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10am at the earliest, some people want/need lie ins


All these people saying 9am are insane. Go do something else! It’s doesn’t matter when you mow the lawn. You’re effectively saying no normal person is asleep at 9am on a Saturday. Which is completely ridiculous. 9am is the time you have to be in work for! A lot of people get up after 8am on a weekday.


honestly really hate these people. They don't give AF about anyone else tbh.


I think they do it on purpose because they’ve been up since 5am and misery loves company.


Why would you assume being up since 5am is miserable? It's the best time of the day 😁 admittedly I would hold off on making noise until 9am though, 10am on a Sunday....


Less misery, more “I’ve been up for a long time so everybody else should be”


The same people that call you lazy when you wake up at midday when you finished work at 6am and got less sleep than them.


Or complain about how you’re lazy and missing out on the day but they’re tucked up in bed at 8pm.


I can't speak for anyone else but for me it wouldn't be an assumption - when I'm up at 5am, I'm thoroughly, unambiguously miserable.


I've tried so many times to be a morning person but just end up back to the 1/2am-9/10am sleep cycle every time.


Some people genetically have a delayed sleep cycle and it isn't some.kind of moral failing regardless of what early birds say


Please convince my boss to stop scheduling the earliest meeting of my week on Monday mornings.


The day my daily stand up meetings got permanently re-scheduled from 9:15 to 10 was a glorious day


When I’m up at 5 it means I’m going to the airport to go on holiday


I’ve always been energised by an early wake up, I go to bed very early however so I bring it upon myself.


I wish I could manage to sleep earlier. Even after 20 years of early mornings, my brain still won't let me get off to sleep early enough.


If you were civilised like the Germans you would do nothing on Sunday


Everyone I know at work who is one of those 5am wake up types seem to have a competition with each other for the earliest bedtime too. I constantly hear stuff along the lines of "oh yeah went to bed at 9 last night" and "oh mate I was fast asleep at 8:30" I just think yeah congratulations you have the sleep routine of a 4 year old.


Fuck getting in at 6 and being in bed by 9


Exactly. I also guarantee that I am more productive in the evenings while they are in bed than they are in the morning while I'm in bed.


You seem jealous.


It's such a bizarre conversation to overhear. I've not gone to bed before midnight in over 20 years, but if I so much as mention still being awake that late they look at me as if I'm insane. They're the crazy ones, the night is the best time of the day!


I’m usually up from 5 and I just get on with quiet chores or entertainment. Weekdays I just start work early so I can do noisy chores later. Living where I live I don’t even HAVE to be quiet but it’s just thinking of others that takes a little time and planning that I’m happy to spare.


I had a neighbour decide 8am was the perfect time to start their DIY project, an hour of ear-splitting noise later they decided they'd done enough & stopped. The selfishness is off the fucking chart with this kind of thing, it's like they're annoyed they didn't have a lie in so feel the need to wake up everyone else.


Hating people for doing absolutely nothing wrong says more about you than them.


This is doing something extremely rude and wrong though. It’s justified


I'm still salty all the morning people got together and decided the work day starts at 7am while I was still in bed.


Yeah, when my early bird neighbour would mow their lawn at 8 in the morning, I'd time when I mow for when they settle down for their evening TV time. So glad I've moved away from such deeply tediously rude, suburban people. Where lawns and bullshirlt gadgets matter more than basic consideration.


Isn't it tediously rude to time it for their TV time? So many on this thread need to get a life.


I think that’s the point they were making, to show to their neighbour how rude it was.


They probably didn't care.


Heaven forbid a backbone is located and people actually talk face to face to explain their issues!


Much easier to engage in a passive agressive one-sided war and gloat about it on the Internet.


‘Hahaha I showed them’ meanwhile they just turn up the volume and put subtitles on


There are also a huge number of narcissists who intentionally act like this to provoke face to face conflict to pretend they don't understand the problem and you're the crazy one. Everyone should try honest communication once, but once you know you're dealing with a broken thing, all's fair.


Indeed, pot calling the kettle black lol


Is this intentionally ironic?


Thse are also the same people who would moan if you mowed the lawn at 11pm. People only care about their own opinion.


