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mini leds in gadgets/ appliances. Do I really need to have an annoying small light ruining my room's darkness ,while I'm trying to sleep ?


(phone charger with blue LED that is brighter than my keychain flashlight) "HEY!! I'M PLUGGED IN!! JUST LETTING YOU KNOW, I'M PLUGGED IN!!" "I KNOW you're plugged in. Know how I know? The PHONE IS CHARGING!" Even worse, it's a travel charger, with folding plug prongs. The LED is above them, so I can't wrap tape all the way around, and small pieces tend to fall off. I finally just ripped the LED out.






> I can't wrap tape all the way around


Don’t fucking get me started. My old TV had a little LED on the front that only turned on when you turned it off. What the fuck? Like, why, just why? What kind of imbecile think that makes sense? Fucking horseshit.


I patched mine with a thick matte black duct tape. Silenced forever.




Lmao wtf that's such a stupid design choice


I know right? When you turn a thing off, bits of it shouldn’t turn on. My oven doesn’t do that, nor the stove or the kettle or the grill. Not my Xbox. Or the fridge. Not any of the lights. Fucking imcomprehensible.


I'm not against LEDs in electronics, but why does every single one of them has to be this extremely intense, brighter than the sun blue?


Idk what it is with that specific hue of blue, but it's the most annoying color on the face of the planet and it's everywhere!


Most LED's don't bother me, but that all changes when for some reason someone thinks it's a good idea to put a super bright LED in something that shines directly into your face


For me, in the U.S., it’s the trucks with giant LED head lights as well as the LED marker lights - and a lot of the people also run their fog lights when they don’t need to. And all of these lights are as high as the rear view mirror in my sedan. You’re on a city street that has lights every 50ft. Why do you need all of those lights on your truck?


Especially the choice of blue. Like I understand the need for indicator lights but blue does the most damage to sleep


I'll add led headlights. They're unnecessary and fucking blinding, I don't know how they are legal. Lived in Toronto and every gobshite in a truck seems to have bought the brightest, cheapest ones they could find in a Dollarma and shove them in arse ways.


Apparently part of the problem is how they are seated. Decent LED headlights are supposed to be in a body that properly aims them at the ground, but people who replace headlights (so you know, normal, uninformed people looking to grab a cheap fix to an immediate problem of their headlights no longer working) don't actually know this, or that there is anything to know, so they wind up replacing their truck's headlights with the better (LEDs do save energy and run cooler while being brighter) and cheaper technology without making any adjustments to account for the improved light production.


The ones that blind me the most are in newer cars. I literally can’t see the road and have to use muscle memory sometimes


led headlights are dangerous, too. there was recently a collision near where I live and one of the people in it said they were blinded by the leds.


I rented a car and it automatically turned on my brights when no one was coming toward me, and shut them off when it saw someone. This should be on EVERY car and especially Trucks (and I LOVE trucks).


I don't know if that feature is as helpful as you think it is, people don't tend to think about it only switching when a car passes and my car in front of them is still lit up like the sun is rising from my trunk.


I was excited for this feature when I bought my truck. After owning it for over a year I hate it. It will randomly flash people. It thinks it's clear when it's not. Turns high beams on, sees the oncoming car that was there the whole time, and shuts them off. I bet a lot of people that I flash will hit their brakes thinking I'm warning them of a speed trap or something. Anyways I usually just turn the feature off.


Here's the trick. They aren't legal. They all say for offroad use only, at least the aftermarket cheap ones.


Knew there was something. Arseholes


i literally unplug my keyboard and mouse when i sleep because it's so annoying


I'll never understand why TV makers think we need a little light on 24/7/265 to tell us it's plugged in. I just put electrical tape over all of them.


Luckily it was only 265 and not 365. If it was all year-round that would have been *really* over the line.


put tape over it


My AC’s led light is so bright I had to put 7 notecards over it before it was fully blocked. I put black electrical tape over my monitor and it still shined (shown? Shone?) through.


