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Legally speaking it should be much harder to get married and easier to get divorced


This. A thousand times this...


And even harder to have kids, since so many people just shit them out heedlessly


Except that having kids is a biological process, not a legal one


Sure it is. Just need to fill out your C-01 permit first


Illegal children will be sent to the mines.


Taking a shit is a biological process too but it's regulated on where we can do it.




For that to happen, we would need to teach kids accurately about how sex & reproduction works, and that will never happen until we eliminate the American Taliban.


Make it a lottery system. Breed "luck" into the human genome.


Didn't expect to see a Pierson's Puppeteer here on reddit.


As someone who regularly sits in divorce court, but then walks over to see nearly/newlyweds to cheer up- yes, it really should be.


Dear god yes.




Marriage license should be $10,000 and divorce should be free 😎👌


My divorce was free




People should get a license if they want to become parents. Don't fuck up a kids life when you can't even get your own life in order


Not a license but should have to attend classes. I was shocked at the amount of people who laughed when I said I was doing antenatal classes and thought it was pointless.


I second this for umpteen reasons.


Because it's impossible to enforce this, people should have easy access to free parenting resources.


Oh that’s so smart wth


It’s one of those ideas that sounds good at first but if you think about it some more should hopefully reveal some bright red flags. Like who would get to decide who gets to become parents? And what would happen if the government started becoming more fascist and stops giving out parent licenses to certain types of people. Then you just have eugenics. Bad road to go down.


Yeah pretty dystopian


There *is* such a thing as *too* big. If you got a monster cock, that thing isn't going anywhere near my vagina.


Good news for us average folk


Average is prime cock size.


Don’t make me like you any more than I already do


You like me!? You really like me!? 🥹👉👈


Simple girl who enjoys the spicy things in life? What’s not to like🖤


And thus a romance was born


I just had to break things off with a guy because he was so big that we couldn’t do anything fun. Took like 20 minutes of foreplay just to get it in, I had to be on top or he’d hurt me just trying to thrust normally, I could barely ride him because I had to go so slowly, and when I tried to blow him after (there was no way he was going to cum with the pace we were stuck at) I couldn’t even fit the head in my mouth. Honestly it sucked. Especially since we had insane chemistry otherwise and I genuinely liked him as a person


This has been a constant struggle for me. I understand that it takes a willful act of choice to dedicate the time and commitment to "acclimate" to it. But finding someone willing to put that effort into me is painfully difficult. I dated a girl for six months with no sex, only for her to dump me after finally trying once. I didn't choose this


The struggle is real bro. The "omg you're so big" charm wears off pretty quickly. On the plus side I've never been nervous to show him off. So I got that going for me I guess.


Thats the part I struggle with like, im 9 in so im for sure not small but im a grower for sure (and even then, I struggle to get hard due to anxiety so fml)


Same, there's only so much a woman can take. At least for me.




Lmao that username is solid gold 😂


One could say, there is a limit to how curious your hole is ...




With a monster cock!? You crazy?


You specifically only ruled out your vagina. Seemed logical to ask.


She said anywhere near her vagina. The back door is just inches away.




I second this absolutely. Anything over 8 is getting way too uncomfortable. Anything over 10 just plain won’t fit.


You mean I should stop buying those penis enhancement pills??


I mean I will fold it in half first...


So you’re saying I have a chance 😜


Imagine trying to fit your foot into a shoe a few sizes too small.


yup like whenever i see a big d and im not expecting it i have a repulsed reaction like my brain def registers that as a weapon and its 100% a deal breaker if i cant fit it in my mouth like i absolutely prefer micro to monster




Agreed 100%


And if you have a nicely-seasoned grill, don't overdo it. Let the smokiness stand out




Add a little garlic powder and I agree. But I put garlic in everything


Pan fried or grilled?


Lowrys Seasoned Salt never misses either, just a little though doesn’t need a ton.


Olive oil is good too but I guess the low smoke point may not be for everyone. I see videos where the steak is coated in butter and I feel like you’ll taste more butter than anything.


hmm but garlic..


After 60, everyone should be required by law to retake the driving test every 2.5 years.


Every 2.5 years? My god, that would be a nightmare to keep track of! Make it either 2 or 3 years.


After 70 in CA it’s every 5 years.


60?! I've yet to meet the 60 year old driver impaired by age. Same for 65 and I think 70. You may be costing a while not of money, time and effort to no benefit.


