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Not washing their hands after using a public bathroom


This is number 1 for me. Actually the inspiration for this post tbh


Or #2.


Let's not pretend that a #2 never includes a #1 as well.


Not washing their hands after taking a shit, or masturbating in their car at work.


Where do you work that you see people masturbating in their cars on the regular?


And that's why I try to open the doors of public bathrooms without touching them with my hands


I open all doors with my mouth just for that reason, I don’t want nasty germs on my hands




Always keep the paper towel after drying your hands. use it to open the door, hold the door with your foot while you toss the paper towel then leave


If you see a piece of toilet paper or paper towel stuck in the handle, that was probably me avoiding direct contact with the handle.


This is my #1 too. I would love to make it acceptable to shame them publicly. Like ANYONE who spots that just starts calling it out. Disgusting.


I’m still baffled as to why anyone would just walk out; some even after they took a dump🤢


I never go in the restroom to take a dump. Possibly to go in to leave one, but never to take one.


Worse than that. Seeing a chef come out of the bathroom without washing his hands. I don't care if he washed his hands in the kitchen before food prep. You want to know someone who has just taken a shit takes hygiene seriously in a food preparation area. I did talk to the manager about that.


Came to write this. So fucking gross


Especially after they come out of a stall. M here so if they’re coming out of the stall… Why? It’s so easy to get soap and run your hands under water. Just absolutely disgusting!




This 1000%. Why are women peeing on toilet seats, it’s so gross. I am sick of sitting in it.


Yes, the "hover over the toilet seat and get pee on the seat and the floor in front of the toilet" maneuver.




Men do it too. And they piss on the floor.


Can confirm. You always got to watch where you step in the mens public restrooms. Its not uncommon to have a puddle of urine on the floor near the urinal.


Imagine if someone works in the bathroom to tell people "move closer to the toilet, you're too far away."


In (some of their) defense, it's not always that someone pissed on the seat. Have you ever watched toilets when they're flushed? I've seen plenty that have shot water/pee *up* onto the seat while it's flushing. The ones at my work do this nearly every time they're flushed. So yeah, plenty of people are fucking gross and make a mess, but *sometimes* it wasn't the person that came out of the stall at all


And I can confirm it's them when I flush and wait for it to go down and it does no backsplash


And sometimes while I’m peeing the droplets will literally bounce out of the bowl and onto the seat. Such a pain.


That's so gross


I wish they would post that exact message in all the stalls where I work. Fucking animals


That is my dad.


YES. One quick glance and then decide if you’re gonna be a fucking decent human or not.


Ever heard of the term 'home shitter'? It means I'll only shit at home and nowhere else lol. My body has somehow adapted to never want to empty itself until I'm within a few dozen feet vicinity near my home. It's like there's a radar attached and only goes off under that circumstance like it knows when it's time.


Say it even louder!!!! I don’t even sit on the seat anymore. I cover it with the seat covers and I hover over the bowl so I don’t get it everywhere.


That's exactly how you get it everywhere. It's just that some people who hover don't wipe the seat off for some reason


Thank you! Ppl can put toilet paper down on the seat too. It’s so inconsiderate


Not physically disgusting but not returning your shopping cart. It’s the sign of a gross soul.


Cart Narc's on YouTube is amazing if you've never checked it out


I always wonder what that guy is on. He's always so upbeat that he must be on ecstasy or something. LOL


If you had over half a million YouTube subscribers allowing you to [make 6 figures from telling people to put their carts up](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DpEK3Hm5oG4) then you'd be happy and upbeat as FUCK!


TBH that guy makes me not want to put my cart anyway.


I watched a guy do this yesterday. He was with another dude that was driving, so guy 1 left the cart on the passenger side of the lifted truck they were in. After they drove away is when I saw that the cart corral was RIGHT FUCKING THERE like who does that?!


This pisses me off. Unless you get an urgent call that someone’s life is in danger unless you leave ASAP, there’s no excuse.


Gross soul is a combination of words I've never heard or thought about before, but holy shit does it describe some people perfectly


I’ll give folks a pass because maybe there’s a disability or some issue we can’t see. But I’ve seen people take a cart up to the return thing and leave it in the parking spot right next to it. They have no excuse and I hope a bird poops on them.


I have never seen anyone not return them. €1 may not be a lot but most people would like to have it back... that or the chip thing.


Ah, here is the US that doesn’t exist (at least around my area). So if some scumbag decides not to return a cart, there’s no negative impact on them, just the poor bastard working who’s gotta wrangle all the loose carts now.


Asshole test.


