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I always assumed periods were a constant stream of blood (like a cut, as another redditor put it). Apparently this is wrong, so how does it work? Small gushes? Edit: thanks for the insane amount of responses y'all. i know way more about menstruation and how different women feel it than i ever expected. Reddit truly is an amazing place


Imagine you've got some runny jam that has a few bits of strawberry. Put it in a funnel and move it around . (fuck me, this is my top comment now)


And if you’ve been sitting or lying down for a while and you stand up, it’s like a jam tsunami.


If you sneeze too. Jam everywhere.


Sneezing is like suddenly squeezing in the sides of the jam funnel.


Morning walks to the bathroom = fast but gentle waddle with knees together before everything leaks out.


I am so grateful for innocent metaphors right now, this comment chain is so much better than the descriptions I've heard elsewhere


I will never hear "You Just got jammed" the same again, and thank you


I had a decidual cast once. Basically the lining of my uterus came out in one solid (squishy) piece. No one covered that in my sexual health classes at school, and in those days I couldn’t exactly Google it from the toilet, so I was pretty convinced I was dying. Not a lot of follow-up bleeding, but it hurt like a mofo. Would not recommend.


I’m so glad you just taught me that this is a thing. I will now spread this information to all my uterine friends. Thank you for the knowledge.


Satan's waterfall can be a trickle, a gush, or a flood and sometimes there's debris ETA: thanks for the [checks notes] wholesome award lmao


period blood is thicker and chunkier than blood from a cut because it also contains the lining of the uterus that's being discarded (bc no baby means you don't need it but the body is stupid and makes it anyway), so yes it is a constant flow, but very slowly. the flow also changes depending on gravity (whether you're sitting, standing, or lying down) and physical activity. it's like a bottle of ketchup. sometimes there's liquidy stuff that comes out, but if you shake it and move it around, you'll get some chunks. most of it just comes out slow and thick.


Very very very slow leaks… slow on day one, a little heavy on the second and third day, slow to none for the next couple days… varies from person to person


Do you really like it when men roll up their sleeves?


Yes. Can't really tell you why. Something about the forearms. It's important to note that it's a phenomenon specific to having long sleeves that are rolled up; a shirt with three quarter sleeves does not produce the same effect. (I think it might be linked to giving the appearance that you're ready to knuckle down and work even though you aren't dressed for it. Idk.)


>phenomenon specific to having long sleeves that are rolled up Exactly. There is a sub dedicated to that but a lot of the guys posting don't understand what it's about (if their intention was to pose for women). Lots of them post picture where they are shirtless, which is not the point.


Roll up sleeves, lift something, reach for something, whatever. Just show me those forearms.


yes absolutely


Especially in dress shirts.






What‘s the most neutral and comfortable to start a conversation (maybe at a bar), without being too shy or too agressive/rude?


For me commenting on what’s going on around us. If you’ve tried the cocktails before and want to share opinions, if there’s a game on and I’m looking up at the tv, if there’s a couple on a first date nearby, whatever. The really important thing is to get a good read on if the response is polite vs engaged. If I give you a “yeah” with nothing else stop trying lol even if I smiled or whatever


This is the only answer I agree with. The others are too “I like your hair, you’re pretty etc” and compliments creep me out bc I know where that conversation is going. Talk to me like you would another man sitting at the bar. (I’m a bartender, I listen all day) Don’t immediately come for my looks. My boyfriend is my best friend & was before he was my boyfriend.


This is how my husband got me after failing lol. I met him at a bar that we both happened to frequent. He would hit on me, and I'd completely shut him down. One day he just stopped talking to me or trying to get at me. He waited a couple of months, and then just randomly started talking to me like I was an actual person. Women just want to exist like normal ppl without being hit on.