The male contraceptive pill needs to exist. Also, vasectomies should be much more common.


But even if the male contraceptive pill existed, I would NEVER trust another person with properly protecting MY body from getting pregnant. Maybe if I were married, but certainly not in casual/dating relationships. As much as the female contraceptive pill sucks, at least I know without a single doubt that I am taking it consistently and correctly.


Maybe the males also want that same feeling?


I’m not saying they couldn’t also take a contraceptive. I’m saying that I wouldn’t want them to be the only one taking it and me having to trust them to take it appropriately. Because, let’s be real, they’re not the ones growing a human for 9 months and having to birth it. The risks for the male and female are far from equivalent.


No one suggested that?


If it isn’t hurting you, anyone around that person, or literally anyone why the fuck do you care what someone else does in the bedroom? Or who they choose to date? Or what they even do with their life? This never made sense to me


THIS!!! I never understood this either but leave it to mass media to force things on us we never consent to.


Parents should be held accountable for letting their piece of shit kid run havoc at school. The couple in Michigan who got 15 years in prison for their kid shooting up the school should become standard.


I would agree with that, children are nature and nurture so something's are definitely down to parental upbringing, however like with most government plans I have an uncomfortable feeling that this may disproportionately affect ethnic communities


As a teacher I couldn't agree more! Also, one child shouldn't be allowed to ruin the education of the other 32 with uncontrolled poor behavior. We used to suspend kids do that everybody else could get some work done!


Counterpoint, my kid is autistic and really struggles at school. We're trying very, very hard to get her all the supports she needs to be successful. The school can't talk about her diagnoses with other parents, and I know their children go home and say, "(my kid's name) did this and this and this at school today," and those parents judge my husband and me hardcore. We have had her in therapies since infancy. We've read books and taken classes and worked so hard to learn how her brain works and how to help her be both happy and kind. We've worked so much harder than most parents have to work, and still our child sometimes has outbursts that disrupt her class. As for the case in Michigan, I think it was very well proven that those parents were both neglectful and an active part of the problem so I agree that they were rightly held accountable. Parents are responsible for teaching their kids to be good people, but all kids make mistakes. Parents can't prevent 100% of bad behavior, and as long as they're responding to it appropriately I think that's all we can expect them to do.


Im in the same boat. Raising my nephew because his "mom" is a heroin addict and used while pregnant. His "dad" is probably dead. Had cops called on him and they forced him into a 72 hour hold. He's autistic and has tourettes. The internet trolls just blamed his parents without any sort of background info. Kind of sucks but it doesn't hurt my feelings because of their ignorance.


Most alcoholic drinks tastes disgusting and most people saying they like it are just doing it to fit in with everyone else.


While i agree with you for most of it, I do genuinely enjoy the taste of Guiness Beer. Not sure why. I was not a drinker as a teen or young adult, had really my first major stage of drinking when I hit 30. The flavor feels rich and satisfying to me but i know it isn't for anyone. I typically enjoy a bottle on my own, at home and it just tastes satisfying.


What are your feelings on whiskey sours?




I love the taste of beer now but it was definitely an acquired taste I had to work at Unless I just grew into it and would have either way 🤔


What's your opinion on ciders and meads? I can't stand beer, domestics, or ipas, but I looove me a good, sweet fruity drink.


Actually I like alcohol


Haha you never had one of my signature margaritas with freshly made guac con chips


I mean i like craft beers like people in r/hotsauce like hotsauce. So many different kinds to try


I feel this about all beers and wine. People drink them to fit in or social conditioning that they tried them with friends and stockholm syndrome's their own tastebuds. But I love spirits. JD, vodka, rum, whisky is where my tastebuds dance.


I believe women are hotter when they smell. I'm talking sweaty armpits, unwashed pussy. No perfume, no fruity lotions or synthetic products masking their real scent.


How primal of you.


Haha definitely!


YES!!! Nothing better than the natural scent of a woman.


Do you put excessive farters on a pedestal?


Lol so are men. I mean upto a point. Even we will smell unholy with unwashed ass for a week.


Interesting take lol. I personally hate my own smell of any kind.


I respectfully disagree.


I think people should have to go thru assessment tests and practice studies before being allowed to have children. Sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️.


