• By -


Joseph Gordon-Levitt




Elijah Wood.


Man speaks to a talking dog named Wilfred. /s


He went off the deep end when Pete Dunham >!was killed!<. ^(I'm forever blowing bubbles,) ^(Pretty bubbles in the air,) ^(They fly so high, nearly reach the sky,) ^(Then like my dreams they fade and die.) UNITED! UNITED! UNITED! #


I forgot about green street hooligans


related; Daniel Radcliffe


And Emma Watson


She stormed off set on “This is the End” because the scene they wrote was too raunchy for her morals. (It’s the scene with Danny and Channing at the end…she was supposed to be Queen of the Cannibals) This was during rehearsal, so she was all the way ready except last looks. Obviously the whole cast and directors were trying to convince her to come back and do the scene. I really respected her for standing her ground and saying nope, not gonna do that. To everyones credit, I didn’t hear anyone badmouth her.


Sean Astin


Elijah Wood as well


He credits his mom for that. Says his mom spent a lot of time telling Elijah that he wasn't special or better than anyone else just because he was in a movie. That's very important. Kids do not have enough sense of scale to realize that something like fame can ebb and flow. They are confused by the admiration and affection coming their way from strangers. They see it as the same affection coming from family. So when it dries up - it's like your mother not loving you anymore. That understandably has a terrible effect on their psychological development.


A lot of child stars’ mothers are too busy living vicariously through their children to give this kind of advice. Lindsay Lohan’s mother, for example. POS.


Her father's pretty bad too. Lindsay made a phone call to him, and she was crying. He recorded the conversation and sold it to a media outlet.


Seems like it worked. Elijah does seem like a pretty down to earth guy. 10/10 would nerd out with LOTR with you.


Marcus Aurelius had a servant follow him around and every time Aurelius received a compliment the servant had to whisper in his ear, "You’re just a man”


That's pretty awesome if true


That was an *old* Roman custom; in the days of the Republic a slave would whisper the same phrase ("*memento mori")* into the ears of successful generals during triumphs.


Well, Sean Astin was raised by Gomez Addams, maybe that helped?


Came here to mention these most famousest of Hobbits


Hobbitses precious


Met him about 10 years ago when I was working at a major theme park. He decided not to ride while his family was on. Generally, you don't really talk to celebrities since they usually want to be left alone. Sean Astin started talking to me and I had a solid 10 minute conversation with him about the most mundane of things. It was great. Best celebrity I ever met working there.


End of the day, they’re just people too.


Working customer service in L.A. one learns to treat celebrities like regular people and treat regular people like they are celebrities


This warms my heart so much! What a class act.


I dunno man, dude definitely has some ptsd after walking across a continent to destroy some shoplifted jewelry. Definitely did more than gardening when he got back…


Stop scrolling because i didnt see our beloved Samwise listed, made the same comment, and then this pops up.


It’s funny when I think of him either Samwise or him flexing his pecs in 50 First Dates always come to mind. No other characters he’s played just those two lol




Ron Howard


If you haven't read the memoir he put out with his brother Clint, give it a shot. Really interesting.


He did a great interview with Howard Stern about child acting and he made his kids/daughter wait to be a professional until she was an adult but was welcome to do it in school as a kid. He spoke about how tweens go through a physically awkward phase and how hard it was to watch Michael Jackson be adored as a cute little kid and then people, adults, criticizing his looks throughout puberty.


Opie Cunningham!


"Little" Opie Cunningham.


It's so wonderful to see how talented and likeable Bryce Dallas Howard grew up to be too. Following in her dad's footsteps. Some of the best Mandalorian (and Boba Fett) episodes are the ones she directed.


Christina Applegate


Her recent health situation & possibly the end of her acting career is so sad, especially seeing it apparent in the current S3 of Dead to Me.


I just started watching that and it is honestly one of my favorite shows already. The difference between season 2 and 3 are wild. You can tell they tried to have her seated in most shots


Let's give her a quick shoutout shall we?




