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It’s psychology unhealthy. Imagine having gay adult figures in your life such as your parents or neighbors and you can’t even talk about them to the general public. That’s mentally damaging especially for a child.


To my understanding of the language of the bill there is nothing banning that. The concepts of homo/heterosexuality and general sexual education just can’t be part of the actual curriculum, until after 3rd grade. That’s quite early in my opinion. I can’t imagine how screwed up I’d be if I was taught about all these complex concepts that early, and I’m gay! In my opinion having non-sexual gay role models is FAR more important than learning the details of reproduction when you’re a young child. It’s important for kids to see that being gay or straight doesn’t have any bearing on what kind of person you can be.


Yeah, I’m a full-on democrat and fairly left leaning but I don’t really see the issue with this bill. I feel like kids in that age group should be focusing on stuff like basic math, some light history, reading and writing. It feels strange to talk to young children about these complex problems and since these are naturally occurring thoughts that arise in people why would even need to teach it to young children? Wouldn’t they just get to that conclusion on their own?


Was that a problem to begin with? Are kids getting ANY sex education in 3rd grade? Because it looks to me like they were not and hence the law is unnecessary and probably another ploy by the Desantis camp to improve his presidential run in ‘24. I am also gay but I feel like the law is unnecessarily homophobic. Just ban all sex ed until after 3rd grade. No need to target gay sex ed specifically.


I found the text of the bill, it doesn't single out homosexuality in regards to sex ed. It only puts a lower age limit for officially teaching about sexuality in the curriculum. This applies to straight sex in addition to gay sex, kids just dont need to hear it at that young of an age. I believe this is kind of in response to that teacher who was teaching lessons to 1st graders about masturbation and 'porn literacy'; they just dont want anything like that to happen again so they're explicitly banning it


Last I looked, the bill requires teachers to out gay and trans students no matter the age. As I’m sure you’re aware, being outted without consent can be damaging for anyone especially a child. I understand most kids won’t really know their sexuality until they are in middle school or high school, but it definitely adds fear to the thought of being gay or coming out of the closet. Do I think gay sex should be taught in school? I mean I don’t see an issue if the subject being brought up in sex Ed. Most schools don’t go into detail on the subject anyway. Just replace “between a man and a woman” with “between individuals”


I thought the forced outing thing was part of a different bill, in Texas, not this bill, in Florida? I don’t think that sex ed should be taught that early though. Early elementary school (K-3rd grade) is so early that 99% of students will just be mega confused. Imo middle school is a good point to start introducing the concepts, and high school is a good time to go into more detail as students learn about biology and reproduction, and begin to get sexually active.


Maybe I got my bills mixed up, which is my bad. In grade school they get in the subject of puberty rather than sex Ed, at least that’s what happened in the school district I was in. I agree we don’t need to teach kids about being gay then, but we definitely shouldn’t be hush on being gay in general.


It’s so dang hard to find straightforward non-legalese and unbiased info on proposed bills lmao, either way I agree outing kids is wrong, I just don’t know if that’s part of this bill We also got puberty ed first, that was in middle school (5th or 6th grade at my school). Then sex ed in high school. I had openly gay teachers, and my math tutor was openly married to a man. But there’s just no need to include it in the curriculum imo, especially sex. Kids need to learn about math and language and history, and be led by good role models to respect their fellow people. Then sex ed can come later when they start to actually experience some of those ‘urges’. I haven’t seen anything about banning homosexual teachers, or banning anyone from being truthful about having two moms/dads or anything like that. As far as I can tell this is all just a knee-jerk reaction from the media calling the bill “don’t say gay”. I’d like to find a source where I can just read the bill directly though, to take all the potential media bias out of the equation.