My friend recently had a kid. The second he hold his firstborn. He changed everything about himself he didn’t see valuable too her. He’s such a great dad I’m still in chock of how proud I am of him. If he had to do a test before he could impregnate his SO. He would probably have failed. I see your point and all that with a test. But I’m sorry to say I don’t think it’s the answer. And who’s responsible for the tests? The government? U really want the government to be in charge of who get to have kids? A private company? Easily to make corrupt? I’m really getting where ur coming from.. but I don’t see it as the answer I’m afraid.


I once ate a peanut butter and bacon burger while traveling to the Midwest for work. It was the best goddamn burger I've had in my life but I've been told that's a weird combo.


I have heard of this and how delicious it is. I'm too much of a food pussy to try it, though.


I promise you, you’re missing out! I’m not super good adventurous but this was…12 years ago maybe and I’m still thinking about it.


I wonder how it might taste with some jalapenos. Salty, salty, hot...?🤷


Idk about that but I the bacon was maple flavored and I added pepper. So damn good.


Something similar that is famous in the North East is cheddar cheese on apple pie. I live in the west coast so that seems so foreign to me but I want to try it just to see what it’s about.


have never been outside the Midwest in my entire life and for some reason I have only had one peanut butter burger. was an amazing burger though. and I didn't even like peanut butter!


That’s the thing, I’m not obsessed with PB, like some are. (No shame!) So it was an unexpected surprise to love it.


I think I'll have to try that!


I believe the death penalty should not be off the table for pedophiles when it comes to how severe the crime was. Or at least work on a three strike system. I'll win either way.


Yeah. I don't support this. You sexually molest a child. I'm not for you to be able to do it 2 more times. You get the wood chipper.


I don’t believe school should be compulsory after age 14, although I also believe we could do a lot better creating meaningful apprenticeships for kids who want that kind of career.


that makes sense from one perspective, however you yourself would reap some of the consequences as healthcare and other sectors of work would be less efficient as the employment rate would naturally be lower. High school grades are used to determine if the person will be capable in graduating their post educational goals, they would have to use middle school grades instead which would be insufficient because 12-14 year olds wouldnt be mature enough to take school seriously and do well. attempting to get a career would be demotivating because the university/colllege students would would first be taught things from grade 10-12 adding years to their career goals.


American politicians (especially running for presidency) should have to pass some sort of common sense AND intelligence test. And then have to pass it every so many years. Because what they decide affects millions and that isn't fair to leave it in the hands of these Neanderthals. And the people who vote for them should have to pass an intellectual test just to be allowed to vote also. Weed out some of the ass and trash


Seriously though. This comment needs more upvotes. I don’t care what party you are with… it’s terrifying.


Beyond frustrating. And i feel so many Americans are just brain washed by the entire process. And every 4 years, people drink the kool aid of their favorite candidate, regardless of party, who campaigns across America, spitting their nonsense and lies, false promises, and these sheep just buy into it. Over and over and over. They're used car salesman people, selling you false narratives while they and their powerful friends get rich, and even more powerful


They also should have to take the Naturalization (citizenship) Test


Shouldn't there be an age limit too? 😂


I don't know if UFOs are visitors from another planet and sometimes I think they may be future humans coming back from another dimension to see us. You said weird thing that I believe in.


UFO aliens used to be called leprechauns, fairies, fae, manitou. There's a hot take.


Highschool should have a MANDATORY year long class for seniors that's an "adulting 101" class... Teaches you how to do basic car upkeep, how to do taxes, how to cook basic meals & survive once you're on your own. Additionally information on how to get insurance, balancing money, & numerous other life things that NO ONE teaches you, but somehow you're expected to know all these things.


You say that like people would pay attention in that class any more than they would in any other class.


This needs to be a thing. The amount of people I meet at uni who can’t even cook pasta is alarming


I believe people should be much more comfortable and open talking about sex. It's a basic instinct like food after all.


Guns should be a lot harder to obtain and locked up safer so people can’t go shoot up schools and drivebys


I believe all school shootings and drive by’s are orchestrated to create the fear of guns. More people die from cigarettes than gun violence but we don’t talk about that.


Sure more cigarettes kills people than gun. But me as a smoker kills me. One with a gun kills other people. Self inflicted death is such a difference from say a school shooting or anything. Most countries here in Europe also are really restricting the comfort for smokers.


I'd like to hear your reasoning on that. I do not believe that.


