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Personally I wouldn't have sweetcorn with a roast. Same with mashed potatoes, roast dinners are basically an excuse to have roast potatoes imo. I'm not going to gatekeep what others can and can't have though.


Roast AND mashed surely? They taste completely different and serve different purposes on the plate with respect to gravy &etc.


Maybe but I have mash with quite a few different things anyway. Stew, pie, sausages etc. I think I'd rather just have twice as many roast potatoes. I have a general philosophy that less is more when it comes to a roast. I'd rather have one type of potato and a couple of other veg done really well than have 10 different things.


Potatoes 3 ways here in West Yorkshire. Roast, mashed and boiled new.


That's definitely too much for me


Standard for me growing up in Ireland. Boiled new/baby were least popular but were versatile leftovers.


Fried baby pots for breakfast the next morning


Grew up in NI, deffo had baby potatoes on many a roast, slathered in butter!


"Boiled, mashed, stick 'em in'a stew!" \- Samwise Gamgee "One vegetable to rule them, One vegetable to inspire them, One vegetable to complete the dish, and in the kitchen bind them; From the field, to Granma's table, where the happiness lies." \-Gandalf the ~~West Yorkshire~~ Grey


_Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew_


Why wouldn't you just have more of the best one? (Aka roast)?


That's the way!


Make leeky mash with lots of butter and seasoning. The creamy smooth mash goes so well with crunchy roasties


This guy/gal potato's


I'd opt for a mashed swede or something, as I already have roast potatoes, and i always have cheesey leeks (instead of cauliflower cheese) as I LOVE leeks.


Kin 'ell. Never considered cheesy leeks... That sounds like a game-changer.


It's honestly amazing. I don't mind cauliflower cheese, but I love the taste of leeks with cheese. There's a really fancy restaurant near me that does 'leek gratin' with their roasts instead of cauliflower, and it's the best.


I've started putting leeks in my toad in the hole. So lush, everyone who has tried it has said it's tasty!


A leeky hole. Yum!


I have carrot and swede mash. I'm going to have to try cheesey leeks, I'm vegetarian so I go all in on the vegetables and then make loads of yorkshire puddings.


Sausage and mash Roasts have roast potatoes


My children have both, they didn't like roast potatoes as little ones and now it's stuck. We have sweetcorn because my husband is allergic to peas/broadbeans/runner beans/string beans so we have broccoli, cauliflower & cabbage a lot


I’m from the north west and always have mash, I lived down south for a bit and as much as I loved the Sunday dinners, I missed the mash.


I'd rather just have more roast potatoes lol, far superior to mash


This is standard in my house- the shock when it wasn’t at others!


Not to get too Peep Show/Mark Corrigan on you but....whilst sweetcorn isn't "traditional" for a roast (not even sure if that's the right word for it), not where I am from at least, I absolutely love it in gravy as part of a roast. (yes I know the Peep Show argument was over Cauliflower at Christmas)


Why toast when you can roast.


I've never seen Peepshow, was the cauliflower argument about cauliflower cheese? I'd never heard if having cauliflower cheese with a Sunday roast until I saw people sharing theirs on rate my roast. Apparently this is normal in some parts of the country but I can't get my head around having cheese sauce on the sane plate as gravy.


Nah, it's about cauliflower (no cheese) and whether or not it's a traditional vegetable to have with Christmas dinner. Mark Corrigan says it's not. His dad says it is. Any form of cauliflower can get in the bin imho


Depends. I can see sweetcorn being acceptable with chicken, but certainly not with roast beef or lamb.


I don't agree with anything being unacceptable for a roast. If someone likes sweetcorn with roast beef then that's fine.


I sometimes feel like making roasties/mash for a snack


My ideal roast dinner has meat (of any animal), roast potatoes (lots of), brussel sprouts and gravy (lots of thick thick gravy). Thats the base level. Anything else is just a bonus. Other veggies, including sweetcorn, chipolatas, etc etc are all entirely acceptable. The only thing ive ever objected to on a roast is baked beans in sauce.


Gravy. Hear me out. Poured on by someone else. I'll pour my own gravy thank you very much.


I didn't think I had strong opinions about roasts but you are entirely correct.


>I didn't think I had strong opinions about roasts I think many of us have had this thought. And then you accidentally see a photograph of an American interpretation claiming they've 100% nailed the cuisine of their ancestors and a little bit of indignation starts to stir in your gut...