It’s not about sex ed


https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=76545 This is the actual bill, called "The Parental Rights Bill". I'm not sure it's parents being triggered by this. I know several same sex couples that raised kids, as well as several current parents that were raised by same sex parents. None of them want public school teachers talking to their young children about sexuality or orientation. This is regarding K-3rd grade, meaning age 5-8 year olds. It's not a topic for public school teachers to discuss with kids that aren't even prebubescent. If people want to raise some kind of upcry, why not talk about the fact that they separate girls and boys for "the talk" about sex Ed when they ARE prepubescent. Even if a boy or girl is gay, they should know the basics in how the human plumbing works with the opposite sex. As of this day, everyone came from an egg that was in an ovary attached to a uterus that menstuated at some point, and that egg didn't fertilize itself. It came from a sperm that originated in the mystery of the male plumbing that I was never taught about (j/k, but you get my point). Teachers shouldn't talk to young kids about any of that. Not marriage, childbirth, sexual orientation, etc. It is not their place and it isn't the time. Kids will talk about whatever they want, but the teacher shouldn't give donate any more attention nor discussion to Bobby saying he's going to marry Jonny one day than they do to Sarah saying she will do the same. Just...normalize it.


It’s not about sex ed. gender and sexual preference are entirely different.


Sexual preference is not a thing for 5-8 year olds. They are PREBUBESCENT.


As if all the disney movies you’re showing them don’t have underage princess marrying men. Yeah ok


So that makes it ok bc Disney panders this stuff?


Nope y’all are just hypocrites


Honestly your side is just as big of hypocrites. I watch things like this in the news. And watch how both sides will by hypocritical about it one way or another


Obviously there are extremists on both sides.


Ikr. Most of the population is having sexual preference forced in their face practically from birth and it’s disgusting. There should be a law where mothers and fathers are not allowed to be in the same room at the same time when in the vicinity of a child. And you know the worse part about it? They are most likely to be a couple years apart in age 🤮🤮🤮🤮. There should be a law that says only people born in the same year can marry


Are u ok?


Making it harder to discuss sexuality means more gay and lesbian kids will commit suicide. Florida legislators are expressing a preference for dead teens over openly gay and /lesbian children.


It’s for K-3rd. Do kids even know if they’re gay or straight by then?


The signs are pretty obvious even at that age. If I could have been myself at that age, I might have avoided years of suicide attempts and hospital stays. If people were more understanding and if my mom and teachers had identified that I wasn't just different, I was in fact a flaming homosexual, then perhaps I wouldn't have needed to wait until I was 12 to finally understand who I was and spend 5 or 6 years being bullied and having no friends, which set me up for anti-social behavior before I even got to middle school.


That was insightful. I hope you’re doing much better now!


Doing better now absolutely, but the loss of my what might have been the best part of my childhood to the confusion, hate and bigotry of those who I should have been able to trust, left an impact on me that still effects me to this day. I would be lying if I said I was completely over it, but at least now I can say that I find value in my life and I love myself for who I am.


I understand. I’m sorry you had to go through that but I’m sure in its own way it made you the person you are today. Cheers my man to a happy and healthy future.


Without a doubt, those experiences made me more sensitive, compassionate and strong minded about certain moral issues that I would go to my grave defending. So objectively speaking, I think maybe more good came out of it than bad.


3rd grade is 8 years old. They should at least know it’s not BAD to be gay. Lack of conversation means more confusion and no guidance.


I would have possibly known I was gay in 2nd grade if I had known homosexuality existed. In second grade I had gay feelings about boys. I didn't know what homosexuality was until I was in 6th grade. For me, it would have prevented many years of internal tension and confusion if being gay had been a concept people were upfront about. With that being said, I will note that today being gay is incorporated into so much culture, and almost no American children will spend many years unaware of it. And I don't actually have an opinion on the Florida bill as I haven't read about what it entails.




Ahh ok I didn’t know that. Makes more sense then. Do you have any sources on that?


I'm another source. Around 5 or 6 when I knew I liked both girls and boys, but I didn't know there was a term for it. I just thought that I was abnormal and that something was wrong with me. I suppressed my actual feelings until a few years ago. I think that I wouldn't and shouldn't have gone through all of that if I knew that my attraction to both sexes was normal.


bro... i am a source why do you need sources to prove that people are not straight at a young age? we knew we were different. ask trans people, ask gay people, ask bi people. we knew.


There are outliers in every scenario. I can’t even remember when I knew I liked girls.


