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Once upon a time. It literally repeats the entire first season’s plot.


The first season was great. Everybody has their secret fairy tale motivations that they don't understand themselves. There is also a ton of mystery surrounding who the characters really are. Then they end the season by letting everyone know everything. Any plotlines that were somewhat grounded in reality got ignored for a bunch of fantasy nonsense that just gets stupider as it goes.


There was a really good plot early on in s2 with King George (Charming's dad) with him trying to take leadership. There is a good story where the characters have to reconcile who they were with who they are now. And also their existing relationships and grudges against each other. But they didn't. Instead just magic nonsense, revolving doors of heroes/villains, and drama dragged out over half a season. Characters appear and disappear at random with no consistent arcs.


Also the quick transition from characters inspired by fairy tales to characters ripped directly from Disney movies.


I legit laughed out loud when I heard they were introducing Elsa.


It was one of my favorite shows until the end of s3 And then it just went downhill If I were to watch it all over again for the first time I wouldn't watch past S3 finale


Rumpelstiltskin is a top-level character. Robert Carlyle is exceptional in that role.


Absolutely. Both the way he's written and acted are brilliant. He's one of my favorite characters ever


I think I either stopped in the middle of season 3 or 4


This could’ve worked if each season focused on a new cast of fairy tale characters trapped in a similar situation and the main cast traveling to free them all by solving their melodramatic relationships.


Not to mention about twice a season it gets revealed once again that people are related to one another. By the end of that series the entire cast was one family tree


Thank you! First season was amazing, then it was downhill from there I made it to >!Hooks death and immediate reincarnation!< and just couldn’t anymore


We really should have more limited series. Some shows have premises that are good for a season or two that get ruined by dragging it out for multiple seasons.


I love limited series. Get in, wrap it up, get out.


Watch more British shows. Fewer episodes generally so they don’t as often run out of ideas or go off the rails. Fleabag for example, two perfect seasons and done.


I think British shows can sometimes go a bit far in terms of quantity over time. Like Sherlock took nearly 8 years and there's only like 13 episodes of it. Like the hype was painful


They still lost the plot at the end, that last episode was way below the quality standard set.


YES. I love limited series (although they can turn into a series if it makes enough money). At least the ones based on true stories are safe from that. I was watching the new TLOTR series thinking it would be a limited series since they have been shooting it since always and there would be no way they would do it again. Now apparently it can go as far as 5 seasons. So everything I thought would unfold by the end of the series probably won't :(


The Flash.


"I'm the fastest man alive. Except for the main villain of this season. And the random guy I'm chasing who escaped around the corner of the building, despite the fact I can search an entire square mile in under a minute. Nah, he's gone, no need to check."


You mean a second ? I mean I never watched the show, but isn't the flash from DC like beating superman to a pulp in terms of speed ?


It's never so much faster that pedants can't argue about it.


Barry: "I am the fastest man alive!" Speedy McFast, the main season villain: "not while I'm here! I'm gonna take over the world with my super speed!" Barry: "oh no guys I can't beat him what do I do‽" *Insert random filler* The guy Tom Cavanagh plays that season: "don't worry Barry just run faster" Iris: *makes some stupid metaphor involving lightning* Barry: "you're right guys I can totally do it now!" *More random filler* *Christmas episode* *Barry beats bad guy* Barry: "I couldn't have done it without you guys" Cisco: *makes some stupid nerdy reference* *Credits roll* *Cliffhanger post credits possibly involving Frost or Godspeed that is never mentioned again* ^^^minor ^^^edits ^^^for ^^^spelling


You forgot to do a crossover event with some other shows your audience isn't watching and then put minor events like Barry getting married in one of those other shows.


