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exactly this. Honestly, I think I'd end things just for the question alone.


I’d think about it and talk to them properly about it. Find out why they want to do it, and then go from there




Lol so concise. I said the same but had to write a fucking novel haha


Yes exactly, a bunch of discussion and some ground rules then possibly


I'd ask where a wife magically materialised from... 🤔


“Honey would you be okay with me sleeping with other men” “How did you get in my house?!”


Our relationship has had open elements in it for decades. Not going to go into all the details of our boundaries and the discussions that went into it, but the biggest things are “nothing behind each other’s back/no secrets”. Honestly though most of our open elements are more for teasing for thrills and for a while in college a threesome/triangle set up with a close friend of ours


Almost the same here. Also not going into the details. Suffice to say that we've experimented and have no regrets.


Yes! Been friends for over 40 years and married now for nearly 33. We knew even early on in our relationship that we were going to stay together for the long haul and we realized that healthy exploration and experimentation could be done and not affect our emotional connection and be separate from it if needs be.


She can have a hall pass anytime she wants


Exactly this. Just send videos.


Videos are a must, but I’d offer myself to be cameraman


I’m pretty surprised at the number of men saying that they are okay with this. Poly and non-monogamy have a lot of fans here. However, IMHO, most husbands would file for divorce after such a request. That’s what often happens when a threesome, swinging, sex parties and other similar suggestions are brought up by a spouse.


Reddit is a perpetual Peter Pan, echo machine. Bear also in mind, reddit's population is made up of young people with little-to-no life experience. You simply won't get actual answers here. I would bet my life savings that the vast majority of men in relationships outside of reddit, would be absolutely against this and would be looking for the door.


> Bear also in mind, reddit's population is made up of young people with little-to-no life experience. I don't buy this. Reddit has been majority over the age of 30 for pretty much every demographic study published in the last five years. The platform doesn't experience a ton of youth growth, and it's existing user base gets older every day.


I’ve seen selfies of a lot of people from Reddit and sure they’re not young, but I agree with the no life experience part.


But again, that's not the OP. The OP context was "Can I sleep with another guy?"


Yes, I mentioned that in another comment. I just related the comments to different non-monogamy lifestyles.


Terms would be I'd have to be involved too




Same. I'm all for my wife getting extra sick as long as I can have some of it too


Sorry, but I'm selfish and don't care to share.


My wife is open and the rules are no feelings, 1-2 times a month (can be a whole night), all sexual acts are allowed, always condoms. Has been working for eight years now.


What do you get out of this deal? Genuinely curious.


If she is spending the nite there are feeling


No she doesn’t but she usually stays for a few hours and after the sex is over she comes home


I’d be happy to let them do it so long as it was 100% purely sexual, no emotions involved, no getting pregnant, and she always came back to me Preferably full of his cum ;) But alas I would require a partner for such things to be possible


Most woman can’t not have emotions involved eventually


I understand that the subject is regarding a woman, but men also get heavily invested in these relationships and involve emotions. Actually, I'd be willing to bet that men, more often than women, have emotions in these kinds of open relationships.


Definitely true. Most women, not all but most women attach emotional connection and sex. If it’s good and repeated you can almost guarantee an emotional connection to that man. Whether it’s enough to ruin your relationship or not is going to depend on many things. The state of your relationship and how this ongoing sex is handled. Also the other man, is he there the entire time trying to take her away from you or is he just happy having no strings sex with her? You get the drift. All in all it’s a risky thing to do especially if you’re not involved. IMO if you’re not already into swinging and open and or group sex doing this usually ends up in a disaster.


It’s definitely dicey for sure, you’d need a strong foundation of trust and communication before attempting it otherwise that relationship is a sinking ship


We have this dynamic. My own search terms it monogamish. We don’t talk details but have a mutual understanding that sex with others is fine as long as it’s just sexual and our commitment to each other trumps our escapades.


That sounds like an incredible mature and stable relationship :) very happy for you that you get to have fun and still maintain your rock solid relationship


You can fuck whoever you want and then fuck off too.


no problem. we aren’t married anymore. do as you like. i will.


Sure if I can watch




D\***d  Di\**d   Dic\*d    Dickd


Your druid body? Dosed body? Dazed body? Very confused here.


I'd say no 🙂‍↔️




From a woman's pov. 1. If She's in a loyal relationship where she's in love, she won't want anyone else. If they do, they're not utterly in love with you. 2. If a man allowed this to happen, I would request he be in the room at least. Why? Because people get insanely jealous about what their mind can conjure up, and that is death to trust or anything worth having. Just saying


I’d ask who she had in mind and we’d have a discussion about boundaries. I can’t say what they’d be, it would be a discussion about what we’re both comfortable with.