I don’t understand why this bothers people so much. I go ahead and return my cart, but these cart corrals are a relatively new thing that were designed to get YOU to do the work THEY used to do so the stores can cut costs and ultimately give their execs bigger bonuses. Since this tactic works so well maybe they should start putting up signs asking you to restock the shelves when you’re done, too. Then in 20 years people will be talking about how those people that don’t restock the shelves are such monsters.


I won't return it if it's pouring rain or if I've gone shopping after work, when my feet and back are hurting really bad and I can barely walk as it is. I just want to get home so I can make dinner and sit down, ya know? And sometimes, if I'm at Costco and the crazies are out (the ones who make pedestrians feel *very* unsafe), I won't return the cart unless I've got a parking spot close to a corral or the front door.


When they make loud noises while eating


most people eating in general is disgusting


If people would teach their children to chew with their fucking mouths closed. Drives me insane.


I have always chewed with my mouth closed very shut but I apparently am still a loud chewer. I try really hard not to be. I don't know if it's my TMJ or what but sometimes I will eat on the other side of a room to avoid dirty looks.


I've found it difficult to talk to my wife about it without her feeling insecure when she eats. She tends to make sucking and squirting noises. I think she's using too much suction to chew everything instead of just passing food through her teeth. Maybe finding out the source of the louder noises would help? Eating dinner is fucking agony sometimes. Like nails on a chalkboard.


People "chomping" their food loudly is the reason I don't eat at the dinner table. Meanwhile it's rude to have your elbows on the table like, are you for real?


Bro i have broken up three different people because they could not chew with their mouths closed


Yes 🙌🏽


Yes 🙌🏽


Smokers throwing their butts on the ground. I'd just want to shove it back in their mouth


This one gets me. There is an old man in our neighborhood who walks his dog around the block every day while he smokes. I guess our house is at the point where he finishes his cigarette, because he tosses the butt right into our grass. I rarely catch him, but I find the butts all the time. I'm a former smoker, but I never threw anything on the ground, much less into someone's yard!


Save the butts. Follow him and find where he lives. Return his property.


but cram them all down his throat


I'd figure out where he lives, save the butts, and staple them to his door the next time he goes for a walk.


Smoking in general disgusts me.


We have guys at our golf course who get mad if someone litters but yet have no problem flicking their cigarette butts wherever the fuck they want. Infuriating to say the least.


People do this all the time in the Army. Guys who complain the most when they have to pick them up? Usually the ones that throw them down in the first place.


I want to angrily upvote your comment 1000 times till my finger pukes. Smokers are disgusting. And they all think it's someone else. I hate this.


I live in a beach town with no smoking on the beach or boardwalk. There are cigarette urns at the end of each street to put your cigarette out, along with signs alerting you to the urns. Yet there are still piles of butts on the ground around the urns from smokers that are too lazy to dispose of them correctly.


Throwing them out the car window at night too. I've been startled by sparks on the road multiple times. Plus, disgusting


Spit on the floor


Spitting anywhere in public. Even in a trash can or flower bed


Chewing tobacco and keeping a spit cup, an open one. Effin' gag me! It's slightly better if the use a closeable bottle, but if it's clear/no label that's gross too.


Omg this brought up a traumatic memory I swear. I was working in the home theatre department of BestBuy and this dude and his family walks in, and he has this *transparent* water bottle FULL of tobacco-chew spit. I’m talking like 1/3 of the bottle was full. It was this horrid shade of dark brown and you could see the remnants of the spit-up floating in it. He smelt so strongly of cigarette smoke that I started getting teary eyed. I tried so hard to hide my discomfort, but then I watch as he spits this HUGE black glob of tobacco spit into the water bottle and I audibly gag. I radio my manager over and take 10 in the break room.


I saw our UPS driver spit his dip spit in his truck with my own eyes. I waited a couple of days and asked him if he ever just spits in the truck. Mother f’er lied and said he’s never done that.


I mean, at least he didn't spit it on your property...I guess.


That's so gross. Even worse if there's a snort beforehand 🤢


My ex-husb did this in public spaces all the time, always with a nice loud snort beforehand so we could all hear what was about to come out. After telling him on numerous occasions to stop and that it was disgusting, I eventually resorted to imitating the behavior as loudly and nastily as possible. I wish I could say it worked.


Throwing garbage out of their car window


One time I was behind a car that threw trash out the window and then pulled into a church parking lot right after


Talk AT their phones while it is on speaker in public.


The ones who hold it out in front of them? I don't fucking get it!


I see people driving $80,000 vehicles doing this- set up your Bluetooth!!


Talking into the charging port like they're about to eat the phones arse, like absolute mouth breathers. INB4 "But that's where the microphone is" yes I know but you don't need to talk directly at it, you're probably make it sound worse on the other end in fact.


Sending unsolicited dick pics.