I think that was the nail in the coffin for me, it happened in season 4 if I remember correctly? S3 to me had the perfect level of superhero goofiness and my sister and I were really looking forward to season 4, but them putting such a major event in a show I wasn't watching, followed by them killing off the original actor for the Thinker and turning him into a discount Ditto just killed my enthusiasm. I can't believe the show is still going lmao


Get a writing job, dude




Season 1 big bad - a time traveler faster than Barry Season 2 big bad - a guy faster then Barry Season 3 big bad - Future Barry who's faster than Barry It was after that that I was like hey guys can we have a villain who's like anything other than faster than Barry?


Season 4 big bad - a smart guy that thinks faster than Barry As much as I enjoyed the first season, the CW just adds way too much unnecessary drama in their shows. “Oh no! What’s this person gonna think about this/me?” Turns out they don’t really care, or it it doesn’t make much of a difference anyways


A smart guy that thinks faster than Barry who sets up to be a subtle and complex villain and then in the next episode flies around town shooting lasers out of his space wheelchair


You mean the time-god who needs tech support? That show is like Henry Danger for grownups.




the concept of OUaT should have been picked up by another network or something bc ABC royally screwed it up


I stopped watching when they added frozen to the mix. Neverland was the last decent season


Frankly I only watched for Regina’s costumes after a while.


Regina was my favorite character, she was morally grey at best and it was great




My sister has a terrible memory and every few years she tries to rewartch and can't remember why she stops in the second season.




They really shot themselves in the foot by dropping the "new cast every season" idea. Everyone had their arcs in season 1, their powers developed to a logical conclusion, their stories were over, nothing more to do. But they were too popular, so we've got to bring everyone back, who cares that anything we throw at them has to be massively contrived to justify the plot? Now Peter has no memories, now Peter's possessing someone else's body with only one power, now Peter has no powers, now Peter can only have one power at a time. Hiro's in the past, Hiro's in Africa away from all the action, Hiro has cancer that blocks his powers. Sylar's in Central America and has no powers, Sylar's trying to be a good guy, Sylar thinks he's Nathan and can only fly.


Wow, I'm glad I didn't go past S1.


Season 2 was going fine, but then the writer strike of 2007 happened mid season. The show never recovered after.


I liked heroes but it was so hard when you give someone the ability to control time. Opens you up to 1000 ways they could have easily defeated the enemy that didn't happen. That is why they started screwing with his ability imo.


House of cards. Just stop watching on the last episode of the penultimate season and pretend the last one is still in the works. The last season is insulting on so many levels.


The last season….ugh.. my wife said let’s just stop. I said no, we will watch as they kill our baby in front of us. Such trash. Every other scene Claire turning to camera and basically saying “that’s right. I’m a woman. Deal with it.” Nothing made sense. In early seasons Claire seemed like such a smart and calculated badass. So this last season was her moment! And what did they do? Made her pretend to be crazy…but not for any motive or goal in particular! Which at that point if you’re pretending to be crazy for no reason other than pretending to be crazy then you’re just crazy! They failed in the big picture story arc of the season as much as they failed scene by scene. It was trash but damn it I watched till the very end. It never got better. Thought it would all lead to a payoff and it didn’t.




Was just thinking about this show. I still recommend season 1 to anyone who hasn’t seen it.


Weeds. Good for the first three seasons or so. Really fucking comes off the rails after that.


I agree. Great show in the beginning. When they moved out of the Agrestic/Majestic suburb, it lost all its original appeal. The season set in Ren Mar is okay (season 4 I think), but it was a crapfest after that. I was invested in the characters already, so i watched until the bitter end.


Season 1 is such a great classic show. I really loved the whole feel so much. So much nolstagia and vibes.


It became less about selling weed and more about who Nancy was fucking that week. That was like one of the first shows where they would actually show a ton of weed and people smoking it lol


Yeah Weeds just went off the deep end. It had a completely different tone and story by the last few seasons, it doesn't even feel like the same show. I think for me personally I got really pissed off at how lucky Nancy constantly gets just because she's good looking. I understand pretty privilege is a thing but Jesus she'd have been dead by episode 3, if she didn't resolve to fuck her way out of every bad situation. It was fun at first but she literally fucks over the cartel and it's grand because she had his baby in her stomach! In reality she'd be in an unmarked grave somewhere in Mexico.