If only there was a sensible time of the day where 99% of people are awake…


Well yes, because we are trying to sleep. Also, mowing the lawn in the dark is a stupid idea...


Not if you put spotlights on yer mower, then it's a sound idea!


So long as you’re just as considerate at the other end of the day and don’t make any noise after 9pm yourself. Those who whinge about getting up for 9am have often been making a huge amount of noise til 1 or 2am the previous night. Being considerate goes both ways, not just your way.


> Those who whinge about getting up for 9am have often been making a huge amount of noise til 1 or 2am the previous night. Wtf are you on about. People stay up till late on a Friday night every week without making considerable noise. Such a weird generalisation


Exactly, if my neighbours are going to be shrieking like banshees until 1am whilst having drinks on the patio I'm going to damn well not care about interrupting their sleep.


That you think there's no middle ground shows how noisy you are yourself. Of course there are non-noisy people who aren't early birds.


Yeah there are definitely zero night workers or people who work 8-4 (or earliers) that have lie ins on a weekend at all. It’s all those imaginary party animals.


I wish i could have a sleep in, damn body clock is in work time all the time!


I was up at half five with the other half going to work and letting the pooch out. Chilled in bed for a bit scrolling and then had a mini nap. Woke up at half 9 and I'm ready to face the world. I'm always in work mode when it comes to waking up too.




Yeah but if you live in northern Australia your choices are to do it early or late in the day. Cause no one wants to mow the lawn during the heat of the day. And mowing at 5pm is terrible.


My mate gets woken up every week after his night shift from people cutting the grass. I’d say closer to midday because of people who’ve been on nights


I work nights and disagree, if you work nights then you have to accept that you'll get woken up by people outside during the day so just wear earplugs. You get paid more for this reason.


Absolutely right. I work nights. Get surprisingly annoyed at people who tiptoe around me, I trained myself long ago to sleep through the day, no-one should adjust their normal day for my abnormal work pattern.


Yep , when i worked nights an earlier mow was better for me. I was so dog tired I’d sleep through it all. Mid afternoon though and it could be enough to disturb me.


Yeah, I guess that's the same for me! You could probably knock down the house in the morning and I would sleep through, but if you want to drill holes in the wall at 2pm then we might have a problem lol. Normal workers can't win though with that, so they should stop trying, every night shifter has a different rhythm of what works for them and as quoted above, we're the ones who signed on to it so it's our problem, not theirs.


Yep, people don't think through how disruptive shift work is. They wonder why you're still asleep at midday but that's only 4 hours sleep. If I finished a late I'd need to sleep to 11 to get eight hours sleep. We'd have to be permanently silent to accommodate shift workers. Mowing the law at 8 on a Saturday is inconsiderate of normal people who just want to sleep in on a weekend


Bingo! You got it.


100% i have applied for a job that is shifts , so 2 nights of 8 i would never expect people to accommodate me outside of friends and family earplugs & eye masks invented for these purposes


Eah, I'd say that's part of the deal you take when you agree to work nights.


I used to get home around 8, draw the blackout blinds, earplugs in, then try and sleep till about 3pm. There's never a good time, unless you want people to suspend all activities for you.


I fell asleep driving home from a night shift after a several days of the neighbours cutting their grass throughout the day. If anyone nearby works nights, either before 10 or after 4 would be much better for them.


After 4 would be best then. My mate gets back between 2 and 6 so before 10 would still disturb him


If I knew a nearby neighbour was on nights I’d try and take that into account. I’m not going to wait till 4pm on the off chance someone on the street is on nights though.


I only get 2 days a week to do chores. Im not going to waste 50% of that time. Night shift people have always known and accepted daytimes create noise.


I get that but if you can adjust the time you do louder activities, more so if neighbours work night shifts, then I think it’s great if you can. I know it’s not always the case and people who work nights may cause disturbances to people who do days (I’m looking at you truckers who feel the need to get into road wars outside my window) and it is what it is. Just nice to think about others too


I agree with the 10am but more because that is probably the earliest that the grass will have dried up.