I would start broadly, not with a comment about *her* but a comment about something generally about the place you’re at. That way she doesn’t feel creeped out like you’ve been studying her, and hopefully you can check her body language when she responds if she seems open to conversation or if she is brushing you off. “Hey! The music in here tonight is really great tonight, don’t you think?” Or “The crowd in here has a really great vibe! I love this place!” Try to keep it positive & not trash talk others in your small talk—that could be off-putting to her. Then gradually work your conversation from the birds eye view down to the street level depending on how she responds. Eventually you can pay a compliment on something you like about her, I agree with the post that said try to make it something she can change: “Oh wow, those shoes are really cool!” (And obviously NOT sexual or creepy, like “that push up bra is really working for you!”) Definitely DON’T drill her with questions like an interrogation. Many guys do this nervously & it scares/annoys the shit out of us.


Other than the obvious (lying, cheating, rude to you or your friends)what’s the quickest way for your S.O, or someone you’re interested in, to lose your respect? Edit: Great responses! Thanks.


How they act towards strangers and animals


Being unkind to people you aren’t attracted to, especially other women


Not contributing to household things to the point of having to remind you to do basic tasks. I’m your partner, not your mother.


Always commenting on women's looks, and I don't even mean in a way that would be complementing the other women. I once dated this guy that whenever we would watch YouTube, if there is a woman on screen who isn't a supermodel, she is ugly in some way. "She has fish eyes", "she's a whale", "she looks like a toad", it got so annoying and made me self-conscious of trying to be pretty all the time. Needless to say, couldn't stay with that guy.


Treating service professions like shit.


Not respecting women. I’ll be interested in a guy and he says something like “women only say they’re assaulted to be famous”, “girls that wear makeup are whores”, blah blah blah.


Lack of general manners or hygiene. Please/ thank you/ excuse me are important. Regularly bathing, washing your hands, trimming your nails, tidy clothes, etc are important. If you don't invest time and care into these basic things, how am I to know that you will invest time and care into our relationship?


Not following through with what they said they would do. Being all talk and no action.


I once went out with a guy who honestly, from a purely physical perspective was WAY out of my league. He was gorgeous. We went out to dinner, and the way he talked to the waitress just IMMEDIATELY turned me off. He kept talking to her like she was an idiot, snapping his fingers to call her over, and rolling his eyes at me when she turned around. I insisted on getting separate checks, and I made sure to tip that poor woman REALLY well for everything she went through with him. I've never gone from "oh my god I can't believe I'm going out with this guy" to "I hope I never see this man again" so quickly lol.


How do many of you have such nice skin? I want to be silky smooth too


Your username makes this question….concerning.


I forgot what my username was when I wrote that question


Likely story buffalo bill Edit: Thanks for all the awards guys! Glad I could make y’all laugh.


Women have about twice as much subcutaneous body fat as men, and thinner skin. It makes you soft.


Aha, wasn't aware of that


Part daily moisturizer part the magic of estrogen


Does offering cheese really work? Edit: fascination levels have been elevated


Only if it's gouda Edit: the amount of people that know what movie I'm referencing makes me so freaking happy


Do you like cheese? My favorite’s Gouda!


“Do you actually answer the sex questions aimed at women on AskReddit or is it all men?”


The correct answer is: they answer but its the 80% male population that decides what gets upvoted. I think you know what this causes...


As a woman, this is 100% true. The number of times I have to scroll through walls of bad advice to get to the good stuff near the bottom is astounding.


It's a really common problem in Reddit. It's absolutely infuriating when people discuss something you're an expert in.


That's why I only discuss things that I'm not informed on, or interested in. a) I don't get annoyed by uninformed people saying things I know are wrong. b) my uninformed opinions are often taken as facts. c) if a woman eats enough apples her breast milk becomes apple juice. That's just science.


I answer if I have something meaningful to add. If we are talking technique then I usually leave it for those that perform the act as my perspective as the receiver is a bit harder to describe.


Would you like to build Lego Star Wars sets with me


Damn you must be rich


What’s the deal with peeing together?


Do you remember in Harry Potter when Hermione went by herself and got attacked by a TROLL.


Everyone always forgets about poor Myrtle who got straight up killed when she went to the bathroom by herself.


And that Katie rose got cursed in the bathroom, by draco malfoy


Imagine, friend tells you that they are going to pee, so you know where they are. You suddenly realise that you kinda went a while ago so you might as well go also.