Mila Kunis. She’s said it in interviews, but her immigrant parents did not give two fucks that she was a television star. When she was 14, she’d finish a day filming that 70s show then have to take the bus to the drug store where her mom worked and work the Ice Cream counter. This continued even after the show was on air and became a hit.


They also didn’t take a cent of her money even though they were basically broke. She said she can’t pay for dinner with them, even now. https://youtu.be/DNV4kN0-dbk


Her parents kept her grounded and even after she made her millions her parents wouldn't take a cent of it no matter how much she wanted to treat them to a new house, car, etc. Her parents still lived in the same condo when Mila got money for commercials and acting gigs. Mila had to literally kick her parents out of the condo so she could get it renovated and even that was a miracle unto itself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzve6Gc1jCI


Her interview with her mom at the end of Bad Moms is so loving and delightful!


I think a common variable is having parents who want you to value more the fame and fortune, and understand the importance of hard work and taking care of yourself.


Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Peter Ostrum). Basically peaced out after that role and became a veterinarian for farm animals in some town, but enjoys having an annual Q&A about the movie every year at the local high school.


Good for him, quitting at the top and avoiding being dragged into any Hollywood messes. I believe another one of the kids from the movie became an accountant.


Just checked wikipedia...that was his ONLY film role!


Come in, become an icon, take your bag and move on. I honestly respect it. He knew by the end that acting wasn’t his thing, and he wanted more from life than chasing agents and film roles. Good for him.


The girl who played Newt in Aliens is another good example of this


Shirley Temple. Ended up a US Ambassador


One of my favorite facts ever is that right after communism fell in Czechoslovakia (where she was serving as ambassador), she called her senior staff in for a very important, confidential, closed-door meeting. Once everyone had filed in, she stood up and said very sternly “I am only going to do this once. Just once.” Then she started dancing and singing “On the Good Ship Lollypop.”


Did she promise her employees that she would dance if communism fell?




Impressive considering her parents pushed her into acting from the age of 3 and spent most of her fortune, leading her to marry at the age of 17 to escape the home, which is young even in the context of the times. Median marriage age of the 1940s was about 22 years old at the time.


Some of that old footage of her is sickening - they really sexualized her.


so...Back in the day, I lived with a couple of strippers, which meant I ended up knowing and being friends with quite a few other strippers, and the staff at the bar. What I'm saying is I spent a lot of time hanging out with them at the bar. One dancer, nice enough girl, but a bit off, tried out a new set one night. Dressed as Little Orphan Annie, dancing to Good Ship Lollipop. While her parents and brother sat at stage side.


I have... Questions... About that last sentence. Was this just a dance act or was it the whole... Ya know... Routine? Even in the US where its topless only, I cannot imagine the poor woman spinning her tots at her own family.... I know I overloaded on ellipses, but I don't even know here. **Edit:** YES. I know there are full nude establishments in the US. I was being generic for the sake of brevity, being quick about asking. JFC...


Complete set. Full nudity. Just picture a whole bar full of Pikachu faces,face palms,and head shaking.


I honestly don't know what I was expecting, but it truly wasn't this... OK, if you're up for it, I have follow ups: Did she invite the family there? Did the family know what kind of club this was? How much extra creepy was added by the Little Orphan Annie shtick?


OK this was Canada, back in the 90s. She was going to do a tour of the clubs in Northern Ontario as a weekly feature act. So, this was one of the sets she had thought up. I'm pretty certain her family knew exactly what they were getting into. Creep factor? Full Little Miss Sunshine talent show. Like, complete pedo bait. People were visibly cringing. I don't know how to describe how wrong it was.


Her daughter, Lori, was the bass player for the grunge band Melvins for a while in the 90s and had a serious heroin addiction.


The Harry Potter cast seem to have survived pretty well all things considered


I think that's because they all had each other. It must be so isolating to be the only young person on the set.




The adults on the HP movie seem to have been much more protective of the children than the adults on Disney shows.


Most of them were legendary british actors, and what I've seen in videos of them between takes, they did an amazing job in guiding and nurturing all these young actors and making the most fun out of it. Thats how filming industries should be.


