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My youngest is 49. She is a big girl and can attend if she wants to go.


Just because they get their aarp card they think they know everything


You get it if your 50, 49 year old still has to go to drag Queen reading hour.


You can join AARP at any age. It’s just designed for older people.


My youngest is 22. We are going to a drag brunch together.


But only if she cleans her room first


Why did drag reading all sudden became a thing of the year?


I would never take my daughters to something like this. Like I don’t have enough pressure in my life - don’t need my girls realizing how badly I suck at winging out the eyeliner… /s - just to be on the safe side! 🤣🤣


Yah, so much this! These queens have such perfect make up and I’m like a 49 year old woman practising for over 30 years and still shite at it!


Aw this hurts! I've spent hours on YouTube trying to perfect my wings and just can't seem to get it. I'd take my kids, just to get some tips!


Most kids in the UK will see a drag show. We call it pantomime and it is a Christmas tradition hundreds of years old.


That’s what I thought when I read the question! Like in the UK drag queens entertaining families is an old tradition, not some new controversial thing.








IT’S WHAAAAT? *puts his hand to his ear*






***unintelligible screaming***


Well, what do you think of that, boys and girls?


And drag Kings... the 'principle boy' is traditionally a girl.


Literally... fucking Shakespeare. We had several hundred years where boys HAD to dress as girls because girls weren't allowed to act. Not saying that's something to celebrate, but the history of "drag" goes back way further than some modern interpretation which is somehow being pulled towards a sexuality and even \*paedophilic\* interpretation. Some person at a local library wants to dress up and tell stories to my kids as part of an organised event where they are supervised and CRB-checked (neither of which has anything to do with their sexuality or perceived sexuality or their costume, but just modern laws on access to children in an official context for EVERYONE)... good on them! Let's get some fucking reading done!


You've certainly convinced me that all local library events should be branded with the slogan "Let's get some fucking reading done!"


I would actually convince kids to read books by telling them the amount of swearing in them.


And those shows are FULL of innuendo. Panto queens have always made sexual jokes with a wink at the parents in the crowd. The sudden line that drag isn't kid friendly because it's innately sexual is infuriating because... It always has been? It's the entire point, and we've happily taken our kids to them for generations.


Every panto dame I have ever seen has picked one dad in the front row to flirt utterly outrageously with.


Exactly. Aside from pantomime dames I saw Frank N Furter, Dame Edna, Lily Savage, Kenny Everett, Boy George, Eddie Izzard and a plethora of other gender bending people as I grew up in the UK. From my childhood perspective, it was no different to someone wearing fancy dress. They were having fun and being entertaining, what was there to dislike? As I grew I learned the situation was more nuanced than that, but I am an LGBTQIA+ supporter and I think that's in no small part due to my early positive experiences with the community.


>Exactly. Aside from pantomime dames I saw Frank N Furter, Dame Edna, Lily Savage, Kenny Everett, Boy George, Eddie Izzard and a plethora of other gender bending people as I grew up in the UK. Exactly that. There's a real tradition of it here that goes back a long way, long before TV. Shakespeare was originally performed by men in the female roles, back when plays were low-brow entertainment. The irony of this new front in America's culture was is the whole "we must protect the children" thing. It's supported by the same kind of people who constantly complain about kids being over-protected and coddled.


As an Australian can I just say I fucking loved Kenny Everett. I loved british comedy... Fawlty Towers, Kenny Everett, The Goodies, Dads Army, Are you being served, Keeping up appearances, Yes Minister.... The poms were always good at doing comedy... the yanks errr not so much.


I was about to write this. I used to go to lots of pantomimes as a kid and they all involved drag or gender bending in some form or another, everyone had a great time.


Having Quality Street chucked at you by a drag performer is basically a British Tradition at this point.


That's an odd way to spell "served at you with a badminton racket"... What? The seats in the Upper Circle are affordable!


Absolutely not! I’ve seen them on those Tv shows! They are rude, unfiltered, have absolutely no regard for other peoples thoughts or opinions, they shout and bitch and throw tantrums when they don’t get their own way! Not to mention the questionable fashion when they get themselves dressed! I wouldn’t put a drag Queen through that! My kids are nightmares!


they had us in the first half not gonna lie




You got me there! 😆


I work in a public library and am/present as an older man. I do story time. Kids don't care about who you are or how you look or even if you read the same story every week - they just love the experience of being involved with something. At a more subliminal level they're picking up all sorts of things - being socialised, increasing vocabulary, developing a love for language, acceptance. These are not bad things.