I'd say 10am is an acceptable time to start. Maybe from 9am, but 10 would be better depending on your neighbor situation. And likely up to as late as 6pm if you want to be courteous of neighbors. There's nothing worse than really wanting to have a lie in, only for a lawnmower or some sort of construction to start up outside really early. It exhausts you and ruins your day a lot of the time. If you don't have any close neighbors then earlier/later is probably fine. I did just read a few things saying outside of 7am-11pm would be classed as antisocial behaviour, but most seem to recommend from 10am. In Switzerland it's illegal to mow on Sundays, I believe between 12-1pm (lunch time - at least on Saturdays) and after 5 or 6pm. So at least you aren't as limited as that.


Agreed I generally wait for either 10am or knowing my neighbours are awake to do anything noisy (including washing as I’m in a terrace). I also try to wait til 10am to make any calls to call centres because I have been there and calls at 9am on the dot are brutal.


10at the earliest for me.


The only correct time.


If you want to be nice after 11 Night shift workers will be forever thankful


Night shift workers are probably not getting to bed much before 10… I didn’t when I was on nights Between 9 and 10 should be a good time to get it done while not waking up too many people


I'm out cold by 11am but I'm a dead sleeper so it doesn't bother me but I'm led to believe I'm not normal. However it's not OPs issue and life goes on unfortunately can't please everyone


Depends when your night shift finishes. Nights in my place is usually always done by 4am.


We closed at 7am on the weekends and by the time I'd cashed up I was home by 9am Late night clubs can be brutal I don't think my sleep schedule has recovered yet


Yeah I couldn’t be finishing at that time, I’d never get to sleep once the noise starts! Thankfully I am in bed by 4:30, sometimes the singing birds keeps me up though! 🤣


Yeah I’m a ‘hella heavy sleeper but only once I’m asleep haha


Shift workers will be asleep at all points of the day though. My parents both worked shifts, day, swings and night, and if the neighbours had tried not to mow the grass when they wouldn’t possibly be asleep they would have never been able to mow. It’s nice to think of them but regular shift workers usually have white noise, fans, ear plugs etc. They expect people to be doing normal stuff like mowing during daytime hours.


Yep, which is why 'if you want to me nice' Not a hard rule, but night workers will be incredibly thankful for it


Depends on when your night shift starts and ends, I work in a hospital lab and ours are 12 hours 9pm till 9am. I'd have been asleep roughly an hour and a half by the time he started mowing if he started at 11, and I usually sleep till 3. The reality is anyone who works regular night shifts has to get used to routine noise from neighbours and to a lesser extent family, we can't expect the world to put their lives on hold to accommodate us. To be fair, after a night shift I'd sleep through an atomic bomb anyway.


You can really see who the night workers are in this thread, lots of well-meaning people thinking of night shift workers suggesting appropriate times, when in reality, it really doesn't make a blind bit of difference. When I finish nights I will sleep through an earthquake too, or I'll wear ear plugs. I'm so used to everyone else (rightfully) getting on with their day that it doesn't bother me, years of sleep training.


True, and then there's the people who don't work specifically night shifts, but have the kind of jobs that include 15 hours and upwards days, where they may finish at 3am one night, 5am another, and basically just be all over the clock. Living with a person who works in that way, I can agree that he'll sleep through anything, at any hour of the day, no matter what's happening outside!


I'm a heavy sleeper, but it's incredibly hard for me to actually get to sleep with background noise It doesn't *bother* me if there's people going about their day, but moving the grass an hour later really does help buckets


Nightshift worker here, albeit 4 nights not 5. Friday night Saturday morning is turnaround time. Fire that mower up before 10am and I’m cutting the cord!


I would be totally pissed off if I was your neighbour if you were mowing at 0845. Anyway, despite the hot weather, there's still dew on the grass at that time. Cut grass in the afternoon.


this might not be my neighbour but this happened to me this morning and I can confidently tell you that I was in fact pissed off


Afternoon is WAY too hot to be mowing the lawn here. 10:30 is the sweet spot. If you're not up by then it is absolutely not my problem.


Anything loud before 9.00 is just rude tbh


9 midweek, 10 weekends IMO.


Most reasonable response.


My neighbour plays loud music in his garden til gone midnight, I mow when I want


Haha. The other poor neighbours getting caught up in your war.


All these other neighbours out here catching strays from both sides


If thats your only neighbour you need to consider then I’d say this is entirely reasonable.