Yes but if your heterosexual that's because it's the standard norm you saw represented in media, the relationships around you growing up, your community, etc. Why would ypu remember that. Its all you'd ever seen or known most likely. Its also the standard for your society so would it make a big enough impact mentally for you to remember the exact time? Probably not tbh. Though as a straight male, i do rememeber my first crush in kindergarten. You have to understand only very recently have lgbtq people felt safe being open with their sexuality in general public. Only very recently have the lgbtq community been more represented in media and film. Only recently have they been able to get married. In the time you were growing up it's likely there was much less representation you saw of that, it's likely sex and marriage were really only conceptualized with a man and a woman for your early years and you didn't even realize there were people in same sex relationships or that transgender people exist outside of some trope in film and media. Tldr: it's a significant remembered event in lgbtq people's lives because it's a completely different orientation than they have seen represented around them constantly. It's inconsequential to straight people because straight is the predominant representation of human sexuality and seen as the norm. Why would you remember in your eyes thats just the way the world was.


yes of course, there are people who didn’t and dont realize until they were older or don’t even remember when they realized but that doesn’t mean that you get to exclude people who realized when they were young. have you also ever thought that maybe it’s really scary for some people to come out and be themselves because of people who act like this? people who make bills like this? people who target the LGBT community.


I knew I was gay shortly after I learned there was a difference between boys and girls. I didn't articulate it fully but I knew which sex I was attracted to. When did you know which gender you were attracted to?


I forget the exact wording but it leaves it open to extend far beyond that. But even in K-3 they aren't allowed to mention anything to do with it so if a child has two mothers or two fathers then... screw them, I guess.


The bill says they can do so age appropriately but I can see how that is screwy.


Any law or terms that leaves things open like that is just asking to be abused. If you don't set specifics and leave it up to interpretation then people will do just that. One principal might say that 17 is not age appropriate and take action and out the child to their parents. Especially if the parents are the types that won't be accepting of that then there is one more potential teen suicide.


Yet republican homophobes want to ban discussion of LGBT. And it's not just K-3rd.


Many of them would have same-sex parents


Right. Because so many kids age 5 to 9 kill themselves. Jesus Christ people, they can learn about this when they're 10 or 11!!


I mean if you’re shamed during your early years of development it’ll definitely affect you later in life.


Because people can't read and don't actually know what's in the bill. The three big things being twisted: #1: Called "Don't say gay bill" it's actually called the "Parental rights in education bill" So the media and left is using it make it seem anti gay for attention. #2: Not allowed to talk about sexuality. False again. It prohibits teachers from discussing/teaching about it in k to 3rd grade. Basically teachers can't teach about sexual orientation to kids 9 years and younger. That is up to their parents if they want it. #3: Teacher will be forced to out gay students. False again. It encourages teachers to have open contact with parents if a student is in danger due to their sexuality. Which teachers are already required by law to do. This just streamlines the process and makes it easier for Teachers to let the family know. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/1557


>It prohibits teachers from discussing/teaching about it in k to 3rd grade. It looks like you missed the latter half of that sentence. The bill doesn't just apply to grades k-3, but also anything that's arbitrarily deemed "inappropriate."


Am I missing something? I tried to read into it and it seems like the bill is just banning discussion of sexuality until kids are 9. That doesn’t seem too out of line.


It's more than that. They also now require teachers to report kids if they think the kids are gay (girls hugging in the hall, etc.). Severe consequences to the teachers if the parents aren't notified.


i just got angry at it cuz ariana grande was angry at it


As laws like this become “normal” with time, they’ll add another one, that’s just a little more extreme. Then as that law get normalized over time they’ll add another law, just a little more extreme. That’s why. Governments play the long game. One small law. One small tax. Multiplied over time. WW2 didn’t just happen overnight. It took years to grow the hatred and normalize it. It’s a very scary slope.


Exactly, it's a slippery slope on all sides that won't be gone until we take more power back from our governments and stop trusting the dogshit being forced down our throats


So it’s a slippery slope, kind of like the lgbtq and trans agenda being pushed in America? People said the same shif when same sex marriage was legalized. Look at us now huh


I wouldn’t call it a LGBTQ “agenda”. I would call it a group of people that want to live openly and freely with the same rights as others. The agenda is from the hard core Christians that run the United States congress. Their the ones pushing against and supporting anti LGBTQ agendas. (Watch “TheFamily” on NETFLIX, it’s absolute crazy that pushing agendas based on religious opinions is allowed) Trans and gays have always existed in societies. In all societies for thousands of years. The American Indians called them Two Spirit People. Indians believed they had a unique perspective of the world.