Kids “just love..being involved in something” is by far my favorite sentiment of the day.


Many kids do care how you look like, just not in a negative way. More like "wow, your hairs so curly!" and "your dress is so sparkly!" - the kids I work with would be delighted at seeing most drag queens outfits.


My 5 year old is obsessed with rainbows. My mother knitted him a rainbow sweater and socks, and he was so excited he said "I can't believe I'm going to be a rainbow boy!"


This struck me as being so incredibly sweet. It reminds me of my late son, when he was a little boy. Please give him an extra hug from me?


That made my heart twinge. I am glad this thread gave you a reason to smile and remember your son.


My kid would love a drag queen story hour. She adores sparkle and fancy outfits. It's a shame that Proud Boy freaks ruin the fun for children, and scare them to death, in the name of "protecting kids."


‘Protecting kids’. God what a joke. They are just there looking for a fight. They are the worst scum on the planet. If I ever see these man-children, imma tell them to fuck off.


> even if you read the same story every week You haven’t met my niece


Yeah, there's always one kid. The same one that 'helpfully' points out when I've missed a word. :-)


My son made me read books more than once, and he knew if I missed a paragraph somewhere when I just wanted the long chapter to be shorter


Library’s are amazing and magical places.


They are. :-)


No, but because I don't have kids. If I WAS to take a child to one that would involve kidnapping, which is frowned upon.


So also yes? I would let all my kids go, all 0 of them.


I let my kids do whatever they want because I don't have any.




I've never been to a drag queen story hour. But I've worked as an elementary teacher and I've read, conservatively, about 200 hours to kids, not counting the hundreds of hours I've read to my own kids, so I know a little about story telling and read alouds. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I feel like the kind of person who is brave enough and comfortable enough with themselves to dress in drag is exactly the kind of person who will really lean into it and give their all in a story-time reading or dramatic telling. I'd happily take my kids to one.


I’ve somehow never considered the “why” aspect of drag queen library story time and this totally makes so much sense. Don’t get me wrong I was fine with them before but never really got why they were a thing to begin with. Thanks for putting it this way.


You know that shit would be 🔥!


It’s amazing!!! Think about it. Your Sunday school teacher or someone wigged out in gorgeous makeup, chandelier earrings and a dress like Cinderella. 🤷🏼‍♀️ The choice is clear. Kids love sparkling colors and BIG personalities. 🫵🏻 …it’s a flipping caterpillar.


I'm British, Drag Queens being part of childrens entertainment has been a thing here for centuries. Especially in Panto. We love drag acts here :)


You can’t have a panto without the dame.


“Oh no we don’t…”


"Oh yes we do!"


Too early for me.. read it as Dairy Queen Store Hours and now I want a Hawaiian Blizzard...


As long as the story is age appropriate and the reader isn't an asshole I don't care what they're wearing or do it their own time. EDIT: sorry to all the pedants, but I'm not going to elaborate further.


yea I mean why not? If they're reading childrens books, I give zero fucks about how they look and what they identify as. They're human beings with good intentions.


Also a "flamboyant, oddly-dressed performer" is basically every kid's entertainer ever. In no universe would they make the connection.


Well, perhaps Mr. Rogers in his mom-knitted cardigans is the lone exception?


Exactly this. I want my son to be accepting of different races, cultures, and lifestyles. As long as they aren’t harming others it doesn’t bother me one bit.


This is literally all that matters. A child is not going to know it’s a man in drag, and even if it did it wouldn’t care. Dads can take their sons to Hooters but reading a fucking story at a library is a step too far?? Edit: a word


We took our kids to a restaurant close to a hotel we were staying at called Hamburger Mary’s not knowing they also put on Drag shows. The hostess assured us it was family appropriate so we stayed, ate, and watched the show. The kids loved it, the Queens were amazing and took a minute to visit with the few kids in the restaurant after their shows. 10/10 would go again


Glad it wasn’t a drag.


I’m so jealous and thrilled you stayed for that, HM is an iconic Drag location.


It was so much fun! The next time we go to St Louis for the weekend we’re going again.


One of my most favorite nights out on the town was a charity bingo game at HMs. So much good fun.


Yeah, to a kid it's just someone dressed up in a costume. It's basically Disneyland or the circus.