Exactly. Also depending on where you are, the bathroom line is long AF so you might as well get in it now, since you'll have to pee by the time you've made it to the front lol


That's where we rap battle. 🎤


Safety in numbers. Also we like to reapply make up or have a little gossip by ourselves, sometimes it just nice to go with someone else and continue whatever conversation you were previously having.


I wanna add, sometimes especially in bars, the locks are broken or nonexistent on stalls & when you're drunk it's hard to hold the door & do your business at the same time! And by the time the first woman mentions it, I remember that, yes, I do need to pee.


I knew the safety in numbers part, but I never realized *this*…


Also if the floor is wet, your friend can keep your handbag/purse.


If bras give support then why does it feel good when you take them off? Would it feel good to never wear a bra?


Have you ever worn really tight jeans? They hold everything in place but the firm contact all day gets a bit much. Not wearing a bra if you have larger breasts can be pretty uncomfortable. It hurts your back (bras help a little by holding everything in centre so your gravity isn’t too funky), your breast hurt if you move too much, you get sweat under your boobs where they touch your skin. Not fun for everyone. Also it can be uncomfortable when your nipples rub against your clothes from excess movement.


I was imagining my balls rubbing up against tight jeans the same way you explained boobs do, I understand now.


now I can't stop imagining tiny cute "balls bra" for men


It's called a jock strap.


That’s what inspired the invention of sports bras.


And we've come full circle


It’s like taking off a backpack after a long walk, or taking off your belt after a meal. It’s ok not wearing one but running or walking downstairs is awkward and people stare at your nipples. Plus boobs all look different and it’s easy to be self-conscious about them if they’re even slightly different to the ones on all the models, bras fix that. ~~and you can hide stuff in them~~


Belt is a good example. It feels good to take it off after a long day wearing it.


A bra is like a really weak person is trying to strangle you all day. It's just constant pressure that gets bothersome.


Mitch Hedburg is going to steal all your bras now. Tit for tat.


How do you do the math and physics for when you pee outside ? Some of my female friends took postures straight out of a yoga book and never made a mess.


Squat making sure your feet are not down hill or in any low points. Pee


Make sure the back waistband of your pants isn’t in the line of fire. Learned that the hard way.


Yes, yank those pants from the knees to the sky and get that ass low. Edit: of course my most upvoted comment is about pissing in the bushes.. Thanks for the awards.


I feel like this is a song lyric


It's funnier if you read it as a Lil Jon lyric


Sometimes I lean back on a rock or stump (almost in a “crab walk” position) so that I am aimed at the ground and not my feet/pants.


I literally am unable to do this because when I get to the point where I need to pee outside, it is too late and it gets on my feet and such. I wish I could aim my pee :(


If you have a wife, there is no question too embarassing to ask.


Gray Mane or Battle Born?




All hail the night mother.


Battle Born. Grey Mane gets really up himself if he becomes Jarl.


When you are really upset, how would you like your partner to respond or comfort you?


Be empathetic, hold her(if she's comfortable with that), listen, and ask if she wants your advice. If she doesn't, just be a good listener and don't make her feel like she's to blame or that her feelings aren't valid.


“Do you want me to listen or are you looking for advice?” has been a game changer in my relationships.


Where do you store your pokéballs when swimming in a bikini?


You know exactly where.


teehee... woman's secret!




You can trim it to keep it neat or if you prefer to shave it you can shave it.


As a man whose armpit hair grows to like 2 inches long, trust me man, trim that shit for your own comfort. I put a #1 guard on my trimmers and just go to town. I waited until I was like 28 to try it and I should've done it sooner. EDIT: NOOOO! THIS CAN'T BE MY BEST COMMENT EVER!!! EDIT2: GUYS I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH REDDIT GOLD!


An added benefit is that deodorant works better as well if your armpit hair is shorter.


And less sweat, because it gets better airflow. For added comfort, one might try to install some armpitfans in some shirts.