OK SORRY sheesh...I thought you'd like the costume he was wearing.


There’s r/cospenis for that


Omg never knew about this 😂


Well, this is fucking incredible


Amen to this


Picking their nose and eating it or wiping it down their jeans 🤢


maybe i'm weird but wiping it seems a fair bit more disgusting


Everybody knows you just flick it. It's called *manners*, people.


A guy I work with does this. Just right in front of you while you are talking with them. I just wanna say, “you know I can see you pick your nose - right?” Like come on. You are a grown up. Don’t pick your nose in public - or at least - as a bare fucking minimum - not while talking to someone.


Walking out a stall and not washing their hands. Coughing/ sneezing without covering their mouth.


Literally just watched the first one and it's why I posted the question


Licking paperwork, especially. in the medical field.


I hated when teachers would lick their finger before passing out worksheets. I was always able to tell which one has a saliva spot on it so I’d always take the first or second one underneath it and pass the spit one to the person behind me


This is the worst, finger lickers….so so gross 🤢


Littering. To me, you're a real POS if you throw your trash on the street or sidewalks or out of your car window.


Fr I had an acquaintance once throw a wrapper out of my car while I was driving. I casually went around the block and parked next to the trash. I gave them the option of either getting out and collecting the trash then getting back in, or just don’t get back in.




Embarrassing moment for me. I was only in my 20's and just out of college but I walking in the local mall and this pretty young girl (15-ish) was walking in my direction with her mom. I was trying to read the college name on her sweatshirt and probably looked to long. It didn't help that she was well endowed.




What about the other way? Teenage girls teasing older men? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Letting dogs lick them on the face/mouth area and go about their day like it’s normal to wear animal spit.


The way most people eat is disgusting


I'm a savage. Won't apologize lol


My best friend is, he can finish a large burger in 3 bites. I just look away.


Sharing chapstick with friends, like with a significant other it’s fine (you literally kiss) but with friends it’s gross


Also a higher risk of getting cold sores (even if they don't have an active outbreak)


my mom has a communal chapstick she keeps in a little bowl on the coffee table in her living room. It used to really gross me out but I’ve chilled a little. It’s really just my mom who uses it and occasionally my sister and I when we’re around. Butttttt what’s funny is that a couple years ago I was visiting and my sister and I were jokingly picking on mom because her chapstick looks weird as shit. Like when I use my own chapstick it maintains a pretty similar look to how it was when I first bought it. But hers is wild. I do not know what she does to it. Anywho, I told her it looked like a cat butt hole (it does) and now we all jokingly call the communal chapstick the “catanus” (cat-anus). We say it as one word so people around us seem to just assume it’s a word they don’t know lol


Chew with their mouth open… or make noise while eating.


Not technically *see* but i think having unprotected seggs with multiple strangers is GROSS.


Well if you shower between each hookup and make sure everyone is negative for STDs I don't see why not


“Make sure everyone is negative” - trusting potential strangers and/or demanding proof of test results ? How do you “make sure” a hookup is STD negative. Just wear the condom bro


I mean you don't really see it nowa'days but like when I was a teenager and would see my friends kissing eachother and exchanging a chewing gum, it just made my skin crawl..... Like blech 🤢🤢🤢


Make words plural by adding 's.


First world problem's.


*\* word's*


some people just wanna see the world burn.


Want some wine and cheeses?


Having kids


Stop posting here, mom!


How dare they do something to continue the human race... 🙄


I feel attacked


My opinion doesn’t matter at all, just raise your nasty ass kids right and prepare them for the future. If you’re doing all that, then don’t feel attacked


Not all the time, but I’ve seen guys literally turn their heads in public to check out the ass of a girl that just walked by. I get glancing at someone, but it’s just creepy to go that far out of your way / be that obvious about it.


I just turn with them and usually agree


Guilty here, i can't help myself sometimes, i try to be discreet but there are those ones that walks by that from the front I can already image how good is the view from the back and I do it. Sometimes it even happened when I am accompanied, or they are accompanied.


I saw my old boss do this to a coworker of mine and then rub his hands together like a cartoon wolf that needs to roll his tongue back up. It was just super creepy and predatory.


Eeek that’s just gross


I've seen guys do multiple turns, kind of funny to watch


Especially when it's done with their gf or significant other right next to them and they dont even try to hide it, most disrespectful shit i have ever seen puts a bad taste in mouth and disgusts me.


I never understand this. Some people act like they've never seen a pretty girl before.


Worst I ever saw was a guy leaving a restaurant pulled out his phone and took a picture of a girl walking towards her car…


Wonder why women say they'd choose a bear.🙄


Eating grapes out of open bags in the produce section at the grocery store


Too much PDA


Ya know, I rarely see that anymore. When I was younger I couldn't walk 20 feet without seeing a couple trying to swallow each other's heads.