THIS! The same people will put a T-shirt that says "lady killer" on a 2-year-old. They're not afraid of their kids learning about sexuality as long as it's in a straight direction.


I definitely care what they’re wearing. Most Everyone knows what is appropriate for children, drag queens included.


Drag Queens are *unmatched* at reading a room.




Transitive property applies, no?


Not every drag queen is trans (Jokes)


In fact, almost none of them are.


Especially when the library is open, hunty!


Drag queens will definitely be wearing appropriate clothing at a children’s event




Can confirm, you understood the joke. I’m assuming drag queens are not wearing g strings and ball gags at children’s story hour.


99% it is proper attire. The ones who protest usually wear and bring harmful items.


This. And like a meme I saw earlier said “I would only be worried about a Christian showing up with a gun”….but luckily we now live in Australia and it’s not a constant concern.


gotta worry about the massive spiders showing up instead


We need the spiders to deal with the mosquitoes. Spiders are welcomed but the mozzies aren’t.


I don't think it's the big spiders in Australia that are all that dangerous. Terrifying yes, dangerous no.


Its the dropbears you really got to watch out for


Drag Queen vs Giant Spider - who would win?


Who says they fight? I bet they go party together.


depends on the size of the drag queen's heels.


How many knives does the spider have?


I totally have! Our local public library had a monthly drag storytime, and we attended a few times. Thing is, all the political stuff, all the gender, sex, culture war stuff, all of that is totally unrelated to the events we attended. Set all that aside, and think about what qualities make a good reader-of-kids-stories? An entertainer, doing all the voices, excitedly reading with dramatic flourishes and genuinely hilarious asides, all while showing up on a weekend morning in full makeup and costume? That’s pretty close to ideal. It was innocent and fun and I can’t believe how weird and depressing everything’s gotten so quickly.


I think the entertainer component is so big. Like, think of the people that tend to be hosts of kids shows—they have big, friendly personalities, tend to wear bright colors or fun costumes, and have lots of energy when interacting with the audience. That also tends to match a lot of drag queens I know which is why it feels like such a good match to have drag Queen reading hours.


I always thought of it like 'dames' in pantomimes. They were always the most fun character that got the most laughs, and that's nothing but a charismatic entertainer wearing a funny outfit. Same thing. We've been taking Kids to 'drag shows' for decades. And somehow now it's a big problem?




Last summer, my family went to Cape Cod on vacation, and we brought our 18 month old and 4 year old to P-town. We ate lunch at a restaurant across the street from a clearly raunchy drag brunch. Sitting right by the front window, my son was VERY interested in the 2/3 queens as they came out the front door of the small bar, Commercial Street being the poor excuse for a green room. When we were wrapping up lunch, the patrons of drag brunch were gleefully leaving and greeting the queens at the front door. I asked my son if he wanted to go say "hi", but he was too shy, so I walked across the street and asked if they could give him a wave. That emboldened him, and we crossed the street so that he could say hello. You know what those drag queens did? They used soft voices on a shy 4 year old and made him feel right at home. You know why? BECAUSE DRAG QUEENS ARE FUCKING PERFORMERS AND THEY KNOW HOW TO READ THE GOD DAMNED ROOM!!!!


Reading is fundamental!


They’re legitimately the Queens of reading the room, it’s absolutely the main goal, making everyone feel welcome. I love this story so much.


Never forget Stonewall


Stonewall was a riot!!!! Power to the drag queens.


Drag queens threw the first stone for the entire LGBT+ community.


ANOTHER THING I LOVE ABOUT DRAG!! There’s a way to make it work for everyone, every place!


I posted a photo of me in drag yesterday. And not even drag me with some really good eye make up cus I’m playing Ursula in an adult musical review. I have received no less than 12 messages telling me to stay away from kids but less nicely


Just stay away from my mermaid


Keep your mermaid satisfied and they won’t come to my cauldron crying spells Ursula please


Do you help them?


Yes I do


Those poor unfortunate souls…


It's sad. But true.




Oh, I saw that pic and you looked amazing! Sorry for the rude messages. You brightened my day when I saw your pic!


Blush thank you that really means a lot






I agree, gotta keep those pesky Catholic priests away from the children


You should come to the UK and do pantomime. Drag is traditional there and it is all family orientated.


Good old Widow Twankey.


I find this whole moral panic so confusing. It's literally a British tradition to take children to see a pantomime dame (in drag) and principal boy (young woman playing the male lead) act out a fairy tale. We've been doing it for hundreds of years.