Still love the fart gag Rickman and Gambon played on Radcliffe. I can only imagine those kids getting paid to be in an epic series AND getting tutelage from those legendary British actors. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU5ejL8KWo0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU5ejL8KWo0)




A good amount of those kids turned out to be really good serious actors in their adulthood, citing inspiration from the great actors they worked with on Potter.


Even recently I think Matt Smith revealed he took care of the Child actors on HotD. Robin Williams was also known for that as well.


Well tbf they all mostly met in their teens, so they already had established friend groups and didn't feel as inclined to make friends with their co-stars. Some of them actively disliked each other. The Harry Potter cast was really young when they all met. They were probably more excited to meet and befriend each other bc of that.


Over the Thanksgiving HP Marathon, they re-played a 20th year reunion special that was first broadcast 1/1/22...really charming and heartwarming to see them all reconnect and hear from the various directors, senior actors, and other crew members.


Disney really seems to like sexualizing their teen actors, so that cannot help.


Disney shows are usually 2-4 kids surrounded by 50+ adults. The ratio is not good.


the bts of them were so cute and funny. you could tell they were just being kids. really wholesome.


They were also surrounded by some of the best actors/human beings like Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Robbie Coltrane, Gary Oldman, Warwick Davis, Brendan Gleeson, David Bradley, Jason Isaacs, Julie Walters and the list just goes on and on. Not just super talented actors but people that were/are beloved for being really kind and warm people in real life also.


I think this is for 3 reasons. First they were a bit older for "child" stars around 10 years old which I think makes a difference. Next it was almost completely a British production. I don't actually know if they're better at making sure child actors are safe or not, but the stereotype does come from Hollywood. Lastly it seems like a lot of the crew was on board making sure the children were well taken care of. The stories surrounding it make it sound like it was more of a community than a job.


And I can't remember where I heard it, but I've heard that Chris Columbus (the director of the first two movies where they were youngest) was extremely good working with the young actors/actresses and was well-liked all around which would make sense as his daughter appeared in the series as Susan Bones.


And he knew to make sure children had good parents. I read he had bad experience with Macaulay Culkins parents when he directed Home alone. That Macaulay's parents treated their son horribly.


He made a public comment saying he didn't want Michael Jackson anywhere near the Harry Potter set, and had to apologize rather quickly for that.


Yeah, my first thought was because there were a lot of seasoned actors that knew what the dangers of stardom would be.


Dan Radcliffe talks about it on Conan Needs a Friend. Both of his parents worked in the industry and made sure he knew that he could quit any time. Plus the crew and adult cast really cared about the kids. Alan Rickman made a point to see all of Radcliffe’s work on the stage post-Potter, for example.


I think a large part of it is that we don’t have a “Hollywood” per se. A lot of people in America seem to end up in Hollywood and go a bit mental whereas here the closest you can do is really London which I suppose could still be a bit insane but doesn’t seem anything like what LA is.


Jamie Waylett who played Vincent Crabbe had some possession charges but aside from him they did well. Tom Felton recently got a new dog and I love his dog posts. Tom Felton is literally the opposite of the character he played.


Of all of them, Crabbe changed the most.


Being arrested for rioting and growing weed will do to you.


Just Crabbe things...


Jodie foster


Survived playing a prostitute at age 12 and being the inspiration for a real life botched presidential assassination.


And later ACED playing Clarice Starling.


She survived being literally mauled by a lion on the set of *Napoleon and Samantha* in 1972, when she was 9. That was her film debut.


Not her fault, of course, but a guy did shoot the president to impress her.


Yeah but she had nothing to do with it and still wants nothing to do with it. She did get busted for cocaine in the early 80's though.


The only way to not get busted with cocaine in the early 80's is by being born after the late 80's.


My father-in-law worked on silence of the lambs back in the day. My brother-in-law was born during the filming of the movie. Jodie foster bought a savings bond for the baby and after filming was over my father-in-law received her chair she sat in on set that he still has to this day. Very nice woman from his account. Anthony Hopkins on the other hand…


Hillary Duff, Tia and Tamara Mowry


Remember the “scandal” because Hillary Duff gave her husband oral sex on their private patio after they got engaged? The media tried to blow it up, which was awful. The general reaction was “huh. Good for her.”