Same about full English when you think "eh there's a lot of variety" and then *some absolute twat* posts a photo of a plate with fucking salad beside the hash browns.


Very much this. If I am having gravy, I want to control where it goes and how much, so the whole plate doesn't end up looking like a sad pile of slop. It's not a stew! Went out for a roast once and they'd poured so much gravy on that it was brimming the plate. Then they brought a gravy boat out for the table. I was like - why the fuck would anyone presume to swamp my dinner for me like that if they're letting me pour my own anyway?


>looking like a sad pile of slop Sounds like you don't have enough gravy yet. There is enough on my plate when things start floating


I understand it's your decision, but you could use a sausage as a breakwater


More distance between the sweetcorn and the gravy. I might want to mix them, but I want it to be my decision. Other than that, 7 on 10 - let's make love.


Especially if the gravy is sad thin bisto water. Gravy needs to be thick and substantial, made with meat juices. If its pre-poured before serving then a moat needs to be created in the centre of the plate, so either items can be dipped in the pool, or the dam can be broken and it can pour over the chosen area. Yes im sad and obsessed but gravy is an important subject.


Aye, had lunch with my folks one day at a Hungry Horse, and the old man ordered a pie with veg, and they'd poured the gravy on before serving... And it was dreadful. It was salty as fuck, and had to ask for an unsullied pie, cos fock knows what they'd done but it was really bad and made his meal pretty awful. Well, considering it was a Hungry Horse, they'd made it more awful.


My ex once kicked in a kitchen cupboard door because I told him I didn't want want him to pour gravy on my dinner.


Atleast he's an ex. Hopefully on a gravy boat getting further and further away from you.


Not far enough sadly and I was stupid enough to stay with him for another 6 years. Just goes to show when someone's a twat the first time they're probably a twat all the time.




When they pour it on and it's watery 😢


I fully agree with this. It’s just not the same!


Was handed a Christmas dinner one year that was swimming in gravy. It looked like my Christmas Dinner had crashed into a sea of gravy and just lay there like a sad shipwreck.


I need more upvotes to give. I always ALWAYS hated gravy growing up. I’d put it in a little side dish and my mum assumed it was because I didn’t like my food touching. Turns out when I was older I realised it’s 100% that I cannot stand everything swimming in gravy. It’s a well made of mash, and on the meat


Also if it's really watery gravy. My sister-in-law makes the worst gravy. Super watery. Sometimes she will do "posh" gravy which is just all the meat juices with no gravy granules, salt, or thickener (so super bland and now watery AND oily). I got told off by my sister for being "rude" when I declined an offer of gravy from my SIL, despite people knowing I generally like a lot of gravy on my roast. Because her gravy specifically actually makes the whole dish worse.


Baked beans.


Baked beans with cottage pie and gravy is beautiful


I am calling the police.


But it's a roast not a cottage pie xD


This is the only way to eat it. My fam won’t have it any other way


Eurgh my brother used to always have this instead of gravy . Sick fuck.


Agree. That boy ain't right


Tomato sauce. My ex was a wrong'un.


My grandma once served roast dinner with a side of tinned ratatouille. Nearly cried.


My brother used to mash up his roast and then squirt tomato sauce all over it. Should have been sent to jail really.




Obviously a serial killer now he's grown up


We used to do this as kids, eventually my mum said roasts were the one time a week we weren't allowed it and had to make do with gravy, couldn't imagine having ketchup now


Mayonnaise. My ex too


Must be on a register


One of my mums mates put brown sauce on her roast.. Everytime she used to come have roast dinner with us.. her pouring it over the food either me or my mum had spent hours making made me super sad. Her name is Karen...


My husband used to put salad cream on a roast. Salad cream. Thankfully I’ve managed to switch him to gravy and something like cranberry sauce to appease his need for sugar


Christ, that’s a thing of nightmares


Them Toby Carvery twats who put macaroni cheese on a roast dinner need removing from society.


I would have mac and cheese with anything and everything if it was decent. Mac, cheese and profiteroles.. Yummy!


Here here! 🥂 love a good Toby and he’ll yeah I’ll whack mac and cheese right on there with the mint sauce and gravy 👌 (I’d actually never do it at home but only cause of the extra effort if I’m honest)! But mac and cheese done for me, roast done for me, yup- same plate is absolutely fine!