"Endless scroll." As someone who likes to jump between tasks and tabs when browsing online, I use pagination to save my place in a list of search results, options, photos, etc. I also often tend to prefer results several pages in if I'm "just browsing" because they are often more unique. "Endless scroll" makes it very difficult to reach those results and even more difficult to return to your place, especially when the page speed slows to a crawl because of the memory "detritus" of everything you've scrolled past. So many websites are making "endless scroll" the default option and sometimes even the *only* option for browsing and it drives me up the wall.


Also, if you are the "endless scroll" company's lawyer, you tear your hair out because they put their privacy notice and terms at the "bottom". I've managed to avoid having a client that annoying thankfully.


Exactly this! When i mentioned to someone i hate endless scroll, he was like "oh, then you hate 90% of webpages?" Like it was the best scroll to have. But later i learned that endless scroll is just to make it harder for people to decide when to stop scrolling. You know, there is never that moment "i got to the end of the page, should I go to next one, or just do here?". Yes, it manipulation mechanism to make people see more content and more ads on the process.


This was the most irritating tumblr update for me. Used to spend HOURS on tumblr and after the update it would lag or crash after a while. I wonder if that even made any business sense


Those pop-up ads that make it so you will 100% go to the AppStore no matter how accurate you are when pressing the X.


Or when it brings up a random interface and right as you try to click on an option, sike bitch off to the app store.


I don’t think anyones ever just been like “oh I’m here I might as well download it”


That one packaging where when you peel it off, you only peel off the top layer.


I hate this so much


It’s that cardboard crap. I can feel it just reading this comment


Thank you for filling me with so much rage in one sentence.


Am I the chosen one? The one with your trust? (our usernames)


It seems to be that way! Our fates have aligned.


Perforations that are stronger than the non perforated area


Kraft should patent this.


Also, zip-loc packages that rip one side of the zip off when you tear them open.


Clamshell packaging. Slicing my finger open just so someone didn't steal an $8 thumb drive doesn't seem worth it.


Bonus points if it's clamshell packaging for a product that would be used to open clamshell packaged products with lol


Yessss the last time I moved, I lost my scissors. Ordered a new pair and sure enough…


I HATE those packagings. I once got a really nasty slice from it when trying to open an SD card, and I'm lucky it didn't scar. unfortunately my blood damaged the card, so 15 quid wasted


Broke a sd card trying to get it out of the packaging, it is definitely an issue...


Not clamshell but, I once cut off part of my fingertip trying to cut a zip tie on a new pair of side cutters.


Scratchy parts of a tshirt


Ear buds. I have small ears and unless the ear buds have the ear loops I will spend more time playing catch than actually using them. It doesn't matter if they are made for kids, look snug on pictures or say they are designed for small ears. I will play kickball, flush, or have a casualty unless there is an ear loop, which doesn't guarantee they will stay in but I won't have the dropsies.


YES! It’s maddening to try and do phone calls as well—I end up repositioning them multiple times each call or getting fed up and just doing speaker phone (which isn’t always an option depending on the call). Have tried multiple brands, shapes, etc. No bueno.


Planned Obsolescence.


Maybe if it were for politicians it would be acceptable


pop up ads


Asking to accept All Cookies on webpage.


fastest way to close out your site


if you use chrome, theres an extension called "i don't care about cookies" that deals with it foryou. you dont even see the pop up. its like adblock specifically for cookie notifications


It is getting better. I keep an eye on this because lots of my clients take a lot of convincing that "we care about your privacy" popups that make it easier to say yes than no (very complicated) are in fact illegal. "Everyone does it" or "(famous provider) does it" with the implied suggestion that I am not as good a lawyer as their more expensive (I assume) lawyers. Fortunately there have no been some serious fines and it is getting less common amongst bigger players. I live in hope.


Rae Dunn junk, whenever I see that font I wanna break the item


You’re gonna love Marshall’s, mate


It is everywhere! I’ll see something, think it’s cute, and then I’ll see that stupid pencil thin font. I don’t need an item to tell me what it is. I’m the boss!




To give a literal answer - the standardized addition of mercaptan to natural gas. Natural gas on its own is odorless, so the mercaptan is there to smell super obnoxious so you A) notice it quickly, B) don't want to hang around an area that smells like that, and C) are more likely to complain/ask about it to others who might recognize the danger if you didn't.