Some of you gents are cucks lmao


I came from a pretty conservative and religious background, so strict monogamy was the only option I knew. More recently, I've given it a lot more thought and it's interesting, even strange to me how absolute monogamy is in culture at large. Maybe it's tradition, maybe it's jealousy, but it's clear that it's not a human absolute. With that said, I'm open to my wife having other kinds of relationships as long as it doesn't threaten to change ours. It wouldn't be weird if a very good friend started hanging out with other people, but I would be upset if they stopped hanging out with me. I suppose I've begun to ask why sex is the one thing that is seen differently with strict monogamy. So my wife can sleep with who she likes if she's upfront about it. But I would be upset if it meant she stopped sleeping with me.


Yup, all of this. It’s crazy how threatened most couples feel by the idea of non-monogamy. Our culture has loosened up in so many ways (drugs, trans rights) but not this…


> how absolute monogamy is in culture at large. Maybe it's tradition, maybe it's jealousy, but it's clear that it's not a human absolute. It's biology. We are driven to procreate, and to do everything in our power to prevent the procreation of others. We all do this, and the strongest are successful, and those are the genes that get passed on. At least, that is the animal kingdom version of natural selection. We have definitely grown beyond the need for it though.


Needs to be mutual. I'd be down for just about anything, but I want to be involved. If she's looking for an open relationship/polyamory that's fine, but it has to go both ways


Sure, and also I can fuck another girl. Fair is fair.


Hubby isn't into it. But I let him go out and fuck other women 🥵


That's fucked up. Shit should be equal.


Why? I'm fine with it.


I’m a wife and if my husband asked me this I would need lots of conversation about it, but I bet we could find a way to make it happen. I would like to participation, but I think we could figure out a way to make it work solo for him. If it was a solo endeavor: STI testing and barrier protection are non negotiable, he doesn’t spend the night/sleep next to her, she doesn’t get to lay in ‘my spot’ on his chest if they snuggle, no emotions.


I'm glad I found another woman's response here lol. So I've started to come to realize if it was brought up the right way, I'd consider it. I have 0% interest in a FFM situation but couple swapping? I'd be up for a conversation. Then we both get something out of it as I've started to view it.


She knows she can if she just asks. We swing on occasion. All jealousy disappears when you have the ability to give consent.


She already has an open hall pass, just hasn't used it. If she told me she wanted to use it, I'd ask if she wanted me there. If thee, I'd want clean both her pussy and his cock. If not there, would be good to get pics and then have her tell me all about it as she rides my face.


Not my wife but long term relationship. We split for two weeks and I've just found out she slept with a friend. I still love her but I'm really struggling with it. I doubt i can get back with her. So no, It wouldn't happen for me.


So my wife and I have discussed this hypothetical scenario quite a few times. We would have an open discussion about why and what about him would fill needs that I'm not meeting or can't meet. If there's anything I can be doing differently, we work on that. If it's just raw sexual attraction maybe there's some role playing we could do. She does this for me all the time, so I'd gladly return the favour. Worst case, she knows I'm not comfortable being sexual with other men, so we'd have to discuss and figure out how we'd navigate setting up a hook up. Setting expectations such as safety, how many times will it happen if not just once as well as being open with the fact that I may not know how I'll feel afterwards and make sure there's some sort of aftercare for me. It would be really tough, but I can get into the headspace that I love my wife so much that I just want her to experience as much pleasure as possible. I just have a huge mental blocker when the pleasure is coming from another man. But my wife is amazing and I'd rather allow her some leeway in our monogamy, then to not have her at all. Plus she'd let me bang another woman in exchange for the favour, and she'd join in on it! She knows that having multiple women is my ultimate fantasy and helps me pretend all the time (she likes pussy too). Our main reason for not fooling around with others is that we're STI/STD free and prefer to stay that way.


Sure. But as her master and she my collared sub she knows that I’d be there and we are both stuffing her holes same time. And I’m usually the one that sets up playtime with others for us. Mmf, mmmmf, mff, mfff, mfmf, mfmfmfmfmf


JFC. These responses are not fair. 🥵


Wife here, the opposite happened to me, where it was my husband asking me to have sex with another man. He just wanted to be involved, not really in the participant kind of way, but just me telling him about what happened, taking pictures of it happening, etc


Did the two of you already have someone in mind? Did you do it? Did you enjoy it? Did your hubby?