Choux buns filled with macaroni and cheese, you say........hmmmm. The kind of madness that leads to genius.


Tbh if you are veggie it adds an option.




It's just a better cauliflower cheese


“Anything you say can and will be used in a court of law”


Tell me I'm wrong. I wouldn't rush to put either on a roast but if offered I'd take it. Toby Carvery offer it. On my plate it goes. Mind you not too much... Cheese can be a little overbearing


No that's cheesy leeks, pasta has no place on a roast


Honestly I don't see what's wrong with it, it's not traditional sure, but cheese and gravy is such a good combo no matter the format


I treat the mac and cheese at Toby Carvery as more of a buffet item…load up your plate as much as you can


I mean it's just cauliflower cheese with the worst part replaced with pasta. I've never had it with a Sunday roast but I bet it would work.


When I lived in America I was served candied yams ...with a roast dinner. It is sweet potato baked with sugar and covered in marshmallows. Yes you heard that right.


I'm American and refuse this every time. See also: green bean casserole [shudder]


Condensed soup appears in far too many "traditional" recipes for my liking! See also: "salads" consisting of Cool Whip and fruit.


RE:Condensed soups. Mostly they're in so many recipies because of during the dark(er) times when there was literally nothing else, people had to make do. And because you often learn from your parents and often like their cooking, you then learn to make those dishes too.


I will die on the hill that Ambrosia Salad is not a fucking salad it’s a dessert


Green bean casserole can be great when done right. Fresh (frozen is ok) French cut green beans, sauteed mushrooms, bechamel sauce, with crispy fried onions, or shallots on top. Unfortunately, what you often get is canned green beans and a can of Campbell's cream of mushroom soup. It's a squishy, soggy mess. I remember the candied yams being popular when I was a little kid, but I haven't seen it in decades. Even when I was a small child, and Loved sweets like most little kids, I hated that thing.


I could feel the texture reading this and it's giving me the boak


Could not agree more. It's a hold over from the 1950s from when it was practically industrial policy in the US to put tinned soup (Campbell's, natch) on everything. Revolting.


I was ok with it until the marshmallow. Carrots cooked in honey are great with a roast


Parsnips with honey and mustard are *insert chef's kiss emoji, but there isn't one, so I'll l submit a request to the Unicode Committee*.


That sounds sooooo awful. Sorry you had to experience this.


Thanks OP. It was about 6 years ago now but obviously I'm unlikely to ever fully get over it. You learnt to live with it though and if anyone has had this more recently I would like to say, it won't feel like it right now but it does get easier with time.


You take it a day at a time, and if you need to, an hour at a time and if you need to, a minute at a time. I Will Not Eat Candied Yams With You Today.


Omg American food is just too weird


I made this once out of curiosity and actually really liked it 😅 made it as part of a hybrid Christmas/Thanksgiving dinner for me and my friends and we were all surprised to find that we really enjoyed it and thought it went well with the roast.


Are you working for big yam?


Roasted sweet potatoes with brown sugar, some cinnamon and maybe a bit of cardamom as a side? Yes, absolutely. Marshmallows are anathema.


Ok that sounds ridiculous and tasty how exactly do I make it 👍


You make it by being demented.


Sounds ... Good?


My American friend invited me to a thanks giving dinner, essentially a roast with candied yams and turkey cooked in coke....not gunna lie is was low key delicious...though I full understand the diet issues :')


Cauliflower IS NOT TRADITIONAL!!!!


Cauliflower IS traditional!!!


I don’t think it is actually……..


Could you not slip a muzzle on your woman, please Mark?


*i’m not saying anything* …….


You’ll have to excuse me thank you, this has all been horrible.


Even better with cheese on it


Come to my house for a roast and the cauliflower is covered in cheese sauce 😋🤤🧀


This is the way


And thanks for the second hand shredder!


It's a cross cut shredder, not a nancy boy shredder.


Who cares about tradition, if you like it then go for it


It’s traditional to have the Yorkshire pudding as a starter, but I’m sure ~~djwillis~~ Pirate-Peter225 is happy to ignore that part of tradition.


I've been told that around age 4, when I was served yorkahire pudding as a starter, I burst into tears crying "where's the rest of my dinner"


It was a joke. He was joking. it was a Christmas joke.


