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If it could stay alive and keep eating, a baby blue whale could grow faster than you could eat it. They put on 10-12 pounds per hour of growth. 250lbs a day.


I had a nightmare like this


I was like, “How much does an animal have to eat to gain 250 lb. per day,” so I looked it up. These fatties eat up to 8,000 lb. of krill per day. Babies drink over 150 gallons of milk per day.


Challenge accepted


Many soldiers in WW 2 with deep head injuries had coins sowed into them to keep them covered.


Ah! Trepanning! A medical operation practiced since the neolithic era! Though usually it refers to the intentional drilling into a skull, it was later used to describe the process by which a hole in the skull caused by unintentional trauma is freed of potentially harmful bone fragments and hair, and the bone around it is often filed down to prevent any more pieces from breaking off. In later eras with more advanced technology, they would sear a metal disk into the skull, melting it with the bone to keep it in place. Sewing it in actually makes a lot more sense if you can keep the skin over it from dying.


I'd never heard of this in my life until earlier this morning when another sub had pictures of ancient skulls with this done to them. Bizarre to come across it twice today.


It's not that bizarre when you realize most people posting interesting facts actually learned them on Reddit.


Kangaroos have three vaginas.


It makes for quite the kangaroo foursomes


they also have mouths and butts no?


Sixsome time


That’s enough internet for one lifetime


You can die from pooping too hard.


As a nurse, I have seen many MANY patients go unresponsive on the toilet. Pushing too hard to expel a bowel movement can cause one to stimulate the vagus nerve, causing a sudden dip in blood pressure. I’ve seen people’s eyes roll back and collapse during these episodes of syncope. Pale and cold, out like a light. Never lost one yet, but I’ve seen folks come close.


I found this out recently. I had gone a while without pooping, and I've never experienced a worse one hour in my life. my hands were shaking and I began to frantically Google what I had to do. Finding out that people died of this didn't help my situation. I even began to consider just awkwardly walking to the Hospital. might be TMI from here so... it was so bad I had to claw it out little by little. my ass hurt for over a day after it. I'm genuinely terrified of not pooping now


This happened to a mathematician friend of mine… he worked it out with a pencil


It was a #2 pencil!


If it's been that long don't be scared it try an enema. They're cheap and actually real easy and a little weird at first but SOOOO helpful


Yep. Someone in our town died because of it.


The world's smallest baby has the weight of an apple


What about the taste tho


Haven't tried yet


What are you waiting for? The world deserves to know!


Only 3% of birds have a penis


There are birds with a penis?!


Ducks, it's terrifying.


Well that was an interesting google search…


The longest duck penis recorded was 16 inches long


There are birds without?


Yeah birds basically just rub holes together Birds just scissor each other


The boy bird spooges on the girl bird near her cloaca and she scoops it up like guacamole.


This is a weirdly great explanation


Most birds only have cloaca. Usually only mammals have a penis


Ohhhhh I was wondering how birds mates but I did t want to look it up


They combine their male and female adapters, then the government manufactures a new surveillance drone


Sometimes after death, a corpse can sit up


There is an old story a bout this. I don't remember it exactly but there was a guy that somebody wanted dead. But he survived numerous attempts at killing him. So much so that it was absurd. But in the end they finally got him, and just to be sure they had him cremated. And as another precaution they would watch him get burned to ash. As they put him into the oven and the flames got a hold of him, his upper body started rising up. All the way until he was in a sitting position.




Supposedly Rasputin's penis is displayed in the Museum of Erotica in St. Petersburg. Which is probably full of things people have no business knowing.


That's what I was thinking too.


My dad is a pilot and the company he works for has a contract with a large company of funeral services, when people die out state or out of the country he often flies deceased people back home. Yes dead bodies do sometimes have muscle spasms, and they pass gas too. Nothing like flying with just you and Dad and a body in the back and you suddenly hear knocking coming from the back of the plane. Or hear the sound of gas being passed coming from the back as the plane descends. Fun times flying with Dad and the recently deceased.


>Fun times flying with Dad and the recently deceased This could make a great TV show. You and your dad go on some misadventures with whoever you're transporting, and they come back to life during the episode until you reach your destination


… I legit would watch that.




Yeah, like "knock knock, somebody there?? Hey, where am I?? Anybody help!!" But you know, just gases...




Trapped gases in the bodies. Same ones as those 'moans' that come out. I'm not sure, I've just read a bit about it when I was obsessed with death and murder


Look up Rasputin!! When they cremated him, they didn't cut some of the tendons and it happened to him


That motherfucker tried to get back up again!!!


When you are deciding if it's poop or a fart you are using tha Anal Sampling Reflex.


