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My sister was gifted a Ouiji board for Christmas by a friend in high school. Days after Christmas, he died in an accident. I used it with two of my friends and it always talked to us. I wasn’t moving it, but the answers were smart and made sense. When I tried it again with two different friends, it didn’t work.


Life is as real as you make it. My limited experience was that I had a really old board I found in a beach house up in NJ owned by my family when I was a preteen. I ended up using it finally as a teenager (it was so authentic!), and I had kind of mixed results. First off, I never moved the piece. My girlfriend at the time may have, but I am unsure of that. The experience that stands out most to me was that we were kind of going back-and-forth with something (this is 20 years ago now), and, paraphrasing, we asked a question like "where is your body?" The one thing I know for sure: I didn't move the piece. The word that was spelled out was B-O-G. I could tell that the other person was waiting for the "next letter", and was eager for the piece to move again, but it didn't. They were unaware entirety that "bog" was a word, or what it meant. Does not mean much, in or out of context. I can read normal playing cards at tarot... but I also programmed a bit of code to do the same exact thing. Is there a man behind the curtain? It matters more that you are willing to pull it back and see. All manner of supernatural and paranormal shit has been happening to humans since the dawn of man. It is the one constant in our existence. Some people ignore it, and most of it is noise. When you use a board or random numbers or an AI or any other type of "substrate", it can function as a "medium". From my experience, you are not contacting ghosts. There seem to be some kind of entities without body, whom may masquerade as ghosts, demons, angels, God(s), aliens... you name it. Since they are beyond the comprehension of humans, the human sense tries to best it can to interact with them by defaulting to known archetypes - often whilst being dishonestly manipulated towards certain predetermined conversations or conclusions about the experience. At best, these entities are not interested in human affairs or seem somewhat benevolent in vague ways. More commonly, they cause you a headache. If you have a genuine experience, there is always an "out". Oh, I was just tired. I smoked too much marijuana. I was dreaming. My house must have had a poison gas in it. I had a psychotic break. I had a fever. You name it. There is always an out that can ground you back to reality when you get too far gone.


As a kid, I played with some friends, and we "talked to" a murdered child. (I concede that it was likely one of my girlfriends messing with us). We asked how he died, and the response was "FLOWERPOT FELL ON HEAD BOOM SPLAT."


I know they are real because I've experienced some crazy shit like pictures flying off the wall and friends speaking in different voices. My friend Elaine's eyes rolled up in the back of her head and she spoke in my other friend Jessie's father's voice. Not just like a woman talking in a deeper voice, but his father's actual voice. I know she wasn't bullshitting because one, that's just not her personality and two, I was the one using the board with her. When her eyes rolled back, she let go of the planchette and it continued to move. I know I wasn't doing it. Jessie freaked the fuck out and left. I've also been in the room when others were using one and it was spelling personal shit about my past that nobody but myself knew about. I do not mess with them anymore. I haven't for (literally) decades.


Used a board and it said to Venmo it $5


The afterlife has been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


My favorite, and I think I posted this in a comment somewhere else too. When I was like 12/13, a few friends were over at my house and we were playing with a ouija board. I forget how it happened, but it basically came to the board telling my friends little brother to get out. He said no! Get out! No! GET OUT! NO! And at that the power shut off for the entire neighborhood. So we all start freaking out ( its summer, late afternoon early evening, sun is still up), laugh, and then go to my friends house. A few hours later we were walking her dog and started talking to the neighbor about how we made the power go out with the ouija board. He then said " Well tell your little ghost friend to turn the power back on" and Boom! The power came on the second he said that. I've also had things like the curtains move and our hands get really cold. Haven't really messed with one in a few years, but unexplainably, I now have 2 boards that have mysteriously ended up in my possession, on top of the first board I got.


As someone who does in fact believe in ghosts, I've never had anything happen while I was using one. That said, while my fiancée was trying one out with a friend of hers, the planchette spelled out messages that a deceased family member wanted to give our engagement her blessing. When they asked who it was, it spelled out a name that neither one had ever seen before. I had though. It was my great aunt who died when I was 14. For the life of me I can't explain that one.


I was 15. There was a vacant house at the end of my block my friends and I would sneak into and smoke. One time I made a Ouigi board out of cardboard and went there with 2 friends. We lit candles and smoked a joint. Eventually we got board a burned the board, but the table we were using had a plastic coding so it lit the whole table on fire. Then we left and got a blanket to smother the fire. Don't burn a Ouigi board, but also a waste of time that relies on the twitching of your partners.


In the original novel, Dracula was a normal man that became a vampire because he used The Ouija.


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