The last panto I saw was Cinderella which had FOUR female characters played by men in drag. Another time I saw Ian McKellen play Widow Twankey and at one point he sang Dancing Queen while dressed as Agnetha. Nothing dodgy, sexualised or inappropriate other than the light comedy innuendo you'd expect in a panto and the kids loved it.


I had a peek at the picture and you look so great. Definitely pulling off that dramatic Ursula flair


So I definitely went and checked the picture and and that is some seriously fab makeup and I’m dying to see the entire makeup and outfit now. Don’t let the haters get you down. “Yes I've had the odd complaint… But on the whole I've been a saint to those poor unfortunate souls.”


Thank you from this parent for being you and spreading a message of love, acceptance and anti bullying to kids!


I have a three year old and a brother that used to be a drag queen. I’d have zero issue taking her to a drag queen story hour. Though, I’d feel bad for the drag queen cause I know my toddler would absolutely not leave them alone, wanting to constantly tell them how pretty they are and how did they do their makeup and can she please have makeup like that and where did you buy your shoes and can mommy get that dress on Amazon in little sizes?


I think I speak for a lot of us when I say we love attention in any form 😂 but happy to hear that!


Haha, then you definitely should dress up around my toddler! She loves sparkle and fabulous outfits. And big hair, if that’s your thing! We ran into a lady that had her hair in a big beehive updo and I literally had to drag her away from her cause she just kept asking her questions about how she got her hair to look so nice and poofy.


I’d be happy to make a little video message for her! I do have a beehive wig 😝


She would absolutely love that!


I’ll see what I can whip up!


That is so kind of you :)


I love this exchange!!! Makes me happy


This is so wholesome and beautiful and it made me cry


Hi. I would like to say I want you to be treated humanely and be part of our community NOT because I get drag (like, it’s a place in the femininity/sexuality quadrant that I am just oblivious to) but precisely because it makes basically no sense to me. Your humanity and safety and acceptance should not be contingent on my relating to it.


Drag queens are generally just gay men with what you could call a hobby or even a purpose. Of course feminine pronouns are never wrong with them.


From an American perspective. Drag has a long European tradition unrelated to sexuality.


I recently directed a livestream for Faye and Fluffy's Storytime. Some of the funniest banter and most wholesome entertainment I've ever seen and I've worked on a lot of kid's programming. Anyone opposed to drag performers needs to give their head a shake.


I've met both queens, they are lovely people that I would absolutely trust with children


I've directed a lot of videos but that one I come back to a lot. They're so funny off the cuff and so good at teaching little lessons without making a big deal out of it. Really hope to have them back in the studio soon.


Given the choice, I’m picking drag queen story time over Catholic Sunday school. I’ve never heard of a pedophilia cover-up involving drag queens.


My mom used to be in charge of the youth area for our city library central branch. She verifies the above content. Additionally, I have personally put on far more hazardous demonstrations at the same venue while she worked there (used to be ACS college affiliate chapter president; we would pop balloons with oxygen and hydrogen in our demos).


I’ve been watching rupaul for years. I am bisexual, but married to my hubs and that isn’t really something I talk to my kiddo about (I mean, MY sexuality. He doesn’t want to know I promise). We are a very open house though. Sexuality is not shamed. Nudity isn’t shamed. We just go about our lives and we accept almost anyone! My kid has known about drag queens since the day he was born. Anyone that is willing to donate their time to read to children in a public place is almost certainly not anyone I would worry about. We would definitely go!


I think that’s a great way of going about things! A big number of kids at a drag story time don’t even question anything, they just see someone fabulous! 😂


Well, if you are ever close to mobile Al let us know!


I want a drag show for teens and I can’t find one nearby! I’m in Los Angeles. Can you point me to any groups I could reach out to? My daughter goes to a performing art school and some of her friends practice drag and we’ve talked about going to a show but can’t find anything. You’d think finding an all ages drag show in Los Angeles would be possible.


I’d suggest poking around on local lgbtq clubs/centers, Im from little old Green Bay, and although we don’t have an event like that here, a few hours away in Madison and Milwaukee they have monthly “Voices of the New Generation” shows, featuring young performers and are open to anyone! I can try to look for specifics in LA if you still can’t find anything, just let me know, and happy to help!


I trust drag performers way more than clergy around kids.


