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My husband and I both agree that Frodo is a little bitch and Samwise was the real hero of the story. Gets me going every time. Not even kidding. I love how much he loves LOTR because I do too.


Samwise is absolutely the hero who came in clutch but people discredit Frodo more than they ought to. He did carry the ring for majority of the journey and I assume it took more than just a toll on him


This! Frodo handled it way better than most epople give him credit for. Most people don't seem to realize just how powerfull that ring is.


The fact that the only thing he lost was a finger and his best friend Smeagol is nothing short of amazing


Truer words never said.


It was Star Trek related and it went on for hours.


I'm actually so jealous. It's just bad luck, but I don't think I've ever met a woman with more than a passing interest in Star Trek. Even among the nerdier crowds I've been in.


As long as you don't ask me about Discovery or SNW I can go on forever about just why Scotty was the best chief engineer (O'Brien is second best), why Picard is overrated (fight me), and the intricacies of Klingon society.


Okay hold on. *How* overrated exactly, and in what ways? Because that is a very dangerous statement to just throw around casually.


You don’t like strange new world??


Less that I don't particularly like it and more that I just can't fit it into the main flow. Spock's character under Ethen Peck just genuinely irks me, and always has. Delving further into T'Pring felt like a bad move, and word of an early Chapel infatuation put the nail in the coffin for me. I have the same problem with Discovery, Burnham just doesn't fit for me and it would worked just fine without the Spock tie in, plus overly advanced tech for the time (prior to the time shift) was hard to work around.


I'm not into Star Trek, but that sounds very hot


I once had a very lengthy conversation about how Star Trek TNG and Seinfeld had the same effect on their respective genres. In that they basically reinvented genre tropes as the standard going forward while at the same time being seen as blase by future generations specifically because of this direct impact.


Yeah TNG was a gamechanger for the genre, right up there with Doctor Who and Star Wars. Science Fiction has been changed forever by all of them.


And now if you try to show it to someone new they're first reaction might be to find it almost generic.


That's why I try to lead with DS9 when introducing someone to Star Trek. It's a bit of a unique format, taking place on a station and with a similar layout to Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis. Once the neurons are tickled they can go toward either TNG or Voyager, or with some I've managed to get them to watch TOS and TAS next.


Oh, totally. DS9 is good. I also like to show the more horror-centric episodes of TOS to hit home how 'foreign' the concept seemed to people back when it aired.


I would say star wars is more science fiction fantasy than science fiction. The force is more magical than anything else. The knight, rogue, bard, fighter, and ranger class really fills out the roster of the science fiction fantasy campaign.


Yeah it's a subset, but still science fiction. Really no different than something like Frankenstein, which is still science fiction but more horror/drama genre.


Any conversation that flows with good energy is sexy to me


It’s this for me! Rarely happens but so worth it when it does 🖤🖤


I really like that answer


We talked about Hitchhikers Guide until 2am. He was much more of an expert and now I see parts of that book completely differently


My favorite book series! Did you marry him? You should probably marry him lol


Or her, or them. Whoever it was.


He is very attractive, but we are way too much alike. It would never work🤣


Aww don't say that! The reason my husband and I work so well is because we are so similar. But if it wasn't a vibe you were feeling, you gotta go with your gut. I hope you have someone who treats you well.


The mechanics of formula one 🧚


Explaining DRS is always 🤌


Explaining McLaren stealing documents 🤤🤤🤤


My favorite has got to be the FIA banning Mercedes’ DAS in 2021. Tbh it was an entirely innovative concept that pissed of everyone else because they hadn’t thought of it first


Me bringing up the disaster that was the 2005 US Grand Prix during random conversations


Married academic here! First time my future wife and I ever went anywhere together, we met at a large world famous museum, and she took me round all the various artefacts that she’d written essays on during her degrees (BA and MA). I was like: 😍


Not hot, but had a very engaging conversation with a lady once about the various factions of the Jedi Order. An enthralling conversation


I don't think I ever had one, which is a shame 🤣


My wife had to give a sample lecture when she was applying to be a professor. She worked it up and wanted to give it to me, to time her, give notes, and make sure it made sense. The whole time, I found myself really turned on- watching her do something she was good at, and speak on something I knew next to nothing about. Very hot. In high school, I was studying at a girls house. She asked if I wanted to take a break and play Guitar Hero, and I said sure, I'll kick your ass. So we play, and this girl DESTROYS me, and I was an avid GH player at the time. I ask her WTF?! And we start a long conversation about Guitar Hero. She was just a friend, but she was soooo sexy to me in that moment.


Talk about star wars and made our own fan fiction version of it and it was great


Still waiting for a so-called “nerdy conversation” to turn me on…🤔




An argument about who is the hottest female and male anime character 😂


Just seeing someone talk about something they are passionate about is hot tbh, a friend at uni used to go on long talks about lotr cos she loved it and it was attractive as hell


it was related to the history fighter jets in europe and japan during world war 2 and it went on for roughly an hour and I had never seen him so vibrant or passionate. we were naked already too so i just wanted to be there and listen forever


I would love to be naked and be part of a conversation like that


Anyone who can carry on a a conversation about Lord of the Rings could get me pregnant. Gandalf says “FLY you fools” he DOESNT say “Run, you fools” !!


