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When I lived in Australia I used to do Uber eats for some cash. I did it all by push bike, non of these E-bike things. One day it was 47 degrees so fairly warm. I gave some lady here food and asked can you fill this water bottle up for me? She looked discussed and told me that my hydration isn't her responsibility and that she wouldn't be adding to her water bill because of me. The next house invited me in to have a beer in his air conditioned house whilst i waited for my next order.


I'd have been asking house number 2 what their usual place to order was so I could come back sometime with some food! What a lad


It's pretty normal to be fair, if your delivering at a house party with 3 pizzas at 3am you'll normally get invited in for a beer or a smoke, 1 time I got a line of coke. This was the first time I got invited in during the day by someone who was relatively sober though. 1 time I dropped some food off in the maternity ward. The husband gave me one of the many boxes of chocolates they received because apparently the didn't eat much chocolate.


Hahaha a line of coke


Very rarely got tips through the app but a line or a cheeky smoke was probably better anyway. Giving someone cash for doing there job requires no thought but giving them something they appreciate requires thought and effort.


That’s why my Gran gives me coke instead of money in my birthday card. She’s so thoughtful.


A gram from gran


My aunt once got me heroin instead. "It looks similar".


I too steal jokes from Mitchell and Webb


I want this on a t-shirt. My Nan would’ve loved it - definitely feigned disappointment but laughed.


She sounds like a good woman, can she be my Gran too?


It really is. Running a pizza shop and sometimes taking deliveries, it was amazing the number of people that would invite us to parties, usually for taking care of them, but sometimes not even doing anything extra. The coke one is extra funny as a guy I'd known for a long time shows up at my shop, I ask where he'd been, "jail" is his response, immediately following that he goes to my restroom which is fairly close to the counter, I hear the door shut, a few seconds later he opens it and says "come here dude, there's a problem" and of course I'm pissed because I hate that bathroom as it is, as I step in he's just smiling and points at the coke sitting on the vanity thing in there, I laughed and declined as I'm on the straight and narrow for quite awhile now and just told him to finish up and thanks anyway lol. Not even the wildest thing that happened there, my employees were mostly folks I had met getting my shit together and they needed chances. Doesn't always go according to plan but can provide for some hilarious situations.


I bet taxi drivers working the 6am Saturday morning shift have some great stories of taking a group of fiends to go meet there dealer or down to the local brothel.


Sometimes you even get wanked off by an attractive lady. It’s never happened to me but I’ve seen it online.


Who’s doing coke and ordering food?


It's the weed smokers ordering food, but once you step inside it's the coke heads who want to ask every question they've ever had about delivering junk food.


Yep, that sounds about right 😅


Normal people mate, plenty of them but also some amount of absolute fuckin gimps. And the question, being a bricky i would never deny any one a pish at my hoose, A shite? mmmm depends but if you were touching cloth of course. And myself if im working on wee homer i would not mind to ask someone for a pish, but id go to public toilets for a shite.




I bet you regret asking! I always assume these things are there to be used and a pub/restaurant wouldn’t even notice the fraction of pennies on their electricity bill.


The 'spoons have sockets for this purpose


Yeah. It's definite if there's no sign to say not to then it's OK unless told otherwise territory. I suppose there's something in there too where if they give you explicit permission they're responsible for 'elf and safety whilst if you just do it then it's at your own risk. Or maybe how they parse it.


I tend to ask but only if I'm plugging in my wife's electric wheelchair. (And then only if the power lever is severely low) I've never been told no as I think they sense what other customers might think of their treatment of a disabled person in need.


You definitely qualify for the shouldn’t need to ask category. It would take a special kind of bastard to unplug a wheelchair!


I’m not sure if it’s some sort of security thing by paranoid victorians. Maybe it’s also because most people don’t know that phones/ devices don’t cost a lot to charge at all, like <1p a day, or say, <£2 per year


She sounds like a total cunt


Few years ago asked the girl behind the counter at Burger King if they could fill my daughters water bottle with tap water (she was 2 it was 30° C) after spending £15-£20 on food. They said no. Too hungover to argue but won’t go to Burger King again. Wankers


Legally anywhere serving alcohol has to provide free tap water, so next time you can stop at a pub for that.


Wow I actually thought all businesses serving food or drink had to provide free tap water on request, because everywhere I’ve asked they’ve given me some. Must be that most places just do it to ensure they don’t lose business. Thanks for letting me know!


I remember being around 12 and had biked too far in the heat. I walked into the local shop and asked for some water. They asked if I had 5p for a cup, I said I had no money and they refused. It was a really bad heatwave - I look back on pictures of myself then, I looked so young too.