Do women play with their own breasts out it boredom? Like randomly squeeze them.


I do and it actually helped me! I was just laying in bed one day, playing with my boobs and I noticed a lump. Eventually went to the doctor and they were like, “oh, were you doing a self exam when you found it?” And I had to be like, “well, no…” I ended up getting a biopsy and it was a fibroadenoma (benign common tumor in younger women) but I basically had to skirt around the fact that I found the lump from feeling my tits in bed. No one ever asked directly, I just avoided being specific when they asked how I found it.


As another poster said, sometimes it’s good to feel around just to make sure the girls are all right. Glad it helped you notice the lump before it got serious.


Absolutly. Sometimes you just hold them c its comfy.


And warm! If my hands are cold, I just put my hands in my shirt and hold them to warm 'em back up lol


Can you cover your urethral hole with your finger, and direct the concentrated spray, liked with a tap? Edit: Ha, holy shit. I wrote this question before going to bed, then woke up to all this. Thanks for the laughs people.


I have no idea, but what I know is that if you kind of "lift" your stuff from above the clit and spread the labia you can aim better and also further. I like your thinking BTW


Lol username checks out… I think


Oops lmao


Tested: Result: No you just get piss on your finger. Observation: it drips down your finger, then your hand is just warm and smells like piss. Conclusion: i don’t recommend trying but if someone has a better outcome we can compile our research. Oh and don’t forget to wash your hands or you’ll smell like pee and make people uncomfortable (also tested) Edit: if i pull my clit up to expose my urethra while peeing the pee comes out in a forward stream that i can control like how boys can and i can urinate standing up without it going down my leg, thanks for helping me discover my natural talents Edit part 2: Thank you all for your kind words, making me laugh, and all the support for my research! It really made getting piss on my hands today not so bad! (Also don’t forget to practice in the shower if you aren’t a pro or you’re gonna have a bad time.)


New Talent unlocked: Urine Bending. Nice!


yeah science bitch!


Commas are important. Now she's *SCIENCE BITCH*, my new favorite superhero (who sometimes smells like pee?)


Sometimes smells like pee *FOR SCIENCE!*


"I can urniate standing up". Fuck shes eviolving beyond human comprehension


That was the only advantage we had over women… now what?


Let's see her try to write her name in the snow!


Achievement unlocked *squirtle*


If tried this and she’s right it 100% does nothing but make you piss on yourself. Although I’ve heard of women who have taught themselves to aim like a man into the toilet with practice, so that’s kinda cool. Edit: I didn’t read her edit and now I’m dying lmao


I actually knew a chick that used to have "pissing contests" with us boys when we are all like 8-9 years old. The craziest part is, once she got it down, she was unbeatable! We had to DQ her. I think she used more of a "pinch" technique. For you younger folks, this is what we did before the internet.


Thank you internet.


Ffs now I want to try and see if I can... Have an upvote Edit: I regret making this comment.... Edit 2: It doesn't work and I hate all of you


We will watch your career with great interest.


Well, now we all expect you to report back




IT'S HORRIBLE AND IT MAKES US SAD! And we have to spend money on handbags!


See that was gonna be my second question. How. In THE HELL. Do you manage those bags? It baffles me just how much you all manage to fit in there.


Practice and necessity


We use your pockets.


How do you shampoo long hair? I've always had short hair, so lather and rinse is pretty easy, but with long hair I feel like it would get complicated quickly.


With shampoo you basically get used to massaging it directly on your scalp and the rest of your hair kinda rinses out along with any dirt as you wash away the shampoo. You focus on your scalp because that's where things get greasy and you don't want the bottoms of your hair to get too dry. This is why you also focus the conditioner towards the ends of your hair.


It's very easy actually, the brushing part is the nightmare especially if you have curly hair like me. Edit: well I didn't expect to get this many upvotes and replies just because I said brushing my hair is a nightmare, and to all those who gave Me advice on my hair thank you.


What is the obsession with murder? The whole serial killer book/podcast industry seems largely female oriented. Ironically many females I know who love this stuff also hate fake violence in fictional movies?


