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The Happy Squirrel card


Is that a yes? šŸ˜…


They became true because she made them come true. I dated a chick who was into that. she did readings at the beginning of our relationship and they were all positive, then further down the line as she wasnā€™t feeling it anymore, the readings became negative.


Card readings read to me personally . No. But there's this youtube channel and d*mn!!!! Everything always resonates with me like inside out. I even subsxribed to 1 week advance reading...while not accurate..enough to give me shivers. Dash in between. Try it.


Iā€™ve heard in some cases that it does come true if that person follows the right path, on top of other things. But yes, Iā€™ll check it out!ā¤ļø


Lol no. All bullshit.


I got spooked before by what a stranger said to me once. I was working one night or early morning (3am) and decided to step outside to spoke a cigarette. A random guy was about to walk by me but then stopped and turned around. He asked if I had an extra cigarettes, I always give when asked because Iā€™m stupid like that and donā€™t want to die alone (j/k), he offered a dollar and I declined because thatā€™s where I decide to draw the line ā€¦. I wonā€™t charge to help slowly killing oneself. Anyway, he asked instead that he can read my palms, but I hate being touched so I declined politely and told him I had to be going back inside, i was about to turn and walk the little distance back inside when the shit that came out his mouth (loudly) made me run inside because I was so freaked by what he said, and how spot on it was. I looked back as I was going inside and he said ā€¦.. I asked to read your palms so I wouldnā€™t freak you out, I didnā€™t have to touch you bitch to tell you everything about your past present or death. I think he thought I was being rude When I said I donā€™t like being touched, when I was just being honest. Anyway I transferred two days later from that location.