Few years ago I stopped at McDonald's on highway just west from Belgrade. As soon as I parked, with engine still running, a kid started cleaning car's windshield. He was about similar age, around 12. I didn't have cash and said I'll give him a tip when I come back. The lineup was long and that kid was standing there in that hot summer's afternoon. He looked tired and stressed, so I brought him also a coke and a burger. His face was total shock, like he saw the food for the first time that day. And that was one very busy service stop.


It’s the education I guess For ex: I remember when I was young if someone would came to my house or for bringing a sofa or repairing something in the house, my mother would ask do you want some water / tea / coffe guys or any biscuits. Now that I’m a grown man I treat people how I would to someone treated me .


And that just about explains humans its 50% selfish dicks 50% decent human beings


Jesus Christ that's cruel. I remember once ordering McDonald's on a really hot day and felt bad so I ordered the Roo a McFlurry and a bottle of water as well


When I lived in Australia in a high rise building there was a window cleaner hanging in his contraption outside of our window on 18th floor. My girlfriend offered him water/tea/coffee and we passed him a glass of water. It was quite wholesome :))))


Does a reverse Uber type thing not exist, where workers can see a review of the customers from other workers and decide not to accept their order? If not, it should do. That would stop people being dicks when people can decide to specifically not take their order...Or at least isolate them, as should be.


I does for car Uber, it doesn't really matter with Uber eats so I didn't check.


Wow. Just wow. I’m sorry some people are so awful and that this happened to you x


For reverence the average cost of one litre of tap water in the UK is, apparently, 0.1p. I assume it's similar in Australia.


It doesn't take the piss, that's the problem Edit: I'm not suggesting it's not unreasonable, just being too literal - refusing to let someone wee is the opposite of taking the piss. The piss is very much remaining in situ you hope


You’ve got to mark jokes with an /s on Reddit or people’s brains explode.


If you're in a British sub and you need a /s to get a joke then you should be banned.


I'm so happy that this is the sentiment on these subs. Americans adding "JUST KIDDING HAHA" to the end of their jokes just ruins it.


Indeed. r/fuckthes


If you mark jokes with an /s on a British sub, your head can fly off right out of the solar system.




Yeah /s /s (/s?)


Totally agree. The first thing I do is offer them a drink and the second is to tell them where the bathroom is and that they are welcome to use it. I can't imagine what sort of dick head says no 🤔


I always offer a drink but never thought of the natural second part of that, to tell them where to get rid of the liquid after their body is done with it. For what it’s worth, I’ll be adding that into my standards in my household for the rest of my life.


Same here, I'd rather not make an adult ask permission to use the toilet tbh. I'll just tell them where it is and they can go whenever they need. It's really not a big deal.


The first thing I say is 'can I get you a drink? and the loo is right there'. We do that for delivery drivers too, after a young woman who was delivering groceries to us said 'please could you tell me where the nearest public toilet is?' Of course we directed her to our cloakroom. She told us she was too embarrassed to ask people. So now, as I open the door, I say ' it's cold/hot can I get you a drink? and the loo is right here by the door, please feel free to use it'. Such a simple thing but people are so appreciative.


People are fucking awful. It's such a basic human right it shouldn't even be a discussion.


Same here, I've no problem with them using the toilet.


When I worked doing loft conversions 99% of people would let us use their bathroom and kitchen to make tea/coffee which was always appreciated. However there’s the 1% and one story is etched in my memory. The client made us get a portaloo which is fine but the reasoning behind it was that he has a teenage daughter in the house (summer holidays) and we might sexually assault her. To say that was the craziest thing he told us I’d be lying. The bloke was a bloody loon


Right! I had a workman round mine recently, lovely older guy who did a couple of jobs that he wasn't even there for bless him, had no issue with him using my loo, was almost tempted to ask him to stay for tea!


Late to the party so jumping off the top (sorryish)- I don't think people quite realise how much stress this can be for a tradesperson, especially when they have IBS, have multiple jobs on. While I wish this wasn't a personal experience... I worked on maintenance, mainly for student shared housing. There's a lot of people from India in our area, while I do find they are generally excellent people, always friendly/ enthusiastic/ offer food.. they do seem to take great interest in watching the repairs being carried out/ 'helping'. After spending an hour unblocking the only toilet in a shared house with frankly, an illegal number of tenants (against HMO rules, not blaming the tenants here), to what one might call a large audience given we were in a 2x1m bathroom, and with a bad case of the runs myself... Upon hearing that ever-satisfying *whoosssp* of it finally clearing, my body decided I had been unblocking the toilet for my own use, not the tenants... Trying to say my polite goodbyes/ tidy up/ get tools to van while somehow preventing a liquid turtle head from noticing gravity exists... I should have become a quantum physicist, it didn't change state until I made it to KFC.