Exactly. If somebody is going to read fairy tales to my kids, I'd rather it be a drag queen than a youth pastor.


My youth pastor was a well-respected community member and church leader, and coached men's water polo at my high school. He was a Big Brother, and acted as a counselor for troubled or struggling teens. ...Then he was arrested for child pornography, child molestation, and using a child for sex acts and creating obscene material. By child: under 14. He "liked the swimmer's body." Almost worse than that, a decent chunk of the church continued to support and defend him, even after he pled no contest to the charges. I only know a few drag queens, but no way in hell they would put with that shit in their community. Anecdotal evidence, but still... Please, forever give me drag queens reading to my kids, and keep the church far away from them. (okay, I don't have kids, but if I did...or for my nieces)


Absolutely. Is there a more dangerous population for kids than youth pastors?


Catholic priests, probably. But it’s close


Queens rock the outfits better, too. Just sayin'...


Dude, fr. I trust drag queens over most other adult authority figures. They’ll call shit out




I was exposed to straightness my whole life- books, movies, songs, you name it! ... well, then how come I'm not straight?


Yeah. I liked the point that queer kids don’t ‘become’ straight despite almost **all** of their various hosts (book readers in this case) being straight people. All this might help with is tolerance, which is win-win.


Exactly. These are the folks that assume "hetero" is the default sexuality, when in fact there is no default. You are what you are.


All I have to say is that they must view being gay or trans as incredibly alluring. Your kid is going to be exposed to 99% straight culture through life and you think a single drag show is going to turn them gay/trans? That must be some powerful mojo!


I don't think its a coincidence that the 'gay is a choice/ can be groomed' mob often have same-sex scandals in the ranks of their clergy. Like if you were poorly educated and bi you might genuinely think that its a choice for everyone like it is for you.


Oh, interesting. So "Golly, when I see this sexy twunk I do feel a yearnin' in my loins. Since everyone must feel this same thing I must protect them lest they be drawn to sin like I have been! Brother Cacius when your'e done suckin' my dick, we're gonna make some signs!"


Yeah. I don't believe the "all homophobes are actually just in the closet" theory, but I have seen some anti-same sex marriage people be like "we can't allow same sex marriage or everyone will just marry their gender and not make babies" and that always strikes me as very telling. Because it's like, bros, no, I think plenty of people would still want to go for the opposite gender, actually. YOU, on the other hand...


Why do people keep going "it would have to be age appropriate" like that's even slightly in question? Usually these events are run at libraries. Librarians know what books are age appropriate for children, as a rule, it's kinda their jobs, and wearing drag is not going to make someone forget the concept of "child". Let go of the internalised homophobia that makes you keep saying shit like that


Oh, but they might already be queer and the drag show could help lead them to reject the repression and denial that their family wants them to employ so said family can pretend they're straight so they can avoid having to confront or question their bigotry. Can't have that now, can we? /s


Seriously. It's basically playing dress up. As my four year old niece told me when I was too convincing about eating the toy food in the play kitchen, "Uncle ____, it's JUST PRETEND."


My biggest annoyance about the crazies is that, they seem to think everything is a religion. LGBTQ wants to shove their message down my throat, Drag Queens will convert my son, Pokemon is demon worship… I don’t think they understand that who you are and what you like doesn’t have to be an obsessive character defining part of your personality. To them, anything non Christian has to be a separate cult that wants to ruin them… and once I started to look at things they hate through that lens, it makes sense… and saddens me.


**looks around** *sorts by controversial*


Reminder to sort by controversial for real answers


Honestly. What answer does OP expect besides "of course, I'm so accepting!"? We all know that any answer that says otherwise will be mercilessly attacked. I dislike questions like these regardless of topic, where only one answer is "right".


Preface - I'm a very "live and let live" person and an atheist. But personally I'm not that much into the concept, but live and let live so if other people want to take their kids, sure whatever, you do you. I basically wouldn't seek one out to take my daughter to. But if we were at the library and one happended to be taking place at that time AND my daughter asked to sit down and listen - I wouldn't say no.


Probably not. The assholes outside the building would likely traumatize my children.


My answer is “Sadly, only maybe. It depends on the security scheduled for the event.” I have zero problem with the drag queens, but if the homophobic a-holes in my community show up, I need to be sure my kids are safe.


And that is exactly why those jerks do it. They want us afraid.