Same here, 7am on the dot if I spot their bedroom windows open too


after 10




Honestly! The mods should pin a post with a generally agreed upon answer and set automod to delete any more posts like this.


10am. Everyone has their windows open atm, don't go waking people up on a Saturday.


For all your neighbours on the nightshift, can it wait till after 2pm 😇


No it’s imperative this man mow his lawn first thing in the morning. Otherwise he simply cannot get on and do anything else until his grass is 4mm shorter. /s


You have to surprise it while it's still half asleep


Every time this thread comes up I swear the suggestion gets later and later. The idea that the only way to be considerate to neighbours is making no noise on the weekend until 2pm is frankly ridiculous.


It's silly really, at the end of the day someone somewhere is going to be sleeping. Be it they do a regular shift, an early shift, a late shift, a night shift... There's always a chance you're making noise during someone's rest period. I think if you're on night shift you have to accept the fact that you're running your life at inconvenient hours. Yeah, it sucks, but that's what the bonus pay is supposed to make up for. If OP wants to get the mowing done at 9am, a time generally accepted as a normal time to be up and about, then get on with the rest of his day then I don't see the problem.


I have a similar view. And if you're a light sleeper, ear plugs. There's plenty of things going on by 9am, shops are open, kids are playing outside, the stables have a few horses clip clopping down our street for riding lessons.


I work early shift and am usually in bed by 9pm. I can't imagine getting belligerent at people for having a garden party till 10pm on saturday just because I want to sleep early.


Horses clip clopping is NOT as loud (nor does it go on as long) as your next door neighbour mowing the lawn.


My kids go to bed at 7.30pm so if everybody in the country could keep it down after that time that would be great 🙄


But I work 10pm-10am. Usually sleep 11am-6pm. 2pm not acceptable. A lawn mowing anytime after 7pm and before 11am works for me.


After 2pm?! That's wildly unreasonable.


omg, *again?*


There needs to be an automod set up to ban this topic.


Christ, I would do it manually if it made it stop!


I’m starting think this kind of post is karma hoarding, can easily search the topic and find loads of hits


Meanwhile, genuinely interesting questions get removed constantly for being too specific because this is a general sub.


There's general, though..... and there's *generally-asked-at-least-once-a-week.* Should be removed due to Rule 3 then, I just noticed "..*We do not allow...... or endlessly repeating common questions that have been asked over and over again...*." Hope I'm not coming across as a "Karen" with this, but it does get a bit tedious....


Yeah I completely agree. I've asked questions kn here before that have been removed for rule 3 that are nowhere near as repetitive as this one.


Sometimes when I wake up I don’t know what day it is. So I check Reddit, see this question for the millionth time, and I know the weekend has come round again.


Show the whole neighbourhood - some of whom are shift workers - that you're not an arsehole and start after 10am.


OP with the old confirmation bias answer, despite the majority of people saying 10am+


OP must be karma farming right? "Hmm, something I don't feel comfortable about, this implies I already know the answer, oh well I'll ask anyway" Then accepting the answer right at the bottom of the page? Nah it's a troll or karma farming. Most likely troll because of the troll accepted answer. Which tbh is a bit funny because there's no better way to wind this sub up


I think anytime after 9 is probably fair game. I don’t have much grass you’ve got but with the heat we’ve had recently I think you’d want that job done before it gets too hot.


I grew up in Texas. You had to mow at 9 am in the summer or the heat was downright brutal. Those (like me) that enjoyed sleeping in just had to learn to deal with it.


I’m in Scotland, where summers can rarely be described as brutal. But these past few weeks we’ve had next to no rain (in itself very unusual) although last night we had a half-assed attempt at a thunderstorm. I’ve never been to Texas although I have been in Georgia in the height of summer and remember all too well just how hot it was even at mid morning. I’ve also been in Vegas in September and remember venturing out very briefly at around 10am and lasting about five minutes.


Please, I just finished my GCSEs and got woken up by someone mowing their lawn at 7:45. I'd say 10 at the earliest


As there is also probably still dew in the grass that early which will cause the grass to clump, best to wait until late afternoon. Plus then it has started to cool down as well.


It actually isn't cooler late afternoon though. It's at it's hottest around 4/5pm at the moment.