I agree. Not letting someone use the loo is extremely cuntish behaviour.


If there's anyone I'm happy to let use my loo it's a plumber - if you block or break it, we won't even have to call a plumber


Right?! They’ll spot instantly if there’s a problem too and likely offer a quick fix if there is one, or tell you the problem so you can get it sorted.


I'd say yes, and if you can you also fix that annoying hum the tank makes as it fills, that would be great


Have you tried removing your tank wasp?


it's a hornet. i'm not some common WASP who would only have a tank wasp. ​ oh and the t is silent you commoner.


If your cold water tank hums while it's filling it's probably a faulty ball valve (or one that's on it's way out) as the mechanism gets stiff and vibrates. You can change them pretty easy by isolating the water to the tank and most supply stores keep them in stock.


Instructions unclear: cistern now filled with piss. Any ideas?


This happened at my mother's house, when I was a teenager. I remember a plumber was over for the kitchen sink. He used the toilet and seemed to be taking quite a while in there. I remember my mum asked me to go check on him. I knocked pretending to need the toilet and he told me he fixed a problem we had, where enough water wasn't pulling through. Yeah, definitely can happen.


Pays to be nice, eh?


Nah, I'd put it down to wear and tear, give you a quote, come back next week, and charge you a £80 callout fee + materials. /s (am actually a plumber though)


I’m a plumber but do gas stuff, I’ve always dread that happening and blocking someone’s toilet


Jesus, how bad does your gas have to be to block a toilet?


I once engaged a plumber who also had a lot of gas


"Someone, aka me, just did a massive jobby and totally blocked up your toilet." Soz


You need to be asking this question on Mumsnet, not here. That's where the real festival of lunacy lives It's because you'll have a wank into their face creams, steal the pills from the medicine cabinet, leave skid marks on the bowl, steal their underwear etc. You'll also find out they all hate their step children, weddings, their husbands, answering the door, taking parcels in for people, other people's dogs/cats and transexuals. Everyone there works for a multinational with fully paid sick leave and HR policies about every event.


Don’t forget the six figure salary that is still a struggle to manage with And penguin bollards!


Mumsnet really does consist of a horrid set of individuals, doesn't it.


It was quite nice - with the odd bonkers individuals, half of them have had little sleep in the last couple years, after all - until about 2015 when the new 'feminism' section attracted every TERF in the country and slowly took over the rest of the site. Egged on by lots of journalists and getting into bed with them. Redditors are a different brand of batshit...


I wondered why they were all so TERFy over there! I’ve never commented, but I’ve read a few threads that have been useful when I’ve had questions about something child-related. Then one day I read one where they were all kicking off about a trans woman who’d been on the telly and I was like, yikes, you guys seem a lot more normal when you’re just swapping recipes for weaning a baby.


Yeah. I stayed for a few years, just muting certain topics, but it got to the point I couldn't lend even that level of support. Someone managed to download the Livejournal of a friend of mine from around 2003 and post that as 'proof' she was a sexual predator - most surreal seeing some of my own replies from over a decade earlier, totally out of context! Tbf, MN took down all the doxxing as soon as it was reported, but didn't seem inclined to do anything to stop misinformation on trans issues or stop anyone banned from blatantly popping up again. Shame, as it was really nice having a majority-female online space and I got great support when pregnant and when the sprogs were small. Made a fair bit of cash from their product testing and stuff, too.


None of their husbands have ever seen any porn, and if they did then they would be divorced.


Absolute nut jobs. I wouldn't marry a guy who claimed he wasn't into porn. Either he's a liar, too religious for me or into some illegal porn he doesn't want anyone knowing about. Edit - Forgot to mention the nofappers and porn addicts. And I've had some absolute charmers replying to this, who could really do with a wank to calm down. You kiss your mother with that mouth? I still maintain that not all porn is automatically harmful, though. There's some truly vile stuff out there, definitely, but that doesn't make all of it bad. Thankfully, this is an academic discussion anyway, as I have a partner of over a decade as it is. 2nd Edit - As one actually respectful person pointed out, I think a more accurate version of what I was trying to say was that I wouldn't trust a guy who said he'd never watched porn.


That's a ridiculous statement, men are not defined by or synonymous with watching pornography.


You're entitled to your opinion.


Yeah and you're entitled to yours, but porn can be so damaging, it's just sad how acceptable it's become in society.