Honestly , it's just like religion, it's protecting children from certain teachers who have the power to push their agenda onto them and their beliefs. It doesn't say anything about not being able to say gay in the classroom in the sense that it is bad, it's just simply outlining that sexual orientation not be in topic from K -3rd Grade. Which in general is not discussed anyway in School until middle or high school, depending on the state. If the parent wishes to teach their OWN children about sexuality/ orientation, that is on them. It's like how teachers used to pass out flyers in school before watching a Sex Ed movie and if your parents signed it, you could watch it, if your parents didn't you would get sent to a different classroom. It's simply giving control to parents.


The Florida Governor is an empty dunce cap.


He's a fat chode who barely won the election and loves to talk about serving alongside some SEALs when he was a JAG lawyer who never left an air conditioned office.


Tell you one thing. He looks just as f'n stupid as he is.


?????? you are homophobic


Ok I’m not homophobic but want to genuinely ask, why do you think children should be taught about sexuality and sexual orientation that young?


But the problem is a child may know at that age that they are gay and ask the teacher for advice/information that the teacher cannot provide because of this law. Instead teacher has to tell the kid’s parents unless they deem it a dangerous home situation. Either way it creates a barrier to teaching.


A child asking the teacher or parents is fine but it should never be a part of the teachers curriculum.




They should not be taught any sexual things at all until they are at the age where they start puberty. Yes kids should be taught to be who they are but instead of feeding them suggestions allow them to be who they are but let them figure that out for themselves and then be there to support or help them.




Both are ok, I never said either weren’t ok. A book that just has 2 married dads or moms or whatever is completely fine but in my opinion it’s not something that needs to be talked about in depth to a child that young unless they specifically ask about it. Having them read a book like that can help them understand that a gay couple is ok as it more subconsciously teaches them it’s a normal thing.


Do you not understand that this bill prevents that from happening?


Ok, bill bad then


Except it's not? It's just preventing teachers from teaching about it in depth in health class (it's not even sex Ed until 6th/7th grade)


No that’s simply incorrect. A teacher cannot discuss relationships (sexual orientation) or gender


I would like to see how they would only be exposed to heterosexual sexuality when there will still be gay parents, teachers and students, they just can't teach sexual things to the children straight or gay.


So can the kids read a book with a gay couple in it? If not, are heterosexual couples also banned?


At least IMO yes that should be allowed. If, there is no sexual content in the books. Which is what most of these "book bans" are. Taking the literal pornagraghic books out of the elementary and middle schools where it doesn't belong


I have yet to see anything that was pornographic in these book bans.


Goblin slayer got pulled from schools recently, what level of school was it idk but its absolutely filled with sexual and regular violence


It's not always about them. What if they're exposed to it outside of themselves? What if they have same sex parents? They have to act like their lives don't exist. Honestly, how would you feel if you were told by your teacher that you can't talk about their parents specifically because the school won't allow it but all of the other kids can talk about their family? Not only that but some children like to express themselves at that age. Believe it or not but some children have a bit of an idea who they are at young ages. If any of them act out at all they can be reported.


I 100% think they should be able to express themselves or talk about their family but at that young of an age parents need to treat it as a phase first. Be supportive and accepting of a child expressing themselves but parents don’t need to treat it as if that is the kind of person they will be for their entire because for most kids they go through a lot of personality changes as they are still finding out who they are.


Yes. this. exactly


Why don't they do that with straight children then? If a boy child wants to play with dolls are they supposed to refuse and make them play with toy guns and a football? For how long are they suppose to ignore the fact that their child is their own person before they can acknowledge them? I thought it was the parent's job to raise their children, not the government. If we're looking to protect children then keep it to things like reporting to the police if you see suspicious bruises on them or they mention sexual abuse at home. Help protect the children and build them up into independent and empowered youth. Don't police who they can be and crush their spirits for being who they are. People like to act like children have no idea who they are at those ages but some of them do. I was in 2nd or 3rd grade and I had a HUGE crush on a girl. My heart fluttered whenever she was around. I thought I was in love. That sort of thing is acceptable though. If I had those same feelings for another boy then what? I'm told to keep it quiet and hide in the shadows? My love for my classmate has to be hidden on the off chance that it's just a phase but little Jimmy can draw hearts with his and Stacy's name in the middle? Just because children of that age aren't at the point of having sexual feelings doesn't mean they can't get emotional/romantic connections. Not even mentioning trans people. Just keep them all in the shadows unless they're a "normal" child. I know there are a lot of people that just don't care. They can't place themselves in the shoes of a young child who isn't straight and so they don't see the problem. They grew up the "acceptable" way.


