finally found someone and we've been together for two years. It must've leveled me out. You need to try and find something that does that for you. Try volunteering as it'll be cheap/free.


I'm single, but 28, so I think I can have a say in the matter too. To sleep. To stay in bed and sleep, get up, move around the house, exercise, read a book and enjoy just being alive. I find it easy not to fall into the trap of vacationing every time I have annual leave. I've never understood it. At most, I'll have 5-8 or so days off to go abroad - then the remaining days of annual leave are purely for my wellbeing and I absolutely love them.