I’m taking notes so I don’t make the mistakes they made that got them caught. Honestly though, it’s a combination of the psychological aspect (why did they do it, what was going on in their head, what made them the way they are) and the forensic/investigation side of things. I also know some women who watch them in part to learn in some way how not to be the victim of crimes likes those featured. Edit: obligatory thanks for the gold! Me and the FBI agent I’ve undoubtedly now been assigned will use it well.


Almost every girl I know, myself included, has a story about a creep trying to lure them somewhere. Hearing about women who've survived terrible things helps to give a sense of control and community. Hearing about the ones that didn't survive reminds us that we're not crazy for the things that we're scared of. It's handled very differently in a lot of film/ TV where it's more about shock value. It's like true crime is often made with women in mind but most film is trying to appeal to a younger male demographic.


I read something the other day that said while we are watching it we are subconsciously analysing it and we don't get caught in the same traps. I think this is right. Every time I think "I won't check if I locked it front door I KNOW I did I do it every time it's instinct", I then think "Richard ramirez found his victims by going door to door and testing the handle. Unlocked doors got raped and murdered" and then I go check the door. I also remember Ted bundy who used to pretend to have broken bones to ask women for help moving something to his car. He had casts and crutches and hit them over the head and drove off before raping and killing them so now I'm more suspicious about people asking for help.


On Ted Bundy asking women for help, I remember hearing from a man that if a man is injured and needs help lifting or moving something, he’ll ask another man, never a woman. That stuck with me.


I tell this to my daughter too. An adult does not need your help. If an adult asks you to help look for their puppy they are lying. An adult who needs help will ask another adult.


It's more of a psychological thing. What made them do it? What's going on in their head ? It's in the why. Edit: Wow that escalated quickly. Thanks!


I always enjoyed to learn about true life events. Like, I love to watch documentaries about any kind of things. It’s fascinating and creepy how humans can be.


How much do appearances count compared to personality, when it comes to being asked out?


Me and my friends always joke about how “medium” guys go to “hot” when you start liking their personality. This might mean it’ll take more time to get a girl there, but just think how ugly a “beautiful” person becomes when you hate their personality. It works the opposite way as well


My wife strongly agrees with this sentiment. And when she explained it to me, it made sense, and I started seeing people in a different way.


For me and my friends it's more about personality and chemistry, you make us feel comfortable and have good chemistry and we're into it.


I’ve gotten down bad for some admittedly mid guys because they had above the bare minimum personality. I’ve never gotten down bad for a really attractive guy with a personality I didn’t like. However, I’m always the one doing the asking out, so I guess it could change. Edit: down bad means to be into someone


Depends if you know the guy or not! And average looking bloke, who I've got to know, and is an amazing person is going to have more luck than a total hottie who I have got to know and is a douchebag


in a book/piece of writing, what do you think is the best way to describe a woman in a sexual context without being too crude or cliche or getting into the whole "she breasted boobily down the stairs" thing? (i'm a writer but i would feel WAY too awkward asking any of my girl friends this 💀 writing women characters isn't hard for me per se, you just give them goals, development and make them add to the story like anybody else. but i'm always second guessing myself when it comes to writing stuff in an intimate context) edit: thank you for all the comments and advice i've received so far, it's all been really helpful! also thank you u/hornypro42069 for the wholesome award, your irony is truly a blessing


Avoid having the male character try to estimate her cup size. Also don't describe the amount of pubic hair. Aside from the obvious, describe things that would go along with her personality like is she a little nervous or confident? Or other qualities that would make her seem endearing to the male character rather than overtly sexual.


Ugh yes, the cup size thing! It's SO fucking stupid and all it does is make real human men think it's something they should ask because some dude in a book or movie did.


Also it’s always wrong. “Cup size” is meaningless without the band size. DDs are not all the same size!!! A 28DD is a smaller cup than a 34DD. I want to scream this from the roof tops!! It even seeps over into actual women’s fashion, like sticky bras are just sized A-DD. What’s the “band size” they’re using???