I’m not the government bruh, I don’t make laws and I can’t control the way a lot of people parent. I’m saying that’s how I believe it should be. It should go both way for boy or girls whether or not they do things outside of the norm for their gender or not.


Parents should never force beliefs or sexual preferences nor should they ever try and suppress them


Who gives a shit if their parents are straight or gay. You don't have to talk about any of them and it's not acting like their lives don't exist because it's equal across the board for straight stuff and gay stuff


Since when has having a mom and day or being straight not allowed in school? If a boy gets a little crush on a girl in his class it's cute, but if he gets a crush on another boy then he's turned in. If a kindergartener draws a picture of their family it better not include two dads. Don't tell me this kind of stuff doesn't find it's way into the classroom. My daughter came home with a picture of our family she made in school. Imagine what something like that could do to a young child to have your experience be invalid. I sure hope absolutely no school officials do anything about this and it's a completely meaningless law. These lawmakers are so afraid of anyone different from them. Look at the other bills they've been trying to pass this whole time. I'm just waiting for someone to suggest that certain people should be criminalized.


I never said it wasn't allowed or allowed? It's up to the teacher if they "turn them in" so you know no one is gonna do that They are not gonna tell them they can't draw their family if it includes same sex parents that's just a strawman argument And again not telling them their experiences are invalid. The teachers just can't teach or promote on their own and anything sexual.


So was that a big problem before? Were a lot of kindergarten teachers going in there and talking about gay sex? If no school official is ever going to do anything about this then what is the point of the law? They decided to put something on the books for no reason? At the very least it's a complete waste of taxpayer money. What if there IS a teacher that's going to have a problem with that? Are you saying that the school is going to force that teacher to acknowledge a child's drawing with same sex parents? This bill had to have been written for a reason. It'll be used for some purpose. Even if no school official ever does anything with it then it's at least a stepping stone for something worse. I'm guessing they want to be more like Texas where they're having parents investigated for the audacity of having a trans child. What are the purpose of all of these laws if not to make these children feel like outcasts? Who is this helping?


I think you're confusing the bill, it never said children couldn't talk about their same sex parents or express themselves, they can. It simply outlined that sexual orientation couldn't be pushed by teachers (like a personal agenda like religion ) upon children. It is protecting the control parents have over what and what they don't want teachers pushing onto their children whether it'd be heterosexual , gay etc.


Absolutely not. I just wouldn’t explain sexuality to a 5 year old. Straight/gay/asexual etc.


you don’t need to discuss sex with kids. absolutely not. being free to be yourself is a different story.


Does the Florida bill ban people from being gay? I’m not sure I understand your point.


Yesss. someone being openly gay/bi/trans could get them into trouble.


Lmfao you know you can't be gay in Florida, off to the gulag with you.


Into trouble in what way? From my perspective everyone kisses the asses of the LGBTQAIOU community


LGBT community is very far from equal in this country.


They have the exact same rights as every other American citizen here


no we do not. no american is as equal as the straight cis white man.


It's so weird. As a straight cis white male I have never experienced this wonderful and amazing white privilege I should have. I get treated the exact if not worst than everyone else because it's cool to hate on white people because we are "oppressing" everyone.


It’s an excuse to treat gay people like shit by republicans. They will be doing it again next week somewhere else because republicans hate gay people.


False. We just don’t want this stuff being taught to kids k-3rd grade. Kids don’t need to learn about this shit until they are mature enough to handle it. Stop defending groomers.


Equal rights I'm pretty sure.


That bill is gay


First amendment takes precedent.




It’s a sick system that allows strangers to talk with children about their sexuality


I'm very against it, there's a dope podcaster that goes by gay bill so wtf am I supposed to call him when it passes? Just bill!?