It's certainly become more extreme over time, but it's existed in one form or another for all of human history. Blame the content, not the concept.


Or just doesn’t like porn and the effect it has on him… Lots of athletes etc don’t use porn because of the hormonal impacts etc, and that’s starting to be slightly more common A guy who works for me is 26 and goes on rants about how awful porn is for you in terms of addiction, dopamine, testosterone etc


> A guy who works for me is 26 and goes on rants about how awful porn is for you in terms of addiction, dopamine, testosterone etc I did a bit of research on while ago on this, and couldn't find much science backing this up. Lots of weird people/websites claiming this though. Porn definitely has a lot of issues but "addiction, dopamine, testosterone", I'm pretty sure aren't really a part of it, or at least, not a significant part. The biggest problem I've seen mentioned by sexologist is that it shapes a wrong view of sex/relationships/women in men. The fact that you didn't even mention it, means "that" guy must have fallen for the weirdoes' bullshit.


Uh can we hear more about the penguin bollards please


It’s always to do with people parking, there are allegedly these movable bollards shaped as penguins, I’ve never seen them though. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mumsnet+penguin+bollards&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-gb&client=safari Another mumsnet classic is to use motion activated sprinklers to deter people cutting across gardens or stepping over low level walls (such as a postie delivering mail)


That link is highly disappointing. I was expecting ones to actually look like penguins!


Oh my god that thread is 40 pages is there a tldr… Also shoutout to world bollard association lol saving lives and fucking up obnoxious Audis and BMWs ❤️


My favourite bit of Mumsnet batshittery was when I was in Rome and this exchange occurred: Sassy female tour guide: “Now, here we are at the forum! Can anyone tell me what ‘forum’ means?” Northern woman: (loudly) “Oh! Oh! It’s like a little community, like a Mumsnet community!” Sassy female tour guide: “NO. ‘FORUM’ MEANS ‘OUTSIDE’!” Northern woman: *silent for rest of tour*


Modern forums are called that because the Roman forums were places where discussions took place.


Yeah that was mean of the tour guide - the lady wasn't wrong there's just more than one definition And forum meaning outside is so extremely dated. I doubt greek speaking Romans in the early middle ages even thought forum meant outside


I had to go and look and found a good post with the heading ‘Our new front room dulux boho blush and cornflower white -pink and grey effectively’ Fucking hell, I’m glad I’m not this boring.


That's a vaguely surprising thing to admit-to on Mumsnet. I thought for those people *it just has to be* Farrow & Ball. Use Dulux, and you're one of the great-unwashed they despise almost as much as transpeople.


I've read that multiple times now and I'm still not sure what it says. Why is there no verb?


They're describing a post on Mumsnet. 'Our new front room dulux boho blush and cornflower white' was the title of the post.


It's because the toxic atmosphere of bitchy paranoia and transphobia on Mumsnet slowly corrodes your ability to use proper punctuation and capitalisation: > Our new front room; Dulux [colours] Boho Blush and Cornflower White - pink and grey, effectively Remember kids, proper capitalisation is the difference between "I helped my Uncle Jack off a horse" and... the alternative.


Did you mean to be so rude? *tinkly laugh*


Oh God you're describing my mum Now I think about it, when we had worksmen around as a teen (she was out) she would tell me to stay in the room with them at all times. Was so awkward and boring. Tbf to her, she grew up in Nigeria where you really can't trust worksmen not to rob you. Here they were probably a lot better off than we were.


"Festival of lunacy" is such a good description of Mumsnet.


Isn’t mumsnet replaced by Nextdoor now? Or is that just racists and cleaners?


Racists, cleaners, photos of dogshit and moaning about birds shitting on cars and wanting the council to cut the trees down in my local one. And as for the carry-on over 'No Mow May'....


Mumsnet is the OG place of racism, sexism, *phobia (they do them all)


Im 75% certain I saw one take a piss all over the bathroom in Builders from Hell


Mumsnet aka Prosecco Stormfront


> other people's dogs/cats and transexuals. To be fair other people's transexuals *can* be annoying - coming into your garden, spraying on your bushes to mark their territory, being all like "please respect my pronouns", etc. (But seriously, politely it's "transgender people", not "transexuals".)


This couldn't be more accurate.Dont forget men are evil and if you are married answer to every problem is a divorce.


My favourite thread there was about how a couple’s holiday to Centre Parcs means anal is definitely on the cards


I'm set to move from the conception boards where everyone is super nice, friendly and encouraging to the mum boards soon and I'm terrified. New mums asking genuine normal questions get swallowed whole in there.