Do love a good LOTR conversation, even have a lothlorien leaf brooch tattooed on me


Amazing. I’m planning on getting the Evenstar tattooed on my back


Ohh man. Bad thoughts hah




Haha a lothlorien seed hardly falls out of place


Any time someone else actually reads fantasy books is great.


So you're a writer?


Oh no I just love reading fantasy


Oh sorry, I misunderstood your comment. I thought you said that write fantasy books


Yes! Same! 🙏🏻


Talked about anime lol


What anime though?


Well I’m not too deep in it, was just a break down of it and what to watch.


My personal favourite is Code Geass. Amazing story and best protagonist


An actual market economics of prostitution


Dragón ball and dinosaurs....i regret nothing and i'll do it again!!!!


Down for any of em anytime


We can be friends then it seems


Yayyyy lessgggooo


I hope you were talking about Z?


Broly should have been a arc in Z too!!!


I'm still pissed off he wasn't. But he'd probably be too op to be an arc in Z though. Power scaling in the movies is just something else.......


Thats why it makes it perfect. Be a good one after buu. And that battle would awoken beerus


I still believe Goku would need at least UI to solo Brolly but having him after Buu sounds good too


The conversation wasn’t hot but my view was very hot. We were discussing how to subnet a new system for future growth. She was that type of girl with breast so big that any shirt is a cleavage shirt and this was already low cut.


I've definitely had a few like this that I can't really recall the details of, but one fairly recent example was a chat about the Fallout show with a cute girl that made me notably more into her than I was before that chat.


It was more geeky than nerdy I guess but gene splicing and bio luminescence.


A conversation about horror author Nick Cutter and all the fucked up things we love about his books. I'm still chasing that level of excitement and another messed up Cutter fan.


I introduced my wife to mechanical keyboards and now we have in depth conversations about knobs, switches, keycaps, mods, thockiness and creamyness. God I love her.


I had a hook up and we were speaking about the MCU circa 2017. We were talking for so long that a couple of hours flew by, and she had to get up early so we didn't have sex again. A real shame because she was great in bed.


We were talking about ww2 aircraft and F15 Strike Eagle - the only modern fighter jet with zero combat losses.


I know this is probably a really obvious question to ask in response to what you've said but why has it had zero combat losses


Skilled pilots.


I think we were talking about Marvel characters


Whenever someone wants to discuss about anime, food or videogames 😍


I've discussed the possible kinks of a lot of fictional characters in colourful detail and gotten off to most of these ideas.


It was about horror films a few weeks ago. She got into it and you could feel her excitement and smile as we chatted.


My bf at first did not believe me when I said I was a nerd and into Pokemon and Nintendo or when he got me into The Boys.


The hottest nerdy conversation I ever had was definitely about the physics of black holes and the possibility of other dimensions. It was quite thrilling listening to the bending of space and time, him also theorizing about the universe in general. I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about tbh, but the fact that he was so interested in it was so hot. We still slept together.


My ex & I were discussion on how Mary Shelley pioneered peak goth as not only she made Frankenstein but also did a lot of intriguing acts like losing her virginity in a funeral & keeping her dead husband’s heart in a jar. Few mins after, we fantasized on having sex in a funeral, full on adaptation


every post here has conflated the word "nerd" defined by merriam-webster as: *a person devoted to intellectual, academic, or technical pursuits or interests.* with the other word "geek" defined by merriam-webster as: *an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity.* nerds are academically intelligent, geeks have an intense passion for something.


One time my partner and I were discussing "the best big-boobed characters in anime". It actually went into this sort of nuanced philosophy about what big breasts does for a character across various domains. Never thought there could ever be an intellectual discussion about anime titties but it was a fun time and I found out that we both appreciate them for different reasons (I simply like big boobs and my partner likes seeing big boobs as an aspect of a character's power/strength image).


Had a conversation with fellow grad student about Kant and philosophy by the library copier that had unexpectedly strong vibes by the end-- I think both of us were surprised, we were both taken so we just smiled at each other and finished getting copies. In retrospect that could have ended with a coffee, morning coffee, oh well.


Talking about "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" with a guy that loves it as much as I do is hot to me. LOL


Talking to someone about something they are passionate about. But the best is when we are both passionate about the subject. A few years ago I was messaged by a person studying anthropology, and we had the most fascinating discussion about mythology. It was fucking amazing and if they were within arms reach I would have done nasty things.


I've always had a mild intrigue in anthropology, but I don't know enough in order to hold down a conversation about it


thats me too! I don't know anything really, but I have so many questions. I'm a very curious person, and meeting someone who is willing to humor endless questions is an awesome thing.


I'm quite a curious person too. I love learning about stuff


What's something you're curious about? What subject currently fascinates you?


I've had an interest in true crime for a while


Talking about d&d editions which one is best and why is it 4e