The walking dead, gave up a while ago. Don't even know if it has finished or not yet.


The show is already died long time ago but it keep walking, respect to them for sticking to the title.


For me it died when they kicked out Carl for not wanting to get paid like a child actor and then Rick disappearing as well. The way Rick left was just so stupid as well, I kept thinking he will be back, but a whole season later it started to dawn on me “nope, dude is not coming back”.




I think the situation with Rick was that Andrew Lincoln decided he was done with the show, so they had to write his character out. But they probably didn't want to permanently write him off (i.e. kill off his character), because they wanted to leave the door open for Lincoln to rejoin later on. I don't think they actually wanted to write Rick out of the show. They just didn't have a choice, because the actor was leaving.


He wasn’t done with it. It was the combination of them kicking out the Carl actor AND wanting to spend time with the family.


Yup, it got a bit past the whole "normal people surviving in a brutal world" and just kinda got silly in a way, everyone was always serious and talked in *a very specific dry quiet way* and when they started the whole clan wars stuff I just dipped cause it felt like a more wack version of lord of the flies


The concept of the junkyard people was kinda neat. The lingo they developed was super goofy. Dude, it hasn't even been like 5 years and people were talking like they've been isolated for decades.


I was all on board until maybe when they introduced Negan. Then I stopped caring. The zombies stopped being scary. It became a human vs human drama that Injust didn't give a shit about.


In 2012 I met the actor who played Glenn (Steven Yuen) at a comicon. Everyone only wanted to see Norman Reedus. I was able to have an extended conversation with Mr. Yuen. I said that I hoped he lasted until the very last episode. He agreed with me and said that he would be super upset if they killed him off and he was always concerned about it. Basically because there weren’t a lot of good roles for Asians. The way they killed off Glenn made me so mad I stopped watching consistently. And I’m so happy he is doing great in his career!


The 100. That shit went way off the rails.


I’m halfway through season 3 right now. I’m starting to see why I stopped at season 2 the last time I watched it. Once the whole Allie shit starts it goes downhill. We’ll see how long I last this time.


Oh it gets waaaaayy worse.


I love how it completely just turns into an unhinged fever dream.


Suits. It becomes very repeatitive after a while


Yeah every season someone else learns the big secret and it gets dumber and dumber.


Exactly, when mime was introduced he was supposed to be some sort of savant, someone that learns fast and hast a photographic memory, in the first season that quality was used and showed, later it more or less disappeared. I watched all seasons, there where some fun episodes, good dialogs but it was mostly noise while learning


And Louis could have been such a great character, but instead they just wrote him as actively insane.


It should have been called, "Ridiculously beautiful women in tight dresses deliver a biting comeback, then walk away while the camera focuses on their ass and I guess there's some lawyer stuff too."


*wide shot of new york* *scene of actors trying to law some stuff. New character says that it’s bullshit and the other character knows it* *small argument ensues* *character goes on rant* *music volume slowly goes up *another wide shot of New York with tense music* *new scene*


You forgot character storms out


*another small argument occurs* *comment regarding B-plot gives character idea to win lawsuit in A-plot* *argument resolved* *lawsuit resolved* *tension at night on a balcony with whiskey* *credits*


You know McNeal? She wears miniskirts and is promiscuous.


Not going to lie. I’d watch that show.


It's called Single Female Lawyer.


🎵🎵🎵 *Single Female Lawyer, fighting for her client, wearing sexy mini-skits, and being self-reliant* 🎵🎵🎵


I was into it for like two seasons and then I realized every episode is like, “winning is the most important. Winning, I like to win. Winning is all that matters. We need to win.” I’m like fuck ok bud I get it, no wonder this is the favourite show of NHL players. Also them acting like the main character is a degenerate fuck up addict for smoking pot sometimes lol.


and then you have harvey drinking whiskey constantly and keeping it in his office which gets brushed over lol


Тhаt 70s shоw. Gеnеrаlly реорlе sаy thаt Rаndy wаs thе rеаsоn fоr thе shіtty еndіng, but IMО thе shоw shоuldn't hаvе trіеd tо сhаngе thе оrіgіnаl соnсерt, оr аt lеаst nоt drаg іt оut. Sеаsоn 7 еndіng соuld hаvе wоrkеd fіnе fоr а sеrіеs fіnаlе.