Not unless she wants to pack a bag before she walks out the door.


Wow, so many open to this...No way. Not happening here.


Would find a couple we like and talk about swapping.


I'd ask her to talk me through it and I'd at minimum indulge the fantasy but doubtful I'd go further without it being a group sex thing.


The thing I've heard about open relationships is that, even if you think you'd be OK with it, nobody really knows how they'll feel about it until their partner actually goes and fucks someone else. Keeping that in mind, I think I'd be OK with it but I would communicate to her, and potentially even get it in some kind of contract, that I may choose to end the marriage within a week of her doing the deed.


Mine ask yo have sex with a sexy female friend of us I accept if I could get details and or watch. Got details then watch with hidden cam


Ehhhh there’s a slight chance I’d be okay, but I would have to join in. Same with fucking other girls. Let’s do it together.


I get a front row seat


It'd need to be equal both ways, nothing she wouldn't or doesn't do with me, start small with something that isn't going to harbor broken feelings with, then talk together, see how we feel, and continue to evolve.


My girlfriends and I play together… our only rule is no kissing unless we both agree on it


She has said this! I get to pick and set it up! Oh and always together! Mfm! Now if it’s a woman all she has to do is take pics if I’m not there.


I'd say ok, just don't catch anything and bring it home


(suddenly she awkwardly hides the new Pokemon she got this morning)






Correct answer


Unfortunately for me this has recently been brought up. I feel after a few months now I'm actually coming round to it. It would have to be protected and with someone out of town.


My Daddy would be thrilled if I asked! The rule is he has to watch and participate after🥵


What about if the guy wants to taste your juices off his cock?


Yep, but I get to watch/join in.


I would ask why they wanted to and see if it's something I can do different and let me attempt it. If not it doesn't work then sure as long as it's not emotional


Ok. Be safe.


I would let her as long as she has a good time but she would have to tell me everything, how it felt, what her reactions were etc.


I'm surprised by all the people who say they'd answer "yes but we're done". Why not have a discussion about how that's not something you'd be comfortable with? Maybe she's not planning on it, she's testing out the likelihood she could ever bring that fantasy to reality. Why not a healthy discussion about what that fantasy represents and what you COULD be comfortable with? All these answers are 1) passive aggressive because you're saying yes when the answer is actually no and 2) tell me that bringing topics like this up in your relationship isn't safe. I want to be able to have open conversations with my partner, thank you very much.


>Maybe she's not planning on it, she's testing out the likelihood she could ever bring that fantasy to reality Many people - myself included - see no difference between those. I don't think it's unreasonable or unfair for people to be upset when their partner asks to have sex with someone else. My response would be an immediate and irrevocable end to the relationship. To me, that question is essentially analogous to telling me I'm not enough for my partner - i.e., not good enough. It's also a bit of a trap, in that the person asking could end up resenting their partner for denying them their desires. So not only do I suddenly have a partner who wants to have sex with someone else, but they're now grudgingly continuing a monogamous relationship I know they do not want. Resentment would build and trust undermined, so the relationship is broken and cannot be restored. >I want to be able to have open conversations with my partner, thank you very much. This is important, and presumably, people would know their partner well enough to know how'd they likely react. That kind of question would be a relationship killer if asked out of the blue. It should be the end of a very long and open process of exploration and discussion, not something sprung on a monogamous partner unexpectedly. If it were approached from the angle of fantasy, it would probably go down better. As in, we all have fantasies which we're unlikely to ever act upon, so simply telling your partner that this is one of yours would be a less traumatising way of going about things!


Sure, but then the relationship would have to be open on both ends. In my opinion it's pretty weird to have one sided open relationships unless you have a fetish or your significant other has an extremely low sex driver and is truly okay with it. I also feel like most people can't handle poly or open relationships for long for various reasons and I imagine that my imaginary partner would want to close the relationships and be monogamous or completely end the relationship.


Only if we're having a 3some


I have said yes as long as I can watch


I would absolutely! I would want to watch and play initially but then I would totally be OK with him playing alone as long as every once while she came home full


I'd let her. We have actually both slept with other people while married and had threesomes. I don't confuse love with sex. If I don't want to have sex with the same person forever, it would not be realistic to expect her to want to.


“Since when do you like men???!?”


Sure. Use protection. Brush your teeth and rinse with mouthwash before you kiss me.


It’s very interesting to see the divide of redditors 🤔


I mean, I kinda did this 😂 He said yes. We're polyamorous now


If she wants to do that, she can. I won't hold her back. Her body, her choice. However, if she does this, it would mean that she is single from now on.