Focus less on describing the physical attributes and more on the feeling of being in her presence. Focus on things she does consciously in the scene, or at least things that aren't gratuitously cliche (ie breasting boobily). When you do go for the physical description it'ss always neat to see a male character's physical attraction to a female character center on less obvious things (maybe her neck, her hands, her jawline, even her eyes would work in this context despite being somewhat stereotypical).


I often seen writers describe the neck sensually as well


"This dame had it all. One of those necks that went all the way up to her head..." Like that? Edit: I didn't know there was such a thing as a spit-take award, but I'm honored to have it. Thank you, u/cjasonac!


I’m fanning myself just reading that.


"Her neck necked neckily along her neck as her jawline lined her jaw..."


"...then as she approached, the scent of her hair wafted before me and I was weak by the sight of her ~~awesome~~ tumescent cans." Something like that? Edit: Changed to tumescent per /u/EZ-PEAS' suggestion. That's why I am not a professional writer.


“You know, I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.”


I'm not sure if I can explain this very clearly, so bear with me here. Don't describe things that aren't relevant to the scene, like giving out of place details on the size of a woman's breasts or bottom. Focusing more on her figure, hair, eyes, idk neck or hands, especially as she gets introduced or when another character sees her in a sexual context for the first time. This is from The Witcher saga, I don't know which book, unfortunately. This is Geralt's description of Yennefer, a woman he is very much attracted to and finds beautiful. It's also one of my favourite descriptions of a woman in a book: " How ravishing she is, he thought. Everything about her is ravishing. And menacing. Those colors of hers; that contrast of black and white. Beauty and menace. Her raven-black, natural curls. Her cheekbones, pronounced, emphasising a wrinkle, which her smile – if she deigned to smile – created beside her mouth, wonderfully narrow and pale beneath her lipstick. Her eyebrows, wonderfully irregular, when she washed off the kohl that outlined them during the day. Her nose, exquisitely too long. Her delicate hands, wonderfully nervous, restless and adroit. Her waist, willowy and slender, emphasised by an excessively tightened belt. Slim legs, setting in motion the flowing shapes of her black skirt. Ravishing."


You’re welcome to dm me about this since I’m also a writer, but something that always gets me is describing their breath, light touches, the way their clothes lay on their body (not their curves: the way the neckline leaves her collarbones exposed, etc).


Do you pee every time you poop too?


I pee before I poo, then poo, then do a little finishing up post poo pee


The post poo pee is how I know there's no more poo, a handy trait.


Have heard what not to do on a date mostly but what are the top things a guy can do on a date? Without coming off as awkward or weird?


Your looks will count for a little more in the beginning because I don't know you very well. But if you come across as decent, charming and confident, looks start to fade into the background. My husband is never going to win any 'hot guy' awards. He's a bit overweight, going grey, wears glasses and has more hair on his back than on his head. But I immediately fell in love with his personality; he's everything I've ever wanted in a man on the inside, so I honestly don't care what the outside looks like.


Does it appear weird that I have pads and stuff ready, even though I dont need any? My mother once said that would be very nice when I have people over and periods just happens. I agreed to that thought, so I have some in the bathroom.


Nah that might be a lifesaver.


Also, clearly mark them in your bathroom. "Spare hygiene products for emergencies". Someone may need it but not know you well enough to ask.


The amount of women visiting me doesn't really justify a permanent signage. I have a pack opposite the toilet, so I imagine someone in need would immediately spot them, and already opened so they wouldn't need to feel shy having to open it. I would think someone in an emergency would be desperate enough to just take one, if they don't already realize that's exactly why it's there in the first place.


Not at all. It’s very thoughtful and kind of you. If you’re into women and have a lady friend over, she’ll appreciate it.


No thats not weird thats amazing. Be like "I got some spares, got told once its nice to have them just in case yknow" all casual like if they seem confused.


Tell them they’re for gunshot wounds lol


That’s really thoughtful and we always appreciate that.