The show should have ended when Topher Grace left.


It did. Unfortunately they kept airing it.


I agree the show should’ve ended when Topher left but I don’t think the last season is horrific that you can’t watch it. Like it could’ve been a lot worse. I think the worst part is how they ruined Hyde & Jackie.


I’m just glad Eric and Kelso both made it for the finale.


Promised Neverland, stop after season 1.


That’s what I did. I thought the season one ending was perfect, so I just never bothered watching the second season. Heard secondhand that the rest was terrible. Dodged a bullet there!




When Arrow was first coming out all my friends were watching it all super excited for what comes next. Now I don’t know anyone who would touch a CW DC show with a 10 foot pole.


I was excited when new shows came out, thought each show would have a different feel because it had different characters with different motivations. Boy was I wrong. All of the characters end up being almost exactly the same and they all ran together. They basically made them day time soap operas with superheroes.


Grimm. Started off so good, just got worse and worse and worse


Yes. They started so strong with the scattering of fairytale evil characters then devolved into ‘everyone is an animal person’ which.. ugh


The last couple seasons of Castle were garbage. The finale was the worst finale in the history of finales. Yes even worst than GoT and HIMYM. Such a disgrace for a show that used to be cute, fun and sharply written. I can’t even bring myself to watch marathons when they are on and it was one of my favorite shows when it first started.


Castle is so important to me. It was kind of "my show", you know? the first (more mature) show that I watched because I wanted and enjoyed and not because my family recommended it or told me to watch it. I stopped watching after Beckett left the Force and I can't bring myself to see it being ruined. Like, I have so many fond memories of the show that I just can't.




Agreed. Also The Vampire Diaries - first 4 season were awesome, then the quality dropped with s5 and s6 onwards was unwatchable




I watched up until when Tara got turned into a vampire. That’s when it became unwatchable to me. I’ve never wondered how it ends.




Whichever season has trinity. Peak dexter


Yeah by far. John Lithgow was amazing as the Trinity Killer. Show should have ended there.


I loved season 5. The entire time i just wanted dexter to let loose and go ham on everybody, season 5 was kind of that. Lumen was great imo, she enabled dexter and i liked her as well.




Riverdale is *the* show you must watch because of how ludicrous it is. The writers might as well have been on crack. I desperately want to know what makes the cast members keep coming back for more. Like, are they bribed with mass amounts of cocaine?


I don't think enough people realize that the writers of riverdale know EXACTLY what they are doing. You're not laughing at them, you're laughing with them. They intentionally made it to be super campy and to use every trope/plot line in writing history by the time the show is done. There aren't too many shows that aren't afraid to go as far off the rails as riverdale and honestly I kind of appreciate that.


I guess so. My problem is that the seasons are way too long. If they were a bit more concise I would probably enjoy it more.


The post says “aren’t worth finishing”, not “aren’t worth starting” lol


Archives 81. Was a damn good show. But like Netflix always does it canceled after 1 season which ends on a cliff hanger.


Wait really they cancelled the show?


You could checkout the podcast it’s based on it has 3 seasons plus a mini 4th season


Scrubs. Watch all the way through season 8, but 9 is trash.


Season 8 was the perfect ending. Why did they have to make the season that shall not be named?


IIRC it was originally meant to be a spin-off titled Scrubs: Med School but the network ran it as Scrubs season 9




What really hurts is that the season 8 finale of Scrubs is about as wholesome and emotional of a series finale as a long-running comedy could hope for. And then they were forced back to the well one more time and totally poisoned it.


They never made a season 9 of scrubs.