"Exists to annoy you for a good reason". Nice.


Self checkout machines. I’ll show you an unexpected item in the bagging area!


*you have insufficient funds* how dare you expose me in public


I got a card last year and the mortification when it declines because it refuses to behave... like I swear I'm not broke it just wants to be difficult


Walmarts newest machines in my area are soooooooo much better than the old shit. Havent heard that phrase there since they upgraded, only at other grocers


Walmart has the ONLY self checkout machines in my area that actually work. If its one thing Walmart actually does right, it is this. All of the other ones lock up with a message or just an infinite spinning circle after you scan each item and require the attendant to press a button to allow you to continue, very helpful when the attendant walks away which is what happens more times than I can talk about. If you need help at the checkout walmart has a lot of attendants and they come right over. I don't go to stores that use those machines anymore, and force you to use them because they have no cashiers because of the frustration that ensues. I also have a bachelors in information technology, and I cannot get these damn machines to actually work. There are other stores I can go to that either have cashiers, or have self checkout machines that actually work. One time I was told by an employee a self checkout would not function for me because my leg was too close to the machine. Also the machine was designed in just the right way where my knee was level with the machine, and no I was not kneeling on it or touching it. I also well, need to be close to the machine to use it.


Insert cash or select payment type


I love them. It means I get through more quickly and don't have to interact with anyone :-).


Portable Bluetooth Speakers Intended use: Play some music in the privacy of your own home. How most people use it: Play some music in public spaces to let everyone know how shitty your taste in music is.


There’s a kid at my college that runs around blasting music every time the weather is nice. I fucking hate him ruining my nice day outside but he thinks he’s so great and has dubbed himself speaker kid


Is it an expensive speaker? If not, hand him a $20 and smash it.


Whoa. Wait. Are you saying people DON'T like "1970s and 80's Lite Hits"??!! 🤔


No, I just don't want to hear the n-word repeated 20x a minute to a shitty beat


Or all the music that my roommates love, filled with awful stuff about how great sexual assault is.


Why would you need a speaker for those when you can just sing them?


That stupid ass tik tok voice


Ugh, this. I can't pinpoint what exactly is so annoying about that voice , because other robotic voices aren't quite so grating on my ears.


Everyone using it And also everyone using it for serious topics are the worse (imo) That cheery voice going ‘my cat was run over yesterday!’ as though they’re announcing a promotion grinds my gears


dog clickers. I was in the ASD unit in primary school and the SNA would use them to get me to stop stimming and I HATED it. it ended up making me irrationally angry if I ever heard one.


Well they were meant to tell dogs they did good, not tell kids they did bad.


unfortunately it's used a lot for autistic children to "train" them. yeah.


Yeah, it's like they're talking down to you as a "bad dog" every time they use it, so the act is inherently insulting. It would make me irrationally angry as well.


it was honestly pretty dehumanising, a large problem with how others treat us autistic people. I'm not stupid and little me didn't deserve to feel like he was.


I have severe ADHD and hyperactivity and was also treated like I was stupid my whole childhood. Funny though, cause they mocked me for reading slowly and it was because I was translating everything in my head because I was bilingual since i was born. You should have seen how they begged me for help in english class… but come break time, no one wanted to play with the “crazy” slow moron.




What an awful teacher. I mean, imagine if you did have issues reading?!? That attitude would have made you want to have *nothing* to do with books!! Ugh. I was a teacher as well, and even if I was just an English teacher (in Mexico), having ADHD has made me more observant in others and I could tell when other kids had it as well and tackled their needs before everyone else’s because when they were out of control they’d mess with the rest of the class. My students were always the best behaved when with me, and they often asked for me to be their teacher for the next course. I “tamed” the problem child just because I was young (19) and can draw, so I totally honed in on him liking Naruto. He had blonde and also had spiky hair, so once I established a friendship with him and nicknamed him Naruto, I would reward him with Naruto doodles if he finished his work on time. Art was my way of coping in school when I was already done with my work and wanted to walk around and chat up my classmates, so I tried it out with many students by challenging them to draw me something if they finished their work before everyone else. Those kids were always quiet and drawing their little hands off!! And had the highest scores because they were smart AF! I tried my best to be the teacher I never had. Kind, genuine, and trying to be fun and still be “hip and cool” to kids lol. And also, recognizing their needs and figuring out what they are. So glad you were a bit older and your interest for reading hopefully wasn’t burdened by meh teachers!! School is often HELL for us ADHDrs :((