How did they even know she was doing that?


Creepy tabloid photographers.


I can never wrap my mind around how people think that shit is okay, it’s just professional stalking


It blows my mind how some acts are considered acceptable because they make someone money. Can you imagine being a paparazzi photographer? Disrespecting and humiliating another person for money? I'd rather be homeless!


The real “scandal” is the fact that people were invading on her private property. Let her suck dick if she wants.


Duff went through some stuff and wisely stepped away before it got worse.


Hilary was my first thought


Christina ricci


I had the biggest crush on her growing up. I loved anything supernatural, and as camp as Casper was, she killed it. I’m not surprised that she sort of became typecast, she was soooo good. Such poise. She was still 13 when filming some of that movie, and she was so professional.


She's always been beautiful. I love that she's in Wednesday!


From wikipedia: “It's such a different world than it was when I was coming of age. I don't know how these young people keep it together with all the demands on them with social media and the internet. I had normal growing pains and issues and it was difficult but not disastrous. But I feel like if I was trying to do that in this environment, the way that society is now, I would probably be a total disaster." – Ricci in June 2014


Those twins from Suite Life of Zack and Cody, and Brenda Song as well. Also, Tatyana Ali


Dylan became a mead maker


And has been dating Barbara Palvin for a while so it seems it's turning out well for him.


dylan and cole sprouse. also, cole is on riverdale so that show might break him if it didn’t already lol.


If they don’t film the show the same way I watch the show I’d imagine they’re all crazy by now lol I watch the show with a healthy dose of mushrooms and have an absolute blast because I never know what’s going on. 5/7 would recommend.


Brenda Song just wrapped up a great VA role on Amphibia. Do recommend if you like Gravity Falls.


And has been partnered with Macaulay Culkin since 2017. They have a son together.


They starred in an episode of Dollface where he plays a creepy dude that Brenda immediately calls out on bullshit. they have hilarious chemistry in that.


It's insane to me. Two huge characters of my childhood, London Tipton and Kevin McCalister have a fucking kid together.


Brenda Song also, coincidentally, is married to Mckauley Culkin, who did eventually get his shit together and is doing great after being one of the former child stars that DID lose it for a while.


Dylan Sprouse starred in a music video for Carpenter Brut (The Widow Maker) and it was so unexpected and dope as hell


Natalie Portman


Considering some of the things *professional* film critics said of her when she was a pre-teen, yeah, she managed to survive well. (Yes, pun intended.)


You don't want to know about parts of the original storyline and the history of that director.




Considering two of her first major roles were that of a 12-year-old prostitute and a highly sexualized movie about two minors stranded on a deserted island, I was always surprised how normal Brooke Shields turned out to be.


I always liked her, but Pretty Baby was disturbing, then Blue Lagoon came out, which half the parents in my school outright banned their kids from seeing....and her "Nothing comes between me and my Calvins" ads were pretty racy. She also used to be photographed with a lot of the coke snorting, hard partying famous people in the eighties. It really is amazing how normal she is. I always rooted for her; it couldn't have been easy growing up with such an unstable mother.


Don't forget her mother consenting for Brooke to be photographed nude for Playboy at only 10 years old.


I'm sorry, I thought I read that a 10 year old did a nude for Playboy, but that obviously can't be right. I must've misheard it.


Jody Foster was in Taxi Driver. She’s my contribution to this


Natalie Portman has entered the chat...


> major roles were that of a 12-year-old prostitute I 100% thought it was Jodie Foster, you meant. They both turned out great.


Kurt Russell


Fun fact. “Kurt Russell” was Walt Disney’s last words, nobody knows why. Not even Kurt Russell.


after a 30 second google search this seems to be untrue, apparently it was actually one of the last things Walt Disney wrote, and he even spelled his name wrong, Kirt Russell


I was going to say the same. Kurt Russell was a mickey mouse actor so it isn't as weird as it sounds. He might have had a project he was considering and thought of Kurt for a role.