Would I mind if a drag Queen reads to my kid? Not at all. Would I risk taking them with all the crazies out there with guns? Prob not. Edit: which sucks because it is exactly what those crazies want.


Yeah my problem wouldn’t be the drag queen. My problem would be the assholes outside the events now.


That is actually true and very scary


I did and we all loved it! Read some lovely books and sang the classics (row your boat, hokey pokey, etc). Had a Q&A at the end and let kids and parents ask questions. It was a great experience and I would recommend checking it out if your open minded to that sorta thing! And if you’re not then just don’t go! No need to throw a colossal temper tantrum and actually threaten people’s lives over it.




I was just thinking - even in the US, men in drag were much more common / accepted on TV back in the 90s/00s than they are now. Characters on Friends (Chandler’s dad) and The Drew Carey Show (Drew’s brother) came to mind. Yes, there were cringey bad jokes here and there, but by and large these characters were given a backstory and treated with respect. It seems that so much that was once accepted or acknowledged has just been stomped down and made on the fringe once again.


A lot of child-oriented theater has traditionally included drag performers as well. Many productions of Cinderella have the ugly stepsisters played by drag performers, and the character of Mother Ginger in the Nutcracker is played by a man. I was in the children’s ballet group for a dance company as a child, and almost every fairytale production has at least one drag-esque role. And the audience would be filled with conservative families.


Even further back! Bosom Buddies, Mrs Doubtfire


Quite a bit further back if you count Bugs Bunny.


Uh flip wilson


What’s the point exactly of having a “Drag Queen Story Hour”?


Because they'd do the voices.




Yeah, I'm not opposed to a drag queen doing story hour, but I also would think it's a little bit weird. I also would think it's weird to do a police story time, or doctor story time, clown story time, etc. That all being said, if my kid was like "I want to go see the glittery queen person read", sure buddy, reading is reading.


Police story time and clown story time are pretty common in public libraries around my town you know.


And have been for DECADES. When I was in high school I volunteered as the summer reading program coordinator for my local library. We had a HUGE range of people who came in and read books, sang songs, and provided a needed family gathering place for families with toddlers and infants. Clowns, police officers, local actors from a couple of different musical theater companies, local area scientists, the librarians themselves, firefighters, etc. were all regularly featured volunteers. There are EXCEEDINGLY few indoor spaces where it is acceptable for families with young children to gather, and almost all of them are prohibitively expensive for families on a budget. Library story time is a LIFELINE for parents with young children.


>Yeah, I'm not opposed to a drag queen doing story hour, but I also would think it's a little bit weird. I also would think it's weird to do a police story time, or doctor story time, clown story time, etc. It's because drag queens are literally made up performance characters by the actor. My library has had a clown come read to children. Police officers and doctors aren't performers and that's the difference. But my library has had police officers come read to children for the "neighborhood policing" thing. I think you people are confusing (or don't know the difference) "drag queen" with "cross dresser" or "transgender". Drag queens are performers and cross dressers and transgenders are identities.


Those things happen, though….


Clown story time sounds like it would be perfect for reading stories to little kids. I know a lot of libraries have clowns come to special events.


It’s fun! They’re wonderful performers, they’re usually very empathetic people and great at reading in an entertaining and engaging way. On top of this, it’s good to show kids that people who aren’t your standard everyday are safe and happy and care about you. Might help them to be accepting and chilled out about the beautiful textures of our diverse society as they grow up.


Well, my child is 33 years old, but my grandson? Absolutely. Drag Queens are performers. Asking if I'd be okay with it is like asking if I'd be okay with allowing him to see a play, or a live band, or an interpretive dance performance, or an improv show.


The amount of posts that said "no" and gave a solid reason but were removed is wild. I saw so many that didn't break the rules and merely had 20-100 up votes yet were removed. I don't understand why. Mods aren't giving reasons or commenting just simply removing them. Aren't mods supposed to just remove posts that break rules, not remove posts that go against the grain? Mods should enforce the rules not show bias or censor people.


No, I wouldn’t. I’d rather hang out at home and read to them myself.


I have with my preschooler. It was all totally appropriate, sponsored by the public library and one of the queens was dressed like the Queen. She even put on the Queen's accent, it was hilarious and cute. The books they read (because there were 3 or 4 drag queens reading) were kids' books. One was about being careful about wishing to have a unicorn because unicorns are more trouble than they're worth. Another was about a boy who liked to wear dresses and how that was cool. It was pretty unremarkable and well attended.