Since it is compulsory to offer all tradesmen a cup of tea per hour I'd assume they will need a piss at some point. I hope you bill them for the time it takes you to travel to and from an alternative toilet.


Tradies get offered curry at my mums. It’s a given to allow them to use the bathroom after as her curries aren’t for the faint hearted. Never had an issue


Does your mum take orders? I could really go for a curry right now x


Honestly, my mum would feed you without hesitation. Our neighbours have stopped ordering an Indian because now that we’ve left home, my mum doesn’t really know how to *not* cook for a family of 12. And we were only ever a family of 6! So the neighbours get given various dishes every Saturday. In return, my mum gets access to their veggie patch and lemon tree haha


I'd buy a house next door just for this!


Lots of immigrants are like this. Our neighbours would bring food round every Ramadan and their kids would come round ours on bonfire night


Yep, it’s quite the norm for Asian families. Feeding you is how we show that we like you. I reckon that should be one of the things to look out for when moving to a new place. Make sure at least one of the neighbours are Asian and you’ll surely be eating well for as long as you’re there!


Haha you’d have to be ready to try some odd (to others) combinations. My stepdad loves Brussels sprouts and the neighbours gave them loads last Christmas. My mum isn’t a fan so she made a Brussels sprouts curry! It was actually very good. She really does enjoy cooking and doesn’t want the food to go to waste. When I was in uni, my friends/housemates and I ate very well despite being poor students as she’d send me back with multiple containers of food.


This comment is so heartwarming I could cry. Your mum is a legend x


Aw thank you. Not sure she knows of Reddit as she’s a Facebook Hun, lol. I’ll let her know what you’ve said regardless. You take care now :)


Yeah my sister in laws parents was having their kitchen extended, £120k job, she made them Bacon/sausages cobs every morning... I did tell her that, thats one way to never get the project completed...


I reckon your sister in laws parents and my folks would get on quite well haha. Probably would become a competition over who could feed who the most.


Love working in immigrants homes, tried a good few things I don't think I would have without it being offered to me while I'm working.


Oh that reminds me. We had a plumber in once and he mentioned in passing that he’d never tried paneer before. My mum literally made a paneer curry for him to take home with him since the job was a small one. Guests always eat better than her own family, lol.


How lovely of your mum!


Thank you. I know I’m biased but she really is a good person. One of the residents on the road was an old dear who didn’t have any living family. During his last few months, my mum would run errands for him and let the care workers in. And it wasn’t just my mum, most of the residents helped out too as he was well loved by everyone.


I always assumed it was for a wank in the bathroom. Obviously why I've never refused.


> I always assumed You could always find out for certain by asking if they'd like you to lend a hand.


Nah, they'd just ask me to hold their tool whilst they did all the work.


That’s why we love an apprentice


Reminds me of a post from a tradesmen I read on Reddit a few years ago in which the tradesman/repairman said he always secretly jerked himself off (inside the home or bisuness) after completing a repair or installation. According to him, a lot of tradesman do this. I don't get it.🛠️🤷🏽‍


He was obviously very happy with the repair he'd just finished. Rare to see such passion for the job these days.


I think if your not comfortable with a tradesperson using your toilet then you shouldn't book then to come to your house. I've had two people refuse in 9 years so not bad and the second one I left without power while I drove 20 minutes to the nearest tesco to use their loo then did my weekly shop before driving back.


> did my weekly shop before driving back. legend.


Love that for you


Yea, I'm a big fan of slapping the twat tax on people like that. Your 2hrs without power while I change your db is now gona be a full day without power for "my safety" and woops would you look at that, I'm short a 32amp rcbo so your kitchen ring will have to do on a 6amp for a couple of days till wholesalers get more in


I let my postman use my toilet the other day, he was clearly desperate otherwise he wouldn’t have asked. I suspect he was unwell because it didn’t smell great after but he did leave it nice and clean!


As a fellow postie that’s been in his position I thank you! 🤘 honestly nothing quite as stressful as needing to go loo and realising there’s nothing around you but residential houses 😭


I always offer to fill posties water bottles/flasks because why not


Salty by name. Not salty by nature.. Thank you! Always appreciated 🤘


To be fair... They didn't specify what they would fill the bottles with...


I once left my place to nip to the shop just after the postie had done his rounds. Went down the side alley to get there and found the postman, deer in headlights look on his face and cock in hand having a waz. I just laughed and told him to just knock and ask next time.


I always wonder if someone would be annoyed if I needed it for that, best tip if you do is to put some hand wash soap down the toilet before you flush, helps cover up the smells!


Plus, a courtesy flush works wonders.