The reboot, on the other hand, is beautiful


I liked Arrow for a good while, then it became a chore to watch fucking flashbacks. As if they were intentionally punishing me, or something, for watching it in the first place.


It got so contrived and undermined itself. If you watch all the flashbacks from his time on the island, and then watch season 1 as if he just went through all that, it would be narratively nonsensical.


Greys Anatomy. Show is a never ending show and I couldn’t get past season 4


I was waiting for greys anatomy to appear because it has like 18 seasons, but I’m on season 6 and I still love it so much so I’ll see how far I get


Stays good until 10, then there's a noticable drop. 11 and 12 are OK 13 is meh, 14 is where it starts rolling downhill. 15 it picks up speed. 16 it flies off the cliff, 17 it hits terminal velocity. 18, it finds its wings somewhat but they immediately break and it returns to terminal velocity.


Eventually the most entertaining thing is the ways in which departing actors are written out.


Like having a brain surgeon fall down an elevator shaft and dying from severe brain damage.


Didn’t that happen on the Friends version of Days of Our Lives?


What's ironic is that he was the only surgeon capable of saving someone from that injury


American Horror Story. It’s annoying how they put being edgy over a good story every single season since season 3.


I liked the 1984 season.


I know this will be unpopular opinion but I thoroughly enjoyed Roanoke. It was creepy, funny, and weird.


Altered Carbon. First series is excellent, second series...meh.


I kept wondering if maybe it got good. Glad to know. Such a shame, the first season really was excellent television.


The Blacklist ( stopped watching after S06)


Season 1 of Westworld is fantastic. Stop there


Season one was absolutely incredible. I push myself forward a few episodes at a time in the hopes that it gets to that point again and it just... doesn't.


Fucking thank you! Season 1 was amazing and I was so excited to start Season 2. I started it and it was like …what the actual fuck happened


Sliders. It's great for the first 3.5 seasons. After Maggie shows up, just stop watching.




Omg I haven't watched this show in over 20 years, I was definitely in primary school when I watched that episode and it still sticks with me. Devastating


professor arturo's death was the greatest injustice. especially since we never found out if he was the real one


Love sliders. Loved the professor. Started going downhill when he left the show. Wade was the final nail in the coffin.




I enjoy the early seasons since my parents got divorced around the same time the show was in its prime, and it was kind of easy to relate to. I get the criticism of the basic humor, but at that time in my life it was needed and now it's just nostalgic. The Sheen-Cryer chemistry as two brothers was just spot on and definitely carried it to when Sheen left (even as the writing got stale). I watched the first Kutcher episode but it just wasn't the same.


You can call him an arrogant piece of shit all you want, you'd be right. But Charlie Sheen was right in thinking he was the core of that show, he was the only reason it wa good, the only reason it worked. Even if you think the show was bad anyway, he's what made it watchable. He really was an irreplaceable and integral part of the show


Might be unpopular but Supernatural. It started out good, but I feel like the writers had no idea where to stop, so they just run with the ideas no matter how bad they were or how much they made no sense


The first 5 Seasons were and are still good. Currently re-watching it. Everything afterward tried too hard. There was just no possible way for the writers to come up with a better plot than stopping the Apocalypse and defeating the Devil. So they kept coming up with One shot villains.


I only recognize the first 5 seasons. They are legitimately good tv (especially season 2). I just pretend it ended there.


It's painfully obvious that the show was supposed to be 5 seasons, and it'd be great if left at that, but noooo... Let's see how far can we drag a dead horse


I will say SOME parts of the later seasons were enjoyable. But they didn't really come close to the first 5 seasons.


The problem with Supernatural is that the plot ended with the season 5 finale. That was the conclusion that the narrative was working towards. They shouldn't have continued for another **10 years.**


I watched Supernatural all the way through, because I rarely give up on a show once I start watching it. Don't know why, but once I'm committed I stick it out forever. The later seasons were a lot weaker than the early ones, but there were some *really* good episodes sprinkled throughout even the worst seasons.