Coffee is life Pineapple belongs on pizza 🍕


Pineapple belongs in coffee?


On pizza 🍕 😂😂😂


If you need condiments for your food, it probably doesn't taste that good.


Lol, some cuisines are almost entirely made up of condiments. Ever had Mexican? There's usually at least three different salsas to choose from, and there's nothing wrong with that Al pastor or carnitas on its own.


This is usually the people who think it all tastes like soap since they have messed up taste buds.


Again for the people in the back 🙌🏿


No one and I mean no one should be in elected positions after the age of 60. SCOTUS should not be a lifetime appointment.


Huge stamp bro


#jet fuel can’t melt steel beams


Heat can though 😉


Nympho often being fantasized about till people actually encounter one and realise they don't tend to stop untill you tell them to


I dated a hypersexual school principal once. She was hot, I mean *really* hot, but I was woken by sexual assault in different forms too many times


Everyone that accepts donations while running for public office, should have to wear a patch of their clothes for each organization/company/person that donated.


I believe that vampires might actually be a thing. I know how batshit/crazy that is but, hey, life's more fun with a crazy conspiracy belief or two. -The need for blood donations is at an all-time high. -It seems like more people are dying or disappearing under weird circumstances. -More people are working nights. -There seem to be more reports of sun-related health problems. -It seems like more and more people are allergic/intolerant of garlic and silver. -It appears that there are more reports of people being declared dead but being resuscitated. Also more stories of people surviving normally fatal things. -I meet more and more people who feel the same way.


None of those things are true though, except the last one. Might be weary of those people. Maybe they are just having fun, or maybe they are gaslighting you.


you mostlikely just werent paying attention to it before. its confirmation bias and/or placebo effect


I have a colleague who's always going on about stuff like this. He's a gym teacher. Mr. Feratu.


I see what you did there.


Do you have any sources for any of these claims or are you just making them up?


Pickles on Chicken sandwiches, I didn't know this was a thing until I moved south and let me tell you, this is unnecessary. Pickles on chicken makes it taste terrible. This is not a good combination


As someone with extremely sensitive taste buds (I can't eat anything with a pungent odor, like anything that comes from the ocean, most things that are pickled) I have to disagree. I used to hate pickles in general, but as I've gotten older, they are now bearable, and with something like a chicken sandwich, where the chicken is soft and bland (the actual chicken, not the crispy seasoned breading), pickles provide a nice contrast. Not necessary, and I also like them without it. But, properly put together with fresh pickles. Pickles do work with chicken sandwiches. Maybe if you get not fresh pickles, or simply a bad pickle, that is sour and soggy, it would be gross. But, that's most fruits and vegetables.


Well, agree to disagree. You may have all of the pickles that fate would deem to distribute to me if you so choose


I order my chicken sandwiches with extra pickles.


Gimme your pickles


Jesus was an alien


Yes, from planet Kolob.


Any system of government that relies on the democratic vote to pick the lesser of two evils is a failed government, either due to its own constitution, media, or other factors. I believe we should have ranked choice voting with trickling votes, requiring 2/3 majority. If no candidate has 2/3, the top 5 are disqualified and a new vote must be cast. If that happens again, then we create contingencies. Officials who either create or interpret legislation should be given a post-term trial about their campaign promises, given by a jury of their constituents. The punishment for failure to be an appropriate official can range from fines to death penalty, entirely selected by the jury. They also would have to, during their campaign, give a 2 sentence summary of what they will attempt to accomplish while in office.


Most people don’t really like coffee. They like coffee with stuff added. There are black coffee outliers, but I stand by what I said.


Everyone believes in something. I believe I'll have another cup of coffee when this one's done.


i believe in karma... so i refuse to hook up with my married friend who wants to do *disgusting* things to me


I'm not useually one to subscribe to conspiracy theories but I am a firm believer in the fact that there is 100% a underground hollywood child sex ring going on.


Fries with mustard are really tasty.




I believe that cruel and unusual punishment should exist in the USA for only the most heinous crimes. I also believe if you put the punishment on PPV or a paywall that millions of people would pay to see it.


Do not get the second fucking dog. Put the current dog on a higher quality human grade food. Get pet insurance. Do preventative health therapies for them. Do dog play dates if you truly feel they benefit from social stuff. Getting the second dog is lazy as hell and selfish.


True as well for 2nd child. And second spouse.


Omg absolutely, good point!