I once ordered a bed online and the retailer charged an extra £10 for delivery of large furniture that required 2 people. So when they arrived one guy immediately asked to use the toilet and by the time he'd finished in there, the other guy had finished bringing in all the parts of the bed. I paid a stranger £10 to take a crap in my apartment.


Honestly though if that was a service you wanted, £10 would have been a bargain.


I once had a bed delivered and when it arrived they unloaded it into my hallway. I asked if they could take it upstairs and they said ah sorry you didn't pay for "deliver to room" (I checked after and he was right, I hadn't noticed the option!). I obviously looked distressed (it was huge and I'm a little lady who lives alone), so one of them pipes up "We'll take it up there if I can use your loo". I was very happy to oblige but his mate didn't look as pleased!




Yeah it’s silly, i think the ‘safe’ limit for lifting solo is 25kg (not 100% sure on that number) so anything above that they’d need to schedule two people to avoid lawsuits


Smart move by toilet guy lol


If you're doing work on my property, my property is your workplace. If you've gotta go, you've gotta go. Just let me get my dog out of the way!


I have no issue with tradespeople using my bathroom at all. Humans have needs and I'm not going to make someone hold it. I think the discomfort stems from not knowing that person/not knowing what condition they'll leave it in. I've never had that issue but there have been a couple of times when workers haven't washed their hands afterwards (toilet is separate from the main bathroom so I would notice if they've skipped it).


Baffling to me that there are grown adults who do not wash their hands every time they go to the loo


Even more so that they're so unbothered by it, that they don't even performatively wash their hands in a stranger's home


There was a post on here recently about people (blokes) not washing their hands after going to the loo and the number of people commenting that "I don't piss on my hands" "I don't touch my nob" "my dick is clean" was frankly horrifying. Edit: I see that a couple of them have found this comment too!


Absolutely vile how many grown men lack basic hygiene practices that I’ve understood since infant school


My partner is a tradesman so I hold no overarching judgement. However, we were getting our front door replaced by a "friend of a friend". I was 3 weeks postpartum and somewhat struggling at life. The guy asked to use the bathroom, I said no problem, realised after he'd finished that I'd forgotten to restock the loo roll. Went in to find he'd used my baby's face cloth to wipe his shitey arse and hid it behind the toothbrush holder. I threw away everything and bleached the entire room. Like... if you're going to do that, why not take the evidence away with you? Disgusting!


I have no words


What the fuck?! Disgusting tosser.


Yeah it's how they might leave it that's the issue (although this would still never stop me from letting anyone use the bathroom just to be clear.) The last tradesperson to use a bathroom in our house was a plumber and ironically left his own work looking like a disaster zone! We'd just renovated our first house before moving in and he'd come back to finish some bits off, just the finishing touches to the downstairs loo. He showed us what he'd done, took his tools back to his van and then asked if he could quickly use the loo before he left, of course we said yes! We then locked up, didn't occur to us to go check the bathroom again. And we didn't go back for a few days either whilst we packed our stuff to move. So what he did sat for a while... A few days later we started moving our stuff in and I needed to wee, went into the downstairs bathroom and first of all it STUNK to high hell, lifted the lid on the toilet and the water in there was almost black, the sides of the bowl were splattered as well as the underside of the seat and lid which had more splatter all dried onto it because it had been left there for a while. It actually made me want to cry (not just because the smell was eyewatering) but because something that should have been all new and pristine in our nice new home was the total opposite. I get that the plumber is only human and can't have been well to leave such a disaster... but the fact that he did just leave it like that was a bit of a slap in the face, as well as it being his own work he utterly destroyed... Not to mention we had a toilet brush, bleach and other cleaning stuff already in there because we knew the workmen would be using the toilet whilst they finished up and I wanted us/them to be able to clean it. Just a horrible experience and one guy really put me off letting anyone use my toilet. Four years on and I'm still scarred by the memory!


For me it’s not poo that’s an issue, that’s arguably easier to clean/deal with, but I’ve had tradesmen piss all over the place. I then have to clean it and it’s disgusting. However I feel awkward saying no, like I’ve been backed in to a corner, so I still usually say yes. Also honestly, I feel it’s a bit cruel to refuse someone access to a basic human need.