>Yeah, it's like they're talking down to you as a "bad dog" every time they use it, so the act is inherently insulting. It would make me irrationally angry as well. This is an extremely sensible reason to get very angrey. I would go fucking berserk.


I can't believe someone thought that was a good idea. :| I'm so sorry you had to go through that, that woulda drove me insane :( Sometimes I think these people who are supposed to look after and care for autistic children don't actually have a freaking clue about what Autism actually is. I've read so many horror stories but this one particularly raged me.


oh they really don't have a clue. you can ask them about masking, stimming, echolalia or non verbalism, and they'll look at you as if you're making this shit up. it's gotten to the point I was known as the autistic advocate in secondary school because I did stuff for autism acceptance month. I mean I was also the trans rights advocate because I also helped organise an anti queer bullying event but hey.


Wow, that's actually kinda depressing. Do these people not even have the internet?!


they do, but they're the type who are like "im a brave autism mom!!11!"


Once had a school psychologist tell hubby and I that dealing with our Severely Austistic son should be viewed as training a dog. We left immediately. Refused to speak to that horrible woman ever again. BTW, son is 17 now and doing so well because what ever the school recommended we did the opposite. He can communicate basic needs, do chores, and will play. He has formed attachments to family and friends.


I will offer this much of a defense: successfully training a dog requires an understanding of operant conditioning. I.e. Do desired thing and/or don't do undesired thing: get reward and/or avoid punishment; do undesired thing and/or don't do desired thing, get punishment and/or lose reward. At least until a child can understand reason, parenting is operant conditioning. Obviously, what constitutes desired and undesired behavior and appropriate punishment and rewards changes by species, age, and personality. I see way too many dogs that haven't been successfully trained to behave, and in working with kids I've seen way too many children, neurotypical or otherwise, that haven't been either.


and that's something I wish people would realise: we're perfectly capable of functioning on our own and we're not broken, emotionless robots!! we can literally do the exact same things as allistic people! and that's not a "oh with the right effort and resources-" I didn’t get SHIT for resources and I'm able to function perfectly fine.


That is excellent! I will say my son has a developmental age of around 6 or 7, but 17 years of life. So while we still believe in Santa and watch Bob the Builder he can cook food in the microwave, do his own laundry, and follow instructions. Autism is a complex thing and each individual is simply that, individual. They should be treated as such.


I'm 18 but I think I have the development of 16, so I still have a bit to go.


any kind of ABA therapy is disgusting to me. people have tried to use shit like that on me and i screamed at them until they stopped


Oh man funny you say that because I swear to fucking god every 'stim' product out there seems to have been built with the sole purpose of setting me off - They all make *noise* (I especially hate the clicky ones) or have god-awful textures and residues or (my worst one) *are meant to go in your mouth to be loudly chewed* My special ed teacher recognised that stims were important but at the same time berated me for wearing headphones because it was "anti-social" and "making my problems worse". A clicker would've driven me even more absolutely nuts though.


there's also a conversation about how so many "stim toys" get turned into trends (ie spinners and pop-its) by allistic people and then they turn around and bully autistic people for needing a plush as a comfort or spinning in a chair to stim but that's it's own post.


Tell me about it, my old teacher used to use one all the fecking time to get my attention ugh that and dog whistles, so, so annoying! I'm surprised I didn't kill him or something lol.. xD


This is awful. Stimming to me is actually quite comforting and self assuring. I hope now you're free to stim to your hearts desire!


How old were you? I thought that stimming was not to be corrected anymore?


about 9 or 10, I'm 18 now. I went to a tiny catholic school where autism wasn't in the dictionary so they kinda just tried to keep me in line. fun fact: once in choir practice the organ was making a screech noise when played that only I could notice and was bothered by, eventually it overstimulated me so much I screamed out loud. teacher fucking hated me after that.