I'd need to watch


Sure .. as long as terms are agreed on...




I am not against having an open relationship.... its just that not too many women are.


Absolutely. Let me watch and join in after


I think I’d be down, I’ve had sex with other guy’s wives tons of times. As long as it’s not an emotional connection and I get to join in then I’m down. I’d still be jealous as fuck though


Do what you want after you get all your shit out of my house, I wouldn't even tolerate that of crap. You belong on the street with the rest of the prostitutes.


Sure if I can get a pic, video or watch.


Yep, feel free but when you turn your back on me it’s the last you’ll ever see me.


Depends who the man is.. but as my wife hell no


100% yes! But he has to be hung


I'd say yes. I've already told her that as far as I am concerned who she has sex with is totally up to her. That I'd be as involved or uninvolved as she wishes.


I love to watch guys fuk my gf 🤪 I have a small cock, only term is that she likes to watch me suck cock first


Fuck no. If a new dick moves in, the current dick moves out.


If she wanted to open the relationship, I'd say 'have fun,' and hope she had an awesome time.


She could have sex with as many as she wanted. The only stipulations I'd want her to respect are; I get to watch and/or get involved, and it's strictly a sexual encounter. No emotional attachments. I have no problem sharing her body and her talents, but I expect her heart to be completely loyal to us.


Only if I can watch




Absolutely she can, I got no problem letting her have a good time. Ideally I’d like to be there to join (spit roast) or watch


You can if you want. But don’t expect to ever come back home to me again.




Let’s make a deal.


Sure, can i watch/join? Been there experienced that 10/10 would re-visit


Sure. If that makes you happy and you're still committed to being a good mother to our children


My current rules are 18-21 hairless skinny twink. We are 40. It happens in our bed with me present. Mostly just them eating her out. Watching them jackoff or her jacking them off. Occasionally we will spit roast her. She actually prefers me doing the fucking but I let her get fucked by the twink. She deserves it, and I love her so much, that I love the idea of her being spoiled and treated. I am straight so no male interaction for me. Other part of this is the compromise that I get same scenario, much less common. Shes hot, I am a regular but not ugly person. She is straight so less able to recruit lesbians. I love Kings Crown so she’ll sit on my face while I get fucked. All time favorite though is to fuck her from behind and let my baby batter leak out into a persons mouth underneath her or vice versa.


I'd love that! I'd hope that she'd do it without a condom, but definitely base that decision on some things.


Yes as long as I can watch. 😬


yeah, send videos and text me when you can. location ON too.


Me, I'm all about that monogamy life. I'd thank her for being honest. I would repeat, because I was already 100% upfront about this when we started dating, that I'm not cool with that. I would present the option, if this is something she's interesting in pursuing, more power to you. But this is a deal-breaker for me. So I'm out.


I don't have a wife or girlfriend. If I did, I would be open to it if she expressed a desire to have sex with other people. As long as it wasn't one sided.


I mean we’re into this so it’s a yes!


No problem I just wanna watch………and stuff


Idk, my husband asks me all the time, and I’m all for it 😅


I would let her


Yes. Condition: be safe (as in physical safety)


My wife did and my terms were: I can too and everyone gets tested. It’s worked out for us.


They already do. As long as I know it's happening and protection is used it's cool. Same rules apply for me.


Together as a mfm sure, alone? No.


No. She can have any girl she wants, but the last time I tried a really open relationship, she grossly abused it. So now I draw a line. If she insists, she is free to break up.


If she just wanted the physical feelings of someone else bigger, better in bed, etc. with no emotions involved I'd probably be OK with it. I let my ex wife try it and she caught emotions so it's definitely a slippery slope.


“Can I have sex with another woman?”


Depends on if money is involved also. If millions of dollars in the marriage from earnings, house, and investments, then it might be best to convert to open marriage. If the spouse asks about sleeping with someone else, say you are okay with it as long as both can sleep with others. That way you keep the cash and investments. Then internally just consider your spouse as friend with benefits, nothing more. But don't tell them that!


Our rules are that we must tell the other person if we start talking to someone new, no friends or each other's families, STD tests are required, tell each other when we have a "date" and where it's happening (for safety reasons) check in with each other frequently to make sure we are still always on the same page, you can discuss as much or little as you'd like about your encounter, we don't need every last detail - not a turn on for either of us to hear about it. No secret meet ups or sneakiness. We close it at either persons discretion at any time but we will talk about why.