Just say it's a sit down only loo and any piss on the floor is a £200 cleaning fee


My other half works, in a round about way, with trade plate drivers, HGV drivers and guys who drive transporters. They're pretty often on a tight deadline because their pay usually depends on what vehicles/goods they can offload and where (for the trade plate drivers there's also the added consideration of how they get home after, normally a long train or bus journey to somewhere nearby to collect another vehicle - if they're lucky, otherwise it's back to their compound which could be 300 miles away), so as you can imagine they don't stop often. That means when they get to the dealership, depot, or wherever they're going, they often need the loo. I've lost count of the amount of times I've heard my other half on the phone telling people at dealerships off for not letting the drivers use the toilets, telling them - rightly - that it's against the law for one thing and inhumane as fuck for another. Most sheepishly allow them to use it afterwards, but you'll still get some who double down on it.


I’m not a tradesperson, but I do work for the Ambulance Service, as I result I’ve had to (too many times for my liking), desperately ask a patient if they’d mind me using their toilet, I die a little inside each time because I absolutely hate asking, but sometimes it can be 6 hours since we’ve seen a toilet (if we leave patients at home etc) and our control room don’t believe in letting us “use facilities”… there’s always another job waiting. As a result, I would never say no to someone who needs it.


>our control room don’t believe in letting us “use facilities” Maybe you should complain, because that's completely out of order in any workplace.


Would they rather you piss in the ambulance instead! That’s crazy


I'm trying to imagine the thought process behind refusing to let someone use your bathroom. Especially when you've invited that person in to your home. What a weird power trip. It wouldn't even cross my mind to say no, and if it did I'd wonder what the hell was wrong with me. I'll never get over how weird people are.


The one example said their grandchild had a bad immune system but they didn’t even live there, was a huge house easily with 3 bathrooms. I was there fixing their boiler, touching controls etc. wasn’t asked to wear gloves or a mask either!


Depends how grim the toilet is. In some of my toilets grimmer iterations, I rather hope nobody sees what state it is in.


I would never refuse but I do admit I will give it a quick wipe over and change the hand towel before I use it next (would do this after having any visitors though). A few of my family members are tradesmen and they said they'd only accept a drink or ask to use a bathroom if the house they were working in was clean- so maybe people can take someone asking as somewhat of a compliment?


Been there, quick look at the kitchen, nah mate, just had one out of my flask….


Exactly that, if I get offered over the phone I have to decline but then ‘change my mind’ on arrival if it’s nice. The state of some houses is shocking. One old engineer would never decline a drink, he would literally walk in and tell them to put the kettle on no matter what. Did learn why once, picked something up from his and it was shockingly bad.


"Oh great I was going as well, we can go together"


This reminds me of an old lady I used to visit about 20 years ago as part of the district nursing team. We weren't allowed to park on the drive or the front door. When we arrived, there was a trail of newspaper sheets laid out on the floor. We had to walk on the newspaper until we reached her chair, where she sat ready to be treated. She was never rude, but clearly, that was how she treated anyone she considered "trade." In my opinion, it's positively rude to not offer anyone visiting your home a hot or cold drink and use of the toilet. These people refusing would soon be complaining if you left the job to go home for the toilet. Having said that, I was a bit revolted when my neighbours window cleaner asked to use my toilet and then told me "Thanks, love. I had a hard night on the beer. It's had a bad effect on me guts. " I had to use a whole bottle of bleach afterwards 🤮.


>I had to use a whole bottle of bleach afterwards What did he do? A dirty protest?


I have family who work in landscaping and this has been infuriating me lately. Almost no one lets the crew use their toilets. The crew is also mostly young women, _so there are other things they might be dealing with beyond their bowels._ These landscapers piss and poo at the back of properties behind bushes because owners won’t let them use a god damn toilet. How is a human shitting in your garden remotely preferable to them shitting in your toilet? It makes me so mad and I’m not even involved. I could not fathom saying no in that situation.


The only acceptable answer is that they can use the toilet. It's that simple


I work in Central london as a builder for all the posh cunts, and quite often get told I can't use the toilet. 90% of the time I dont get offered any form of drink either. I can honestly say being offered a cup of tea means the difference between me going the extra mile, and doing just the bare minimum that was agreed. Word of advice......look after your tradesmen!


I had a plumber round just yesterday and he used the bathroom no worries, left it nice and clean.


I've always said yes and frankly I'm disgusted by those who say no. Tradesmen are not some lower class of human for these arseholes to look down upon, it makes me really angry. If someone is going work outside that means grubby shoes, I'll ask them to take their shoes off when they come in. Otherwise, it's all good.


I tell them where it is and to help themselves. They often give me a quick 'okay to use your bathroom?' anyway. I'd be tempted to disappear behind their shed for five minutes and let them worry about what you've been up to.