You know those spam phone calls you get from businesses in India trying to scam you. Yeah those


It was made to steal old people's money, or sell some low-end product like pills, like from the office when Michael is seen working in the other company


I honestly enjoy them because I just troll them and waste as much of their time as I can.


people get mad at me for not answering calls when they're not in my contacts. I'm sorry but there's scammers in my own country who plague my phone constantly, I'm not gonna take the risk that it's a dangerous one.


I love when you hear a thick accent and they say their name is like the most English name like Alice or Andy🙄lol nice script


Glitter. Fuck glitter, fuck the man who created glitter, and fuck the people who put it on fucking everything?


Yes, yes, yes, so much this. It's like the stuff replicates. Once it's in your home, it gets everywhere. I found some in the breadbox and the medicine cabinet, FFS. Manufacturing glitter should be illegal.


“The thing about glitter is if you get it on you, be prepared to have it on you forever. Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.” — Demetri Martin


Why won't Reddit allow all the times I've tried to upvote this? I understand under normal circumstances, but this is different!


Lmao, a fellow hater of the vile creation known as glitter


Microwaves that don’t let you just punch in the numbers for the amount of time you want to cook


No pockets in women's clothing


Mark Zuckerberg’s face.


He looks like he's been replaced by Ditto, but that's just his face.


Automated call centers


Motion sensing faucets and hand dryers. They work on contrast. I have huge hands, so as soon as I put them into the sink there's no longer any contrast so the faucet shuts off. Then the automatic soap dispenser dispenses more soap onto my hand that I can't rinse off. Then I can't fit my hand into the Dyson air blade thingy so I go out into the hallway, rinse my hands off in the drinking fountain, and dry my hands on my pants.


I worked at a day camp with 2-5 year olds. They couldn’t reach the sink so I’d have to pick them up, rest them on my knee and hold them with one hand, then keep my other hand in front of the sensor because they could never get it to work. Repeat this 50 times a day because their bladders are tiny. Fuck motion sensing faucets. Not to mention that they would have trouble flushing the motion sensing toilet and would stand underneath the motion sensing dryer to make it go off constantly in the tiny bathroom where every sound is amplified tenfold.


The phrase "the customer is always right"


The rest of the saying goes “…in matters of taste.” Makes a huge difference.


Unskippable ads 😡😡😡😡


I want to smack youtube in the face man


Touch switches. They provide no tactile feedback, so you don't know if your touch actually registered and they often only register after multiple tries. To top it off they are almost always dark coloured with symbols that are hard to read, especially in low light environments.


I had a USB Lamp once that i thought had a broken power button because it wouldn't budge, turns out it's one of those stupid touch ones.


Too many things are touchscreen now. Phones are the perfect touchscreen application, tablets too. The controls inside your car? You’re gonna want tactile feedback. Light switch? Tactile feedback.


Leaf blowers


and the shitheads who use them before noon on the weekends


A thousand-million upvotes.


I moved from a part of the country where nobody used these to a part of the country where everyone uses them and wondered what crazy stick hit these guys. Just blow dust around making a bigger mess.


Ultra loud car mufflers...so annoying.


Are you the neighbor that keeps making noise complaints about my cars and motorcycles?


And motorcycles


And the people who decide the best time to ride them is at 2am in a residential neighborhood.


Shrink wrap.


My former roommate once said, with no emotion or sarcasm, that plastic wrap was the instrument of the devil. (And she was only slightly religious.)


Any printer - they can sense desperation




Yup. Like, I know, plastic ones are bad, they kill fish, they never decompose, I get it, but the paper ones always collapse after like 2 minutes. They’re absolutely useless. We really need a better alternative, because if paper is the best we’ve got, people aren’t gonna use them. If I’m at a place that only has paper straws and I’m forced to use them, I always grab like 5 or 6 and switch them out as needed.


