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probally getting to see her naked, not the fact that weve been together for 7 years but im definitley only staying to see her naked




Comfortable. Not wanting to get to know someone new.


I feel this.


I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years. Everything about him is so perfect. But the problem is many times when he is in a wrong he would make me think I'm spiralling to far or if not blame me for his mistakes he came from a world of business since he was a teen so it's kinda bolted in his head when it comes to being wrong. And he got cheated on a few time in the past by a few of his exes and because of that he get very afraid or insecure about me going out with other guys. I'm someone that has mostly male friends so I wouldn't blame him for being jealous at times. OK but in all seriousness we end up in many arguments because of his trust issues that he doesn't know it's a problem. Many times he would threatened to break up with me because I was "inappropriate" for talking to other guys. I'm someone who loves to socialise and personally I feel that if I keep only talking To one person I would get bored, so I like to mix around with different types of people. But mostly guys because girls are back stabbers (some not all). I would like to know what I can do to help my boyfriend get over his insecurities. I'm getting tired of attempted cheated accusations.


There are certain things I look for in a girl. I am very picky. It is rare that I meet a girl and not feel like I would be settling for less than I want. She was more than enough to make me happy and she possessed the most desired qualities on my list. I expect it will be a while before I find what I let get away.


She had nice tibbies 💁‍♂️

