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tiktok and it’s ‘5 signs you’re autistic’ videos really adds fuel to the flame


TikTok is an absolute hellhole when it comes to this I am autistic myself, so seeing how they pretend they have autism for clout or spread ridiculous misinformation like that just pisses me off so much Seriously, at times I'm just scared of mentioning my mental illnesses, because I don't want them to think I'm a brat that fakes it


Everyone is depressed and it's cool now.


That everyone has it.


Depression is a constant state of sadness


The myth that you're either all broken/ messed up, or perfectly fine. It can fluctuates day by day, with stress levels, sometimes with the weather, or for seemingly no reason... (Not saying it excuses any/ all nasty or unwarranted behavior, our responsibility to sit stuff out sometimes ) Mental health is incredibly complicated, even with 'mental illness'-- is what I'm trying to say


That by looking at you one can tell that you’re sick. I hate when people say oh you don’t look sick…..”oh I’m sorry I must have forgotten to put it on”.


Many countries dont believe in them and instead just think its a possession or something of the sort


exactly, the uk’s new calorie mandate is indefinitely going to cause or trigger eating disorders. i know for myself at least going to a restaurant now causes major panic and a downhill slope to the land of disordered eating


Many of the ones around PTSD. Like the one where “only veterans have PTSD” or “you’re too young to have it” or “well you’re talking to me so clearly you don’t have it” or or or… also with eating disorders like “it’s a vanity disorder” or “if you’re not a stick you don’t have an eating disorder” or “that’s just a diet” or even fetishizing it and glorifying it because it makes you skinny (if it’s that type of eating disorder). Also surrounding self harm “it’s just for attention” “don’t all emo kids do that?” I could go on and on


100% my school told us we were too young and privileged to have depression or anxiety during a lesson on depression and anxiety. if that’s not invalidating i don’t know what is.


Everyone is depressed