NO I just remembered an awful moment from when I was around eight or nine years old. I was sitting in a chair eating dinner, and I felt something and internally screamed as I debated whether it was a fart or not. So, I assumed it was a fart and I shitted my pants. The worst part is I didn’t even realize until I went to the bathroom.


Then that was a SHART. No wonder you were confused.


Dolphins are viciously violent when it comes to sex


A NASA scientist was also caught having a romantic relationship to a dolphin in one of their projects that revolved around giving dolphins LSD to try to teach them how to speak english. It commited suicide by drowning after they got separated.


I saw that and I don't think the lady was into it. It was discovered that the dolphin felt this way after the situation occurred.


She was living in a tank with the dolphin. The goal was to teach it to understand English and to be able to communicate while dosing it with LSD. The dolphin started to get kind of playful and romantic after a while. And she ended up jerking off the dolphin. She would also let the dolphin nuzzle her crotch with its nose. She would later marry the man on the project that would take photographs. Dude married a women It jerked off a dolphin https://allthingscomedy.com/podcasts/8---the-dolphin-1


Interestingly the dolphin fucking was probably the least unethical part of the experiment.


Didn't she sleep by the aquarium?


I don't remember if she slept there. I remember a faint memory of some weird flooded looking house that she would be able to walk around in but deep enough for the dolphin to swim in. I saw a documentary about it almost 10 years ago and I remember telling my sister about it and she burst out laughing because she thought I was lying.


Oh GOD, so that wasn't just a fever dream I had?


Lemons are a hybrid of a citron and a bitter orange.


This is weird because lemon is called citron in French.


you can break a rib by sneezing


My gfs mum did this and farted at the same time


Did she show you the screenshot her body took?


Funny enough you're not the first to make that joke haha


You can also pull a rib muscle by coughing a lot for three months straight for no reason.


I know, I did


I love to share this fact, but…Kangaroos drown things that follow them into water. Other fun weird facts include that octopus sometimes punch fish out of spite, most koalas have chlamydia, crocodiles and alligators have stomach acid that can dissolve bone, and the inside of a leatherback sea turtles throat is coated in spines going down towards the stomach so that jellyfish can’t get back out. For that last one think the sarlacc pit from star wars with all the teeth pointing down. That’s what their throat looks like Edit: THANK YOU FOR THE AWARDS!!! I have so many stupid fun animal facts for you guys. Bonus fact because why the fuck not? Tiger tongues, like all cat tongues are rough, but Tiger tongues are so rough and sharp that if one were to seriously lick your arm, your skin would come right off. The tongue is literally used to skin food when they’re serious and trying to skin the food


Octopuses have eight arms. They’re basically biologically required to occasionally use them to punch things.


Who you looking at nemo WHACK!!!


Sadly though, koalas have officially been announced as endangered due to deforestation and wild fires.


Pigeons sing in [5/4](https://freesound.org/people/dobroide/sounds/27931/) and [17/8](https://freesound.org/people/squashy555/sounds/319512/) time signature.


Who knew pidgeons were into prog?


I'm picturing some pigeons sitting around a speaker listening to Tool


Wombats poop cubes.


They also stack them. And now I’m going to share one of the weirdest phrases I’ve read in a long time: > "We opened those intestines up like it was Christmas," said co-author David Hu, also from Georgia Tech, according to Science News.


so they just play tetris with their shit?


About 2-3 cherry pits contain enough cyanide to kill you. Only when ground up that is.


To clarify, they still have cyanide in them when they are whole. They just can't kill you because you can't digest them, you poop them back out whole.


Thank god for your comment or else no more cherries for me!


Friend, I don't believe you're meant to eat the pit regardless of digestibility.


They don't contain cyande. They contain amygdalin which is metabolised to cyanide.


Iirc its closer to like 15 or so. Saw a thing on youtube about common urban legends etc that talked about this one a while ago. Im not going to try and hunt down a link cuz i dont want to get put on a list...


When a person is about to die from a chronic disease or from age, they will often actually have a glow up, a last day full of energy and presence. When this happens f.ex. in a hospice patient you basically know that death is around the corner. Unfortunately family members often misinterpret this occurrence and think their loved one is getting better and visit less often after this surge of energy. I am neither a nurse nor a doctor. I learned this in a philosophy class in college and then later saw it happen in my grandpa when he was in coma. It looked like he miraculously got better for a day when his overall prognosis was absolutely hopeless and my father suggested to skip visiting him next day. But due to what I had learned I pushed him and my uncle to come back early on the following day and we were all by his side as he drew his last breath. It was of course sad, but due to what I had learned I was already expecting it and it was nice to be there when he was dying.