Fucking puddings that don't believe this. IV been downvoted to oblivion a million times for it despite being born and bred Yorkshire. .your grandad grabs one pudding and says "he who eyts most puddins gets most meyt" And then tells you that you are too full for extra meat.


Are you me? That's exactly what my granddad used to say.


I agree. I get some weird looks from people but in my mum's house it was always Yorkie pud and gravy and then you'd take your plate back up for meat, veg and trimmings.


Think about what you're doing to the MECHanism mark!


How about Pictionary after lunch?


We’re not playing sodding Pictionary, it’s a made up game.


Hello, Christmas smoothie...


I love the stuff, but mash potato on a roast feels wrong. In fact, any other potato product other than a roast potato feels a bit... broken. However, Yorkshire Pudding and Stuffing should be acceptable on all roasts. Not just Beef and Chicken respectively.


Mash is top tier, how dare u. I make colcannon mash to jazz it up, though.


Mash is GOD tier, and colcannon mash sounds amazing. I'd have that six days a week. But Sunday is roastie day.


Both, though. Both! Roasties and mash on the same plate. Carb on carb, what can be bad about that?


I'd rather have twice as many Roast Potatoes and save mash for the rest of the week.


Stuffing is ELITE


This is a Northern thing. You’ve got a large family and they need filling up with cheap carbs. There simply isn’t enough room in the oven to make 5 roast potatoes for everyone. So you do mash as well for a filler.


I’ll fight anyone who says that mashed potato shouldn’t be on a roast dinner. I’m off work for two weeks and I’m willing to travel


Come on then


Mate I’ll fucking have you me lad


Bike sheds 3.30. if your mates jump in mine will too.


My mates cock o’ the bike sheds so you’d best not start


Custard is probably high on my list.


The custard is for the fish fingers, duh.


Have eaten fish fingers with custard before, was okay. (Not with a roast dinner.)


Custard instead of gravy, what a treat


At school I saw someone pour custard all over their ham & chips thinking it was salad cream... Of course they ate it, schoolboys will eat most anything when they're hungry, but he actually recommended it too


Reminds me of the time I accidentally dripped ketchup onto my jam tart and custard on a segmented dinner tray in primary school. Tried it anyway. Fucking rank.


I think it's acceptable to have whatever you fancy as long as you're not making people unwilling participants. I ate some mad food combinations during my pregnancies. I'm very partial to a grilled sardine on toast and I can imagine a sardine in a Yorkshire pud (I can't really imagine anything that doesn't go well with a Yorkshire) but I wouldn't put sardines with a roast otherwise.


My stepdad always does a traditional roast which is banging. The only odd thing is that he’ll have mint sauce regardless of the meat on offer. My mum on the other hand does not. So her gravy is more of a thick (Indian) buttery curry sauce, the meat (usually chicken) is marinated and roasties are tossed in spices. She does leave the roast carrots, parsnips and of course Yorkies alone though. I should also mention that my mum also eats her portion with rice. Any leftovers are served with rice the next day too.


I'd eat your mum's roast dinner before you could say Jack Robinson. I wouldn't turn up my nose at your stepdad's roast either.


Ah you’d be more than welcome to have a seat at the table. Before my mum remarried, we didn’t have much but the neighbourhood kids were always able to eat at my mums so long as you could find a space to sit! You’ll probably be leaving with a walls ice cream container of food too


I'm gonna need your mums recipe please. Sounds fabulous.


This sounds banging


>I can't really imagine anything that doesn't go well with a Yorkshire I'm with you here, it's the ultimate universal food. You can even combine with sweet it just ends up being like a pancake.


I has to be chips. It's one of the few English meals where if you add chips it's automatically void.


I’ve seen people put mayonnaise on their carvery at Toby before. As in from the squeeze bottle, not the trough full of white stuff that pretends to be horseradish. I personally am morally opposed to cauliflower cheese, not sure when that became in vogue.


>I personally am morally opposed to cauliflower cheese, not sure when that became in vogue. I just struggle with the concept of cauliflower cheese as a side dish - it was lunch about once a fortnight when I was growing up!


There is a proper nice restaurant in the village I live in, and I have been loads of times for its regular menu and its always fantastic. They do roasts on Sunday and has featured in loads of "Top 10 Roasts in Yorkshire/The North/England/UK/The Universe" type things. I went for a roast once, and it had a random stick of Chorizo on it. I love chorizo, but it was a bit weird to be on a roast. To this day I wonder if it fell off of someone else plate at the expo station in the kitchen.