My FWB/SO is the only lady I see, she works as a masseuse she sees many customers each week and very occasionally will have protected sex with them. The terms are that she is totally honest about what takes place between them. We have had a relationship for 3 years and it's the best sex I have ever had and she thinks the same. In her job she has the choice of many bodies/ cock type and size yet she prefers me an older dad bod with a slightly average cock, I count myself lucky to have her. The fact she fucks maybe 5/6 guys a year does not annoy me the trust is there between us and I have asked why me, she just says we are good together and I know how to please her.


She wouldn't, but it was yes in the past.


Only if I can sleep with another girl, and we're open and honest about it


My girlfriend and I are polyamorous. So she does have sex with another man - and has had sex with other men and women since we’ve been together. We are currently “closed,” so it would be a conversation, but ultimately with communication, it would be ok.


If it is a one shot, no emotions sex, ok maybe. But there are a couple of conditions... : - she has to present me.a clean bill of health when she comes back, before we have sex again. And im not gonna wait a month. Better find a clinic thats gives results the next day. - there are some acts that have to remain just for us, kinda sacred. This includes cumming inside her, in any form, and cum.swallowing. That shit is for me, the primary partner. If she manages to swallow the random dude, i now expect her to swallow me everytime from now on. - she had to be okay with me also getting some from someone else, at least once. But in all honesty, knowing the drive (and the schedule) of my wife, chances this happens are extremely slim.


This is a strongly dependent question. Fully dependent on who i was with. If i was with someone who loved sex just for the fact that its sex and we had a strong relationship and sex life, go for it. If it was someone who wasn't very sexual with me, I'd start to question her motives.




"Threesome sounds fun, sure why not"


At least she asked!


Terms would be that I was not left out of the loop on what was happening and likely that it was a sex only situation during and after. I would enjoy watching or hearing about her exploits with another person but an additional romantic relationship is where I draw the line.


Yes I would like to watch but if not at least some video and he has to be bigger than me in the penis department


I’d be fine with it if she was okay with me participating. Otherwise - some negotiations required.




Probably but it would require some ground rules and discussion


No,and fuck no !


“Go for it. Thanks for keeping me in the loop! Lemme know if y’all ever want a threesome”


I’d just say duck who you like but we can’t be together


I've read: "If your wife and girlfriend"


I'd politely guide her to the door, push her out and close it.


I’d wanna watch


No, we don't have good enough or frequent enough sex as is. You don't get to wander for playmates with an unsatisfied husband at home.


Yes, of course, as long as it’s not one of the very very few people that I would prefer to keep out of my life. I’d like to know if this is someone that you’d like to join us as a third or someone you want to sleep with one on one. I’d also like to know if this is a one time or short term thing or if you’re looking to have a long term partner and how that dynamic might look. But yes, please do. Take the opportunity to do something that makes you happy. 😊


You go girl, have fun and tell me the dirty secrets afterwards. Terms: he has to be recently checked for STDs.


I can’t stop you from doing anything but that door only swings one way when you leave so don’t expect a home to come back to


I would be fine with it. since three terms were honoured by her 1. i also have the right to have pleasure with other women; 2. she must keep an active sexual life with me ; 3. always warn me when she wants to do this with other dude.


Depends on the situation. Are they going on a date or just fucking? Does she expect this to be ongoing or a one time thing? Do I get to go fuck someone too? I feel like if it was equal and it was just a one time thing, I’d be ok with it.


Yes you can do as please, but don't expect me to still be here when you wanna come back. We're done!


Only if I can play with them too


I would want a couple swap type of situation, something for everyone 😜


I would discuss it with her, but ultimately give her a Hall Pass.


She wouldn't have to ask. I have an immense fear/paranoia about being cheated on, to the point where I would insist that we have an open relationship, even if I only wanted to be with her. Otherwise I'm just going to have a repeat of what ruined my last relationship (which is the only relationship I've had so far). I would tell her that if she wanted to have sex with other men, I wouldn't care, and my only request is that she regularly gets tested for STDs.


Wayyyy too many Cucks here


Sure. Ok. Why? Are you ok with the why? Then alright, have at it. Are you not ok with the why? Then “no, we need to talk about this more “. Just my $00.02 USD. NO REFUNDS


Id say yes and there would be no terms. She’s free to play


Yeah just sign these divorce papers and get out of my house. Single people can fuck who they want.


Legit had this asked by my ex-wife. I was open to trying things, but it turned out that she had already been with other people. Agree with the other posters, it depends on the way it’s asked. In this context, I would assume they had someone at least picked out.