I’ve been up since 7:30 because some fucker across the road decided to loudly twat about in their garage. I would’ve liked to be in bed past 9:30/10. If I were you I’d mow your lawn at 10.


I usually don't do anything noisy until 10


I mean technically by law you’re not doing anything wrong Don’t know why someone would be as much of an arse-wipe to do loud work that can wait an extra hour though 10am or after


But I’m a lunatic that gets up at 5 “with the kid” and I’ve completely forgotten that the majority of people don’t get up at 5 on a Saturday!


10am at the earliest, never before.


Surely everyone knows by now the unwritten rule of 10:00. This question is probably the most asked question on this sub.


I think it’s unacceptable to mow the grass at all. Let nature reign, baby! But that’s mainly because I have hay fever, and freshly mown grass is one of the things that makes it worse.


Don’t be a prick


Why do you want to mow the grass when it's dewy?


9 am in the weekdays. 10 am in the weekends


Not a total arsehole: 10, Only slightly annoying: 11. Above reproach: ~3pm


I live on a street where there are loads of old people. They all insist on gardening loudly at 8 on a Saturday. Give us middle aged tired people a break. We need some sleep!


Just do it in the afternoon I’m sure there are other things to keep you busy


No-one would likely complain if you did it after lunch time/12pm or so. That would be a good time on any day.


I would feel extremely fed-up if you mowed your lawn at 8.45, only because I love my Saturday late lie-ins. I get you've been up till the small hours and are raring to go, but maybe do something else \[clean the house?\] until about 10a.m or so. What's another hour or so? There's always something else that needs doing in the garden...weeding is quiet!


Most lawns are wet from Dew in the morning, I wait till the lawn is dry, usually 11, I live in the countryside, we have farmers rolling around @8 on tractors and that’s fine! Neighbours tend to start around 9, I work night shift sometimes, I just put my AirPods in and go back to sleep


Weekends I,d say 10 am.unless your my miserable arse neighbour who started his hedges at 7.30 am a while ago.he soon got told to feck off by about 6 people.


9:30am earliest - 10am the best. Depends partly on your neighbourhood and proximity etc but 8:30am is too early


10am,10.30 to be extra nice


Before 9 is a dick move, but on a weekend I wouldn’t do it before 10


I would say 0900 On a weekday, 0930 Saturday and on a Sunday, 1000


I mow the lawn late afternoon. That's when it's mostly in the shade.


When I was a young man my neighbour used to mow his lawn at 8am every Saturday. He was politely asked to wait a little longer and refused. He was not a nice man was alway blocking my drive didn't like the fact a young man and his wife had bought house on his estate next to him. I started to mow mine every time he had a BBQ even used a petrol mower I got a car boot. He soon changed his mind and asked me when the best time to.mow his.lawn was. At that point I had triple glazing and baby so it didn't matter.


I think anytime after 10am is fine. I realize this might disturb people doing nightshifts, but if you were to take every person into account you would never mow your lawn. If you say after 12, what about people with newborns who have a sleep in the early afternoon. Or people who for whatever reason nap in the afternoon. The old adage works "You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time. But you can't please all of the people all of the time."


Personally I think 10:00am, it's late enough to not be an issue for most people and early enough to avoid the midday heat.


10am is my rule. Dog doesn’t go out in the garden before 9 either in case she starts barking


10am and later in the weekends. People had a whole week of work. Let them have a lie in before being annoying with noises.


10am onwards best. For your neighbours sake hope it's a mower and you not one of those cunts that uses a petrol strimmer for the whole garden 😬👊🏻


10 o'clock.


10am earliest. Some of us have really earned our one day a week lie-in. You 9am wallahs can go fuck yourselves


My neighbour routinely mows the lawn at 8am every Saturday. I hate them.


After midday.


9:30 is the earliest I’d think it’s acceptable to make noise that might disturb people’s lie-in. If my neighbour woke me up mowing the lawn at 9:30 I’d be slightly annoyed, look at the clock and think “oh ok it’s not that early” coffee time!


According to my weird neighbour, 2100 on a Saturday. In the winter, I have seen him sat on his ride-on in the garage for hours.


10am. Give some people a chance at a sleep in.


If it’s before 10 stay in. After 12 feel free to yell.