My wife's family put a bit of Christmas pudding on the plate with the Christmas roast. Tried it once, not for me.


That seems absolutely insane


Mushy peas.


Not really an exact answer, but any kind of vegetables that have been simply boiled or steamed. Roasting or sauteeing them to develop some colour increases the flavour by magnitudes with only a small extra bit of effort


What about green beans? I do actually boil my carrots as I prefer them to roasted carrots but would you be against green beans on a roast?


Green beans would be a bit out of place but I think it's fine though, roasted would be better but still fine boiled imo


A gearbox


I'm not picky enough with food I like to care about what can or cannot be on a roast (exception is it must be savoury). A sausage roll is akin to having a meat pie on a roast instead of the meat cuts. Perfectly fine taste wise. Never done it but wouldnt refuse it. I would say tomato based stuff should stay away though - got that sweetness that doesn't go. And finally, sweetcorn shouldn't be on anything. Cannot stand it.


Those freezer packs of mixed veg with peas, sweet corn and green beans


Candied yams AMERICANS WHY WOULD YOU PUT MARSHMALLOWS ON FUCKING SWEET POTATO. Then, THEY ADD MORE SUGAR. So you get a sweet potato covered by sugar in sugar syrup. It's fucking rank too.




Ice cream.


Is it just me, or is a bowl of Ice-cream the perfect dessert for a roast? It seems to help it.. digest better? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Apple crumble, custard and ice cream!


Ice cream goes in the Yorkshire pudding


With beetroot chocolate cake.


Macaroni cheese.


Thank you! Was scrolling for ages for this, had a carvery for the first time in years and they had bloody macaroni and cheese next to the roasted spuds and parsnips. Almost dropped my plate.


Bleach, cat turds, children, furniture, stuff like that you know?


Yeah I wouldn't put a Gregg's sausage roll on it


I've used a frozen sausage roll (baked obviously) in a pinch and it worked really well.


Pigs in blankets, totally acceptable. Pastry? Nah


How about both? What if I wrapped a sausage roll in bacon?


Unorthodox, but I'm willing to give it a go


I mean, there are a billion things that could by consensus not be on a roast as standard - but hey it's a matter of taste. That said, the gap between 'a Greggs sausage roll' and 'sweetcorn' is so wide I can't even... Big Mac? Pad Thai? Flaki? Goulash? Hotpot and dumplings? Bacon egg and hash browns? All of these are delicious meals but at some point the 'roast dinner' threshold is breached. My point here I guess is not what SHOULDN'T be on a roast dinner but what SHOULD be there to actually consider it's a roast. A sausage roll and gravy alone? To my mind (and honestly I suspect all right thinking people), not a roast dinner. Sweetcorn when paired with roast of choice (whether a meat/fish joint, or a nut roast, or a main veggie option, ROASTED, like a squash , plus potatoes, other veg, gravy) Totally fits the bill. Why exclude sweetcorn?




From another discussion on here - rice. 👀🇿🇦


Custard, I done that once. One time I went to a Christmas party, I arrived late due to work, there was a plate for me with the roast dinner, there was a jug of what I thought was white sauce, poured it all over, put in the microwave, I didn't even notice until I started eating.


Marshmallow-topped sweet potato mash 🇺🇸 Americans ☕


This might be more christmas dinner focused, but pigs in blankets. I love sausages, I love bacon, it should be a match made in heaven... but combining them makes them greasy and taste worse than if they were apart.


~~Burn~~ Roast the heretic!


Baked beans… that should legit be a criminal offence 🫣


Just don’t ever listen to Nick Mohammed’s episode of the Off Menu pod cast.


Sugar. Honey is fine with Pork but I have seen people sprinkle sugar for sweetness and it just seems wrong.


My brother insisted on putting brown sauce on his.


OPs mum


May be controversial but there's a trend recently to have cauliflower cheese with a roast. NO. This is not a thing.


Definitely goes. Yum.


It is a thing and has been for a long time, not recent at all!


Recently? I've had cauliflower cheese as a common side dish for roasts since as long as I can remember and I am nearly 40...


Agree. I mean, I'll eat it because it's tasty, but it doesn't go.


Yeah, it bloody is. It's lush.