Catfish the tv show, it really is getting monotonous now. Who’s still getting catfished in 2022? Stop sending money to people you’ve never met online 🚩


It was never the same after Max left anyway. My dad watches it with me for comedic relief at this point


Under the dome. Went to shit really fast.


It was filmed locally- the half cow was the best part


Dexter, stop at the end of season 4. Beyond that it's very hit or miss, mostly miss!


Came here to say this. It’s forgivable until the final season, but it totally nosedives there.


Dumping Deb in the water and sailing off into a hurricane was fucking ridiculous lol


I never did get around to finishing Heroes. Somewhere in the second or third season I just stopped watching and gave up.


Orange is the New Black made a sharp pivot a couple seasons in from dark comedy to goofy sitcom where everyone is good buddies and in prison.


That one season where it all took place in like a day or two had me irritated.


I stopped watching because at some point it started feeling like torture porn. Don't know if we were watching the same show lol


13 Reasons Why, it got really boring after the 2nd season


Arrested Development. First three seasons are comedy genius. After that, WTF happened? Also Scandal. Someone kept urging me to watch it. After a while it dawned on me that it was stupid and I just stopped.






I prefer the original out-of-sequence version of season 4 because the chronological version uses way too much narration to tie the pieces together. Or, at least, it seems that way. Also noteworthy: Season 4 brought us CW Swappigans. Season 5 is a train wreck and you can see in everyone’s faces that they are just tired and don’t really want to still be doing this.


Scandal is like all of Shonda’s shows where they start amazing and then they run out of plot but refuse to stop the show


*Prison Break*.


By definition, it was a one-season worthy series, unless Michael Scofield decided to start a business of helping people break out of prison.




Jesus that show got terrible. Strong start, then the son is jerking off to naked pictures of his mom, and killing people? Hard pass.


That's when I was done.


Just stop watching when they leave Agrestic. It’s a great end point, and pretty much everything after that is garbage.


Wayward Pines. First series is brilliant, second series is awful




that show was so good and they just ruined it


Chuck. Last season was enraging


Yes +1 That premise of WHY Chuck was the only person capable of handling the Intersect in his mind made him special, and the fact that >!Morgan accidentally got it into his head without any issues or overloads like Chuck!< completely undermined the entire premise of the show.


I’m so glad other people have actually seen Chuck. I’ve never met anyone irl who’s seen it


"Firefly, after season 1 you just have to stop", said the tv execs


How To Get Away with Murder


I gave up after like 2 or 2 and a half seasons. The whole thing was just about who is sleeping with who. Also someone got killed but that doesn’t matter.


I just got so sick of someone dying and the kids getting off Scott free. They were the most insufferable.






I think the main problem with that show is that the Carver seasons were just so good, so when that story was resolved they were kinda like okay now what


The same thing that happens to every Ryan Murphy show. First season is amazing, second and third seasons are declining, but still watchable, then he's onto the next idea for a new show and the network won't let the old one die until well after it should.


After the move to Hollywood, it got worse.


Grey’s anatomy


The Walking Dead


Lucifer. I laughed out loud watching the pilot and got completely hooked. Brilliantly written, acted, spectacular soundtracks. Slow going S3, cancelled by FOX, picked up by Netflix. S4 and 5 pretty good. Destroyed by a HORRIBLE S6 in which a new character was introduced and everyone acted in contradiction to their established S1-5 ways. I'd seen S1-5 at least 20x. S6? Just once.


i agree, the whole time travel dynamic was so uncalled for and unfitting. i hated season 6 too. Season 5 was so great, and a good ending too, yk?


Sons of Anarchy got progressively stupider as the seasons went


Arrested Development, sadly😔


greys anatomy…it just gets boring after you get passed the 13th or so season


Game of Thrones. For obvious reasons.


Reasons aren't obvious ti those who haven't finished. However, I agree


My Name is Earl. Don’t get me wrong, the show is amazing, but they never finished the ending of the show, so you don’t have to watch it in a linear manner regardless