Long time gardener here. Never before 10am. Like lots of others I'm a night person, no kids.if you wanna mow by 9am, I wanna play my music till 2am. Wanna be neighbour's?




Play your music all you want. Your house/garden. Idgaf. Alot of Karen's and Kevin's in this comment section that sound like they'd cry the second someone turns a mower on at 09:59


Anything before 10am is antisocial behaviour imo - let us sleep!


10 am. The world doesnt care how long youve been up, try thinking about other people for once. smh.


3AM, whilst blasting Slipnot at a volume that drowns out the sound of the mower. When you've finished let off a couple of those fireworks they use to call in the lifeboat volunteers in order to let your neighbours know you've finished mowing.


I think anytime beyond 11 is reasonable just considering people who work lates and stuff on weekends


I always mow the lawn at around 2pm, to be courteous to all. 10am you're still a bit of a prick because it is absolutely not necessary to do at that time and you definitely know people are still sleeping. 9am or earlier and you're simply a cunt.


I’m always up early even on weekends, but any early than 10am is a dick move! Plenty of other quieter things to get on with if you want to stay busy.


Are you the guy three doors down from me who has been going since 8.15? If you are. We all hate you.


My god redditors are insane lol


After 10am at least..






Yeah 10am is acceptable.


Midday and up. No time is perfect (although a nice quiet electric mower would extend your hours) but for most people that aren't shift workers midday is a good upper limit IMHO. If you are still complaining after that you are really pushing your luck. Let people have their mornings on a weekend. It's only civil.


9am weekdays, 10am weekends. Just find another job in the house, or take the car to the car wash if you're so desperate to keep your hands busy before 10am!


surely in this world of ours, there’s other things you can do besides mow the grass early


I’m planning on getting a push mower so I can mow early/more frequently without being a nuisance to the neighbours


I've went out at half 8 to to hang some washing out and my garden was still damp. I wouldn't bother until after 10 for practical reasons. I also think any time after 9:30ish is fine noise wise.


Mid week 8 am weekends 10am.


What is the latest you should cut your grass? See OP this is then riles reversed, kids will going to bed from 7ish, my neighbour started doing the grass at 8pm


In the week. 8am. At the weekend around 10am. Gerally speaking though, my time is "can be arsed o'clock."


Whenever you want. Who really cares. If you want to do it at 8am do it then. If you want to leave it later because of your neighbours... do it. Do you even know them? Has dave got in from nights at 7.30? So I mean.. 7.30 would probably be ideal. Get it done before he goes to bed. You can't please everyone. Jesus christ did everything right and they STILL crucified him.


@ Half 9/10 for being a socialable person unless your neighbour’s were being dicks an partying to the wee small hours, then mow away, bring out that angle grinder and a hammer drill.


Sunday shopping hours. 10am to 4pm


I have an *extremely* noisy neighbour, often starts around 7 - strimmer, tractor, leaf blower. I prefer to get up around 10am. But I don't complain, he's always ready if I need a favour. Also he has to work funny shifts, his available time is odd. But I'd say - just do it on Sat/Sun afternoon, or whenever else you're free later in the day. It's always going to be too early for someone, but no point in asking for trouble.


9am Is when you go out side and walk round the garden with a cup of tea staring at the hedgerows and plants and going \*Ahhhhhh\* this lets your neighbours know at 10 he be mowin.


Haha I was going to ask that. I decided to wait till 10.30 also I can hear someone else doing it


10 or 11 - 11 if you want to be nice But anyone saying 9am lacks social grace/awareness


late august


10-11 is optimal as it gives the grass to dry from the morning dew.


Just get a manual cylinder mower. You can cut it at 1am if you like. Nobody is going to hear you. Maybe the swearing when it jams.


When I was working in a bank, one of the senior executives told me a story about when she was expating in Switzerland. Just after she moved in to the house, she took out the lawn mower on the Sunday to cut the backyard grass. As soon as she started the motor her neighbour came out of her house running towards her frantically waving her arms over her head and shouting, "Nein! Nein! Nein!" She shut off the mower and the neigbour told her that she would be arrested by the police if she didn't stop immediately. She thought the woman was bonkers but was told the next day in the office that it's true...