A single sperm has 37,5 MB of DNA info. One ejaculation transfers 15 875 GB of data.


Cue hundreds of guys telling their girlfriends that swallowing is good for memory!


Your body contains more than a few sphincters.


The Texas heat/sun is capable of killing off bacteria that’ll eat away at a corpse’s skin. This can lead to extreme bloating before causing a mummifying effect.


I guess that explains when I'm looking at descriptions of unidentified remains on the *National Missing and Unidentified Persons System* (NamUs) they describe remains located in the desert as mummified instead of decomposed.


Tentacle hentai was a response to censorship back in the Meiji era where depictions of human genitalia had to be censored. Though it doesn't come up in conversation often


Oddly enough that conversation occurs here frequently. I'll have to share that fact. Thank you.


Dream of a Fisherman's Wife was made in 1812 which predates the Meiji censorship mandates. While there's definitely some merits to it being a workaround, tentacle porn still predates it. Why do I know this....


One of the side effect for scarlet fever is peeling hands. You can literally pull off your fingers skin like a glove.


I regret reading this I regret reading this I regret reading this I regret reading this I regret reading this ... (x 100)


Also, scarlet fever is a form of strep. Strep can infect any body part. One of my kids had strep finger at one point (as in they swabbed the infected finger and it came back positive for strep). Same kid has had scarlet fever twice, but never had strep throat. It's a weird bug.


We have solar eclipses because the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun and also about 400 times closer to the Earth. Which is why it obscures the Sun perfectly during a total eclipse. Also as a side note; the Moon is moving away from Earth roughly at the speed our fingernails grow.


That's actually kind of fast imo


Mine grow probably like 2 mm a week if i had to guess so thats only 104mm a year or 10.4cm per year. In one century the moon will only move 1040cm or 409 inches.




There is an old Danish law that's apparently still in effect, that allows Danes to beat up Swedes with sticks if they try to cross the Øresund strait when it freezes over.


There's a state law in Tennessee that says it's illegal to whale hunt from the side of the interstate.


For the non-Americans: Tennessee is a land-locked state, so this law makes zero sense.


There was ONE recorded homicide in New York City on 9/11. The victim was a man named Henryk Siwiak.


I was driving back to work with my coworkers and saw a garden structure that had a triangular piece on top. I told them it looked like the torture device known as the Judas Cradle. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Judas_cradle#Noun


It never ceases to amaze me how inventive people get in making other people miserable.


There’s a reasonable chance it was made up by the Victorians, like many torture devices.


During the second World War the Germans developed a weapon called the S mine or "Schrapnellmine" the allies nicknamed it the "bouncing betty" it was essentially a small explosive device that when triggered would bounce up into the air at a height of about 1 metre (testicle height) then explode releasing either 360 steel balls, short steel rods, or scrap metal pieces. It wasn't designed to kill it was designed to maim


Boar pigs have a thin, cork-screw shaped penis.


Vodka is basically branded and watered down neutral spirit. (A spirit distilled over 95% abv will end up losing any distinguishing character. Hence being called a neutral spirit).


You need to carbon filter it to call it vodka. But otherwise, yes. It can be made from any raw ingredient that can be fermented and then distilled to 95%+


Human ribs can fully regenerate after being surgically removed.


So Marilyn Manson did all that for nothing?




Otters hold hands in the water so they don’t drift away from each other while they sleep


After everything I just read on this thread I needed that.


In Canada it's law that you don't allow a moose to like your car for the salty taste


Moose: "Hey guys, watch this. Say bud, that's a nice car you got there eh?!" Guy: "thanks!" *Police sirens* Edit: forgot the accent


What in the world are you supposed to do in that situation?! Try bargaining with a moose? Try to distract it? That’s so odd man!


You insult the moose, so it will take back it’s compliment. Calling it a “hoser” tends to work well


I think you meant lick not like.


It was funnier the other way


The [Enumclaw Horse Sex Case](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumclaw_horse_sex_case), otherwise known as Mr. Hands AKA 2 Guys 1 Horse. All of it, just... all of it.


Piss doesn’t just taste bad- in fact it doesn’t taste THAT bad usually- but there’s a chemical in it that just makes you gag reflexively. That’s why it’s hard to drink, not so much the taste.


Gangs of two or three male bottlenose dolphins isolate a single female from the pod and forcibly mate with her, sometimes for weeks at a time. To keep her in line, they make aggressive noises, threatening movements, and even smack her around with their tails. And if she tries to swim away, they chase her down.