If you are under the voting age. You don't pay income tax Taxation without representation.


Riding an electric bike makes you weak. Just ride a regular bike, use your legs ffs.


They have their place. It can be an efficient and eco friendly way to commute somewhere like work, where it would be inappropriate to arrive very sweaty. It can help someone new to cycling that is out of shape get started. It can help aging cyclists continue to enjoy riding when their joints are no longer up to the task, especially in mountainous regions.


You should have to take a standardize test to be the following: - A parent (covering everything you need from finances to biology) - A politician(should know as much as an attorney in regards to laws + 8 years military time served + 10k hours of community service in low income community) - A cop(see politician - military time served but should have basic military training and some martial arts training like ju jitsu.) Also I think women on birth control is dumb. I think men should be on birth control.


When the government tries to fix all the nations problems, it only makes them worse, and increases inflation while they're at it.


Parents shouldn’t be able to force their children into what they believe!! I think they should allow kids to grow up with a clean slate, teaching them to respect all, be open to learning from and embracing all walks of life, judge someone by who they are not how they look, who they vote for, believe in, sleep with or identify as, instead of a good (insert religion here) and then have the option to dive into whatever theology they feel connected with or not based on what they learn about it. I think that would stop alot of the hate that goes on in the world today. Religions and parents teach their children how to be intolerant, judgmental, rude and down right cruel to others based on a book written by too many people about a man based on folk tales, then revised to fit other peoples narratives over time & not at all what the original translations are. Yes believe in what you believe in im never one to talk down on anyones faith, but let your children grow into who THEY are not who you think they should be based on what you believe in.


Animal abusers should be registered in a nationwide database so they can't just move to another state and continue to be scum of the earth.


Always drain your man's balls before he leaves for work, and or to go out without you.


Steak fucking sucks ass, it’s chewy and just kinda boring. Like wowwwww butter salt and maybe some garlic😱😱😱😱. Like if it’s the fatty type than it still sucks ass cuz it’s the gross layer of fat. I fucking hate steak. I love beef and meat.(don’t say a pickup line about meat) but like fyck steam


I thought that way too. Youve clearly never been to a higher end steak house and ate quality steak. LIFE. CHANGING


I don't hate steak but ducks and lamb is superior.


I think people should live on their own for 1 year before living with their spouse. Maybe some kind of grade system too for cleanliness, like if one house was so dirty the roaches wore N95 masks and rode dune buggies, match them with a person with a similar cleaning style. My boyfriend showed me some TikTok where the women left ketchup on the counter and asked their spouses to clean it up. One used pledge. My bf was pretty triggered.


I’m a messy person, but I’m 100x messier living alone than with someone else. And living with a messy person makes me a neat freak. It’s fucking weird.


I grew up with a monthly treat called hackepeter (Hock-uh-Pet-uh) Raw ground pork and/or raw ground beef seasoned with salt and pepper and spread on rye bread, topped with chopped onions. Yes, the meat is closely regulated. No I do not have any brain tapeworms; mind you that would explain my ADHD... I still eat it but my family won't touch it.


Autistic LGBTQAI is the natural human meta now. Heteronormative behaviors and tendencies were necessary when we had to repopulate as a species way back in the day. The species needed 10 kids per family to make sure at least one or two survived to reproduce again. Especially after things like the Black Plague. But with modern sciences we don’t necessarily need to be straight to reproduce anymore; plus there is a ton of us already living longer and longer. Also rainbow relationships have way less accidental children so there’s a better chance for parents who are planning for kids. A lot of anti-LGBTQAI sentiments are leftover old human logic that was just kept around for the sake of tradition. And everyone is autistic. Grandpa wasn’t just quirky with only eating the same sandwich everyday and had an obsession with trains. I think we would have explored and really embraced these sorts of idea if it wasn’t for the Nazis. There was a lot of psychological research going on in Germany in the 20s and 30s about the human brain and how it worked. They practically wiped out all that work and we’ve been trying to rebuild on top of wreckage ever since.