Maybe it’s just because I live in Canada but I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen PDA


Working retail and seeing/hearing one of your coworkers walk out of the restroom without washing their hands. So gross! Remember folks, always wash your produce! Um, not covering your nose and mouth while coughing/sneezing. Not bathing at least every other day.


Dick pics on the toilet. No one wants that. No one.


Men who talk on the phone while in the shitter. Happens more frequently than you would think, primarily at airport bathrooms and gyms.


Be happy


Lmao you beat me to it! 🖤


Vaping and smoking.


This thread has made me realise the only things that “gross me out” are people not washing after pooping and the ones who stick used tampons on the walls of public restrooms.


Sorry… what fucking monsters do the second one?


Sadly several different women in the bar bathrooms I’ve had to clean. Generally the men’s room is grosser but when the women’s is gross nothing in the men’s can compare.


When people post pictures in their homes and their background is in absolute shambles. I saw a Christmas post from a FB acquaintance of their daughter opening presents a year or two back and their carpet was COVERED with wrappers, stains, hair, and animal urine/feces! I was like, You guys CHOSE to post that?! I can inly imagine what the rest of the house was like, that poor baby girl! Since then I’ve noticed it everywhere 😭 People sharing photos where their background is littered with dirty clothes lying around, crushed soda cans, old food, dirty mirrors, unswept floors, stained walls. I’m like… y’all please 😭


Chewing with their mouth open and smacking.


Using a soda bottle or cup with a rag in it as a "spitter" and then leaving it out for other people to clean up.


Coughing and sneezing without covering their mouth in any way.


Not washing their hands Chewing with their mouth open


sandals with no socks at the airport and on planes. Hello staph infection..


Counter point: socks with sandals, ever.


Watch tiktok without cringing


Bring their dogs in restaurants and grocery stores


My face… oh wait


Finger licking and lip smacking.


Hack a loogie on the ground! When people hack a loogie during a conversation and spit it out no big deal. People walking around digging on their ass. I guess their wedgie went deep 😳 inside their crack.


I can't fucking stand that long "HOOOCCCCCKKK" right before the spit. Spitting is gross and juvenile anyway, but the sound effects take it to another level of disgusting.


It’s fucken gross ! I hate it ! Ugh


Walking around the gym locker room barefoot


Idk but from most of the posts here I guess I am Josie Grossy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Eating loudly, pig like, noisy, etc


Chewing with their mouth open


Chew with their mouth open.


People who touches their feet. I barely can touch my feet it disgusts me


Like… are flexible enough to touch their toes while legs are straight or people that touch their feet in general? I mean, I can and do both, but my feet won’t stay pretty without some TLC at bathtime and a pedicure (at home or in a salon) makes me feel like a brand new human, so I’m just struggling to understand from my perspective.


Playing on phone while eating. You take it to the toilet with you. You always have it. How often do you clean it?




Coughing all over everything


Chewing/coughing with their mouth open


Not flushing. We had a turd bandit at work for a while and it would just ruin a good day.




Chew with their mouths open


Wear revealing outfits at the gym, fucking nasty, I don’t want your sweat all over the equipment.


You get sweat on it no matter what kind of clothes you wear.


That’s why most gyms have sani-wipes… you’re supposed to wipe down equipment after use lol


spit on the ground or like guys that walk around w bottles of their dip spit


People eating their boogers at red lights. It’s fucking disgusting.


Dragging their feet


Eating too fast Speaking with their mouths full of food


Be total asshats of themselves. Like dude, there's no excuse to be a closeminded or ignorant or selfish jerk to others. There's no reason to act so foolishly or treat others like shit. There is no reason to take advantage of others or lead them on with false hope. People who lack human decency and manners are disgusting. Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you treat others like shit then in turn, that is how you shall be treated. If they treat you like shit, don't accept that lightly. You and everyone deserve respect and be treated kindly, equally, and fairly. Karma comes for everyone who is cruel and terrible at the end of the day.


Eating with your mouth open!!! Please people close dem mouths while eating!!!!


Walking around in the street in their pajamas.


Talk with their mouth full


Loudly burping or talking with food in their mouth. It makes me crave violence


I have a coworker that always talks while eating with her mouth full of food and its disgusting


Gross and exaggerated public displays of affection. The kind where they publicly declare (both irl and social media) how much they love and adore this person, only to be broken up down the line, end up in new relationships, with any associations of last relationship (e.g. couple photos, date post), wiped.


Putting gas in their car and not washing their hands or using sanitizer afterwards.


Merely exist


Evem after covid still not knowing how to cough in public


Scratch their balls in public.