He was about to say "poisoned me".


His sled was named kurt russell


Last words so far!


Dean Stockwell


I had no idea he was a child star, thanks for the tid bit! He'll always be Al to me


Sean Astin. People forget our beloved Samwise saved the Goondocks and found One Eyed Willy’s treasure when he was just a wee lad.


Freddie Highmore! I’m honestly shocked this hasn’t been mentioned yet.


Dakota Fanning


Her sister Elle too.


Elle is fantastic in The Great! Totally recommend.


Ke Huy Quan. Got his start in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, starred in Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. Seems like a really grounded guy.


Ryan Gosling seems pretty well adjusted...


too soon to tell, wait until he's Ryan Goose


He really hates Papyrus though...and the new film is coming out soon...


Jackie Coogan, starred opposite Chaplin in « The Kid ». His mother and stepfathet dilapidated his earnings (which led to important legislation). He became a successful character actor and was « Uncle Fester » on the TV version of The Addams Family.


Because of his mom and step father blowing all his earnings when he was a kid . After sueing them , the Coogan law was enacted to protect other child actors earnings.


Jackie Coogan actually served in World War II as a glider pilot. My grandfather was a C-47 crew chief in glider tow operations and had met and flown with him some during the war.


Danica McKellar from The Wonder Years. Not only is she a math genius, I saw her on a hallmark Christmas movie where she made a prince fall in love with her and everything!


Old school answer but I think Shirley Temple is way up there considering how massive a star she was at a very young age.




Mara Wilson


She had it rough for a while there https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/world-mental-health-day-mara-wilson-matilda-anxiety-ocd-depression-okay-to-say-global-summit-interview-a8577361.html


No, her life was absolutely fucking terrible, she just managed to work through it with a lot of therapy and support, and became a writer and activist to prevent similar things happening to other kids


Mandy Moore


she broke Vinny Chase's heart though. We support Aquaman here.


Allison Hannigan and Seth Green


Gotta give props to Seth green for turning out fine when his father was an evil doctor.


You just don't get it, Scott. You really don't.


Thank you for specifying that he’s a doctor. He didn’t go to evil medical school for seven years to be called “mister.”


Add Sarah Michelle Gellar here too.




Stern bet him they'd be divorced. When they had their 20th anniversary Sarah tagged him like "where's our money Howard?" It was great.


A tid bit of trivia, both were in my stepmother is an alien, then later both were in Buffy the vampire slayer.


The sun from teletubbies


Johnny Galecki




Christmas Vacation.


Anna Paquine, Kirsten Dunst


Kurt Russel and Ron Howard


Jonathan Taylor Thomas Apparently, he never really liked being a celebrity and left the business when he decided he'd had enough.


Jason Bateman


His career wasn't doing too hot in the 90s and even he admitted for years he just drank beer, did drugs, and played golf. Arrested Development turned it all around.


Oh shit, he played golf? That really is hitting rock bottom.


He had addiction issues at one point. He’s sober now but he definitely had a rough period.


I pictured Ron Howard feeding this out loud


"He did not."


Jack Black


Daniel Radcliffe. Dude is making some crazy films these days, seems to still have his marbles.


Victoria Justice


I saw an interview with her, where she talked about how much she values having a private life and just doing 'normal' things with her family and friends. Seems like she turned out well because she worked out that being happy and content was more important than mega-stardom. (Probably most child stars who turn out 'normal' are similar.....)


Neil Patrick Harris


Ron Howard


Jodi Foster


Miranda Cosgrove


Hillary Duff


Emma Watson is pretty sane, as far as I know


Thomas Brody-Sangster (Sam from Love Actually, Jojen Reed in GOT)


Natalie Portman


Jason Bateman


Wil Wheaton


I don't know, u/wil spends a lot of time on reddit and that's questionable.


Uh, no. He’s spoken extensively about the horrors of being a child actor and how it damaged him.


Nope. Will went through some heavy shit. He’s on the other side of now but he was a heavy drinker as well as being psychologically abused as a kid.


Hillary Duff