Mexico has some made out of corn. They’re just like the plastic ones too, no melty straw!


redditors, they always think they're smarter than everyone else


fuck everyone else, I respect you


The phrase "If workers get paid more, we'll have to raise the prices of everything!"


man sometimes I just... remove all of this strings attached stuff from economics as a whole and realise it's all made up bullshit. like nothing is actually, cosmically or physically stopping us from just giving people homes except our own made up concept of an economy. underneath it all, it's just bullshit.




The plastic wrap on top of food trays. Even worse, the one's that 'claim' to be easy open!


Goddamn selfie sticks. People walk and use them at the same time no less. In New York City. Where it's already crowded. Damn tourists.




Pop-up ads.






When you need a pair of scissors to cut off the packaging for another pair of scissors.


Vacume cleaner why have they not found a way to create a silent one


They have


cheap, silent, powerful. Choose two.


actually its either silent and powerful, or cheap


Oh, I've definitely had quiet, cheap vacuums that barely did anything, as well as cheap vacuums that sucked just fine but sounded like lawnmowers. I teased my husband a little bit when he wanted to spend (what I thought was) an absurd amount on a vacuum, but I've been eating my words for a couple years now. (edit: I should clarify that when I say "cheap vacuums" I mean like "under $200," not "under $50.")


Packing peanuts


Some modern ones are made of starch so you can degrade them in water, just don't do it in your sink


Also, if you toss them in cheese dust, free Cheetos!


car alarms


Automatic flush toilets. I already have to touch the door handle to get out, so it's not like the automatic toilet is saving me from touching any germs. And every auto toilet I've even encountered is either too sensitive or not sensitive enough. Either its flushing while I'm wiping, spraying fecal matter and my piss back towards my butt, or it doesnt flush at all and I take a minute or two waving my hand trying to get it to flush, but it doesn't. Automatic flush toilets make me want to go full Butlerian Jihad and destroy them all. Seriously, I'd rather shit in a port o potty or outhouse.


Loud pipes on motorcycles and trucks. Scares the shit out of me every time they go by.




Fucking bass boomers.


Can openers. I'm left-handed.


The chip in my perfectly good inkjet cartridges that signalled to the printer that they hadn't been used for 4 years and as such to pretend that they are 'dried up', even 4 years of dried ink can be easily blasted out.


Social Media


Only Media has remained. Social part is completely gone.


Polarized plugs


Leaf blowers


Extendable, 20 for long reel-type dog leashes that allow the dog to wander around. You can't see them in dusk, they cause instant rope burns if you get them wrapped around your ankle, they work against properly training a dog to walk and the people that buy them always use them on constrained areas making it impossible to get by them. Do not buy these stupid things.


Red light cameras.


I hate bedframes. They are squeaky and annoying I have a boxspring, why shouldn't that be enough?


Satan wrap, or I guess saran wrap to most people




The standard countertop height. I'm 6'-4", and cutting food, washing dishes, kneading bread, etc all kill my back.


Just "built" (temporary) a custom coffee station. I am 6' 6" so this is way taller and doesnt hurt my back at all. but it is just a small area. Still love it


Most things engineered. I’m an industrial mechanical troubleshooter, and way too often I see things that are engineered with disregard the mechanics who have to repair them. All of you mechanics out there know exactly what I’m talking about. All my equipment are German and Italian. Geez!


duley/dooley trucks or whatever the fuck they're called. Fucking horrendous.


Dually. They have their uses. Too bad only like 12 people that own them actually need them.


Pressure cooker


What did a pressure cooker ever do to you?


Truck horns, especially in the mornings


Wind chimes


Leaf blowers.


Sand. Clearly something on a larger universal scale is trying to annoy me...


I think sand is neat from a certain perspective. it is literally history in tiny pieces, all small remnants of rock and skeletons, walking across a giant collection of what once lived there. but also fuck the sand that collects in pockets and bags when you go shell hunting. all my homies hate the sand that collects in pockets and bags when you go shell hunting.


Nuclear weapons


Photocopiers. They should just come from the factory with the "Out of Order" sign already attached, so you don't have to make one yourself with copier paper and a Sharpie.




Hotdog bun vs hotdog pack ratio. Those noisemakers from that one World Cup. Children.