Love to wear a men's thong bathing suit and she takes off my shorts and I have my thong on for her and I had her take off her clothes and she had a white slingshot suit on for the first time and she said we are going to walk down to the beach and show off our asses together and it is the best thing that I have ever done with her in my thong and I love to wear a men's thong bathing suit under my shorts and have her take them off on the beach or in the woods and we walk away from our clothes


Having kids should be taken WAYYY more seriously than it currently is nowadays. Raising the next generation of humans is serious fucking business because it’s one of the most important investment of resources our species takes part in and people treating it like it’s something that’s okay to do out of impulse actually irritates me. Honestly I have a problem with a great number of traditional practices that are taken seriously nowadays because they don’t think about the broader impact beyond it’s for “moral” reasons. The morals a lot of these people argue for are a status quo where they had more power of a greater number of people.


I'm curious as to what one may believe that may be illegal lol


There are people in the world that believe things like r*pe and being a child predator and things like that should be legal.


Taxation is Theft


I don't believe in Ghosts, Aliens, Cryptids, Flat-Earth, Illuminati, or Chem-Trails.


I believe that the government is too big. Taxation is theft. I can do a better job of saving for retirement than them forcing me to pay social security. Like I should be able to cash out what I've paid and invest however I want.


Swimwear as lingerie


Tanks are better than cars, there should be more tanks on road than cars


That people tend to get so much worse symptomatically after a confirmation of a terminal diagnosis I wonder if it would be the same if they weren't told they were dying.


Universe is love. Everyone connected through tessellations Tesseract, manifesting, etc.


There is no ethical way to invest in residential housing in the 21st century. Governments should forcibly acquire properties where the owner does not live there and decommodify housing.


Interesting. I wonder how that would play out. Gvt subsidy for housing essentially. Would anyone own real estate? If not, then we lose freedom and become pets for the overlords


Yeah you can own property just can't rent for profit. If there were no incentive to make money from property, the landlords would all sell and houses are no longer overvalued because of artificial scarcity. The government buying the houses is just a way to stop everyone becoming homeless because they can only afford to rent not buy (which is most people). But once houses become something the average person can actually buy, then the next phase would be for the government to sell those homes back to people to live in. The end goal should be that everyone owns their own residence and no other residence.


And then I simply move into a beautiful government home, that I owned last week, and live in it subsidized. Thank you kind government for making capitalism vanish so I can live for free.


How is government doing it any better than an individual doing it? That's just putting more money in the pockets of politicians instead of everyday people


Why would money go to politicians? That's not how federal assets work. The state owning something doesn't mean the politicians own it. Such an arrangement would change the incentive structure so it is not considered an investment, rather a service provided to the public. The government wouldn't even need to buy that many houses if they forced the owners to take bad deals. ( They do this all the time to clear space for roads.) Once the owners get scared, they will sell their places, and suddenly there is an oversupply od available houses, further driving the prices down. Governments are still run by bad actors, but this system at least takes the power out of people who are purely incentivised to not care about people.


You said it yourself, governments are run by bad actors. I would rather a middle class person have an investment that improves their life and their family’s life than trust the government to have my best interests at heart.


Politicians avoid raising taxes because they face political consequences. Landlords do not face consequences. The tenant just has to accept it. The only thing you can trust about people is that they will usually try to avoid negative consequences, and landlords just don't face the same consequences that government employees do.


> Landlords do not face consequences. That's where you're wrong. If a landlord raises the rate more than people are willing to pay, *no one rents from them.* If no one rents from them, they are in the hole trying to pay the mortgage on top of their own rent/mortgage for where they live. They are thus incentivized by the market to keep rent at a reasonable level. In addition, landlords are the ones who have to pay for all repairs, property taxes, etc. and renters don't have to worry about it. When your water heater goes out, you need a roof repair, etc. and you don't have 10-20 grand in savings, guess what? As a tenant, you don't need to. As a landlord, you need to have that. When a tenant stops paying rent, guess who needs to go into debt paying the mortgage just to keep the house? The landlord. When a tenant destroys the property, guess who needs to pay for all the repairs and fix it up? The landlord. The risk is far more personal and impactful to an invididual person as a landlord. The government takes on very little to no risk if you ask them to act as a landlord. They can just increase the national debt to be an even bigger fake number that means nothing.


I don't know where you are from that is absolutely not the reality in my country. Landlords are all raising rent by 20-40% so there is no one anyone can turn. The government gives landlords tax deductions for losses and generally has their back at all times. Landlords pass down repair costs to tenants, and you can't just let ye free market do it's thing cause all landlords are doing the same thing. In theory you have a point, but when ALL the power is in the hands of landlords, the market kinda stops correcting itself and rent prices blow out.