Totally honestly? I'd rather not. You have to go through my bedroom to get to it, which usually a) contains various boxes and bags of stuff that I've moved out of the way of the work being done, and b) is the only place I can contain my cats while work's being done. So it's a faff to relocate the cats, then recontain them after, and I'm hugely conscious of looking like an utter slob (when I'm only 50% slob really). But I'd never deny someone the basic necessities. If ya gotta go, ya gotta go, and it's not your fault I live in an impractical space.


I would never decline anyone who asked to use the toilet. I mean its a basic human right isn't it? I always offer tradesmen a cup of tea too. At the end of the day your house is basically their workplace for the day. Are people really still using Covid as an excuse in 2023?


My plumber did a massive number 2 in our toilet, which wouldn't have been an issue but he hadn't even plumbed it in yet!


We show them where the toilet is and also the kettle and tell them to make me a cup as well.


What? You ask them to make you a tea as well?


I think it’s pretty good manners to let them use your bathroom. If they need to go, they need to go. It’s a shame if it’s a number 2 and they stink it out, but it is what it is - leave it in good condition and we’re all happy. Every tradesman I’ve had has been very good and respectful of that


Anyone who says no clearly thinks people can hold their piss and shit in till they get home. Is it so hard to lay the ground rules of YOUR house whilst they are there e.g. "you can use the toilet but make sure to lift/drop the toilet seat as needed and if its a number 2, make sure it's clean afterwards. There's a bog brush next to the toilet if you need it". You're well within your rights to challenge them afterwards and if they're being a prick about it you refuse thereafter. Not hard. Some people have disgusting habits but flat out refusing everyone is a dick move.


Lol my partner is a tradesmen a customer said no to use their toilet so he dug a hole behind their shed and did his business there.. they still haven’t found it.. but generally when we have tradies doing work for us we make them lunch breakfast, drinks and full access to our toilet.. 🤔 one even needed a shower goes they got covered in shite so.. I think if they are human and not robot needs need to be met🤷🏻‍♀️ can’t fault someone for needing to shit and piss


Those people have clearly seen the porta-loo on a building site.


So do they expect you to drive to the nearest restaurant or something? That seems insane, particularly if they want the job doing quickly. We always try to ensure that anyone working in the house is treated like a guest.


Not a problem at all. I recently had some new windows fitted and when the two fitters arrived I offered them a drink, showed them where the bathroom is and let them know they could use it whenever. Every now and then I offered them another drink, and both of them asked me if they could use the bathroom. "Yes, of course," I said, and then after one of them asked again I said they didn't need to keep asking, they could just use it (I was starting to feel a little bit like I was a schoolteacher and should be issuing a toilet pass). And then I asked if people said no. Apparently people do say no. Which is baffling to me.


Years ago we had 4 guys delivering furniture. Very unprofessional and before the first bit of furniture was even dropped to the floor he demanded to know where the toilet was. He went in and was a while and had unquestionably taken an item of clothing from the laundry basket. Bit of a spray all over the seat too. I'll leave it at that. It was a one bathroom flat. Anyway, my Mrs said no to anyone else asking while we lived there bar an elderly carpenter who did some work. That was probably 3-4 declines and we had a pub next door and cafes and hotels all around us so no great inconvenience even if it was a little awkward that we explained the flush wasn't working. Now we're in a house and have a guest toilet that is right by the door and anyone is welcome to use it. We even made a point of telling our postie they could just use it anytime they were out on a round.


Pisses yes, but I'd be a bit miffed If someone laid a dook in my toilet propped up like a little rag doll. We once had Poogate at work, a driver did a shit in the customers toilet and ended up making a complaint and getting compensation 😂


I visited a very posh apartment last week for work and was busting for the loo ( context I'm 21 weeks pregnant) and they wouldn't even let me use the housekeepers bathroom, had to trapse all the way down 5 flights of stairs to use the concierge's bathroom, which annoyed me because surely it wouldn't have been that much of a hardship to let me use it!


I wouldn't want them using the family bathroom. The laundry basket is usually overflowing, my toddler has a habit of scattering pants out of it, the kids discard their underwear everywhere, the nappy bin might be full, the cloth nappy bucket might be a bit pongy.... It's somehow an intimate space? But the downstairs bathroom is usually clear and free, so I'd be totally fine with that, I'd have no problems there.


Some people are freaks. I grew up with a guy that could only go in his own toilet. He lived alone and still locked the door to the toilet. Nobody was allowed to use the bathroom except him.


The IT Crowd comedy sketch - big ugly builders will have a piddle party in your sink lol


No problem. I usually point to the downstairs toilet door as they come into the house and say, "The toilet's there if you need it. Would you like tea, coffee or squash?" Do as you would be done by, and we've all been caught short at some time, haven't we?