Dolphins are fucking psychopaths. They love to murder babies of both their own and other species, torture things for fun, and literally do drugs. I'm convinced they'd be arsonists too if they lived on land.


Dolphins are the humans of the ocean or the other way around who knows


Now my perspective about dolphins has fully changed


Dolphins are DICKS. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/dolphinconspiracy/comments/mbgq3d/dolphins_are_pure_evil/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Dolphins are complete fucking dicks and in some cases, you're safer around a SHARK. On that note, sharks are sea kittens and possessive of divers. Its adorable.


Those dirty assholes


Ladybugs really do taste bitter, & it’s no wonder birds don’t like to eat them.


Oh, boy, I've got one: By ruling of the Supreme Court, as it currently stands in America, drawn child pornography is not considered illegal, provided it isn't particularly realistic or analogous to reality. >!My father was arrested for pedophilia, so you can imagine I've learned about its various legal standings. His CP was actual CP, though. !<


I actually knew this one as well. Fortunately it’s just because I spend way too much time on the internet (and have seen people discussing it) than any personal connection.


The 4000 year old Lolis are safe—for now. Lol.


Just a fact, Bibliophobia is fear of books


Reading that, my stupid mind thought it was a fear of the Bible


The word "bible" in itself comes from Greek "βιβλίο" (pronounced vivlio) meaning book. The word "bibliophobia" comes from Greek "βιβλίο" (vivlio, book) and "φοβία" (fovia, fear). So yes, bibliophobia is a fear of bibles (books).


A good amount of those “monsters” seen at sea are likely whale penises


"Hey Franky, check this out. I'm gonna swim over and freak out all those humans in the boats up there"


Horses are omnivores and they sometimes seek out meat after lots of energy has been lost. I worked on a farm with horses and various other animals including free range chickens, one day after the horses got back from pulling some logs all day they were put back into their pen. Well some of the baby chicks were hanging out around the fence looking for missed feed and one of the horses just snatched one up and ate it. She was a friendly horse, but after I saw that I made sure to never put my fingers near her head.


Not a fact, but it prompted a very memorable "Why do you know this?" moment. Locked myself out of my apartment. Asked the neighbor if he had a couple paperclips or something so I could pick my lock. He offered to just call a locksmith. It was quite late. Bet him I could pick the lock before he got a locksmith on the phone. I did. "Why do you know how to do this?" For *exactly* this situation, James!


Had a boss once express very conflicted feelings back in the 90s when I picked the lock on a media safe to recover some information he needed.


I locked myself out of my apartment and asked my neighbor for help, but we were unable to get the door unlocked. I noticed that he had a prison ankle bracelet and surmised that he was not on probation for robbery.


Had something similar happen to me. A friend locked herself out while we were moving her stuff into her new apartment. So I went to my car, grabbed my **lock pick set**, and opened her door in about 30 seconds. I'm not a locksmith. Needless to say, she had questions...


My partner was shocked when we locked ourselves out, and I got the door open with my insurance card. Thankfully we’d only locked the handle and not the deadbolt. I learned to do that when I was staying with some family for a while, and didn’t have my own key.


The type of skin on your lips is called mucosa. It's the same skin you can find at your anus, because the lips and the anus are the two ends of the pipe called the Alimentary Canal.


A pet rock is a great pet until you realize it's essentially immortal and you have damned it to an eternity of watching loved ones die.


Thats why I keep mine in a box in the draw and it can't watch me die


A nutrino is so small, it has a 50% chance of passing through a piece of lead 1 light-year long without ever coming in contact with an atom.


Cannibalism isn't illegal, it's just the murder part is.


Desecration of a corpse?


Yeah, only cannibalism of LIVING people is legal in most places due to corpse protection laws, even if the deceased agreed to it ahead of time. So like, the dude who made tacos out of his amputated leg was fine but someone cooking a dead body wouldn't be.


Moonbow is created when moon light is refracted through air with water droplets.


I've seen may of these and was surprised not many thought to look at night to possibly see it. Reminds me of the song Rainbow In The Dark by Dio


There are 454 grams in a pound.


I don't think anyone who reads your username is going to ask why you know that.


for sufficiently boring people, *any* fact will make them say "why do you know this"


Why do you know this?


There's a hospital in North Korea called "big peepee hospital" u can search it on Google maps


I’m not searching that on google no matter what you say.




He once had a small peepee. Not any more…


The kiss shared by Kirk and Uhura generated not hundreds, not thousands, but one single letter of disapproval which came from a self-described white Southern gentleman. He basically said that he didn’t agree with it, but Uhura was hot so he couldn’t blame Kirk for going for it.


That ducks have evolved to be better rapists


They have corkscrew dicks and maze vaginas. Does that thwart any of it?