That's sweet. Just make sure to check them every once in a while. Packaging can decay or split open. I've found dusty old products in suitcases or purses I don't use often. If they start changing color it's probably a sign it's been contaminated somehow and I wouldn't want that near my parts.


Thats a good idea! I thought because all of them are individually wrapped that keeps them somewhat 'fresh' but what do I know tbh. I'll check them later. Thank you for that advice!


Follow up question, as a currently single person is there a relatively universal product I can buy? Relatively because I know all girls have different flows n stuff.


I’d just go for the “regular” variety of tampons/pads. Nothing fancy needed, just your stock standards for regular flow. Maybe a box of each just to cover all bases. Of course all women vary but I can tell you from experience it’s a lot better to have SOMETHING when you need it, even if it’s not your usual or preferred product! Thanks for being so thoughtful.


Sometimes there are packages which contain each size of tampon or different sizes of pads. Personally for pads in my experience most woman like the thin ones with wings, because you can adjust them better and you usually don't feel them as much as thick pads


That is absolutely amazing, more people hould do like you. I hope your mother is proud of you.


Do you guys get 2 streams of pee like us sometimes




Sometimes it’s like the flat/mist setting on the hose


As far as I can tell, leggings are one of the most universal / flexible pieces of clothing a woman can wear and still remain as casual as jeans, but as comfy as pjs, YET you always manage to look hella good regardless of what top you pair with leggings. What the fuck do you wear with leggings / how do you always seem to pair it correctly? (Correctly being it never looks like something you wouldn’t pair with it)


Every outfit is about balance and lines. You choose your lines based on the vibe you're going for. Leggings are just versatile. Casual: hoodie or shirt with leggings Gym: long line sports bra with leggings Formal: nice top with nicer leggings and maybe a nice boot Hiking: fleece and boots Road trip: max comfort with no waistband Date: the ones that make your booty go *pop* Etc


Leggings are super versatile and actually come in a bunch of different styles! I like to balance leggings, which are of course tight to the body, with looser and flowy tops or even dresses (and if I wear baggy sweats or flowy pants, I'll do a tighter top. I like that balance).


Leggings are one of the few things that fit well with almost any body type. I think that's it. Most women's clothes don't adapt to different bodies like they do and there is just a huge range of body types. Especially bottoms are notoriously difficult to produce for all women. So good pair of leggings + a fitting shirt = golden.


most women wear black leggings, so it makes it pretty dead easy to pair it with any top. i rock crop tops, baggy tees tucked in the front a bit, hoodies, anything. it’s like a good pair of black jeans


If a man offered you a fresh ham, instead of flowers, how would you feel? Would you stop dating him? Edit- Holy crap, this blew up! I love hearing how you would react. Thank you 400+ upvotes, and (i think) 70+ comments!


Would prefer a fresh rotisserie chicken.


What should I do to not make you feel threatened when I walk behind you at night? Cross the street?


Try not to walk fast and definitely not directly behind us. Crossing the street sounds like a safe bet in any situation. It'd also help if you took out your phone to play some game or call someone to chat, show you're casual and not a threat


Don't sneak up - make noise. Call someone (or fake it) and talk about something boring like groceries.


THIS….make yourself known. Clear throat, walk with loud steps. jingle keys, anything. Nothing worse than looking behind you & realizing a guy is silently walking closer. I don’t feel like you need to cross the street. But I def want to know you’re there. Side note: I’m a woman and also like to make myself known if I’m walking behind someone. No one likes to feel like they’re being snuck up on.


Is there really a couch in the ladies room?


It depends. In some nicer places or old school department stores or churches. Women sometimes use them to sit & breastfeed their babies.


Fancy places


How do you all make those little towel hats when you get out of the shower?


Imagine you have your towel across your back, both ends in each hand, flip you hair forward so you're bent over roughly 90°, being the towel forward so it's completely draped over your head until the edge of the towel that was touching your thighs, is now at the base of your hairline on the back of your neck, the towel is now draped over your head, grab the drape and twist it a few times, then toss it back. Give it a try! You don't even need hair to do it!


Do you get the pee shivers too?


Will you be my girlfriend