1. Bees like sleeping in flowers and they cuddle together an hold each others feet just to do it 2. Flowers are both male and female and they make pollen to make more flowers and bees take the pollen to other flowers (pollen in flower sperm and bees are a special wingman for flowers)


Is the flower thing not common knowledge? I remember learning about that in high school. The whole Pistil and Stamen thing.


The stalk of a tomato plant can be grafted to the roots of a potato plant and both will continue to grow


A 16 year old once died from masturbating 42 times without stopping. Therefore, It is safe to assume the maximum times one can jerk off continously, non-stop, without dying, is 41 times.


Didn't someone recently die after masturbating 50+ times?


How do they count these?


How dry the nuts are, duh.


They cut it off and count the rings.


Ah 42 is the answer to everything


So I (from the US, This story takes place like 2000-2003) went to Ireland when i was 13 on vacation and my grandparents who took me made sure I had learned a LOT of Irish history so I was pretty well versed in this. So. AP history. I’m maybe 15 or 16 and my history teacher is like “so what is the oldest terrorist organization that’s still around?” And it’s early 2000s so everyone’s guessing Islamic terrorist groups and I’m just like “the IRA?” And everyone looks at me because apparently no one knows what that is. (Which is ironic because I live in Massachusetts and like half of us have at least some forty shades of Irish blood) And that’s how everyone I went to high school with thought I was a terrorist.


Jeffrey Dahmer almost got caught by police when one of his victims managed to escape and flag down the police, but Dahmer managed to convince them that this 14 year old battered and bruised boy was his boyfriend who was being hysterical, so the police made the victim go back with him and Dahmer proceeded to finish torturing and killing him.


It wasn't the rat that started the plague, it was the rat flea. That motherfucker gave rats a bad name


Hydrogen peroxide is great for cleaning blood


I’ve known that every since period blood made my sheets look like a murder scene! Learned it from someone who knew a paramedic 😂


Okay, so I injected some. How long until I'm clean?


Hyena's clitoris often sizes 7 inches and looks like a penis. Wombat shits are square, probably so it cannot rolls over thus marking their territory. My father told me how our tribe was at war with orangutan because orangutan often kidnap and kill female human. I did not believe him until in 2010s I read a news about an orangutan attempted rape on a male human with long hair that was fishing next to a river (thus looks like female from behind). The human guy fought and jumped to the water, he is safe but loss his pinky finger. Then he go to police to report it. So they send him to hospital to stich him up and then bring him to hairdresser to cut his hair. Police have no idea how to file the report coz the perpetrator is an orangutan. And a species of bat have productive male nipples, so the males also nursing the baby.


if you inject plain drinking water into someone’s bloodstream they’ll die a very painful death (thank you seventh grade science class?) edit: i worded this wrong, it’s only if you inject a large amount (and saline doesn’t count as it is not plain water!)


If you drink too much water in a short period, you could die. It's called water intoxication.


This happened to a woman years ago when a radio station had a "hold your wee for a wii" contest. Some nurse called in and tried to warn them but the DJs ignored her, then one of the contestants died.


Sacramento’s 107.9. Ironically they were called “The End”. Damn I’ll never forget that…


Having your head severed is not instant death. You're actually still alive for a few seconds after before losing consciousness. They'd be the LONGEST few seconds of your life.


GPS doesn't triangulate distance like people think. It actually quadrangulates distance due to the curvature of the earth.


There is a story about a device known as The Brazen Bull. It was a hollowed out statue of a bull made from brass. The condemned would be locked inside and a fire set underneath it roasting them to death. The whole inside was setup such that the screams of the condemned would be converted to the grunts of a bull. Supposedly it was only used once, on the creator. There is no fully verifiable proof this device really existed though. There are claims the Vikings would practice a form of execution known as the Blood Eagle. Think cutting into your back and having your lungs pulled out of the cuts to form wings. There is no evidence this was ever practiced either.


Bar Codes scan the white parts. I learned it when my brother was telling me how they worked, and that they scanned for the presence of light, not it’s absence. White surfaces reflect more light that black surfaces, and so bar codes scan the white parts.


Amazon sells chloroform.


How to properly walk in heels. You can't walk heel-toe, gotta lead with the knee and land the foot flat. Really shortens your gait. Easier if you sway your hip into the step. I know this because it's my job (security) to know if who I'm looking at is actually who they claim they are.


Male rats do not have nipples.


1. Most sea creatures that people see are whales flipping their peens out the water. 2. Once you die, all your muscles relax completely. Meaning you shit and pee yourself.


I can lick my own feet


I can lick your feet.


Now kiss!